View Full Version : Anna Windass & Owen Armstrong

28-06-2011, 11:13
Do you think they are going to get together?

28-06-2011, 14:47
It looks that way to me.

28-06-2011, 19:48
yeah it looked like it :D

28-06-2011, 21:58
hope not. I like Anna, he is a creep.:nono:

Chloe O'brien
29-06-2011, 09:53
NO!!! This is so wrong. There's only one man for Anna EDDIE!!!!

29-06-2011, 10:16
hope not. I like Anna, he is a creep.:nono:

Me too

28-11-2011, 11:53
Owen Armstrong's relationship with Anna Windass will come under strain on Coronation Street after the builder slaps her adoptive daughter Faye, a report has claimed.

Owen, played by Ian Puleston-Davies, hits the schoolgirl in an upcoming plot as he takes care of her while Anna is away, according to the Daily Star.

The storyline is believed to unfold when Anna (Debbie Rush) has to leave Weatherfield for a few days to look after her brother, who is unwell. While she is gone, Faye causes chaos by repeatedly disobeying Owen.

Sources say that Owen finally loses his temper when Faye (Ellie-Louise Leach) kills his fish by pouring creosote into its new pond in the back yard.

Stunned when Owen strikes her as a punishment, Faye makes contact with Anna and the café worker returns home in a fury. Anna and Owen soon clash over their different approaches to parenting, leaving their future in jeopardy.

Owen apparently defends his actions by saying: "Look, things just got out of hand. The kid needs boundaries and I showed her where they start."

However, angry Anna declares: "I can't be sure you'll not hit her again and I can't ever take that risk, so it's over between us."

Owen and Anna have been dating on screen for a few weeks, but recent episodes have shown that Faye is struggling to warm to her adoptive mum's new boyfriend.

Coronation Street is expected to air the new storyline early next year.

28-11-2011, 12:28
Faye deserves more than a slap for killing the fish :angry:

28-11-2011, 12:58
She is a spoiled brat. Who need boundaries. Anna is doing herself no favour letting her get away with everything. Owen will have gone to far hitting her. She needs sending upstairs for a good few years.

28-11-2011, 13:07
She needs sending upstairs for a good few years.

No!!!! :thumbsdow

That's what they did to Tracy and look how she turned out.....

28-11-2011, 13:17
No!!!! :thumbsdow

That's what they did to Tracy and look how she turned out.....


New head and lost her ability to act

28-11-2011, 13:41
She is extremely difficult, and certainly should have been punished, but you can't have your boyfriend of a couple of months slapping your child, in my opinion she doesn't know him well enough to leave the child with him.

28-11-2011, 16:02
She is extremely difficult, and certainly should have been punished, but you can't have your boyfriend of a couple of months slapping your child, in my opinion she doesn't know him well enough to leave the child with him.

I agree plus Faye can do no wrong in Anna's eyes ppor Eddie left because of her

28-11-2011, 19:20
I cannot stand Faye. :/ most annoying brat ever, actually on par with ben mitchell from eastenders

15-01-2012, 09:06
Coronation Street actor Ian Puleston-Davies has revealed he never wanted to be a straight-forward villain.
The actor, who plays builder Owen Armstrong in the ITV soap, admitted that while his alter-ego may be a control freak and a womaniser, he always hoped that he would become a more rounded character.
"I was a little nervous in the beginning when all I seemed to be doing was pointing fingers and telling my children off," he said.
"Apart from the fear of being stuck in a corner and being the Corrie baddie, which I certainly didn't want to be from the outset, I was really holding my breath that they'd soften the endings and show there were more layers to him. I knew they weren't going to go down the axe murder route because they said that from the off, but I did think he was a little too angry for too long, and I'm glad over the last 18 months they have added layers to Owen."
Ian - who has portrayed Owen since June 2010 - reckons his character isn't in the same league as infamous Weatherfield villains like Richard Hillman or Jez Quigley.
"He was complicated and he has got massive issues, he's not just out and out bad," he continued.
"He's obviously very bitter and unforgiving about his wife having left him to look after his kids; there's a lot of anger there, which hopefully Anna will coax out of him and sort out over the coming months."

15-01-2012, 17:34
That's nice, and they're right, he is an actual character and not just a baddie. Soaps shouldn't be divided into nice people and axe murderers with nothing inbetween!

16-01-2012, 00:14
Anna Windass's romance with Owen Armstrong hits the rocks on Coronation Street this week after the no-nonsense builder lashes out at her adopted daughter Faye.

When a family emergency takes Anna away from Weatherfield for the night, Owen (Ian Puleston-Davies) steps in to look after Faye. However, he soon receives a shock as he discovers that the troubled youngster was responsible for pouring creosote into his fish pond, killing his new pets.

Deciding that Faye (Ellie-Louise Leach) needs discipline, Owen smacks her on the back of the legs - but Anna is livid when she later finds out what he has done, leaving the future of their relationship in jeopardy. Can the couple reach an understanding over their different approaches to parenting, or is it over between them?

Here, Debbie Rush - who plays Anna - chats to Digital Spy about the storyline.

How does the Owen and Faye storyline all come about?
"Well, Anna's brother has an accident so she's needed elsewhere - she goes off to see him and help the family. Because Anna has nobody to look after Faye while she's away, Owen kindly offers to step in. Owen has daughters of his own and Anna trusts him, so she's happy to leave Faye with him overnight. But everything goes wrong while she's away, and that's when the incident between Owen and Faye happens."

When Anna returns home the next day, Owen tells her that he's had a row with Faye after discovering that she killed the fish. How does Anna react?
"Anna is very disappointed in Faye and she's also quite worried, but at the end of the day, she has adopted a 9-year-old girl who has a lot of issues and concerns of her own. It gives Anna a bit of a wake-up call that Faye isn't as settled and grounded as she thought - she still has a lot of issues that need to be worked out."

Not long afterwards, Anna hears Faye's side of the story and how Owen slapped her as a punishment. How does Anna feel about that?
"Anna is absolutely devastated, because she really trusted Owen. Anna doesn't believe in smacking children full-stop - she's part of the 'Full Stop' campaign. So she's absolutely distraught and devastated that Owen has done this."

Faye originally came from a violent family, which makes the situation all the more alarming for Anna…
"Yes, she did, and this is something that we've not really touched on with viewers until now - Faye's past. But Faye has a very troubled history and that's why she ended up in care. Faye has now put all of her trust into Anna, and it's only recently that she's started calling Anna 'mum'. As Anna has made so much progress with Faye and there's a trust between them, Owen doing this is quite a big thing."

Even though Anna doesn't agree with Owen hitting Faye, does she agree that her bad behaviour needs to be addressed?
"Yes, even though Anna doesn't believe in smacking children, she has always tried to be quite disciplined with Faye. But what happens as a result of this incident is that Anna realises Faye's issues are quite deep-rooted, so she might have to take a different tack with her in future. It's not that Faye needs more discipline, it's just that Anna might have to approach things in a different way and understand her a bit better."

Can Anna trust Owen after this?
"I think it's going to be very difficult. As you see the story progress, you'll see that even though Owen smacks Faye, it's not an abuse storyline and it's not something that's happened before. It's just that Owen has a very different parenting style to Anna.

"I think anybody who's in a relationship where there are children from other marriages will really relate to this storyline. Anna and Owen are both good parents with good hearts, but their approaches to parenting are very different."

Do you think it would be a shame if this situation split up Anna and Owen for good?
"It would be a shame, because they're one of those couples who got together quite unexpectedly and it all happened out of the blue. I think Anna and Owen have had a proper love story. Anna tried her hardest to resist it, because she didn't want another fella on the block so quickly after Eddie. But I think it's plainly obvious that they've got a lot of chemistry and they are madly in love.

"After this incident, you will see that even though it's very, very difficult and Anna totally disagrees with what Owen's done, she knows that he hasn't done it because he's a child-beater - it's just his different approach to parenting. They've got a lot to discuss and work through, so we'll have to see what happens."

Can you see this story provoking a lot of discussion among the Corrie viewers?
"Yeah, I think it probably will. I think you'll have half the viewers thinking that Faye needs pulling in line and that Owen was right, and the other half thinking that Faye just needs more understanding and cuddles. I think it will definitely split opinions. Even though Anna is so angry about what's happened, I think the viewers will be able to see both sides of the story."

Ellie, who plays Faye, is still a relatively new addition to the show. Have you enjoyed having her on board in the past few months?
"Definitely - Ellie is an absolute little star. She's so well-behaved and she's such a pleasure to have on set. She's really, really professional - it's great."

Bringing in Faye, Owen's family and Chesney has brought about a new era for the Windass clan. Have you enjoyed freshening things up a bit in the past year?
"It's been really nice, because now we have a big bubbling pot of different people in there. I think we are probably quite a modern family on the street. It's three different types of family who have all joined together, and I think that's something that happens a lot in real life. It's been really interesting to explore that."

Anna never did marry Eddie, so if she works things out with Owen, would you like to see a Corrie wedding on the horizon?
"That would be really good - I think we should have a Corrie special for it, where we all go off somewhere glamorous and sunny! Anna was an awful lot younger than Eddie when they first got together, and then when their relationship progressed and they had Gary, Eddie never asked her to marry him. Poor old Eddie - once he was finally ready to commit and he did ask her, it was too late as he'd let her down too many times.

"It's not that Anna is against marriage, it's just that it was never right with Eddie. If Owen asked Anna to marry him, I think she'd probably accept his offer straight away! I think we've seen quite a different relationship between Anna and Owen - it's been a lot more about passion and love."

With the National Television Awards on the way, why do you think we should all be voting for Corrie as the 'Best Serial Drama' this year?
"I just think that Corrie covers all issues and we manage to fit some humour in there too. I think you can switch it on and feel sad, but still laugh at other things that are going on, which makes it a breath of fresh air. Hopefully our die-hard fans and viewers know all this already. We're all working very hard, so hopefully people will vote for us."

Where would you like the Windasses to go next?
"Well, recently we've been filming some really, really interesting stuff - but I can't say anything about it because it won't be on screen for a while as we film so far in advance.

"I love the fact that all of these different characters have come together and brought about different aspects to the family. I think we're representing what can happen in real life, and the things that we're filming are covering a lot of these issues. The fact that we've all been slung in together makes things really interesting and also creates a lot of drama, so you'll definitely see more drama on the way - and hopefully that's the way things will stay!"

16-01-2012, 20:11
Ian Puleston-Davies has said that his Coronation Street alter ego Owen Armstrong is in love with Anna Windass.

This week, Owen slaps Anna's foster daughter Faye, leading to the couple's break-up.

But Puleston-Davies believes Debbie Rush's character will reunite with Owen, telling Soaplife: "I hope [they get back together].

"I think when she calms down and when she hears enough of his defence he'll be able to persuade her to realise that it was a mistake, that he's accepted and acknowledged it was wrong and that he crossed the line."

The 53-year-old added: "He believes that their love is stronger than this mistake and he believes it won't ever happen again."

Chatting to Digital Spy, Rush revealed that Anna will find it "very difficult" to trust Owen following the slap.

18-01-2012, 00:11
I don't like them together. He's awful, and now violent too! :thumbsdow

10-08-2012, 12:45
Coronation Street's Ian Puleston-Davies has outlined his desire to be involved in a long-running story.

The Weatherfield actor hopes that his character Owen Armstrong will be a central part of his daughters' future surrogacy plot.

"What I'm looking forward to now is settling into hopefully a longer storyline, because it just gives you more creativity and it gives you somewhere to go," Puleston-Davies hypothesised.

"It grows, it gets bigger and bigger and it becomes more involving, and it could possibly even involve a bigger family, so we're all really excited about that."

Teenage mum-of-one Katy next Thursday (August 16) offers to become a surrogate mother for her disabled sister Izzy, who lost her baby with Gary Windass a fortnight ago.

The Welsh actor also disclosed how Owen discovers Izzy and Gary's plan at the christening of Katy's son Joseph the following day, teasing: "I think it went wrong fabulously at the christening.

"I was very excited by the fact that they decided to have Owen's discovery of the surrogacy care of his youngest daughter to happen by whispers during the service. I thought that was a wonderfully clever dramatic choice."

Coronation Street's surrogacy storyline kicks off during next Thursday's episodes, before dominating Friday's double bill.

10-08-2012, 12:45
Coronation Street's Ian Puleston-Davies has outlined his desire to be involved in a long-running story.

The Weatherfield actor hopes that his character Owen Armstrong will be a central part of his daughters' future surrogacy plot.

"What I'm looking forward to now is settling into hopefully a longer storyline, because it just gives you more creativity and it gives you somewhere to go," Puleston-Davies hypothesised.

"It grows, it gets bigger and bigger and it becomes more involving, and it could possibly even involve a bigger family, so we're all really excited about that."

Teenage mum-of-one Katy next Thursday (August 16) offers to become a surrogate mother for her disabled sister Izzy, who lost her baby with Gary Windass a fortnight ago.

The Welsh actor also disclosed how Owen discovers Izzy and Gary's plan at the christening of Katy's son Joseph the following day, teasing: "I think it went wrong fabulously at the christening.

"I was very excited by the fact that they decided to have Owen's discovery of the surrogacy care of his youngest daughter to happen by whispers during the service. I thought that was a wonderfully clever dramatic choice."

Coronation Street's surrogacy storyline kicks off during next Thursday's episodes, before dominating Friday's double bill.

08-09-2012, 01:55
CORRIE will be rocked by the arrival of adopted Faye Windass’s down-and-out dad later this year.
Bosses are now casting for the role and although he won’t move permanently to Weatherfield, sources say he could return if popular with viewers.
A show insider said: “The arrival of Faye’s real dad will come as a shock to everyone.
“She doesn’t come from a nice background and he will be a bit rough around the edges to say the least.
“It is strikingly obvious to Faye’s family that he is from the wrong side of the track. They are in for a lot of heartach

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/soaps/4526954/Corries-Faye-Windass-set-for-down-and-out-dad-encounter.html#ixzz25pqMJoS0

08-09-2012, 01:55
CORRIE will be rocked by the arrival of adopted Faye Windass’s down-and-out dad later this year.
Bosses are now casting for the role and although he won’t move permanently to Weatherfield, sources say he could return if popular with viewers.
A show insider said: “The arrival of Faye’s real dad will come as a shock to everyone.
“She doesn’t come from a nice background and he will be a bit rough around the edges to say the least.
“It is strikingly obvious to Faye’s family that he is from the wrong side of the track. They are in for a lot of heartach

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/soaps/4526954/Corries-Faye-Windass-set-for-down-and-out-dad-encounter.html#ixzz25pqMJoS0

05-02-2013, 15:00
Coronation Street's Anna Windass cares more for partner Owen Armstrong than ex-husband Eddie.

Actress Debbie Rush believes that Anna would face a more difficult decision to leave Owen if his behaviour continues to jeopardise her adoption of Faye.

"She made that decision when Eddie was around and I think she would choose Faye again," she told the Radio Times.

"But it would be more difficult now because she really does care for Owen and she knows they could have a great family life."

Of Owen's role in the drama, Rush added: "He's upset because it's gone from a situation where Faye was starting to treat Owen more like a dad to her now saying that she hates him.

"He feels very pushed out but, as usual, he goes about things the wrong way and Anna gives him a warning."

The actress added: "He's well meaning but he just doesn't deal with situations like this very well."

01-03-2013, 10:13
Corrie actress Debbie Rush has praised young co-star Ellie Leach for her attitude on set.

Leach, 11, has been busy on screen in recent weeks as viewers have seen her character Faye Windass getting to know real dad Tim (Joe Duttine) after they made contact online.

Rush's alter ego Anna is concerned over her adopted daughter spending time with Tim, but she has reluctantly accepted their meetings in recent episodes.

Speaking to Digital Spy, Rush commented: "Ellie is fantastic. She's doing a really good job and she's so sensible. She works really, really hard and she's got school in between her scenes.

"Everyone loves her on set because she's really well-behaved and she's just very mature. She's had quite a lot to do, really, and I think that's what people are starting to realise. Ellie's had lots of little storylines and she's been quite busy since she arrived. I think she does really well, because she is only just 11."

Confirming that Faye's storyline will continue for a while, she explained: "I'm not sure what happens in the story beyond April, but I know it will certainly play out until the beginning of June at least."

Rush added that she will be sad to see Julie Hesmondhalgh bow out from her role as Hayley Cropper later this year. Anna often shares scenes with the Croppers while working at Roy's café.

She said: "I'm gutted, but Julie wants to go onto pastures new and that's great and what's right for her. But we're all absolutely gutted because she's so fabulous and such a good friend."

Coronation Street continues tonight (March 1) at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

Chloe O'brien
09-03-2013, 00:01
I still miss Eddie. They need to bring him back.

09-03-2013, 14:37
I do as well, he was really good I just don't think they used him in the right way.

So Faye's plan was to get Tim and Anna together.

09-03-2013, 14:37
I do as well, he was really good I just don't think they used him in the right way.

So Faye's plan was to get Tim and Anna together.

14-03-2013, 14:19
Coronation Street's Anna Windass will be left devastated when she is accused of child abuse, in an upcoming storyline.

Faye (Ellie Leach), who was adopted by Anna (Debbie Rush), accuses her mum of beating her up, the Daily Star reports.

Faye lies to social services in a bid to move out of Anna's house and in with her biological dad across the street.

Viewers will see social workers take Faye away, to the horror of Anna.

Anna's boyfriend, Owen Armstrong (Ian Puleston-Davies), will try and reassure her that she has done nothing wrong.

Faye's dad Tim arrived in Weatherfield in January, leading a shocked Anna to worry that she may lose her daughter.

Debbie Rush recently praised young co-star Ellie Leach for her attitude on set.

14-03-2013, 20:18
anna should ship her off to tim

15-03-2013, 09:09
Exactly. She's a horrible child, I still don't think tim is all he is cracked up to be. There's something dodgy I'm sure of it,

15-03-2013, 14:16
Exactly. She's a horrible child, I still don't think tim is all he is cracked up to be. There's something dodgy I'm sure of it,

Yes me either

15-04-2013, 09:52
Debbie Rush has revealed that her on-screen family have a dramatic few months ahead.

The actress's character Anna Windass is currently in turmoil as her adopted daughter Faye (Ellie Leach) grows closer to her real dad Tim Metcalfe, who is now living in a flat on the street.

This week's episodes see Faye accuse Anna of child abuse in a desperate bid to live with Tim full-time.

Although Anna's name is later cleared as Faye eventually admits that she was lying, Rush has teased that this is just the start of the troubles ahead for the Windasses.

Asked how things play out once Anna's innocence is established, Rush told itv.com: "There's a lot more drama to come. Unfortunately there's a lot more big, sad drama to come.

"I think the Windass house is not going to be a happy place for quite some time."

Rush also admitted that she can understand why Anna is so mistrustful of Tim (Joe Duttine) and doesn't want Faye living with the builder.

She said: "She thinks he's a bad lot and she thinks he'll be a rubbish dad. She's very upset that Faye has requested [to live with him] because she loves her so much."

Coronation Street continues tonight (April 15) at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

19-04-2013, 15:20
Debbie Rush has admitted that she wants viewers to have sympathy for troubled Faye Windass.

The actress's character Anna is currently in turmoil after adopted daughter Faye (Ellie Leach) falsely accused her of child abuse, hoping that the deceit would lead to her moving in with real dad Tim Metcalfe (Joe Duttine).

Speaking on ITV's Loose Women this afternoon (April 19), Rush urged fans to remember Faye's dark past.

Rush explained: "I constantly keep reminding people she's got a very troubled background. She's come to Anna, and Anna's trying to make everything rosy and all nice for her - but she's still telling lies.

"They are dangerous lies, but she's told them because she thinks the grass is greener on the other side. She is a 10-year-old little girl who, at the end of the day, is telling these lies because she wants to live with her dad. She's got this romantic idea of what he's like."

She continued: "Faye was kind of brought up in a crack den, [Tim] left when she was 2. He left her to the mother, who's now died of a heroin overdose. So I think, rightly, Anna is incredibly worried - who is this man and why has he suddenly turned up on the scene?

"Tonight, I'm allowed to say, the truth will come out. We'll find out that Faye's lying, but the troubles for the Windasses are not over. The troubles with Tim are by far not over. It will continue. So the truth will come out, but it's just going to continue on, and there will be a lot more trouble to come."

Rush added that she finds it easy to switch off from her emotional storylines once the cameras stop rolling.

She said: "I used to work in a special needs school. What I'm doing now is a job that I absolutely love and I want to do more than anything - I want to act.

"When I worked in the special needs school, some horrible things would go on, and you've got to be able to switch off and go home to your family. That was far harder than what I'm doing now."

Coronation Street continues tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

19-04-2013, 21:11
faye has been a brat from day one

19-04-2013, 23:55
Why is Anna wearing a wedding ring?

23-05-2013, 18:22
Coronation Street star Debbie Rush has warned fans to expect "more heartbreak" in the Windass clan's current storyline.

The actress's character Anna Windass is adjusting to a new family dynamic after her adoptive daughter Faye insisted on moving in with her real dad Tim Metcalfe (Joe Duttine). She is also concerned that Tim may not be looking after Faye properly.

Speaking to PA, Rush confirmed that the story has a long way to go.

She explained: "There'll be more heartbreak. It will get worse before it gets better, because that's what happens in real life.

"I think there's a lot of troubled children out there, that are from dysfunctional families or from somewhere where nobody wants them, and they end up in the fostering system.

"Anna and Owen are desperately... because they're good parents and they've got good hearts... they want to make sure that this girl has a stable, happy life. But there will be a lot more to come."

Rush also heaped praise on young co-star Ellie Leach, who plays Faye, for her attitude at work.

"She's only just 12, she's amazing for her age," Rush said. "She really cares and everybody loves her. She's nothing like her character, she's just the most beautiful little girl. And in between she has to go and do her lessons and then she's on the floor and she's just amazing. She's very grounded."

Coronation Street continues tomorrow (May 23) at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

24-05-2013, 13:34
I'm fed up of the Windass/Armstrong families already

25-05-2013, 17:57
You and at least 10,000,000 other Corrie viewers I'd guess.

25-05-2013, 19:06
you and at least 10,000,000 other corrie viewers i'd guess.


25-05-2013, 19:06
you and at least 10,000,000 other corrie viewers i'd guess.


27-05-2013, 14:00
You and at least 10,000,000 other Corrie viewers I'd guess.

It is a shame as Anna was a good character imo

27-05-2013, 14:00

10-01-2014, 22:31
Coronation Street bosses have decided to give the Windass family one of the biggest storylines for 2014.

Anna, her partner Owen Armstrong and the rest of the Windass clan will face testing times over the next few months, just when it seemed like their luck was about to change.

Viewers have already seen the first hints of the trouble to come as Owen's acquaintance Pat Phelan has encouraged him to stump up a substantial sum of money for a construction project.

Speaking at a Coronation Street press event today (January 10), producer Stuart Blackburn explained: "Hopefully what people will see through the Roy and Hayley story is just how good Debbie Rush who plays Anna Windass is. She's just magnificent.

"We've got a massive story coming up for the Windasses where it looks like their fortunes have completely turned around and they may finally make something of themselves, but that doesn't quite go to plan. It will change Anna's life around forever, I suspect."

Debbie Rush also teased the drama in store, promising that the storyline will be long-running.

She revealed: "I think it goes through the whole of the year. Anna has a horrible time and it gets worse. The Windasses think it's going to be amazing. They think they're going to have an amazing year ahead, but they don't!

"Anna is very vulnerable, but she's very solid on the front and she's very protective. We see her being very protective with Roy, with her family, her children and with Owen.

"While she's busy being strong and trying to hold everything together, everything fractures more and more around her. Anna would go to the ends of the earth to protect her family, and that's what we'll see."

10-01-2014, 22:31

23-01-2014, 23:02
GARY Windass will be left fearing he’s murdered Pat Phelan after a fierce confrontation.

The former soldier takes on Phelan after discovering he has made a string of sexual advances to his mum Anna, leaving her petrified.

Things get out of hand between them at The Mill and Gary (Mikey North, 27) is convinced he has killed him.

He confides in Anna’s boyfriend Owen about what happened and the builder vows to stand by him. Gary tells Owen: “I’m drowning here. He’s dead, I know he is.”

“Anna has a horrible time. The Windasses think they’re going to have an amazing year ahead, but they don’t”

But Owen hits back: “Do you think this is easy for me knowing what that man did to her?

“Pull yourself together, will you?

“You might as well have guilty tattooed on your forehead.

“You can do this, we both can.”

Fans will have to wait until the spring to see this storyline play out but Anna (Debbie Rush, 47) has hinted that the fall-out will be huge.

She revealed: “Anna has a horrible time. The Windasses think they’re going to have an amazing year ahead, but they don’t.

“Anna’s very solid and she’s very protective.

“She’d go to the ends of the earth to protect her family, and that’s what we’ll see.”

Corrie boss Stuart Blackburn added: “It will change Anna’s life forever.”

25-02-2014, 21:03
Coronation Street star Ian Puleston-Davies has said that the Windass family have a "huge struggle" ahead of them.

The Windass family find themselves backed into a corner during next week's episodes as they are blackmailed by Phelan and forced to work for a basic wage.

Owen's relief at discovering Phelan is alive is short-lived when he blackmails the family into finishing the mill project in exchange for him not going to the police over Gary's violent outburst.

Puleston-Davies, who plays Owen, said: "Owen is initially relieved that the man is alive and not dead but once that relief wears off he goes into defence mode and wonders, what has this villain been cooking up behind their backs?

"It's the most testing time for Owen but he's prepared to do battle with Phelan for the sake of his family."

The actor also admitted that Owen will hold Gary responsible for the family's desperate situation.

He said: "He does blame Gary. This is the lowest their relationship has ever been. He's feeling completely defenceless, worthless, and his masculinity is being questioned.

"This was supposed to be the making of them, bring them security, and it's all been taken away from him.

"They're now working for a pittance, he's lost his empire, it's terribly testing and he is very much at breaking point. There's no way out, it's very bleak. "

Discussing whether Anna and Owen's relationship can survive the struggle of recent events, Puleston-Davies said: "It's putting a huge strain on their relationship and I think that's good.

"This is the closest they've ever been to splitting up. They're surviving because they do love each other and they're very strong but this will be the make or break for them.

"They still have a huge struggle ahead of them."

26-03-2014, 08:43
Coronation Street's Anna Windass will be blackmailed by Phelan in an upcoming episode.

The dodgy builder will offer the Windass matriarch a way out of Owen and Gary's building contract in exchange for sex.

Anna - played by Debbie Rush - goes through with the indecent proposal, but the family are still left with an £80,000 debt they cannot pay. :(:thumbsdow

Phelan (Connor McIntyre) provides the Windasses with the new contract, but Owen has doubts as he will probably have to sell his yard and even his home to pay for the hefty bank loan borrowed to invest in the building project.

Unaware of the lengths Anna has gone to, Owen argues with his girlfriend who tries to persuade him to take the offer and be rid of Phelan for good.

26-03-2014, 13:56
owen should call phelan's bluff and let gary go down for assault anna can testify that he forced himself on her

owen is being quite calm so far with phelan

26-03-2014, 13:56
owen should call phelan's bluff and let gary go down for assault anna can testify that he forced himself on her

owen is being quite calm so far with phelan

27-03-2014, 22:54
Anna is going to give in to Phelan in desperation. Stupid Owen for making their lives worse than they are already

27-03-2014, 23:26
Anna is going to give in to Phelan in desperation. Stupid Owen for making their lives worse than they are already

gary and katy and izzy were all pushy with him though

27-03-2014, 23:26
Anna is going to give in to Phelan in desperation. Stupid Owen for making their lives worse than they are already

gary and katy and izzy were all pushy with him though

28-03-2014, 14:18
he should not have taken the tiles Gary did warn him

28-03-2014, 19:02
he should not have taken the tiles Gary did warn him

It was really stupid knowing the power Phelan has over him.

29-03-2014, 00:20
I think Phelan's punishment will be his wife leaving him and keeping all the assets as everything is in her name. Corrie makes sure bad guys get caught in the end in some way.

01-04-2014, 04:41
Coronation Street's Anna Windass resorts to desperate measures this fortnight as she tries to end Pat Phelan's blackmail once and for all.

After an initial attempt to reason with Phelan's wife Valerie fails, Anna is forced to confront Phelan (Connor McIntyre) and begs him to leave her family alone.

Stooping to a new low, Phelan soon leaves Anna disgusted by promising to drop his blackmail if she sleeps with him…

Here, Debbie Rush - who plays Anna - reveals more about the indecent proposal storyline in a quick chat.

What makes Anna summon Valerie to the Windass house this week?
"Anna thinks that she can shock Valerie into having a word with Phelan by telling her that he made a pass at her. She hopes that Valerie will be sympathetic towards her and make Phelan leave them alone, but it's Anna who's left shocked as Valerie refuses to believe her. She realises that there's nothing she can do to stop Phelan blackmailing them. She's gutted."

A few days later, Anna turns up at the building site just as Owen is about to torch the place. Did Anna suspect that he might be doing something silly?
"Anna goes there because she's been worried about Owen all day. She'd seen him brooding in the garden that morning and was really concerned about his demeanour.

"When Gary arrives home on his own and tells Anna that Owen had insisted on staying behind, she's deeply concerned and has a feeling something's wrong."

Anna grabs the lighter from Owen, but what does she say to him afterwards?
"Owen breaks down in Anna's arms, but she is furious. She tells Owen that he could have ended up in prison for arson if she hadn't stopped him. It's such a testing time for Anna because she realises that Owen's at breaking point and doesn't know how she's going to keep her family together."
Anna finds it hard to keep her emotions together
Anna is upset with Owen

What happens next?
"Anna knows her family can't go on as they are and that she needs to do something. The last thing she wants to do is see Phelan, but she makes herself go round to his house and begs him to leave her family alone.

"Phelan tells Anna that he'll leave them alone if she sleeps with him. She's disgusted that he could even ask her such a thing. It makes her skin crawl."

How does Anna feel after she's given it some thought?
"I don't think Anna will be able to cope with the guilt of sleeping with Phelan and I think it would be something that would really eat away at her. That said, though, Anna will do anything to save her family and that could mean accepting Phelan's proposal.

"Anna is trying to keep her family together and it does cross her mind that if she gives Phelan what he wants, then he might leave them alone. But to sleep with another man regardless of the reasons is a huge betrayal and I don't know if Owen would ever forgive Anna. She's trying to save her family, but this has the potential to destroy them…"
Anna meets Phelan at his hotel room
Anna meets Phelan at his hotel room

In the end, Anna meets Phelan in a hotel room. It sounds like these episodes could have big consequences for the family…
"This is an absolute nightmare for Anna. She can't see any way out and the only option she feels she has to save her family is to sleep with a man that she hates. The choice she makes will have devastating consequences and could rip her family apart."

10-05-2014, 10:08
Coronation Street's Ian Puleston-Davies has said that viewers will see a "different" Owen Armstrong when the character finds out about his partner Anna Windass sleeping with Pat Phelan.

Anna (Debbie Rush) resorted to desperate measures last month when she tried to end Phelan's (Connor McIntyre) blackmail once and for all by sleeping with him.
Ian Puleston-Davies as Owen Armstrong in Coronation Street
Ian Puleston-Davies as Owen Armstrong

Coronation Street's Debbie Rush: 'Phelan's demand disgusts Anna'

Actor Puleston-Davies told 105 Uckfield FM of the storyline: "We honestly don't know what the outcome will be between Anna and Owen. It's not looking good.

"I have a strong feeling that they are gonna stay together because they're a good match... He has been tempered by Anna over the years, but I think this time round we'll see a different reaction from a different Owen, and that will help mend the past and repair things for the future.

"There will be a little bit of the old temper coming in, but not enough that it's gonna be disastrous."

Puleston-Davies added that he thinks the soap's producers like writing "doom and gloom" for the Windasses.

"It seems to fit at the moment. But we're not really that concerned if it does continue to be dark because it fits the household," he said.

"As far as the other storylines are concerned, they'll always be that light. The one thing that sets Corrie apart from the other soaps is that ability to have one scene tragic and the next scene chuckly, if that's a word!"

10-06-2014, 00:56
Anna Windass's future with Owen Armstrong looks uncertain on Coronation Street this fortnight in the aftermath of her big confession.

The Weatherfield couple split up when it becomes clear that Owen (Ian Puleston-Davies) can't forgive Anna for sleeping with sleazy Pat Phelan. However, with Anna's adopted daughter Faye to think about, they make the difficult decision to pretend to still be together for her sake.

Here, Debbie Rush - who plays Anna - reveals how the dynamic in the Windass house will change over the next few episodes.

Owen has reacted badly to Anna's confession. Is that what she'd expected?
"Anna actually expected some understanding from Owen - for him to be able to see the reason why she did what she did and that she didn't have a choice."

How does Anna feel when Owen shares the secret with Gary this week?
"Anna is disgusted with herself. She feels in some way it's all her own fault. She feels guilty, violated and the last thing she wanted was for her family to know what she had done, even if it was for them.

"On the other hand Anna is glad the secret is out there because she finally feels that she's got the weight off her shoulders and she can share that - but she feels so disgusted with what she's done."

Anna and Owen end up splitting when the pressure becomes too much. How does Anna feel about that?
"Anna gets really upset about the separation and she desperately misses Owen. Anna is completely adamant that there's no way back for her and Owen because she cannot understand how he doesn't see that this was not her choice and that she feels violated by what Phelan did."

Owen leaves the Windass house after the split, but then Anna asks him to move back in. Why?
"Anna asks Owen to move back in because Faye is so distraught. Faye's life has been so up and down since being a small baby and Anna feels that she can't put her through any more change, so she decides to see if Owen will stay for Faye's sake.

"Anna thinks that they can fake it for Faye - and that they can do this because as always Anna puts the children first."

Unfortunately for Anna, Faye quickly notices that things aren't right…
"Yes, Anna is really upset when Faye notices things aren't right because finally things were looking up and Faye was getting a lovely home life. Anna loves her so much, so she's really upset for Faye that this has happened."

Does that make Anna want to fight for Owen and their relationship?
"I don't think Anna does want to fight for Owen and the relationship just because he's moved back in. Anna is faking it for Faye. She can live civilly with him, but she can't quite forgive him for the way that he's looking at her all the time."

What is Gary's reaction to all of this?
"Gary is very concerned for his mum that Owen has moved back in because he knows how badly Owen has reacted. We have such a surprise from Gary really when he finds out about Phelan. I think the public probably expect Gary to go off his head when he finds out what Anna has done, but actually he's very supportive and feels really guilty.

"Gary doesn't want his mum feeling any worse by having Owen in the house making her feel even more disgusted with herself."

Do you think the viewers want to see Owen and Anna back together?
"I think actually they do. I think the public really like Owen and Anna together. I've had lots and lots of people say to me, 'Oh, you're not going to split up are you? We love Anna and Owen together'. So I think the general feeling is they want them to stay together. I'd also be very sad if they split for good because I love working with Ian."

What kind of reaction have you seen to Anna's decision to sleep with Phelan?
"A lot of people have been shouting in the streets, 'We told you he was a bad 'un' - we were shouting at the telly please don't do it,' so everybody I think - especially women - really understand what Anna has done and get why she felt she had to. People have been really supportive of the storyline."

How do you relax and unwind after playing out all of Anna's trauma in the daytime?
"At the moment it's been very unrelaxing because I've been so busy filming then busy decorating at home because we're in the middle of doing up our house, so relaxing has been with a paint brush in one hand and a glass of wine in the other!"

Do the Armstrong-Windass family have more heartache coming up?
"I think that the family have got plenty more heartache coming up. I definitely think they've had their fair share, but at the moment because we're playing out the story so real, then there are plenty more consequences to come from what has happened."

10-06-2014, 00:56

15-07-2014, 04:43
Former Coronation Street couple Anna Windass and Owen Armstrong face further turmoil next week as they are forced to face up to their bankruptcy.

After the bailiffs arrive to take their belongings, Owen (Ian Puleston-Davies) faces his darkest ever moment as the severity of the situation dawns on him. However, as Anna reaches out to him in his hour of need, it looks as if they might finally put their mistakes behind them and reunite.

Here, Debbie Rush - who plays Anna - discusses the latest drama for the family, and what's now in store for Anna and Owen.

Does Anna feel as though life is unravelling for her and the Windass/Armstrong clan?
"Yes she does. She feels as though nothing will ever feel the same again. I think Anna feels completely lost and just doesn't know what to think about her life or where to go from here."

Does Gary and Izzy's split inspire Anna and Owen to get back together?
"Not specifically, no. For Anna and Owen, their relationship is very different to Gary and Izzy's. Against all odds, Anna and Owen will always be completely and utterly in love with each other. Whatever happens between them, they'll always be drawn to one another."

Do you think Anna has forgiven Owen for his attitude towards her after he found out about her and Phelan?
"When we see the bailiffs tip up on the Street, I think Anna realises just how broken Owen is and it breaks her heart. They've tried everything to fix things between them but Anna just can't help herself forgive him and want to take him back. When she sees how broken he is, that's when she realises how much she loves him and wants to carry on supporting him."

How is Anna recovering in the wake of the Phelan trauma?
"I don't think Anna will ever fully get over what happened with Phelan. She will never ever forget what happened and what she had to sacrifice to save her family. In a way she deeply regrets what she did but then she knows she had to do what she could and she'd do whatever it took again if she had to in order to save her family. I think part of the problem that she had with Owen, before he found out about her and Phelan, was that the thought of being near a man made her sick to her stomach. I think that will take a while for her to get past."

Is she determined to stick with Owen?
"Absolutely. Once they both admit how much they love and need one another, Anna is more determined than ever to stick by him and help him through it. That's who Anna is - she would go to the ends of the earth for her family and for Owen, even when they weren't together she would have done anything for him."

How are they feeling about the prospect of bankruptcy?
"It seems to be one thing after another for the family at the minute but I think Anna knows they'll get through the other side if they all stick together. I think after everything that's happened for Anna this is one more thing they're going to have to struggle to get through. Her main worry is keeping the house - she wants Faye to have as much stability as possible, so losing the house would devastate them."

How does she feel when Faye lets the bailiffs in and they start taking stuff? Did she not think to tell Faye not to let anyone in?
"Owen has warned Gary that they may be getting a visit from the bailiffs soon and that they need to be really careful. Gary was at home with Faye on the day the bailiffs turned up, but he'd nipped to the corner shop. Faye's only young and she's thinking about other things when Gary tells her not to open the door - obviously Anna's been trying to keep the seriousness of what's going on hidden from Faye so I don't think she understands how serious Gary's warning is. Anna and Owen come home to find things being taken from the home and they are completely horrified. I think Anna's devastated that Faye's had to watch their home being taken apart."

So do they just watch their possessions being taken?
"There's not much more that they can do. Gary's tried to order them out but they've refused unless they get what they are owed. Owen is deeply ashamed and I think Anna's hurting so much for the whole family."

Why does Anna refuse the help from Sally and Tim when they offer to have Faye stay with them for a while?
"Anna and Owen are so proud and Anna's extremely determined to keep everything together and keep Faye where she is and have everything as normal as possible. She doesn't want to admit defeat and the last person she'd want to accept help from is Sally."

Anna is a very proud person - how does she face up to having to go to the food bank?
"She is a very proud person, but she's proud of her family and she'd go to the ends of the earth for them - she's already proven that. If the only way she can feed the family is by going to a food bank then so be it. Anna doesn't want the rest of the family to know though, as she knows it would break their heart that she'd had to go to such measures - so she deals with it on her own."

Does she worry about how these problems are affecting Faye?
"Massively. With everything going on, it's been impossible for Anna to keep as tight a rein on Faye as she usually would and for once she's ever so slightly taken her eye off the ball. But once Anna and Owen are back together, Anna knows she has to pull rank and keep everyone together and keep Faye sheltered from everything that's going on as much as possible."

What does the future hold for the Windasses?
"They are far from being out of the woods yet and have a long way to go before they reach normality again, but I think now Anna and Owen have reunited they have much more of a chance of getting back to normal."

17-11-2014, 08:22
Coronation Street actor Ian Puleston-Davies has announced that he is leaving the soap.

The actor began playing builder Owen Armstrong in 2010 and is expected to star in his own play in summer 2015.

"Next year I will have been playing Owen Armstrong for five years and it felt like a good point to move on," the 56-year-old told The Sun.

"I have returned to my writing and in 2015 hope to put on a new play. But I'd never rule out returning to the role of Owen at some point."

Producer Stuart Blackburn is yet to reveal how Owen will exit Weatherfield but said: "We wish Ian all the very best and there is still a lot of fantastic drama to come for him before he leaves."

Meanwhile, Owen's ex-wife is set to be introduced to the soap in the near future, delving into their past with daughters Izzy and Katy.

Poor Anna and Faye ... :(

17-11-2014, 15:13
That's a shame I thought they made a nice couple

14-01-2015, 13:20
Coronation Street producer Stuart Blackburn has warned that Owen Armstrong will be seen "in a different light" in the build-up to his exit from Weatherfield.

Owen will bow out on screen in the summer as actor Ian Puleston-Davies has decided to leave the role.

Puleston-Davies is expected to film his final scenes in March, but show bosses still have some dramatic stories lined up for him as his ex-wife Linda will soon arrive in Weatherfield, played by former EastEnders actress Jacqueline Leonard.

Owen has told his daughters Izzy and Katy that Linda walked out on them because she couldn't cope with them as children, but as the storyline develops, it becomes clear that he may not have told them the whole truth.

The former builder will also be facing other family dramas when Faye Windass - the adopted daughter of his partner Anna - discovers that she is pregnant at the age of just 12.

Speaking at a Coronation Street press event this week, Blackburn revealed: "Owen's story will be heartbreaking. The minute Linda steps back, Anna realises how much he loved her back then, which goes against what he's told her.

"Izzy has grown up thinking, 'The reason my daddy is crying is because I am disabled and mummy can't cope', but that's not the truth.

"Everyone will see Owen in a very different light - his reactions to Faye's pregnancy will cause a lot of problems. Once Anna realises that Faye is pregnant, she won't have time to deal with this petulant, selfish man - it will be all Faye, Faye, Faye."

Katy (Georgia May Foote) is also leaving the Street this year after show bosses decided to write out the character.

Blackburn added: "Katy will become involved with Callum, but of course that won't end well and her exit will tie in with what happens between Owen and Linda and Linda leaving again."

14-01-2015, 21:44
as usual turn a character bad and unlikeable before they leave

14-01-2015, 23:10
as usual turn a character bad and unlikeable before they leave
To be fair, he was bad and unlikeable when he arrived. It's the bit in between where he's been different.

15-01-2015, 11:18
So they are copying Emmerdale with Emma Barton storyline..kind of..I hope Owen goes because he realizes that he never loved Anna(and also tells her that! ) and gets back with his ex. I want nothing but heartbreak for Anna from now on :) I bet she'll go knocking on Roy's door then! I so dislike Anna more and more each week. I wish it was her going instead.

15-01-2015, 12:36
Personally I hope Owen does not betray her in that way...although I don't like her much. She has done a lot for him and his family and supported him through his bankruptcy, Phelan, stopped him burning the place down etc

15-01-2015, 13:29
Personally I hope Owen does not betray her in that way...although I don't like her much. She has done a lot for him and his family and supported him through his bankruptcy, Phelan, stopped him burning the place down etc

I used to like Anna but can't stand her now (nor Owen). Frankly, I just wish they'd all leave (except Gary who's been bearable lately).

16-01-2015, 00:11
To be fair, he was bad and unlikeable when he arrived. It's the bit in between where he's been different.

but he will become extra bad and unlikeable to facilitate his exit

16-01-2015, 00:11
To be fair, he was bad and unlikeable when he arrived. It's the bit in between where he's been different.

but he will become extra bad and unlikeable to facilitate his exit

19-01-2015, 20:32
anna also becoming very unlikeable even more so than owen

19-01-2015, 21:02
I hate that she thinks she has the moral high ground all the time. She needs to really look at her parenting skills.

19-01-2015, 22:24
Very true. Always thought she was quite a level headed and nice lady, she's had a great relationship with Roy, but recently shes been nothing but a stuck up snob.

20-01-2015, 07:23
I can imagine Anna feels torn between the two ... she is ashamed and embarrassed by Gary's actions but also horrified by Roy's violence. She might blame her parenting skills and that will become more evident once Faye's storyline is coming up. Gary should talk to her about how he and Roy have managed to put things behind them, that might help her come to terms with it too

02-02-2015, 08:42
Just watched Life on Mars and the actor who plays Owen was in there with a really bad wig. Cannot take him seriously now

02-02-2015, 11:20
Just watched Life on Mars and the actor who plays Owen was in there with a really bad wig. Cannot take him seriously now

I just searched and managed to find this picture:



02-02-2015, 11:25
It was a really stupid role and he was called Toolbox!

03-02-2015, 05:15
Coronation Street's Owen Armstrong is left in a panic next week when his ex-wife Linda arrives on his doorstep without warning.

Linda's sudden appearance is bad news for Owen, as he has never been entirely honest with his daughters Izzy and Katy about why their mum has been absent for so many years.

Here, Ian Puleston-Davies - who plays Owen - teases the trouble in store as his character's deception looks set to be exposed.

What is the history between Owen and Linda?
"They haven't seen each other for a very long time and I think Owen harboured a lot of bitterness towards her for many years because of what happened between them. I think it took him a long time to get past it. Owen has always told Izzy and Katy that Linda couldn't cope with family life and struggled a lot with the children and that's why she left them."

Why does Linda return after all this time?
"I think Linda has tried many times to get back in touch with the girls, but I think Owen has made it very clear to her that she's not welcome and that she should leave them alone. I imagine he's made it very difficult for Linda to get in touch over the years.

"I think Linda feels likes she has missed out on her girls growing up for long enough and wants to find them and rekindle their relationship. It was only a matter of time before she'd want to find them and give her side of the story."

How does Owen react when Linda turns up on his doorstep?
"He's in complete shock. He's horrified. Linda is the last person on his mind - so much time has passed and she has never just turned up before, so he's completely shellshocked. He demands to know what she wants and why she's here. His mind is going ten to the dozen over how he's going to handle this, but I think he knows he won't be able to keep her away from Izzy and Katy."

How do Katy and Izzy react to seeing their mother?
"They are understandably stunned. Katy was so small when her mother left that she doesn't even know who Linda is. She has no idea who this woman on the doorstep is. As far as they're concerned, their mother has never tried to get in touch so she's the last person they expect to see. They have managed to get on with their lives and for Katy especially she has no memory of her mother.

"Obviously Linda knows nothing about the girls and their lives, but Izzy is quite scathing and tells Linda that had she not abandoned them all she'd know all about their lives."

How worried is Owen when Linda accuses him of lying to the girls about the past?
"Owen hasn't been quite as honest with Katy and Izzy about their mother as he should have been, so when Linda then turns up, his immediate thoughts are that she will want to tell the girls the entire truth and that they'll think he's been lying to them all this time.

"Owen knows that things are about to blow up. The past has caught up with them all and I think he's very scared that it's all about to blow up at any minute."

What is the real truth?
"Owen has always told the girls that their mother walked out and abandoned them when they were little because she couldn't cope and that Izzy's disability was a lot to do with that. However, I'm not sure Owen has been quite as fair as he should have been when it came to telling them why she left - and we will find out the real reason.

"Linda made a mistake all them years ago and Owen was completely unable to forgive her for it. I think a few lies will be exposed during Linda's time in Weatherfield and that will shock Katy and Izzy."
Izzy and Katy's mother arrives
Izzy and Katy's mother arrives

What consequences could the truth have on Owen's relationship with his daughters?
"It could change the dynamic completely. It has the potential to completely shatter the family as it stands and it will be another big blow to the strength of the Windasses. I think they'll both feel very deceived and lied to - especially as it's been so long. They may feel as though Owen hasn't given them a fair chance to make their own mind up about their mum."

Will Linda's arrival impact on Owen's relationship with Anna?
"When Linda first arrives, Anna is very wary of her because of everything she's heard about Linda - about her walking out on her family when her two daughters were only tiny. But when Anna maybe hears the truth, she will see it all in a different light.

"I don't think it's an easy situation for Anna. There runs the risk of her feeling threatened by Owen's ex-wife coming on the scene and I think Linda will unsettle the balance in the Windass home. Anna will feel let down that Owen maybe hasn't been completely honest with her about his past."

How does Owen feel when Katy later sees Linda behind his back?
"I think he feels betrayed and hurt. He has raised both Katy and Izzy single-handedly and I think he's scared out of his wits that they'll turn their back on him. They are his world and he feels completely threatened by Linda's arrival and the fact that Katy feels she has to see her mother behind his back without talking to him first."

How does Owen feel about the prospect of Linda being back on the scene permanently?
"It worries him immensely. For many years it's just been him and his girls, and now Linda's turned up, it's really set a cat amongst the pigeons. I think Owen worries about what her presence could potentially do to him and Anna too. Linda being around will obviously put a strain on the family and her staying in Weatherfield would prolong that."

03-02-2015, 22:49
Still no excuse for being away for so long. If she is a successful business women with her head screwed on!

24-02-2015, 00:43
Coronation Street's Anna Windass starts to realise that something isn't right with her adopted daughter Faye next week.

12-year-old Faye is hiding a secret pregnancy and while she has so far managed to stop her family from finding out, her strange behaviour starts to arouse concern in the coming days.

Here, Debbie Rush - who plays Anna - offers her thoughts on the ongoing storyline and the recent problems sparked by the arrival of Owen's ex-wife Linda.

Are the recent problems with Linda distracting Anna from what is going on with Faye?
"Anna is well aware that there's something going on with Faye, but I think she thinks that it's teenage problems or maybe a few problems at school. A pregnancy is the last thing she suspects - Faye is her little girl, so that would be the last thing she would think. But then with everything else going on, maybe Anna has got 101 things to contend with at the same time!"

What happens when Anna takes Faye to see the doctor for a bad cold and mentions her weight worries?
"Anna has been worried about Faye. Even with everything else going on, Faye is still her daughter and she knows when something isn't right. But she has noticed that Faye has been worrying about putting on weight, so she uses the chance at the doctors to bring it up.

"Faye cannot deal with it at all and runs out mortified. Anna feels devastated that she's upset her, as that was the last thing she wanted to do. She doesn't know what to do for the best."

Faye also runs out of a school parents meeting after seeing Jackson, the father of her baby. What does Anna make of Faye's odd behaviour?
"When Faye runs out of the doctors, Anna knows that it's because she's embarrassed and she feels really awful for upsetting her. Anna apologises to her and gets upset. With everything else going on, the last thing she wants is Faye to be upset.

"Her and Owen are really confused when Faye runs out of school during the parents' meeting, though. Anna doesn't know what to think. I think she maybe starts to worry that something is going on at school that she doesn't know about."

How do you think Anna will react towards Faye when she eventually finds out about the pregnancy?
"She will be absolutely gobsmacked, she will be stunned. I think Anna will have a mixture of feelings. She will be devastated that Faye didn't think she could tell her about something this huge."

Will Anna blame herself?
"I think she will to a certain extent. Anna will blame herself for not noticing that something serious was going on and she will worry that other issues - with everything going on with Linda and Owen and Gary - meant that she maybe took her eye off Faye."

Do you think it'll put an even bigger strain on Anna's relationship with Owen?
"They've been through so much recently and their relationship is under so much strain with the whole Gary and Roy situation and then Linda coming on the scene and Anna finding out about Owen's lies. I think the pressure it will put Anna under may well put her and Owen under even more strain."

How is Anna feeling about Linda being on the scene?
"Anna is feeling uneasy about Linda being around and she feels uncomfortable about the whole situation, certainly since she found out Owen had been lying to them all about how she had left him and the girls all of them years ago.

"Obviously as a woman Anna feels slightly uncomfortable because Linda has a history with Owen. She's his ex-wife and the mother of his children, so understandably she feels a bit worried about it. Now Anna knows the truth about Linda's affair and how hurt Owen was, she does feel quite put out and uneasy about the whole situation - she almost feels a bit of an outsider."

Does Anna feel threatened by Linda?
"Yes, understandably Anna feels uneasy about Linda being around because she's Owen's ex-wife. Linda is glamorous and has this lovely life in Portugal, while all her and Owen seem to be doing is arguing and facing problem after problem. Anna worries that Owen loved Linda more than he loves her now.

"I think Linda's presence unsettles the balance in the Windass home and that really worries Anna. Having said that, while Linda being around makes Anna worry, she does also massively empathise with her. As a mother Anna can understand how Linda must be feeling and how awful it must have been to have been away from her girls all of these years. She really does feel for her. It's a real mixed bag of emotions for Anna."

Does Anna worry that Owen has unresolved feelings for his ex-wife?
"Yes I think that worry does cross her mind, absolutely. There are a couple of times where Owen defends Linda and tells Anna that Linda's not a bad woman and then he invites Linda up to the flat to look at old photos with him and Katy.

"Anna really does worry that Linda being around has reminded him of how much he loved her and that it might have brought back old feelings. Anna tries to make an effort to get dressed up and go for drinks with Owen and focus on their relationship, but there just appear to be so many distractions and so many obstacles for them to move past."

06-03-2015, 21:24
so linda wants owen who she still loves and their kids to move abroad with her after how many years apart

08-03-2015, 06:34
Well the actor wants to leave and this is an easy way to write him out

10-03-2015, 00:31
Well the actor wants to leave and this is an easy way to write him out

I would prefer him leave on his own to take up work

I would hate him to dump Anna for Linda as she has a fancy job and money

10-03-2015, 00:31

10-03-2015, 14:56
I think their relationship has never been the same after what Anna did with that creep Phelan(was it?)
When Anna and Owen were having a night out and sitting in a pub, they had nothing to say to each other..Sad but thats how it is now..They decided to write it this way..I liked this family before they turned Anna into this nagging witch! Yes-I can fully understand why Owen starts to think Linda and Portugal as a great option..

10-03-2015, 14:56
I think their relationship has never been the same after what Anna did with that creep Phelan(was it?)
When Anna and Owen were having a night out and sitting in a pub, they had nothing to say to each other..Sad but thats how it is now..They decided to write it this way..I liked this family before they turned Anna into this nagging witch! Yes-I can fully understand why Owen starts to think Linda and Portugal as a great option..

10-03-2015, 16:19
Anna and Manchester or Linda and Portugal? Hmmm....tough call....Not!

10-03-2015, 18:49
I would hate him to dump Anna for Linda as she has a fancy job and money

I don't think it'd have anything to do with a fancy job and money, or even living in Portugal. It seems to me that Owen never stopped loving Linda and those feeling have been re-ignited since seeing her again.

20-03-2015, 18:08
I thought he was going to leave and go to Portugal with her. Maybe he goes later on after a bust up with Anna

22-03-2015, 00:32
Coronation Street airs a life-changing moment for the Windass family next month as Faye goes into labour early.

Faye (Ellie Leach) has spent the few weeks keeping quiet about her shock pregnancy, but she realises that she needs her mum Anna by her side when she suddenly starts experiencing contractions.

The schoolgirl is at the empty corner shop flat with her friend Craig Tinker when her labour begins. When she accepts that she is out of her depth, Faye urges Craig to find Anna...

Here, Debbie Rush - who plays Anna - discusses her character's reaction to Faye's secret and the long-term impact for the Windass clan.

How does Anna react when she finds out that Faye is in labour?
"The whole thing is a complete shock - a complete, massive shock! It's awful because Faye is just a little tiny girl herself. Instantly Anna will feel like she wants to throttle Faye as any mother would, but I think that because there's another human being here now, the relationship will change. Even though Faye is a little girl, she's now a little mum as well. So I think the way Anna will react is that she'll be very supportive, but she'll be at the end of her tether and we'll see a lot of difficulty for her.

"There's no time to adjust or be mad about it. This baby's just going to arrive and there's nothing they can do about it."

How did you feel about Corrie tackling this storyline?
"To be honest with you, I say it all the time, we have brilliant writers. I think they approach things with great care, so I knew it was going to be done in a really positive way. The way we're doing it positively is showing that it's not a walk in the park.

"What we really have to get across to the public is that it's really, really tough. Certainly from the episodes I've been reading, we are showing that it's tough and it's not glamourised at all. It's going to be a really big fallout for all the family concerned and I'm sure that's what genuinely happens in the real world."

Did the producers take you to one side to tell you about the story well in advance?
"Very rarely we're taken to one side, but on this occasion we were because it was going to play out over a long time and of course because of the sensitive nature of the storyline. They also had Ellie's parents in too to ask them about it, so after that they brought me in too.

"I do feel genuinely blessed. I wasn't shocked because Corrie do play out real storylines that really happen to people. I was thrilled for Ellie because I want people to see that she's brilliant. Ellie had a midwife come in to coach her for the birth. We don't see her give birth on screen but we hear a lot and Faye is terrified."
Anna confronts Faye about bunking school
Faye and Anna

Where does the birth happen?
"The birth happens in the flat above Dev's shop. Anna and Owen are out having a drink at the pub thinking that everything is okay - Linda has gone, they can just relax and see what happens. But then as usual, the next big storyline is just round the corner!"

What kind of reactions can we expect on the Street?
"I think that's what we'll have to see, but I know how Sally reacts. Obviously we all know that Sally is mother earth and is the best mum to ever walk out of Weatherfield and looks down her nose all the time at Anna! (Laughs.) Equally Anna, although we don't often say it, is also quite snobby in the fact that she thinks she's the best mother. She just doesn't say it openly like Sally does, so I'll think we'll see a bit of tension there.

"But we'll also see that Sally will try and give a little bit of empathy, because anybody would to a little girl who's just given birth. She's with Tim and he's Faye's father."

Did you do any research for this storyline?
"No I didn't. The only reason why I didn't was because I've got three children of my own, and if one of mine had come to me and said they were pregnant at 12 or 13, I know how I'd react so I always try to play the truth. If it's something that's completely out there and different, I just go with what I know as the truth. I also know the character of Anna so well."

How would you have felt in Anna's shoes?
"I'd have been devastated - absolutely devastated. As a parent, you'd be worried about all the things your child might miss out on and all the things they've still got to continue on with. We talk about Faye's GCSEs, we talk about how it's going to go and where it's going to lead her. We're trying to cover everything and show how awful it would be."

Does Faye want to keep the baby?
"I don't know - it's a mixed bag of emotions at first. Faye doesn't realise what's hit her. When Anna first sees Faye once she knows the truth, it's all panic stations as she's about to give birth and she just says, 'I'm sorry mum'. She loves her mum so much and she's terrified that she's going to be sent back because she's adopted. We've played so many scenes over the years where Anna has told her, 'You're my little girl, I've adopted you, we're not giving you back'. But you'll see Faye feel vulnerable and she'll think that there's a chance that Anna will give her up."

How do Gary and Tim react?
"Gary is really really gobsmacked because he sees Faye as his baby sister. Tim is as devastated as the rest, but he kind of likes it that he's a granddad. We call him Tim but Dim! I always say to people, when they say 'Oh he's a good dad', that they should remember he's a drug addict and that's why Faye came to live with the Windass family in the first place.

"I think you'll see Tim be very caring. I think he's a brilliant character and Sally brings out the best in him, believe it or not. You'll see him being caring and very supportive."

Do social services get involved?
"What you'll see is social services and the police both turn up, and that was the bit that did surprise me. It's because Faye is underage. The police turn up and then social services because it's a little girl who's had a baby and they need to know how it's happened and who's involved."

Is Anna desperate to know who the father is?
"Immediately. Obviously all fingers in the Windass household are going to point at Craig, but they're all wondering who the dad is. Anna is very concerned about whether it's been something that happened against her will, as she's not seen anything. Faye had a blip last year where she started putting on a bit of make-up and was wandering around the streets and she had some vodka and she didn't like it.

"I think that's her backstory - she's desperate to fit in as she's been passed from pillar to post. The family don't know that she's done anything with anybody. Craig tells Anna that it's someone from school but they don't know if it's something against her will. But it turns out to be just another little boy."
Faye tells Craig that she'd really like to confess everything to Anna
Craig will continue to support Faye

How did you help Ellie prepare for the story?
"Ellie listens to absolutely everything - she's like a little sponge. Her mum's great and her chaperone's great. We've all just chatted as we've gone along and taken each step as it's come. But Ellie's been amazing - she really has. She's just 13 and I'm so proud of her.

"Ellie hasn't got any airs or graces or a bad attitude. She turns up, she's got to do her school work in between and she walks around with a smile on her face. We always say, 'If you want to be here, you've got to love it. It's really hard work, and you have to do your school work as well'. She just gets it - she's a complete joy."

Is it nice working with a baby on set?
"We've got three babies - we've got triplets and they're absolutely gorgeous. They're so tiny and they're all good as gold. We've had scenes where the baby is crying, crying, crying but really the baby is there peaceful in my arms."

What does Faye call the baby?
"It's a little girl and she calls her Miley, like 'Wrecking Ball'! She is a wrecking ball! Faye doesn't choose the name for a while. I think the reason for that is because she's completely in denial."

Who's going to look after the baby?
"What we will see is that Anna is completely sleep deprived. She goes and sees Liz at the pub, as she's just got to give her jobs up for a little while. Tim helps out as well."
Anna is left crushed by Owen
Anna and Owen

What can you tell us about Owen's upcoming exit? Are you sad to lose Ian?
"I'm gutted, I'm absolutely gutted. I've told him I'm not speaking to him ever again! We were worried about his exit as it's so soon after the birth, but actually they've done really well there. It's absolutely heartbreaking. It's tied into Linda and tied into the birth and Owen's reaction. I think it might have been coming for a while as they've had so much to get through."

How will Anna cope after Owen leaves?
"I think she'll just cope. She always does what she has to do. She'll be frazzled and a bit all over the show, but I think she'll cope."

Do you think she'll find love again?
"I don't know what they're going to do. There was only ever Eddie and the die-hard Corrie fans know she would never marry him because it wasn't quite right. I think that the love of Anna's life is and will always be Owen, but you don't know what could happen."

With Ian leaving, do you ever get itchy feet yourself?
"I love Corrie and I'm very lucky to be here. I always say that you never know what's round the corner. While I'm getting really good stories and while I'm very happy, it is a great job. For me it's about the drama. They just keep pulling stories out of the hat for me.

"When I got this role, I was jumping for joy. I thought I might stay six months or a couple of years, but I'm still here. I'm very lucky I get great drama and I pinch myself. Corrie has its peaks and troughs, but it's the nation's favourite and we can't deny that. I'm very happy."

Coronation Street airs Faye's labour scenes on Wednesday, April 1 and Friday, April 3 on ITV.

31-03-2015, 00:30
Coronation Street will air further turmoil for the Windass family next week as they deal with the fallout of Faye giving birth.

When Faye (Ellie Leach) refuses to reveal who the father of her baby is, Owen lashes out at her friend Craig Tinker and attacks him.

Owen's actions leave his partner Anna (Debbie Rush) horrified and she later makes a heartbreaking announcement by saying that she doesn't love him anymore.

Here, Ian Puleston-Davies - who plays Owen - discusses the dramatic week for his character and what the future holds for him.

Does Owen feel things are back on track with Anna now that Linda has gone?
"He wouldn't be so naive to think it's anywhere near back on track, he knows there are a lot of olive branches still to be passed. In no way is he stupid enough to think that everything is alright, he's hopeful and optimistic, but he knows he's got a lot of work to do."

Has his new work contract helped their situation?
"Yeah financially things are looking up but even for Owen that's secondary to getting his relationship and his family life back on track. He's a family man, and dysfunctional as they are, he's a family man with strict family morals."

What's his reaction when he walks in on Faye in labour?
"It's the straw that broke the camel's back with Owen, it's a real test of his enduring belief that family should stick together. It's a massive test when tradition and his own upbringing comes up against the 21st century with a smash against a brick wall to discover that his 13 year old step-daughter is pregnant. It's a real shock."

Why does he find the situation so hard to deal with?
"I think it's her age. He's of a generation where it's more than frowned upon for a 13 year old to be pregnant. Faye is a very young 13 year old as well, she's a child, and it's a horrifying discovery for Owen."

Is he angry with Faye?
"The problem with Owen is that he has a temper and he never has controlled anger, so he lashes out. He's angry with the situation, the circumstances and everyone involved. He's angry with the world."

What makes him so convinced Craig must be the dad?
"He's not given it enough thought, it's a very rash decision because he's angry with everyone and he's looking for a fall guy. He's seen Faye and Craig together so he puts one and one together and comes up with three. Craig's the obvious person to blame."

Can you talk us through how Owen reacts when Craig comes round to see Faye?
"He see Craig on the street laughing and joking, while he's still reeling from the news. It gets his back up so he confronts him on the street and he lashes out. Owen just flips, like he does, and races across the street and threatens Craig."

How does Anna react to what is happening?
"She's horrified, there's a wonderful shot where she's getting out of a taxi and she looks over and witnesses the scuffle. I think in her eyes you see it's the last straw, this is the final nail in the coffin for Owen. They both know he's overstepped the mark and that's the nail."

Owen then has to spend a night in the cells after being arrested. Does he reflect on his behaviour while he is there?
"He's full or remorse, but I don't know how blameful he is, I think he's very good at blame evasion. There's a certain amount of guilt but I do think he still feels self pity. It's a part of Owen I've struggled with over the years, his self pity and his selfishness. There's a scene where someone asks about Faye and his reply is about himself. It's not an attractive trait but it's a very good trait to play as an actor."

Owen thinks that Faye's baby should be adopted. Why does he think this?
"If there's any redemption in the demise of Owen Armstrong after his selfishness, his temper and his warped sense of morality, it's that he genuinely cares for Faye and he genuinely wants the best for her. There's a lovely scene where he tells her she has to do what she wants to do, that she has to be honest with herself and make the right decision for her."

How will Anna react to his suggestion of having the baby adopted?
"Anna's take on the whole thing is that he's butting in, he's poisoning Faye's decision making. Anna in true matriarch tradition wants to keep it all under their roof. What Owen's trying to say is while it's alright for us to all club together and look after the baby, they're dealing with a 13 year old child's mentality and maybe they need to talk to her about what she really wants, does she want this baby under the roof? I think Owen is right to flag it up but it is the final straw for Anna, she believes that he's gone behind her back and is filling Faye with the wrong advice."

This all leads to a massive row between Owen and Anna. What was this like for you to film?
"It was great. When there is a certain overlap between real life and fiction, like with a leaving storyline, it becomes quite emotional. It cranks the emotion up and it adds an extra poignancy to an already emotive scenario when you realise you're probably doing this for the last time. There's a collection of rows and by the time they reach the big showdown, I think they're exhausted.

"The blame game has been done and Owen's trying to rescue his relationship, backtracking like mad in a typical blokey way. He's gone in with his size 9s and now he's trying to retract it with his slipper socks. She absolutely blames him for all sorts of things but I do think she still loves him. I think they break up purely for circumstantial reasons not because they've fallen out of love. "

Do you think they can ever come back from this?
"Yes, with time, and realisation for Anna that - circumstances aside - her heart still beats for Owen. He thinks they could have worked it out and she's not prepared to do that. Maybe he'll go away and maybe he'll realise that he could have done more."

Will he regret not going to Portugal with Linda?
"No, I don't think that was ever really on the cards. The only reason he even considered it was because of his guilt over the lies and deceit from the past. Maybe he thought if he got back with the girls' mother it would repair the wrong but I don't think he has any genuine love for Linda anymore. His heart will always remain with Anna."

What are your feelings about leaving? And what is next for you?
"I don't mind having a break from Owen, I need some space from him. He's been quite an exhausting character to play and he's annoying, his attitude has really got on my nerves at times. But I've loved my time at Corrie, I've joked that I'll miss the buildings not the people but it couldn't be further from the truth, I've made some great friends and had a fantastic five years. I'm heading to Cumbria and the North East now to do Beowulf for ITV which starts filming in a couple of weeks. So I'm going from builder on the cobbles to riding a horse in the countryside."

05-05-2015, 05:25
Coronation Street's Anna Windass finally gets some good news next week after days of being pushed to the edge.

Upcoming episodes see Anna struggle to cope as Faye (Ellie Leach) avoids her parental responsibility to baby Miley. However, just when the teen's behaviour drives Anna to desperate measures, there's a welcome surprise when Miley's father Jackson finally does the right thing.

Here, Debbie Rush - who plays Anna - reveals what's in store for the Windasses over the next fortnight.

How would you say Faye has been coping with motherhood?
"Faye has been really struggling. She didn't want the baby, but she is trying to do the right thing because she thinks that's what Anna wants and she is desperate not to upset her. Anna is helping with baby Miley as much as she can, but she also has to try and keep her jobs and she wants Faye to take responsibility, as she thinks that's the best way to get her to bond with the baby."

How is Anna coping herself now that she's a single mum?
"It's a huge struggle for Anna - this is not the way she saw her life panning out. She is the natural mothering type and she is very good at it, but to have a small baby in the house that she has to take responsibility for is pushing her to the edge."

When Anna confides in Roy next week, we'll see that she blames herself for Faye's predicament. Why is that?
"Anna feels she has failed Faye. She thinks she should have noticed and seen the signs. She knew Faye was being bullied, but she didn't really follow it through and look at the cause. Her life was hectic with everything else going on, and she will always feel she took her eye off the ball."

Next week, Faye is keen to start having more fun again and wants to go out with her friends. How does Anna react?
"Anna is furious and points out that Faye can't just go swanning off with her friends as she has responsibilities now. She wants Faye to grow up and realise that she has to take responsibility for her actions and that life can't just go back to normal."
Anna reminds Faye that she has responsibilities now
Anna reminds Faye that she has responsibilities

What happens when Anna comes home one day to find that Gary has left Faye and Miley alone at the flat?
"She is shocked as she finds Faye watching TV and Miley crying in her crib. She needed to go back to work, so she thought asking Gary to help was a good option. Now she is worried that none of them are up to the job. Tim persuades her it was a one-off and she has to let go a little."

What does Faye do next?
"Tim is helping Faye with Miley later in the week and she sees her friends getting on the bus for a school trip. She tells Tim that she is a missing a museum trip and he believes her, so he says he will look after Miley so she can go.

"Anna is furious when she finds out, because it was a go-karting trip not a museum trip and she feels let down by both Tim and Faye. She trusted Tim when he said he would help her, and now she feels she can't trust either of them. It's all getting too much for her."

How does Anna deal with the situation?
"She decides shock treatment is the only way and goes to the school with Miley to meet Faye on her return. In front of all her friends, she hands her Miley and says she is her responsibility not Anna's."
Anna meets Faye off the school coach and in front of her friends, hands over Miley,
Anna meets Faye off the school coach

Why do Jackson and his mum Josie call round to the flat afterwards?
"Jackson witnesses what happens at the school and feels really guilty, so he finally comes clean to his parents. His mum Josie insists on bringing him round to talk to Faye and Anna."

Would Anna welcome them being more involved with the baby?
"She is wary of letting someone else into the mix, but she can't deny that it would be good for Miley's dad and grandparents to be part of her life. She is also at the end of her tether so any help is appreciated."

Do you agree with the way Anna has been handling the situation?
"I think the writers have been very true to how Anna would react. It's hard to know what you would do yourself in this situation, but I'd like to think I would listen a bit more to what my daughter was saying rather than the tough love scenario that Anna is adopting.

"If Anna was one of my friends, I would tell her to stop blaming herself and concentrate on making the situation work for them all. I'd tell her to accept any help offered but also not to lose sight of the fact that Faye is still a child herself and to try and listen to what she wants too. Anna should also maybe consider other options."
Anna and Faye listen, stunned, as Josie explains why she and Jackson are here.
Anna and Faye listen to Josie
Anna and Faye are reluctant to listen to Josie
Anna and Faye are reluctant to listen to Josie

Have you enjoyed working with babies on set?
"They are gorgeous but it's great that we can hand them back to their parents. Miley is played by triplets and their parents are so laid back. I'm not sure I would be with three babies and an older child to look after, which is what they have!"

What else is coming up for Anna?
"Well, life is never going to be easy for Anna but that's what makes her interesting to play. There is a lot more drama to come from this baby situation as we wanted to show that having a baby as a child is not an easy option. It's a very difficult thing for everyone involved and I think we are showing that."

16-06-2015, 04:47
Coronation Street's Anna Windass will face one of the toughest decisions of her life next week after she realises just how much motherhood is taking its toll on her daughter Faye.

After Faye (Ellie Leach) reaches breaking point at baby Miley's christening, Anna is forced to consider the possibility of her granddaughter living with Jackson's parents, Josie and Grieg.

Here, Debbie Rush - who plays Anna - chats about the heartbreaking scenes to come as her character prepares to hand Miley over.

How attached has Anna become to Miley?
"Anna is very, very maternal. Even though she was devastated that this had happened for Faye, she is very hands-on and she has naturally developed an attachment to Miley, especially as she's had to support Faye a hell of a lot. Anna is the natural mothering type - she is very good at it but to have a small baby in the house that she has to take responsibility for, is pushing her to the edge."

When does Anna realise just how low Faye has become over Miley?
"Anna is helping as much as she can, but she also has to try and keep her job. She wants Faye to take responsibility as she thinks that is the best way to get her to bond with the baby. I think she's always known how much Faye has been struggling with the fact that she's now a mum but she's done her best to try and encourage Faye to do the right thing. In Anna's eyes, Faye is just a baby herself.

"Anna knows how hard it is for Faye - it was never going to be easy, but Anna is so family orientated and she wants to do the best for everyone involved and she wants everyone to be happy. I think Anna feels as though she's always having to nag Faye and prompt her to do things for Miley. She knows deep down that Faye is trying her hardest but it's not coming easily to her because she's still so young herself."

Can you talk us through Miley's christening and what happens for Tim to call it off?
"Anna is really busy on the morning of the christening - she really wants to make sure the day is a success. I think Anna is perhaps too busy that morning to notice that Faye isn't herself and actually Faye is really dreading the day ahead. When they get to the christening, Anna gets really annoyed when she sees Faye playing on her phone because she wants her to be paying attention. Anna has adopted the tough love approach with Faye because she thinks this is a really big deal and she wants Faye to invest in it.

"Tim gives a reading but because Tim has really taken to Miley, he becomes too emotional and Anna has to take over. Faye ends up running out of the church - the pressure just gets too much for her. Tim runs after her and Faye breaks down and tells him she doesn't want to be a mum. I think she's struggled to admit that to Anna but because of the stress of the christening, it all comes out."

How does Anna react to the suggestion that Miley goes to live with Jackson's parents Josie and Grieg?
"She's mortified - at first she can't believe he would even suggest it. I think at first Anna takes it as a bit of an insult to her, Anna is such a proud person and she thinks Josie and Greig are implying that she isn't doing a good job - even though Miley is Faye's baby, Anna has naturally had to carry the responsibility because Faye is still a child herself. Deep down though I think Anna knows that it's not going well with Miley and Faye and that Faye has really struggled."

What prompts her to agree to it?
"It is Tim who approaches Anna and suggests it. Even though Anna is horrified, she realises that it can't have been easy for Tim to agree with Josie and Greig because Tim has really taken to Miley and he is really fond of her. Tim knows it would be best for Faye because she has really struggled to come to terms with what has happened. Tim persuades Anna to speak to Josie and Greig and even though she has her reservations, speaking to them really does make her see that it might not be such a bad idea and that she has to put her own feelings aside.

"Anna is a single parent now that Owen has gone and she's struggling. Anna also overhears Jackson telling Tim that he really wants to be a part of Miley's life which really touches her. She knows what she has to do."

How does Faye react to the idea?
"As heartbroken as Faye is, she is also very grown up about it and knows that it would be the right thing for Miley, who has to come first. Faye knows that she still has so much growing up to do herself. Faye didn't have the best first few years in life and I think she is conscious that she wants things to be different for Miley."

Can you talk us through Anna's emotions when it's nearly time to hand Miley over?
"She is heartbroken - I think she gets that feeling of failure back that she first had when she discovered Faye was having a baby. But by this point she has really come to terms with the way things have to be and she knows it is best for both Miley and Faye."

Does Faye have any last minute doubts?
"Izzy tries to make Faye change her mind and tells her she might regret handing Miley over, but Faye is quite strong. Tim and Anna gave her the choice and said it was her decision but Faye knows she's made the right one. I think she might have a sense of the pressure lifting from her shoulders."
Anna, Tim, Faye, Gary and Alya attempt an emotional goodbye to Miley.
Faye prepares to say goodbye to Miley

Is Anna hoping she'll change her mind?
"No, I don't think so. Anna knows it's the right thing to do. Tim really has a hard time with it. He blames himself and starts to doubt the decision - it's Anna who has to reassure him that they have done the right thing."

Anna and Tim have become quite a good team. What do you make of their partnership?
"I think it's great. They have really got over any problems they first had when Tim came to Weatherfield and together they make great parents for Faye."

16-06-2015, 19:47
Why do they always interview her when its about this storyline. Why not Tim or the Jacksons. This actress seems to see her character in a different light to viewers.

16-06-2015, 21:13
Why do they always interview her when its about this storyline. Why not Tim or the Jacksons. This actress seems to see her character in a different light to viewers.

That would be a very good idea SWMC.
Get a better balanced view. All she does
really is bugle what a good parent Anna is
and how like her she( the actress)is.

I wont say shes ruined every scene she in
but shes made them less believable and

No wonder Faye sort of "switched off"
The situation she is in bad enough without
Anna being her mother!.
Needs someone less conceited and more
understanding and patient. She forgets Faye
is a child too- legally .

16-06-2015, 21:13

17-06-2015, 00:16
They probably won't interview the actors playing the Hodges as they won't be permanent characters. I agree about Tim/Joe Duttine though.

19-06-2015, 22:59
So the father of the baby will handle it better? Hope his parents have consulted him

03-04-2016, 17:07
Ian Puleston-Davies has admitted he feared for his career after leaving Coronation Street.

The actor left his role as Owen Armstrong on the cobbles last year and worried that he'd never work again, but added that it's a decision that "paid off".

"I didn't know what would happen, there's always that dread, that paranoia," he told the Mirror. "It's a daunting decision when you've been in a long-running job like Corrie and suddenly decide to leave. There's that dread you'll never work again."

However, since leaving, Puleston-Davies has filmed four TV dramas, including Beowulf and the upcoming dark thriller Marcella, starring Anna Friel, which starts tomorrow night (April 4) on ITV. :thumbsup:

05-12-2017, 00:21
katy dead, anna in prison, gary dead, an owen return to check on izzy and his grandkids would be good, help and rescue anna, swept her off to pastures new after catching out phelan

05-12-2017, 15:23
that would be good

16-01-2018, 06:05

There is a ? at the end of the headline which usually means it is a teaser and not a spoiler but I would love it if he did come back just to serve Phelan his just deserts

17-01-2018, 15:47

There is a ? at the end of the headline which usually means it is a teaser and not a spoiler but I would love it if he did come back just to serve Phelan his just deserts

full circle if he and anna got phelan caught, great if he did return

17-01-2018, 18:13
I cannot stand Eileen she will have another death on her hands soon!

17-01-2018, 18:48
I cannot stand Eileen she will have another death on her hands soon!

Eileen has a death on her hands??

17-01-2018, 19:25
I cannot stand Eileen she will have another death on her hands soon!

better not be anna

17-01-2018, 21:48
By bring up that cctv it gives enough evidence to lock Anna away. So Phelan gets away again and will kill again.

17-01-2018, 22:03
By bring up that cctv it gives enough evidence to lock Anna away. So Phelan gets away again and will kill again.
I predict at least 10 more murders over the next five years before Phelan is caught. He's such a popular character don't you know!