View Full Version : pregnant

18-06-2005, 22:35
looking at peoples signitures ALOT of people on here are pregnant
i just want to sat congrats to all of you!! :thumbsup:

19-06-2005, 00:01
Awww, thankyou very much. I think there's atleast 5 or 6 of us.

19-06-2005, 08:40
thats ok

20-06-2005, 11:06
Thanks True Moon, I know this board is becoming almost a life line for me, especially when my youngest is at pre-school, and no doubt I will be on here even more when when he goes 4 times a week and I am playing the waiting game!!!

20-06-2005, 14:51
This board is addictive. I can have the kids playing computer games next to me, they're happy and I'm happy! :D I do worry about us becoming square-eyed though.

20-06-2005, 14:53
Me too, especially when I am clock watching at the mo thinking I have got to leave in 10 mins to get Ciaran, and I am starting to get withdrawal symptoms already. Its just nice to be able to have adult conversations for a change, about things that we all enjoy!! :cheer:

20-06-2005, 14:53
Me too, especially when I am clock watching at the mo thinking I have got to leave in 10 mins to get Ciaran, and I am starting to get withdrawal symptoms already. Its just nice to be able to have adult conversations for a change, about things that we all enjoy!! :cheer:
And there's so many different things we can chat about, not just soaps.

20-06-2005, 14:55
And there's so many different things we can chat about, not just soaps.Exactly, thats what so brill about this board. Soaps, life, pregnancy, the works and it keeps me sane :cheer:

20-06-2005, 14:57
Exactly, thats what so brill about this board. Soaps, life, pregnancy, the works and it keeps me sane :cheer:
You and me both :cheer:

24-06-2005, 08:17
:D I do worry about us becoming square-eyed though.

lol i wonder if you would have square eyes from being on the pc to much :rotfl: lol

24-06-2005, 12:00
lol i wonder if you would have square eyes from being on the pc to much :rotfl: lolI've already got them!!! :rotfl:

The worrying thing is, is wasn't on her hardly yesterday, and started get withdrawal symptoms!!! Should we start a soapboards anonymous group !! :rotfl:

24-06-2005, 16:14
I've always loved the internet. I use it do my shopping nearly all of the time and I'm an Ebay fanatic.

24-06-2005, 23:01
I do all of my Christmas shopping online, and most definitely will this year! I've managed to get my hubby into ebay aswell, though he hasn't a clue how to use it!!

25-06-2005, 00:38
labour has started for me really crampy tpday and back achey so saw midwife and am 1cm dielated so could still be a while yet just have to take it easy and not overdo things but hey heading in the right direction

25-06-2005, 01:16
Oh my heart goes out to you. I'm dreading it. Good luck :)

25-06-2005, 10:00
Good luck Twinkle Eyes - I hope it all goes well and doesn't drag out too long for you. Make sure you let us all know how you are!! :)

25-06-2005, 10:09
good luck twinkle eyes, you will be fine have a nice bath and a relax, i will be thinking of you. and let us all know how you are!!!

25-06-2005, 10:14
labour has started for me really crampy tpday and back achey so saw midwife and am 1cm dielated so could still be a while yet just have to take it easy and not overdo things but hey heading in the right direction

good luck twinkle eyes. looking forward to hearing what you have

25-06-2005, 13:24
Yes hope you have a safe birth.

25-06-2005, 14:33
still here midwife been out still 1cm but not worried it could still be a week or 2 just got 2 take it easy ill let you all no if anything more happens

25-06-2005, 14:44
I would die during labour if my baby survived and they told me I could have a 1 hour labour. I would die not to be in for hours and hours.

25-06-2005, 14:49
Make sure you take it easy and put your feet up. See if you can hold on for a couple of weeks!!

I would die during labour if my baby survived and they told me I could have a 1 hour labour. I would die not to be in for hours and hours.I'd love to have a slightly longer labour - an hour and a half might be quick, but its very extreme!! And scary!!

25-06-2005, 14:52
my last one was 3 hours and that was just about right, enough time to get to the hospital(just about!!)

25-06-2005, 14:55
Stephen was an hour and a quarter, Ciaran was an hour and a half!! Its too quick. I thought I was hemoraging (sp?) cause they were coming out so quick!! But this one has been so awkward so far, its bound to end up being a long labour (she says!!)

25-06-2005, 14:59
you never know!!! if i have anymore i am having them at home, i can't be bothered with going to hospital, its nearly 20 miles away!!

25-06-2005, 15:05
My hubby won't let me have this one at home! It scares him too much in case of anything happening, even though the hospital I'm booked into is a community hospital so if anything went awry, we would need to be transferred anyway. The midwives said its the same in the hospital as a home birth, but I daren't tell hubby, or he'll make me go 1/2 hour away and considering I arrived at hospital at 2.10 and Ci was born at 2.20, I don't think I would be getting out of the car by that stage!!!

25-06-2005, 15:08
now thats what i call cutting it fine!!! i was at the hospital for about an hour ish when i had niamh, as i got out of the car my waters broke then when the midwive examined me i was 9 & 1/2 cm it was a lot better than when i had niall

25-06-2005, 15:41
you never know!!! if i have anymore i am having them at home, i can't be bothered with going to hospital, its nearly 20 miles away!!
We have an hospital just up the road but I'm paying 2 grand to go private this time. It'll just be on a maternity ward at the local clinic but it's much cleaner. I'm going to have a look around next Thursday.

25-06-2005, 15:54
We have an hospital just up the road but I'm paying 2 grand to go private this time. It'll just be on a maternity ward at the local clinic but it's much cleaner. I'm going to have a look around next Thursday.

i don't blame you!!!

25-06-2005, 15:59
i don't blame you!!!
Splash the cash love. I'm lucky to have been able to have raised it, would have even remortgaged the house if I'd had to.

25-06-2005, 20:28
good on you WQ if i have the money next time i think that i may do the same. our hospital is horrible

25-06-2005, 20:36
I think that it is appalling that you have to consider going private to have your baby!

What sort of state is the hospital in that you would consider remortgaging your house!
We all pay tax and NI, the hospitals are there, when are they going to spend the money required to keep them clean so that people aren't worried to go in them!

There was a recent case were a newborn died from a superbug contracted in the hospital where he was born perfectly healthy. This is such a disgrace. We should all write to our MPs and MSPs and get something done about it!

Prince Andrew can spend £125,000 on ONE trip by chartered plane.

Ditch the hangers on in the royal family, and give us the NHS our babies deserve.

25-06-2005, 20:49
I think that it is appalling that you have to consider going private to have your baby!

What sort of state is the hospital in that you would consider remortgaging your house!
We all pay tax and NI, the hospitals are there, when are they going to spend the money required to keep them clean so that people aren't worried to go in them!

There was a recent case were a newborn died from a superbug contracted in the hospital where he was born perfectly healthy. This is such a disgrace. We should all write to our MPs and MSPs and get something done about it!

Prince Andrew can spend £125,000 on ONE trip by chartered plane.

Ditch the hangers on in the royal family, and give us the NHS our babies deserve.
Since 2001 - four newborn babies have died in the hospital where I normally go and I'm not prepared to take that risk. There's a clinic just down the road like a private hospital and I'd rather pay to go there.

25-06-2005, 20:57
God, it is like we live in a 3rd world country!

Maybe Live8 should think about British health care as a worth cause!

We need fewer administrators and more cleaners! They should never have made Nursing a Uni degree in the way that they did - student nurses used to be paid. They still should be, we are losing talented people because they cannot afford to be students. I am not saying that their qualifications should be down graded, just that they should be paid. Student nurses need experience in wards, pay them.

Nigerian leaders have wasted £22 BILLION pound in aid through corruption and greed. I don't think that throwing more money at them will make them less corrupt or greedy.

Help 3rd world countries HELP THEMSELVES. Help with experience and engineers etc. Don't just throw money at the problem.

25-06-2005, 21:13
God, it is like we live in a 3rd world country!

Maybe Live8 should think about British health care as a worth cause!

We need fewer administrators and more cleaners! They should never have made Nursing a Uni degree in the way that they did - student nurses used to be paid. They still should be, we are losing talented people because they cannot afford to be students. I am not saying that their qualifications should be down graded, just that they should be paid. Student nurses need experience in wards, pay them.

Nigerian leaders have wasted £22 BILLION pound in aid through corruption and greed. I don't think that throwing more money at them will make them less corrupt or greedy.

Help 3rd world countries HELP THEMSELVES. Help with experience and engineers etc. Don't just throw money at the problem.

here here!!!!

26-06-2005, 04:16
I agree entirely. I have no desire whatsoever to have this baby in that hospital.

26-06-2005, 13:49
where will you have it then?

26-06-2005, 14:20
where will you have it then?
Private clinic/hospital.

di marco
26-06-2005, 14:54
i cant blame you wanting to go private. when i was in hospital, it was so dirty it was unbelievable. the shower was dirty on the tray part, there was dust and dirt at the edge of the room as thats where it had been swept and hadnt been bothered to be removed, most of the time there was no soap or any other form of cleaning stuff in the toilets. i went into the nhs hospital as i went in there via casualty but my mum wanted to move me to the private one but the doctors kept making excuses why i couldnt be moved and they kept delaying the procedure so in the end id had the op anyway so there was no point. i had my physio afterwards at the private one though. my mum said if i have to go in again shes going to make sure im able to be moved to the private one as she didnt want me sitting in there when it was all dirty and using the shower/toilets when no one bothered to clean them properly

26-06-2005, 15:21
yeah the hospitals do seem horrible
i would want to go private too

26-06-2005, 15:57
It's expensive sometimes depending on what you want from it but it's worth every penny.

di marco
26-06-2005, 16:00
It's expensive sometimes depending on what you want from it but it's worth every penny.

yeh it is quite expensive but my dads got this private health plan thing from work so we didnt have to pay that much. i agree its worth it though not to have to put up with the filth

26-06-2005, 17:11
It doesn't make you a snob either.

di marco
26-06-2005, 20:59
It doesn't make you a snob either.

no it doesnt. a lot of people would say it does but i dont think it does. my dad gets the option at work to put a bit of money into this scheme thing every year and then it will pay up to so much for you to go private. one of my friends got injured just shortly after me and she went to the private hospital too. i think it just shows that you dont want to be treated in filthy conditions, thats why more and more people are using private hospitals now

26-06-2005, 21:01
Its nice if you can afford it. If I was ill there is no way I'd be able to afford to go private. Its a shame really all our hospitals should be clean and safe enought for people to receive treatment in. Its what we pay our taxes for after all.

di marco
26-06-2005, 21:04
Its nice if you can afford it. If I was ill there is no way I'd be able to afford to go private. Its a shame really all our hospitals should be clean and safe enought for people to receive treatment in. Its what we pay our taxes for after all.

i agree everyone pays their taxes so they should be using it to make the hospitals clean. and i know not everyone can afford it, thats why my dad took the option of having the private health thing from work otherwise we wouldnt have been able to afford it, but not everyone has that option

26-06-2005, 21:05
I only work for a small company, so dont have the option. If I did I would deffinately take it!!

27-06-2005, 00:41
I would love to be a part of one of those work schemes but ours don't do it. If you get injured on the job though they'll pay you compensation.

Don't pay for private healthcare though.

di marco
27-06-2005, 08:22
Don't pay for private healthcare though.

they dont pay for it entirely, you have to put a small amount in each year but compared to how much you have to pay to go private its not that much

27-06-2005, 10:44
I am really lucky, the community hospital where I am having this one only opened last year and when I went for my first scan (even though it was cancelled cause the doctor didn't turn up from Exeter!!) it was really clean but not clinical. They really had the right balance. I have been private for an op before though. I was going to have to wait at least 8 months on the NHS yet went in within 2 weeks privately.

Mind you, I would prefer to have this one at home, but hubby won't let me. He says that if I have it at home, then he is going out, though I don't think he would really do that if it came to it!!

27-06-2005, 14:58
Lucky you jojomum28 our hospitals are filthy. We've got two, one just up the road and one about 8 miles away.

27-06-2005, 16:09
Both of ours are a 25 min drive away though, so if I am lucky/unlucky, I won't get there and will have to have a home birth. That would drive hubby up the wall!!!

27-06-2005, 16:14
the hospital i had both my kids in is fine but is in aylesbury and that is about 20 miles away, its a fab hospital. there is one a bit closer in mk but i have never been there so don't know what its like! we are not planning anymore but if we do i am staying at home it is too much hastle driving about

27-06-2005, 16:16
It's not that the hospitals are suffering from poor conditions because they try their best to make them look clean but there's all these things that you can see if you look just that little bit closer - not worth taking a risk over.

27-06-2005, 16:21
the hospital i had both my kids in is fine but is in aylesbury and that is about 20 miles away, its a fab hospital. there is one a bit closer in mk but i have never been there so don't know what its like! we are not planning anymore but if we do i am staying at home it is too much hastle driving aboutWhen I was on my way in to have Ciaran, hubby didn't know whether to go fast or slow, cause I was getting thrown about everywhere. When we came home after all you could see on the car passenger window, was my hand print!!!!

Both hospitals are 15 miles away, but both have history, one with mrsa and the other has currently got this new virus that was in the news lately, that has killed 13 already this year - do I really want to risk that?! The new one has only had about 2/3 cases of mrsa since it opened though 2 years ago, but I would still prefer a home birth. I can stay relaxed, not worry about the boys, especially as I haven't anyone to look after them when the time comes (cause I've fallen out with my brother who lives round the corner!!)

27-06-2005, 16:22
Would love a home birth but wouldn't feel comfortable.

27-06-2005, 16:31
I was lucky I had my kids 11 and 13 years ago and dirty hospitals weren't heard of.

27-06-2005, 16:35
When I was on my way in to have Ciaran, hubby didn't know whether to go fast or slow, cause I was getting thrown about everywhere. When we came home after all you could see on the car passenger window, was my hand print!!!!

Both hospitals are 15 miles away, but both have history, one with mrsa and the other has currently got this new virus that was in the news lately, that has killed 13 already this year - do I really want to risk that?! The new one has only had about 2/3 cases of mrsa since it opened though 2 years ago, but I would still prefer a home birth. I can stay relaxed, not worry about the boys, especially as I haven't anyone to look after them when the time comes (cause I've fallen out with my brother who lives round the corner!!)

i was in the back of the car with my feet on the window chewing nialls booster seat!! :lol:

ian was driving really fast he even sped past a police car!!! :lol:

i am glad he did as my waters broke as soon as i got out of the car, and he said if they broke inside the car i would have to clean it!! :thumbsdow (i think he was joking)

27-06-2005, 16:37
I was lucky I had my kids 11 and 13 years ago and dirty hospitals weren't heard of.
Things have changed so much haven't they?

27-06-2005, 16:38
i am glad he did as my waters broke as soon as i got out of the car, and he said if they broke inside the car i would have to clean it!! :thumbsdow (i think he was joking)I was the same, waters went as soon as I got out of the car too and they told me that if I had gone to the other hospital, I would have had it in the car!!

27-06-2005, 16:40
Imagine pushing a baby out in the car :)

27-06-2005, 16:41
Ci almost pretty much fell out!! Made life extremely easy!!

27-06-2005, 17:06
how do you know when its coming? do you just know when to push, can you feel it?

27-06-2005, 17:30
you just know, it what womens bodys are made for

27-06-2005, 17:59
You also have no choice in the matter, so if you don't have an epidural, your body takes over and when you've got to push, you've got to push!!!!!

27-06-2005, 18:08
I know it's awful and unlike when you're having a poo you can't hang onto it either and suck it back up.

28-06-2005, 14:07
I know it's awful and unlike when you're having a poo you can't hang onto it either and suck it back up.Exactly!! If anyone asks me to describe what its like, I tell them it is like having an extremely large poo!!!

28-06-2005, 16:54
i think thats the best way to describe it!!!

28-06-2005, 22:44
i think thats the best way to describe it!!!
Although it's kind of under-rating the experience we went through.

29-06-2005, 15:27
Definitely, but you don't want to be too graphic like squeezing something the size of a melon out of something the size of a golf ball, cause it would make most people cross their legs and become celibate!!! :rotfl:

29-06-2005, 18:59
Exactly!! If anyone asks me to describe what its like, I tell them it is like having an extremely large poo!!!

That is exactly the sensation, but noone tell you that in the antenatal classes. I can remember with my first actually think that that was what I was going to do, and trying actively to stop pushing.

30-06-2005, 09:34
When I went into labour with Ciaran, I panicked (sp?) cause I thought he was on his way before I'd even felt anything, but he wasn't (if you catch my drift) - it can be very confusing!!! :lol:

30-06-2005, 13:24
That is exactly the sensation, but noone tell you that in the antenatal classes. I can remember with my first actually think that that was what I was going to do, and trying actively to stop pushing.
The only problem is it's a lot more powerful and stressful. And eventually even a big poo must come out. I must admit I tried with my first. Wanted to put it off for as long as I could.