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20-06-2005, 03:23
...is killing me! It's so hot and muggy. I can feel my face sweating and I'm all sticky. It feels like this past week or so even in the room the whole atomosphere is a lot more warmer and muggy. I don't mind a bit of good weather but I hate it when it starts to affect the air indoors which is your only escape route. I cannot believe how muggy it actually is. I'm having to re-apply de-ordrant on the hour and even with the window open it still feels stuffy. I'm dying a death at the hands of the weather here! It's like a desert in this room honestly. I keep expecting to feel sand between my toes and turn round and see some kinda giant cactus looming. Oh my god, it's getting worse. And before anybody says maybe you've got too much clothes on, I haven't got any! I've taken them all off as a result of this unpleasant atmosphere. I'm glad I'm now back on in-def sick leave from work because I wouldn't be working in this heat one bit! I'm lazy as it is without having to work in these appalling conditions! Gimme rain anyday and I'll thank you for it! OMG this is just awful. I've never felt so horrendous. It's giving me an headache. God knows what it's going to be like when I turn in for bed in about half an hour. I'm going to have to leave the window wide open for starters otherwise I'll combust or something in my sleep. This is astonishing. I feel dreadful. It's so muggy and sticky...BAHHHHH I hate it! :mad:

20-06-2005, 11:29
I know exactly what you mean. I suffer really bad from hayfever and so far have only been taking homeopathic tablets, which don't appear to be doing much, so all of the windows are closed!!! My lovely hubby bought me an air conditioning unit yesterday though, but as soon as I turn it off, I am dripping, and I don't even want to think about my electric bill!!!!!! Can't sleep, can't breathe, can't see anything - not good combinations!!!!

20-06-2005, 12:54
i agree the thing is am not well i've got the flu so the heat has made me a hundred times worst i feel abit better today but am still burning up and that but over the weekend i felt awful i felt like i was going to collaspe

20-06-2005, 13:02
Yeah i agree with the weather most of the time we are deprived from warm weather and we get sick of the rain and we like why cant we have a bit of sun

But then we get stuck with this disgusting muggy heat we are not prepared for i like warm weather it nice but with a cool breeze not to the extent of not being able to sleep :lol:

20-06-2005, 13:15
It's the whole atomosphere indoors that I hate! I don't mind it outside as long as it's got a refreshing breeze but it gets so muggy indoors. I've had to leave about 5 windows open to let some fresh air in.

20-06-2005, 13:40
Come to scotland it's freezing up here

20-06-2005, 13:57
It's the whole atomosphere indoors that I hate! I don't mind it outside as long as it's got a refreshing breeze but it gets so muggy indoors. I've had to leave about 5 windows open to let some fresh air in.I'd like to be able to go outside!! Have just dropped of little 'un for pre-school, come home and had a massive hayfever attack, couldn't see, sneezing etc. Now sat indoors, air con unit going and still can't move.

20-06-2005, 14:01
I'd like to be able to go outside!! Have just dropped of little 'un for pre-school, come home and had a massive hayfever attack, couldn't see, sneezing etc. Now sat indoors, air con unit going and still can't move.

Its a sign of dehydration. In hot weather you should be drinking plenty of water frequently. Try a big glass of water every 30 mins.

20-06-2005, 14:04
Its a sign of dehydration. In hot weather you should be drinking plenty of water frequently. Try a big glass of water every 30 mins. So my addiction to a litre or more of orange juice won't help then? :rotfl: I'll give it a go - thanks.

20-06-2005, 14:17
lol i dont think you'll be too dehydrated if you keep the orange juice thing up.

20-06-2005, 14:22
So my addiction to a litre or more of orange juice won't help then? :rotfl: I'll give it a go - thanks.

Depends on the frequency you drink the orange juice.

20-06-2005, 14:24
Depends on the frequency you drink the orange juice.Unfortunately for my stomach, a glass every 1/2 hour or so!!! :rotfl:

20-06-2005, 14:27
Unfortunately for my stomach, a glass every 1/2 hour or so!!! :rotfl:

Try water only then. Could be a reaction to the contents of the orange juice.

20-06-2005, 14:32
That certainly wouldn't surprise me, though I have suffered with hayfever since I was 5 (a long time ago!!) and this is the first year that I have only taken homeopathic stuff, because of being pregnant. So that doesn't help either.

20-06-2005, 14:44
I don't know whether what I have is classed as hayfever or not (I'm not allergic to pollen or anything) but the dogs fur makes me sneeze a lot and my eyes puff up. I don't think a reaction to dogs fur is classed as hayfever though is it?

20-06-2005, 14:46
Its certainly an allergy but as you say, hayfever is the general term given to allergic reactions to grass pollen, flower pollen and tree pollen

20-06-2005, 14:49
I have 4 dogs as well lol. Glutton for punishment :)

20-06-2005, 14:57
I've got 2 guinea pigs and what has to go in their cage - hay!!! How sensible am I (not!!!!)

20-06-2005, 15:01
I couldn't have guinea pigs due to the cats, they'd probably eat them or something. Not to mention my dogs! I had an hamster once and the dogs used to go crazy to get hold of it.

20-06-2005, 15:17
My dogs always been brilliant with all my other animals She loves playing with the hamster in it's ball and plays with all the bunnies when they are running about the house........although she does lick her lips when the budgie is flying about......think i'll have to watch that one

20-06-2005, 15:18
I had one of them hamster balls and it rolled down a flight of stairs once :lol: My hamster was okay though!
My son kicked it once though at the radiator when he was in a mood. The hamster survived that as well.

20-06-2005, 15:24
My step dad thinks it's funny the play "spin the ball" the poor hamster gets all dizzy but he's conviced that the hamster likes it.......

20-06-2005, 15:30
LOL. It's horrible when they die. I went to clean the cage and it wouldn't come out of it's straw so I lifted it out and it was shaking then it snuffed it.

20-06-2005, 15:31
My second one died because it swallowed it's teeth after breaking them swinging from the top bars

I dread when any of my wabbit's die though.....they're my babies

20-06-2005, 15:47
I had 2 rabbits, one died and I sold the other for a fiver. There was a greedy one that ate all the food so the other one died so we sold the greedy one.

20-06-2005, 15:53

My new one just had babies( we think between six and eight)....even though i was told it was a boy when i bought it....got a hell of a shock on Saturday when i went in to feed them. Neeed to think of a new name for him/ Her now

20-06-2005, 16:12
Awww, cute!

20-06-2005, 17:34
Awww, cute!

Not really my mum wont let me keep them and my other half wont take them it's going to break my heart to give them away :crying:

20-06-2005, 17:46
Not really my mum wont let me keep them and my other half wont take them it's going to break my heart to give them away :crying:
Sell them for a tenner each.

20-06-2005, 17:49
Yeah but still that means giving them away....not even had a good look at them yet but totally in love

20-06-2005, 17:58
I had a big hare once. Cousin caught it but didn't kill it so I kept it as a pet.

20-06-2005, 18:47
I had one of them hamster balls and it rolled down a flight of stairs once :lol: My hamster was okay though!
My son kicked it once though at the radiator when he was in a mood. The hamster survived that as well.

oh dont that reminds me of our work hamster!!

the boss was on holiday so we were put in charge of it. he had a hamster ball and we put him in it for a while. well we locked up and went home as usual at 6pm.the next morning we opened up there was the hamster ball very still in the room where we had let it out!! it wasnt moving and we thought wed killed it!! luckily it was alive but its ball was full of poo!!

we never did own up to our boss!!

20-06-2005, 18:50
oh dont that reminds me of our work hamster!!

the boss was on holiday so we were put in charge of it. he had a hamster ball and we put him in it for a while. well we locked up and went home as usual at 6pm.the next morning we opened up there was the hamster ball very still in the room where we had let it out!! it wasnt moving and we thought wed killed it!! luckily it was alive but its ball was full of poo!!

we never did own up to our boss!!
Oh debs, you can't just forget about these things although we left the cage open once and it escaped. Made a bed out of my tights.

20-06-2005, 18:56
that darn hamster used to escape all the time we had the kids looking for it as one of their activities one afternoon!! blooming thing was in the piano!!

20-06-2005, 19:04
LOL. Mine got stuck under the fire once!

20-06-2005, 19:08
LOL ive never had a very good experience with hamsters!! ill never get one of my own!!

20-06-2005, 19:16
Better than rats though!

20-06-2005, 19:27
true my brother and his girlfriend had three rats and they stank!! vile looking things

20-06-2005, 19:45
It's their tails I'm frightened of!

di marco
20-06-2005, 20:48
one of my mates has pet rats and surprisingly theyre actually quite cool, she bought one into school once just for a bit then her mum took it back home, she absolutely loves them

20-06-2005, 20:53
one of my mates has pet rats and surprisingly theyre actually quite cool, she bought one into school once just for a bit then her mum took it back home, she absolutely loves them
I fear them, they also originate from sewers. Filthy vermin!!!

di marco
20-06-2005, 20:56
I fear them, they also originate from sewers. Filthy vermin!!!

actually rats are one of the cleanest animals and theyre so friendly

20-06-2005, 21:08
I'd sooner eat another hedgehog than keep a pet rat!

di marco
20-06-2005, 21:11
I'd sooner eat another hedgehog than keep a pet rat!

when did ya eat a hedgehog?

20-06-2005, 22:19
when did ya eat a hedgehog?
We were in Germany and they served us up this weird meat and it had spiky bits in it and we typed what we ordered off the menu into my friends translator and it came up as hedgehog!

di marco
21-06-2005, 06:23
We were in Germany and they served us up this weird meat and it had spiky bits in it and we typed what we ordered off the menu into my friends translator and it came up as hedgehog!

you should have typed it in before you ordered lol!

21-06-2005, 07:54
I'd sooner eat another hedgehog than keep a pet rat!

Yuk did you carry on eating it once you have found out what it was?

21-06-2005, 09:13
one of my mates has pet rats and surprisingly theyre actually quite cool, she bought one into school once just for a bit then her mum took it back home, she absolutely loves themGood Morning. My brother owns (wait for it) 2 rats, 1 chinchilla, 5 guinea pigs, 2 ferrets, 2 dogs, 1 cat, hundreds of giant african land snails (cause they had babies), 3 hamsters and 5 or 6 frogs!!!!! The chinchilla is really cute and the rats aren't too bad - I wasn't a great lover of them but when I had to look after them they have these treats, almost like chocolate drops, which they were really gentle with. The problem is that the only animals which are kept outdoors are the guinea pigs, the frogs and snails are in the kitchen/hallway, and the rest in the front room, apart from the dogs and cat which obviously go where ever they want!!! I don't see them that often!!!! :lol:

21-06-2005, 11:41
God and i thought my house was bad

21-06-2005, 11:59
Yuk did you carry on eating it once you have found out what it was?
Well we'd already eaten half a plate full so might as well.

21-06-2005, 12:03
Oh no i couldn't have....just think of their cute we faces

21-06-2005, 12:10
Well they tasted disgusting lol :)

21-06-2005, 16:39
Come to scotland it's freezing up here

nice to see that some things never chnage lol


21-06-2005, 17:03
nice to see that some things never chnage lol


It's not funny.....i wanna live somewhere hot :cool:

21-06-2005, 17:05
Theres a breeze in my area so it ain't so hot! :) hehe

21-06-2005, 17:06
Theres a breeze in my area so it ain't so hot! :) hehe
Give me a breeze anyday lol.

21-06-2005, 17:07
There's a breeze where i am too! So it's a little better! :)

21-06-2005, 17:07
Its really hot here but we get coastal breezes. But they aint that strong!! It's still boiling, but a bit early for going in the sea!!

21-06-2005, 17:26
I would never go in sea water anyways, it's dirty :)

22-06-2005, 10:15
I would never go in sea water anyways, it's dirty :)Nor me, I'm 1/2 hour away from 3 different beaches and although they might have this blue flag thing, I know what I have seen floating around in the water!! :sick: No way would you get me in there.

We have no breeze here again - not going to get any let up until Fri according to local weather

22-06-2005, 10:25
I never go in the sea i think about it too much all the wee fishes doing there business in there and us swimming about in it yuk

22-06-2005, 10:35
i wouldnt swim in the sea either just dont know what your gonna see bobbing aroumnd in the water

22-06-2005, 10:47
And the scum and foaming that happens when the tide breaks, and the colour too - not nice or inviting.

22-06-2005, 12:04
And the scum and foaming that happens when the tide breaks, and the colour too - not nice or inviting.

:sick: :sick: :sick:

22-06-2005, 12:27
You won't catch me going near a British beach. Last time I saw the beach at Blackpool it looked nasty. I have heard that Tourqay (sp?) has nice beaches with blue water.

22-06-2005, 12:35
Yeah they are supposed to be the best

22-06-2005, 12:58
You won't catch me going near a British beach. Last time I saw the beach at Blackpool it looked nasty. I have heard that Tourqay (sp?) has nice beaches with blue water.
It's absolutely dire. It never used to be though. It used to be packed out on a British bank holiday with donkeys and everything and people swimming in the water but it's disgusting now.

22-06-2005, 12:59
I'm also allergic to salty water. I suppose what I'm really annoyed about is the weather, it's still far too muggy. That skinhead is becoming more of an attractive option everyday.

22-06-2005, 13:00
No need to shave your head i'll swap with you it's been pouring down for days here

22-06-2005, 13:03
Lucky you! We need more of a breeze, it seems to feel more muggy at night time :)

22-06-2005, 19:03
You won't catch me going near a British beach. Last time I saw the beach at Blackpool it looked nasty. I have heard that Tourqay (sp?) has nice beaches with blue water.Torquay is one of the ones 1/2 hour from me - its grim, believe me. Used to be ok, but not anymore. Dawlish (another one close by) had to be closed last season due to illnesses being cause from bathing in the water too, had a rash everywhere was called impetigo (sp?) or something!! :sick:

22-06-2005, 20:02
Torquay is one of the ones 1/2 hour from me - its grim, believe me. Used to be ok, but not anymore. Dawlish (another one close by) had to be closed last season due to illnesses being cause from bathing in the water too, had a rash everywhere was called impetigo (sp?) or something!! :sick:
OMG I've had Impetiego. I got it through wearing clothes I was allergic to though.

22-06-2005, 20:24
Yeah they are supposed to be the best

You should try South Wales Tenby the beach there is excellent clean sky blue water , i went to rhyl 28th may for day trip and the water there was brown with discoulored foam it was disgusting :sick:

22-06-2005, 20:35
British beach's are declining rapidly.

22-06-2005, 20:39
The cleanest beach i've ever seen was in Gumbet, Turkey. They had all the guys out at night cleaning up at night and even cleaned and disinfected the sunloungers. If anyone dropped something during the day they were right over either picking it up themselves or asking the person to pick it up

di marco
22-06-2005, 21:00
the cleanest beach ive ever seen was in cairns in australia, the sand was just so white and the water was so clear, me and my sis couldnt believe it!

22-06-2005, 21:06
I'm defo going there then lol :)

di marco
22-06-2005, 21:08
I'm defo going there then lol :)

and it wasnt even the little island beach either. we sort of could understand that maybe the island one would be clean but the main beaches that everyone uses were so clean as well, we couldnt believe it that loads of people use it and it looked like that

22-06-2005, 21:22
When I go on holiday. I'm not really a beach person though. I prefer to lounge around by the pool at the hotel rather than sunbathe on the beach.

22-06-2005, 22:08
don't get me wrong i love the summer but it is soooo hot!! i work in s mall shop with 3 fridges in it, they give off loads of heat and some joker keeps turning our air con off at night. it hit 35 degrees in there today and now the fridges are not cooling properly due to the excessive heat in the shop!! why did my manager decide to have this week off and leave me in charge!!!!

22-06-2005, 22:57
It's stifling this heat. Tonight is another bad night.

22-06-2005, 23:00
I am roasting put washing out on line and went to work towels all stiff and horrid,due to the sun,now got dryer on to dry them fluffy, Its so hot I feel as if I am melting :rotfl:

22-06-2005, 23:08
ive just come into the bdroom and it is so hot i really dont think i will sleep tonight! think i may have to be in th nuddy!!!

23-06-2005, 00:09
ive just come into the bdroom and it is so hot i really dont think i will sleep tonight! think i may have to be in th nuddy!!!
I pegged the washing out in almost nuddy earlier. I had to do it! Too hot.
I have 9 Pc's in this room and it's not very big so it's like a sauna you walk into this room and the heat nearly knocks you back out again, it's so strong.

23-06-2005, 00:44
I know exactly what you mean. I suffer really bad from hayfever and so far have only been taking homeopathic tablets, which don't appear to be doing much, so all of the windows are closed!!! My lovely hubby bought me an air conditioning unit yesterday though, but as soon as I turn it off, I am dripping, and I don't even want to think about my electric bill!!!!!! Can't sleep, can't breathe, can't see anything - not good combinations!!!! So, are u due on the 11th December then Jo Jo. Or is someone else?

23-06-2005, 01:39
It's a bit cooler tonight now so I'm pleased.

23-06-2005, 14:23
So, are u due on the 11th December then Jo Jo. Or is someone else?Yep, well, Dec 12th according to scan. Hopefully won't be 13 days late like my last youngest otherwise, Christmas Day giving birth, hooray!!! :lol:

23-06-2005, 14:24
ive just come into the bdroom and it is so hot i really dont think i will sleep tonight! think i may have to be in th nuddy!!!Not being grim or anything, and not a pretty picture in my condition, but we all sleep in the nuddy in our house!!!! :sick: :rotfl:

23-06-2005, 14:57
Not being grim or anything, and not a pretty picture in my condition, but we all sleep in the nuddy in our house!!!! :sick: :rotfl:
I often sleep naked too.

23-06-2005, 15:07
Its just making sure all of the blinds are closed downstairs for when I go and make a cuppa first thing (though hubby is very good and tends to forget to close them if I go to bed before him!!!!)

23-06-2005, 15:15
I walk in the living room after being in the bath with it all hanging out everywhere. I keep forgetting to shut the blinds.

23-06-2005, 16:00
Not being grim or anything, and not a pretty picture in my condition, but we all sleep in the nuddy in our house!!!! :sick: :rotfl:

we often do but i dont if it really cold

23-06-2005, 16:05
Normally when I sleep naked it's after sex because I can never be bothered to hop out of bed and put one of my silk nighties on.

24-06-2005, 12:12
It would be a "funny" scene if we were unlucky to have a fire or anything, cause we'd all be outside with no clothes on!! :lol: Though we always make sure there is something quick to put on next to the bed in order that we can jump into them if anything happened. Done it for years so feels weird wearing anything to bed now!

24-06-2005, 13:34
Oh no i couldn't sleep naked, need something to keep me warm at night

24-06-2005, 13:34
Thats what I use my hubby for!!!! :rotfl:

24-06-2005, 14:03
It would be a "funny" scene if we were unlucky to have a fire or anything, cause we'd all be outside with no clothes on!! :lol: Though we always make sure there is something quick to put on next to the bed in order that we can jump into them if anything happened. Done it for years so feels weird wearing anything to bed now!

be even funnier if a fireman burst in and scooped you out of bed into a firemans lift!!:rotfl:

24-06-2005, 15:26
be even funnier if a fireman burst in and scooped you out of bed into a firemans lift!!:rotfl:If he was fit, he could scoop me up any day!!! :rotfl:

24-06-2005, 15:31
we all sleep nuddy too, i can't bear wearing angthing in bed, i have always been like it even when i was little!! now my son is the same we have to call out in the mornings to make sure we don't bump into each other!!!

24-06-2005, 15:38
we all sleep nuddy too, i can't bear wearing angthing in bed, i have always been like it even when i was little!! now my son is the same we have to call out in the mornings to make sure we don't bump into each other!!!I'm glad I am not the only one - a family after my own heart!! :cheer:

24-06-2005, 15:57
when me and my other half first got together i think he was a bit shocked but he has got used to it now!!

24-06-2005, 16:01
It was only when I got together with my hubby that I started. Now the kids are doing it too, which is good cause at least they aren't ashamed of their bodies, like I used to be.

24-06-2005, 16:06
It was only when I got together with my hubby that I started. Now the kids are doing it too, which is good cause at least they aren't ashamed of their bodies, like I used to be.

i want to teach the kids to feel good about themselves, no matter what you look like, and it is so much more comfy!!! as soon as i can at night i whip dowm to my pjs and wander about doing housework like that, its great esecially in this weather!!! :cheer:

24-06-2005, 16:11
And in my condition. I'm only just coming up 16 weeks, but look like I am 7/8 months so its a lot more comfy with nowt on!!

24-06-2005, 16:15
I got my toe stuck in the bath and I had to have the firemen out to remove it. It was so embarressing.

24-06-2005, 16:31
Oh no........but were they cute???

24-06-2005, 18:54
Anyone else had storms today? We had one about 1ish and we've got another one coming now...

24-06-2005, 21:25
Had storms on and off all day, with both fork and sheet lightening, I love it!!!. Was sat in my conservatory at 6 this morning before work with a cup of tea watching the lightening, it was amazing!!!

24-06-2005, 21:34
we had lots of rumbles of thunder i am not sure about lighening as i was at work all day but the lights in the shop flashed a few times, i thought it was going to go dark!!! i always get a horrible headache when ever there is a thunder storm i have been in pain all day

24-06-2005, 21:48
If he was fit, he could scoop me up any day!!! :rotfl:

well yeah he could me too!!!

24-06-2005, 22:29
we had lots of rumbles of thunder i am not sure about lighening as i was at work all day but the lights in the shop flashed a few times, i thought it was going to go dark!!! i always get a horrible headache when ever there is a thunder storm i have been in pain all dayWe had thunder storms from 1am till and it was still rumbling at 5pm!! At one point I was counting from lightening (as you do) and didn't get to one so it was right over us. Loads of strikes all over and power lost to 16,000 round us, though we were really lucky. It was pretty scary when it was right above us and really loud!! I just kept repeating a story I heard on Balamory, that its like popcorn popping in the sky to try and calm down. Sad eh?! And at my age too!! :rotfl:

24-06-2005, 22:32
i had it here too
it went from the hottest day of the week to the coldest and stormiest
i was ready for a hot day, iced my drink, left my blazer at school, wore a skirt
lol it ended up being horrible
but i did enjoy the rain it was different

24-06-2005, 22:38
We went out and bought an 8ft paddling pool as my eldest had the day off today, just he could have fun in the garden and keep cool!! Thats probably why we had the thunder storm!! :lol:

25-06-2005, 01:19
It went from being very hot to being cold but I'm pleased that it wasn't so muggy yesterday.

25-06-2005, 09:58
It was nice to actually be able to go outside without being drenched. First time I'd set foot outside for nearly a week apart from taking Ciaran to pre-school!!!

di marco
25-06-2005, 11:33
Anyone else had storms today? We had one about 1ish and we've got another one coming now...

we didnt really have it that bad, the rain in total only lasted for about 20mins at about 1.30 and there was a few bits of thunder but thats it, though after the rain it was still boiling. im really glad its cooler today though, yesterday i thought i was going to die when i was at school, it was so hot, we tried everything all the windows open but it didnt make any difference as there was no breeze, the school needs to invest in fans or air con!

25-06-2005, 13:27
The weathers nice again today. I've actually been out in the garden planting some new flowers for an hour.

25-06-2005, 13:31
at least the ground is nice and soft after all that rain!!! why did i decide to do all my washing at the weekend!!! i will never get it all dry!!!

25-06-2005, 14:04
I have a clothes horse thing in the front room dying some of my bits and bobs but it always takes forever. This weather is good for something - getting some stuff out on the line. I've been washing the bedding this weekend and it's murder waiting for it to try on the clothes maiden but if I stick it out on the line it gets lots of fresh air on it and drys faster.

25-06-2005, 14:09
i have got about 10 loads to do!!! line is full, airer is full,doors have got sheets all over them and the tumble is going round!!!! nightmare!!!

25-06-2005, 14:42
I don't use the dryer it makes my jeans have a cardboardy texture.

25-06-2005, 14:43
i start stuff off in it and then put it outside, i have found my towles are fluffier when i do that!

25-06-2005, 14:47
I handwash my towels and hang them over a radiator but in this weather, radiators would kill me!

25-06-2005, 14:50
i tried hand washing my towles once, i put my back out and was laid up for a week!!!

25-06-2005, 15:39
I don't mind but I can only do it for 5 minutes. I get tired very easily lol.

30-06-2005, 02:25
It's not so bad recently but it was really muggy yesterday or the day before. This morning seems to be reasonably ok for a nice change :D

30-06-2005, 09:32
Last night was nice - it was actually cool for a change and I had a good nights sleep - till hubby started snoring!! :lol:

11-07-2005, 16:25
Is it still boiling for you guys? I'm sweating to death here.

11-07-2005, 16:27
yep. The heat is back i hate it. My backs killing as well. I need a comfy chair for the computer.

11-07-2005, 16:27
very warm, really muggy
not too bad at work though as we have air con, but i am home now and can really feel it!!!

11-07-2005, 16:29
i walked round the local shop for an hour because it had air con.

11-07-2005, 16:34
It doesn't help with the PC because it gives off heat. You walk into my study and it's like a sauna. It just hits you. I can't even go and sit outside because it's still burning out there. I know we complain about our poor weather and I love a bit of sunshine but you can't beat a cool breeze to accompany it. The fact of the matter is we're not used to conditions that're too hot and this for me is scorching. We're really lucky though to have hot weather I know and I just wish I could enjoy it but I just can't be doing with it. I'm all sticky. There's just no air atall in the room.

11-07-2005, 16:34
i sometimes sit in the cellar at work as it is so nice and cool, better than the air con!!!

11-07-2005, 16:35
I used to have air con in my bedroom but I broke the remote used to turn it on :lol:

Have to get it fixed but it's not the room I spend most time in.

11-07-2005, 16:35
I'm just glad I'm on leave from work. I couldn't work in these type of conditions.

11-07-2005, 16:36
i'm sunburnt on my back it hurts when i lean on the chair.

11-07-2005, 16:37
i'm sunburnt on my back it hurts when i lean on the chair.


11-07-2005, 16:40
I get bad sunburn too. I don't peel as much but my skin is inflamed inside and flames up.

I have a darker skin tone anyways, like a golden tan. It seems the more white you are the more likely you'll go pink or peel or even both.

My cousin peels all the way across her back and shoulders.

11-07-2005, 16:42
i am really lucky i don't really burn i just go brown, so does my son he is really brown (and its not dirt i gave him a bath yesterday!!) and he has got dark blond hair too so it makes him look even more tanned!!

11-07-2005, 16:42
i'm irish so i burn really easy and i am really pale.

11-07-2005, 16:46
I am lucky to have a natural tanned tone.

11-07-2005, 17:11
i'm irish so i burn really easy and i am really pale.

I'm not Irish, but I 'm the typical brit - The ones you see creamed up to the hilt, and still pink. :rolleyes: I burnt on the beach last year, I sat with my hand on my thigh for about 3 minutes, and had a non-burnt patch were my hand had been. :confused:

11-07-2005, 17:16
Eurgh sticky suntan lotion. I cannot stand it.

11-07-2005, 17:16
We do these activited this week (trip week) and I been so hot but I just came home. Put the AC on, fan right next to me, had an ice cream and cooled myself down and came on here!!

11-07-2005, 17:31
It was 33oC in my office when I got to work this morning, and I had a migraine starting anyway. I had to go home at lunch time, pick up the kids from sports camp and get home vomiting while driving. I feel like death, i am still sweaty at home and I have been in bed all afternoon. My kids had to make their own lunch and my hubby is in the states.

Thankfully my friend is now home from work and she is feeding my kids tonight and getting me some pills.

11-07-2005, 17:43
Awww!! I hope you feel better soon!! What a great friend you have :D

11-07-2005, 19:17
Awww (((Hugs Trinity)))

I'm dying off too :D

11-07-2005, 20:04
Im sitting in my garden with an ICE cold glass of wine and the BBQ sizzling in the background - according to the temoerature guage it is 28c/ I do pity all you pregnant ladies on here. It must be unbearable

11-07-2005, 20:35
I cannot find any fresh cool air anywhere!

11-07-2005, 20:46
At the moment I've got 4 PC's on all blowing hot air. It's like a sauna in here! It's hot enough without them.

11-07-2005, 21:01
you know people complain when its cold you complain when its hot we cant win can we? lol! it is sssooo warm. it would be ok if we had a pool to jump into! it would be nice if there was a breeze but there isnt even one of those! unbearable!

11-07-2005, 21:09
you know people complain when its cold you complain when its hot we cant win can we? lol! it is sssooo warm. it would be ok if we had a pool to jump into! it would be nice if there was a breeze but there isnt even one of those! unbearable!

I much prefer the cold... You can add more layers! Unfortuantly, there's only so much you can do when it's hot.

11-07-2005, 21:09
The problem is when we have our cooler weather you can actually sit indoors and be able to breathe properly without going all sticky.

di marco
11-07-2005, 21:13
i like the snow, and you cant have that when its hot! :D

11-07-2005, 21:23
I loved the snow we had in 1995 when it was dead high. I don't think all of the country had it though.

11-07-2005, 21:44
thats the year i had my eldest!! i did not enjoy it!!!
i kept getting the pram stuck on the snow!!

11-07-2005, 21:47
This is far too hot for me to deal with. Take me to the morgue now and make sure it's got air con!

11-07-2005, 21:54
Is it just me or is this heat un natural? I cant ssem to get a breath. I've already had two cold showers today but i'm still boiling.

11-07-2005, 21:54
Well I was happy with the weather until the weekend! It's Too Hot! :thumbsdow

11-07-2005, 21:54
This is far too hot for me to deal with. Take me to the morgue now and make sure it's got air con!

Any room at the morgue for a little one?

11-07-2005, 22:10
Any room at the morgue for a little one?
Put us in the freezer puhhhlease.

11-07-2005, 22:11
The problem is you cannot get any air. We're not used to it.

When it's colder we can actually breathe and go about our daily buisness indoors normally.

The problem is even outside it's far too hot to be lounging around. It makes it worse that I'm in the sauna room with the computers although it's still muggy allover the house. The kids are in bed asleep, the heat has knocked them out. And trust me my two are never in bed before 11 so it is bad.

11-07-2005, 22:13
See i'm a ginger and i think it affects me more I go out for five minutes and my skin is on fire!!!1 I sit in the house and have to try and find the wee tiny space that isn't getting any sun for fear that i am going to get burnt. I ahd factor 50 on yesterday and still managed to get burnt!!!! I want a skin transplant!!!!

11-07-2005, 22:30
I want an atmosphere transplant. Make it freezing.

11-07-2005, 22:33
i've had the fan going in the bedroom so it should be quite cool in there when i go up, it is still really muggy!! i can't belive how hot my house is, it is cooler outside than inside!!!!

11-07-2005, 22:35
Yes but it was still too hot to be in the garden today though. I honestly had to go inside again.

11-07-2005, 22:35
I am buying a big fan to go in here.

11-07-2005, 22:41
i have got a cieling fan in the living room!!! it is heaven!!!
i have got a big fan in my bedroom too for the baby i have it set so it blows over her and me!! you just have to get the angle right!!!

11-07-2005, 22:47
That's fabulous :) I should be like one of them African Queens where my servants fan me with big palm tree branches with leaves on.

11-07-2005, 23:56

im miserable. it nightime and their is no air in here i have all the windows open and im sticky hot!!

ive been grumpy most of the day and my little boy is in a foul mood!! he hates the heat more than me bless him

12-07-2005, 00:40
Awww ickle Connor give him my love darling. Hope he's ok :)

We'll survive this no doubt. I lived through the blitz (ma gawd that's going back a bit) so if I can cope with that I can cope with this.

12-07-2005, 00:41
Not actually hot were i am it quite cool :lol:

12-07-2005, 00:48
Don't rub it in :lol:

12-07-2005, 00:49
Sorry :)

12-07-2005, 00:50
It's okay, I'm being stifled by hot air here lol. Not the first time either :D

12-07-2005, 01:08

im miserable. it nightime and their is no air in here i have all the windows open and im sticky hot!!

ive been grumpy most of the day and my little boy is in a foul mood!! he hates the heat more than me bless him

And next week when its piss**g dow with rain you will all be complaining.. -- LONG LIVE GLOBAL WARMING :cheer:

12-07-2005, 09:24
Well atleast it's something we're all used to and we can actually breathe indoors in our own homes and know we've had a nice cold satisfying breath of fresh air. Not humid, warm short gasps for air where it doesn't exist at the moment. If it wasn't for the window being open. I'm convinced I'd be dead by now!

13-07-2005, 10:47
My weekend was spent in our 8ft paddling pool with the boys, looking like a beached whale, but hey, I was cool!!!! Got my aircon in the front room, and windows all open now as pollen season is starting to change, so not so badly affected - have naughtily indulged in a very small glass of ice cold beer over the weekend - bliss!!

13-07-2005, 11:45
It seems to be a bit cooler at the moment. I went and got a big fan from Argos a stand up one. I've had it right next to me and I've had it on all night in the bedroom.

13-07-2005, 11:49
My hubby is a wonderful man, who won't allow anything electric to be on overnight, including fans!!! Mind you I don't find the nights too bad, its just the days that were bad, but they seem to be getting easier as time goes on!!

15-07-2005, 15:23
It was raining yesterday and it's been cool here today. I'm chuffed!

15-07-2005, 15:23
What's the weather like for everybody else?

15-07-2005, 15:25
Slightly overcast but still 26 deg c and as I speak, the cloud is breaking and the sun is shining - oh please, no more!!!! :lol:

15-07-2005, 15:28
Slightly overcast here sun is his behind clouds temp is 28.0 deg .c it is very cool here compared to what the weather has been over the last week

15-07-2005, 15:31
Still hot then. I'm just glad I can breathe properly again!!!

15-07-2005, 15:33
Still hot then. I'm just glad I can breathe properly again!!!

It's still hot but I can cope with the heat better now!

15-07-2005, 15:34
Now I have my trusty pair of maternity shorts (size 22 and only 4 holes remaining on the adjustable waist band!!!) I don't feel quite so bad, although have been feeling a bit faint the last couple of nights! Apparently you can feel that way anyway so....

15-07-2005, 15:38
I had all the windows open during the day but no air was coming in!

15-07-2005, 15:39
I'm just glad we are starting to get a small breeze in the evenings, though I am sure the neighbours wonder what I am doing when I sit on the doorstep in the evening!!

15-07-2005, 15:42
It's allowed isn't it lol?

15-07-2005, 15:43
Yeah, but its quite a funny sight especially when I try and get up!!!

15-07-2005, 15:48
:lol: are you massive now then with bumpsy?

di marco
16-07-2005, 08:47
its still boiling here with no breeze! in assembly i was so hot yesterday i thought i was going to pass out! and i got the most awful headache and even though i took a big bottle of water to school just for the morning i still ran out :(

16-07-2005, 08:53
Awww!! When I went out for my activites trip on Monday, Thursday and Friday I took 3 small cartons of tropical juice, 1 small bottle of water and 1 can of coke. It was a perfect day!! but I only done this on Thursday and Friday coz of Monday I only had 2 cartons of tropical juice, I drank it up in the first 1 hour but then I needed water for the rest 4 hours and my friend gave me some. Oh I would nearly have died. World record for drinking it fast!!

di marco
16-07-2005, 08:58
lol! on thursday when i had to do the lights for the little kids disco, i took a big bottle of water with me but had drunk it all before the disco had even started! then i filled it back up again and finished that really quickly too!

16-07-2005, 12:48
:lol: Well it's been another cool day here today, thank god!

16-07-2005, 12:48
What's the weather like for everybody else?

di marco
16-07-2005, 13:04
its still really hot :( hope it cools down before this afternoon/evening as im babysitting and i can guarantee my little cousin will want me to play with her out in the garden, and then she wont want to go to bed either

16-07-2005, 15:15
its still really hot :( hope it cools down before this afternoon/evening as im babysitting and i can guarantee my little cousin will want me to play with her out in the garden, and then she wont want to go to bed either
Awwww, I hope it cools down for you soon hun! x

16-07-2005, 15:15
Anybody use that magicool spray?

di marco
16-07-2005, 15:16
Awwww, I hope it cools down for you soon hun! x

its a bit cooler now but still hot and the suns still beating down, im going to have such a fun evening!!!

16-07-2005, 15:28
its a bit cooler now but still hot and the suns still beating down, im going to have such a fun evening!!!
Awww, it's that nasty sunshine!

di marco
16-07-2005, 15:31
Awww, it's that nasty sunshine!

i bet she will try and teach me how to ride a bike again lol!

16-07-2005, 15:33
i bet she will try and teach me how to ride a bike again lol!

Well I'm off to the park now seeing as it's just about right. When it was boiling it was so uncomfortable outside. I used to get sweaty and achy dead fast and very uncomfortable.

di marco
16-07-2005, 15:34
yeh its awful outside when its boiling, you get all sticky and disgusting! have fun at the park. see ya later :)

16-07-2005, 22:52
Well it looks like it's going to be a cool night tonight. Thank god. I'm lovin' the weather now!!! That horrible roasting heat has departed!

16-07-2005, 23:25
Today was bliss!

I spent most of the afternoon lazying in the local park on the grass with my friends. I didn't burn!!!!!!!! but it was just nice and warm to have fun in

17-07-2005, 00:02
Awwww. I cannot be doing with that heat. It makes me lethal. My hormones/nerves don't mix really well with red hot weather.

17-07-2005, 00:30
It wasn't that hot, just nice and warm so i didn't need a jacket but wasn't all hot and sweaty. It wsa lovely

17-07-2005, 03:34
Yeah, it's been a lot nicer recently. Refreshing. When it was hot a few days ago I could have cried. I couldn't get any peace anywhere without sweating or gasping for air.

17-07-2005, 12:52
I needed to be under a fan constantly during those days, but today is fab

17-07-2005, 13:17
went out with my laptop and a glass of lemonade to sock up the sun and i ended up having an hayefever attack with my eyes and nose running! :angry:

17-07-2005, 20:37
It's been fab here again today. I've enjoyed it. Been out in the garden for a few hours. Even had my tea out there. I hope this better weather continues.

di marco
17-07-2005, 20:47
its still boiling here, why cant i have cooler weather too? :( :angry:

17-07-2005, 20:54
its still boiling here, why cant i have cooler weather too? :( :angry:
I'll wish for you tonight hunni that you get cooler weather.

di marco
17-07-2005, 20:57
I'll wish for you tonight hunni that you get cooler weather.

awwww thankies :)

18-07-2005, 01:06
Well I made the wish! I only hope it works :)

It's quite a muggy night here tonight but it's still not as bad as it was.

di marco
18-07-2005, 06:24
well this mornings not too bad but its still early, lets hope.......................

18-07-2005, 09:42
for once i spent the day in the sun, and haven't burnt!!! In fact, i can detect a tan coming on!! wahoo!

di marco
18-07-2005, 09:47
for once i spent the day in the sun, and haven't burnt!!! In fact, i can detect a tan coming on!! wahoo!

i havent burnt yet either, but then i havent been out in the sun much

18-07-2005, 09:50
I'm trying to build up the amount of time i spent in the sun, so i get tanned but dont burn. Its bound to happen anyway, but i can try!

18-07-2005, 10:23
the weather her now is windy with grey cloud overhead looks like we could be in for a thunderdstorm

18-07-2005, 10:27
Our skies are pretty much blue, but there is a bit of wnd around to stop you getting really hot. Perfect day in my books!

18-07-2005, 10:54
:lol: are you massive now then with bumpsy?You should see me WQ, I am currently wearing size 22 maternity shorts and the elasticated thingy has only 4 holes left on each side for expansion!!! Considering I am a 12-14 - MASSIVE!!! lol

18-07-2005, 10:57

18-07-2005, 11:20
Its a very scary sight, thats for sure - everyone keeps giving me sympathy and asking how I coping with the weather, but as soon as I say "not too bad, though I am not due till Xmas" they are all like "OMG but your huge"!! Not sure which is worse really, but I do love my bump!

18-07-2005, 11:24
It will all be worth it in the end!

18-07-2005, 11:39
If my hubby would let me, I would keep having them. I've got two boys already but just love the whole pregnancy thing. Just sad to think this will probably be my last time :(

18-07-2005, 12:12
You should see me WQ, I am currently wearing size 22 maternity shorts and the elasticated thingy has only 4 holes left on each side for expansion!!! Considering I am a 12-14 - MASSIVE!!! lol

lol :lol:

18-07-2005, 12:15
My waist measurement 2 days before I had ciaran was 53inches!!! I dread to think what I am going to be this time round considering the size of the clothes I am wearing now!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:

18-07-2005, 12:19
My waist measurement 2 days before I had ciaran was 53inches!!! I dread to think what I am going to be this time round considering the size of the clothes I am wearing now!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:

wow 53 inches thats big

18-07-2005, 12:20
Yep - when people find out how far gone I am, they keep asking if its twins at the mo!

18-07-2005, 15:02
Not a bad day here today but a bit muggy. I've had to resort to using the fan again!

18-07-2005, 17:50
I bought two little fans and 2 bottles of the magicool to take on my hols - I'm taking not chances!

18-07-2005, 20:53
It rained earlier, i miss the sun!

di marco
18-07-2005, 21:08
it looks like its going to rain, but its still boiling hot :(

18-07-2005, 21:29
I bought two little fans and 2 bottles of the magicool to take on my hols - I'm taking not chances!
I have a White Tea spray and a can of magicool here. I've stocked up on supplies.

18-07-2005, 21:32
thank the heavens we had rain but its still hot,let it rain again per lease never knew how much i like it!

18-07-2005, 22:55
it is lovely in here tonight the first time i have said that for a few weeks! rained on and off all afternoon and it so much cooler now that i think i will have a very good nights sleep

18-07-2005, 23:03
We had about 5 mins rain today then the sun came back out again but there is still a nice breeze around here so the weather is perfect now!

19-07-2005, 09:21
This morning, it is a lot cooler and overcast so I am actually able to sit indoors with the windows closed - Bliss..!!!!

19-07-2005, 10:14
I slept with the duvet over me! omg i aven't done that in such a long time

I even sense me starting to shiver!

19-07-2005, 10:22
yea i slept with a duvet yesterday 2!!
for ages

19-07-2005, 10:24
It was bliss, so comfortable!!

19-07-2005, 10:25
it was lovley in the duvet!! i even had to put pj's on the baby!!!

19-07-2005, 10:27
yeah it felt so soft

19-07-2005, 10:30
and my bed is so big too!! it was lovely!!! i had it all to myself!! all 6ft x 6ft 6ins

19-07-2005, 10:30

19-07-2005, 10:31

19-07-2005, 10:32