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11-06-2011, 10:23
SHIRLEY bags a ride in a bumper car with EastEnders newcomer, tubby Andrew (Ricky Grover).
Does this mean that Heather Trott's new man has been snapped up by her best mate? Heather (Cheryl Fergison below) and Shirley (Linda Henry) travel to Southend for a music convention. But it looks as though Heather will be unlucky in love again.
Scenes due to be aired later this summer will see some of The Queen Vic's regulars take a dramatic holiday on the Essex coast.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/soaps/3632058/Linda-Henry-bags-a-ride-in-a-bumper-car-with-EastEnders-newcomer-Ricky-Grover.html#ixzz1OxQZ5dj7

11-06-2011, 17:12
The happy couple


11-06-2011, 21:23
^ Yes they look very happy

24-08-2011, 10:16
He comes back to Walford after Heather he is also Rose's son

24-08-2011, 15:32
Rose's son??? so that means that this is Dot's nephew ?????????? well don't that beat all!!!!!!!!!!!!

24-08-2011, 19:50
The happy couple


Sorry off topic but I like your avatar!

24-08-2011, 19:53
Has this been noticed all ready. Heather has a little (boy) George and a new friend to be Andrew?!! Please give me a break, hahahaha...

25-08-2011, 12:09
Has this been noticed all ready. Heather has a little (boy) George and a new friend to be Andrew?!! Please give me a break, hahahaha...

Whammy! :p

03-09-2011, 02:32
Is he returning to be a permanent charactor?.. hope so

04-09-2011, 00:11
Is he returning to be a permanent charactor?.. hope so

Me too. Think he and Heather would be great together.

20-03-2012, 14:03
EastEnders star Ricky Grover has revealed that he will be staying with the soap for at least another year.

The actor's character Andrew Cotton will remain on screens for the foreseeable future despite the tragic death of his fiancée Heather Trott.

Heather lost her life in last night's (March 19) episode as Ben Mitchell (Joshua Pascoe) lashed out at her in a rage. The aftermath of her loss will be a major story for the BBC show in the coming months.

Grover told Inside Soap: "EastEnders have asked me to stay on as a more regular character, so I'm hoping to be involved for another year or so.

"It's such a lovely compliment, especially when I was only brought in for four episodes originally. To be truthful, it was a bit of a shock when I found out that Heather was being killed off. I honestly thought Andrew would be long gone before she was."

Paying tribute to Cheryl Fergison, who played Heather, he continued: "I was away when Cheryl was filming her final episodes, but I drove about 100 miles an hour to get back in time to watch them shoot her final scene. When I got to the set, nearly all of the cast and crew were there.

"Some familiar faces came back to see Cheryl, too. The fact that people like Barbara Windsor and Pam St Clement joined us for a good knees-up shows just how well-respected Cheryl is."

Andrew made his EastEnders debut last August in the programme's Southend week.

20-03-2012, 16:00
"I was away when Cheryl was filming her final episodes, but I drove about 100 miles an hour to get back in time to watch them shoot her final scene. When I got to the set, nearly all of the cast and crew were there.

"Some familiar faces came back to see Cheryl, too. The fact that people like Barbara Windsor and Pam St Clement joined us for a good knees-up shows just how well-respected Cheryl is."

Andrew made his EastEnders debut last August in the programme's Southend week.

Well shame they had to let her go. And nice to read more people thought so. Even veterans who allready left the show.

21-03-2012, 10:35
So Andrew and Shirley will get together to raise George once the true killer is revealed :p

21-03-2012, 12:58
I wonder if the lil sprog George is not partly deaf listening to all that George Michael stuff Heather had playing and her singing all the time,,maybe that is why he was not awakened with all the screeaming and shouting and things being banged around,, no kid would have slept thru that,,thats just me,,,Also I can see where maybe Shirley might bring up George, but why don't they contact Darren,, Rosie would love to have a grand child around her ?????

21-03-2012, 14:05
Hey.. don't diss Georgie baby... I love him!! and it never did me or any of my kids harm to listen to the wonderful Mr Michaels over and over and over

21-03-2012, 15:16
I wonder if the lil sprog George is not partly deaf listening to all that George Michael stuff Heather had playing and her singing all the time,,maybe that is why he was not awakened with all the screeaming and shouting and things being banged around,, no kid would have slept thru that,,thats just me,,,Also I can see where maybe Shirley might bring up George, but why don't they contact Darren,, Rosie would love to have a grand child around her ?????

Sorry JJ but on New years eve with all the fireworks an loud noise my children slept like roses.

But the boy should be with his dad, I agree!

21-03-2012, 16:48
EastEnders star Ricky Grover has admitted that he would not rule out a future friendship between his character Andrew Cotton and Shirley Carter.

The pair have clashed bitterly over Heather Trott (Cheryl Fergison) in recent months, but the Walford favourite's tragic death could unite them in a future storyline.

As revealed yesterday, Andrew will be staying on Albert Square as show bosses want to keep him for at least another year.

Grover, discussing his character's future, told TV Times: "We'll see a lot more of what Andrew's about.

"He and Shirley could become friends. They've been through so much, and the one thing they've got in common is that they both loved Heather."

Andrew finds himself in the frame for Heather's murder in the coming days, with Shirley among those who suspect him of being guilty.

However, news that Andrew will be sticking around suggests that he won't be under police scrutiny for long.

EastEnders continues tonight (March 21) at 7.30pm on BBC One.

22-03-2012, 20:20
EastEnders star Ricky Grover has admitted that he shed real-life tears while filming the aftermath of Heather Trott's death.

The actor's character Andrew Cotton was left devastated in last night's (March 21) episode as he discovered that his fiancée had been killed.

Speaking on Lorraine today, Grover confessed that it wasn't difficult to appear emotional on screen as he was sad over the departure of co-star Cheryl Fergison, who played Heather.

The 50-year-old also said that he is backing Fergison's desire to pursue a possible music career following her EastEnders departure.

"She's a good singer, a very good singer," he remarked.

Reflecting on life at EastEnders, Grover added: "For me, it's like being in my front room - I love it! Everyone talks the way I talk, so it's not really like acting for me."

Grover recently confirmed that he will be staying on EastEnders for another year.

04-05-2012, 12:08
EastEnders star Ricky Grover has revealed that his career in showbusiness was salvaged by the late Bob Monkhouse.

The actor, who plays Andrew Cotton, said that the Golden Shot star's invitation to be his support act at one of his final gigs prior to his death in 2003 was a shock.

Speaking to The Sun, Grover recalled: "I was gonna give up comedy a few years ago, until I got a call out of the blue from Bob Monkhouse. He asked if I'd come down to An Evening With Bob Monkhouse.

"I thought 'I don't know Bob Monkhouse, he don't know me. He must have me mixed up with Ricky Gervais or something', so I blanked the message a few times. Then my PA called and said 'Bob's been on the phone, he really wants you there'.

"So I went with my wife and sat there with a load of comedy legends. All of a sudden Bob Monkhouse said, 'One of my heroes is here tonight, Ricky Grover'. I was looking around thinking, 'This is a wind-up'.

Referring to his popular 11 O'Clock Show character Bulla, Grover added: "He came up to me afterwards and said how much he loved Bulla. He told me I had to resurrect him.

"So I did, and it got turned into the film My Big Fat Gypsy Gangster, and I landed a role in EastEnders. Not too bad for the remedial kid from Canning Town."

05-06-2012, 14:15
Ricky Grover has opened up about his childhood in the East End of London.

The actor - who currently plays Andrew Cotton in EastEnders - explained that he could have ended up like his "villainous" stepfather.

"My stepfather, Terry, was a bit of a villain in the 1960s and 1970s. He was really well known and worked with all the main faces in the East End," he told The Sun.

"A lot of villains who grew up in those times felt like victims of society. Because I couldn't read and had all these teachers calling me thick, I could have thought, 'I'm going to show you how thick I am'.

"I could have easily gone in that direction. I thought about it. But thankfully I didn't."

Grover explained that he chooses to turn any anger issues into positivity, and has always lashed out against "bullies".

"I have quite a gentle side. As a big guy, I can switch on the power but I like people and would rather be known as a protector. So I try to turn my aggression into positive stuff.

"I was a bully's bully. I always detested bullies. I would get into fights protecting people. You have some hairy situations on the streets of the East End, but you get used to it."

The actor added that he fondly remembers growing up around London gangsters as a child.

"Although there were a lot of villains, there were lots of principles and morals around. People would never buy anything that was nicked out of someone's house, for instance. They'd only ever buy anything nicked off a big corporation because it felt morally right.

"It was good growing up in that environment. Everyone knew each other and there was respect. I think they were, in some ways, the good old days."

Ricky Grover recently revealed that his showbusiness career was saved by the late Bob Monkhouse.