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18-06-2005, 17:02
Ive just seen a thread named "odd one out" and it's gave me an idea for a game! :) This might get a bit boring, but anyway! I'll start off by naming any three things, it can be anything... objects, famous peoples names, soap characters, places, etc, anything! And the next person has to say which is the odd one out, and why. Then they name three things, and so on....
Right, i hope that makes sense! :) Here's an example:

i.e. France, England, Australia. - the odd one out would be Australia because it's the only one that's not in Europe, and France & England are. :)

Ok, i'll start off... Microwave, Oven, Sink... :)

di marco
18-06-2005, 17:30
sink as the other 2 cook things

rome, venice, paris

18-06-2005, 18:26
Paris, becoz the other two are in Italy.

Rachel, Claire, Monica....?

samantha nixon
18-06-2005, 19:30
Rachel and Monica are the pairs as they are in friends
Lisa Maxwell, Scott Maslen and Georgia Moffett

18-06-2005, 21:11
Georgia Moffat?? :searchme:

Eggs, Spaghetti, Chocolate...?

di marco
18-06-2005, 21:47
Eggs, Spaghetti, Chocolate...?

my god thats a difficult one! is it choccie cos its sweet and the other 2 are savory? (i really havent a clue!)

18-06-2005, 21:51
my god thats a difficult one! is it choccie cos its sweet and the other 2 are savory? (i really havent a clue!)nah, i'll give you a clue! It's to do with something that's celebrated in April :D

di marco
18-06-2005, 22:06
nah, i'll give you a clue! It's to do with something that's celebrated in April :D

ah ive got it! easter, chocolate and eggs are linked but spaghetti aint. good one! :)

candles, cards, letters

18-06-2005, 23:17

next: summer, sun, rain

di marco
19-06-2005, 07:58

next: summer, sun, rain

summer cos thats a type of season and that others are types of weather

(and the answer to my one was letters as candles and cards are used on someones bday)

giant, red, bamboo

19-06-2005, 09:48
giant, red are the pairs (giant panda, red panda) and bamboo is what they eat.

sparklers, gloves and fork

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 11:37
fork as sparklers and gloves are on bonfire night
eastenders, corrie and the bill

19-06-2005, 11:39
corrie and the bill as on ITV and Eastenders is on bbc.

cats, dogs and alligators

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 11:44
corrie and the bill as on ITV and Eastenders is on bbc.

cats, dogs and alligators

mine was actually corrie as eastenders and the bill are on thursday

alligators as cats and dogs are a house pet and a film

di marco
19-06-2005, 11:59
giant, red are the pairs (giant panda, red panda) and bamboo is what they eat.

wow youre clever didnt think anyone would get that! :)

di marco
19-06-2005, 12:11
mine was actually corrie as eastenders and the bill are on thursday

alligators as cats and dogs are a house pet and a film


samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 14:49
ice cream, spoon and computer

Bad Wolf
19-06-2005, 14:54
ice cream is eaten with a spoon (and would be a very good idea)

ruby scarlett and stacey

di marco
19-06-2005, 15:13
ruby and scarlett cos theyre sisters

bacon, ham, beef

19-06-2005, 15:33
bacon & ham, because they both come from a pig, but beef doesn't it.

magazine, newspaper, notepad.

di marco
19-06-2005, 15:46
magazine and newspaper cos you read them and you write on a notepad

beachball, suncream, sunglasses

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 15:47
Magazine And Newspapaper As U Can Read Both Of Them
Mates, Family And Enemys

di marco
19-06-2005, 15:50
mates and enemies cos you can choose them but you dont choose your family (lol!)

beachball, suncream, sunglasses

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 16:01
Beachball As The Other 2 Protect U From The Sun
Dog Tortoise Fish

di marco
19-06-2005, 16:02
fish is the odd one out cos they dont have legs and a dog and tortoise do

cheeseburger, chips, pizza

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 16:06
Chips And Pizza Are Nice Cheeseburgers Arent
House Flat Car

di marco
19-06-2005, 16:07
Chips And Pizza Are Nice Cheeseburgers Arent

lol! was thinking more along the lines of mcdonalds dont sell pizza but i agree with your one!

House Flat Car

house and flat as you can live in them

river, stream, sea

19-06-2005, 16:19
River & Stream because they both run into the sea eventually.

Jogging, Football, Walking

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 16:23
football as the other two dont have a ball
trampoling, hockey and cricket

di marco
19-06-2005, 16:27
trampolining as the other 2 use balls, have bats/sticks and are played on the ground (or it could be cricket as i like the other 2!)

horseriding, cycling, bowling

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 16:31
bowling as the other two you sit down
horses, emmerdale and cakes

di marco
19-06-2005, 16:36
cakes as emmerdale is in the country and they have horses

car, motorbike, bicycle

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 16:37
car as the other to are bikes
neighbours home & away and corrie

di marco
19-06-2005, 16:38
corrie as the other 2 are ozzy soaps

ee, corrie, emmerdale

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 16:39
ee as the other 2 have breaks in them

19-06-2005, 16:42
you forgot yours sam! lol :D :rolleyes:

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 16:45
hollyoaks, neighbours and emmerdale

19-06-2005, 17:01
Hollyoaks and Emmerdale, because they are the british unlike neighbours.

Anthony, Vannesa, Lesley

samantha nixon
19-06-2005, 18:05
lesley as it doesnt have an n in it
sharon, phil and nigel

di marco
19-06-2005, 20:59
sharon and phil are characters in ee and nigel is the actors name (thats prob not right but never mind!)

sing, shout, walk

19-06-2005, 21:05
Sing & Shout, as they are the only ones that involve using your mouth.

nose, tongue, teeth.

di marco
19-06-2005, 21:17
nose as tongue and teeth are in your mouth

shower, bath, toilet

samantha nixon
20-06-2005, 08:19
toilet as you wash in the other two
english french and maths

di marco
20-06-2005, 08:25
maths as english and french are both languages

milkybar, dairymilk, yorkie

samantha nixon
20-06-2005, 08:28
yorkie as in the name the others have milk in the names
lisa maxwell, stars in youre eyes and corrie

di marco
20-06-2005, 08:29
lisa maxwell as the other 2 are tv programmes

friends, desperate housewives, only fools and horses

samantha nixon
20-06-2005, 17:57
lisa maxwell as the other 2 are tv programmes

friends, desperate housewives, only fools and horses

i was actually thinking lisa maxwell's been in stars in youre eyes
friends and desperate housewives are on 4
love, kiss and hugs

23-06-2005, 20:37
Dunno, love is an emotion not a way of expressing it

Torch, Stereo, Television

samantha nixon
23-06-2005, 21:14
tv as the other 2 have batteries
car, bike, scooter

di marco
25-06-2005, 17:19
car as the other 2 dont have engines

great white, hammer head, killer whale

25-06-2005, 22:17
Great white and hammerhead are types of shark and killer whale is a type of whale and not a shark.

rain, hail, lightning

di marco
26-06-2005, 09:33
lightning as rain and hail fall down from the sky and lightning stays in the sky (if that makes sense!)

golden retriever, poodle, siamese

26-06-2005, 20:58
Siamese, the other two are dogs whereas siamese is a breed of cat.

January, April and December

di marco
26-06-2005, 21:12
hmmmmm ive got 2 answers
1) january as the other 2 have celebrations in (xmas and easter)
2) april as the other 2 are winter months next to each other
(its prob neither of them! or it could be december as that the month of my bday and the others arent!)

red, blue, green

samantha nixon
27-06-2005, 08:10
erm red as the other 2 are classed as boy colours dont think this is right
breakfast, lunch & dinner

di marco
27-06-2005, 08:32
erm red as the other 2 are classed as boy colours dont think this is right

that was a good answer, i was thinking green cos red and blue are primary colours

breakfast, lunch & dinner

erm........breakfast cos the other 2 you eat similar sort of foods for (i have no idea!)

27-06-2005, 19:01
hmmmmm ive got 2 answers
1) january as the other 2 have celebrations in (xmas and easter)
2) april as the other 2 are winter months next to each other
(its prob neither of them! or it could be december as that the month of my bday and the others arent!)

red, blue, green

Heya, sorry just wana confirm that your 1st answer was right. It was Jan coz the other two have celebrations.

27-06-2005, 19:04
green as the other 2 are primary colours.


edit I am out of synch!

27-06-2005, 19:26
3 coz 2 and 4 can be divided by 2???

am i right??

eggs, bacon, and jackey potatoe

samantha nixon
28-06-2005, 08:21
jacket potato as you have the other 2 on with a fry up

28-06-2005, 08:24
strwaberry, tomato, cabbage

samantha nixon
28-06-2005, 08:26
sorry i forgot to write one last time thanks willow
strawberry as the other 2 you have for dinner
london, paris, belfast

28-06-2005, 08:30
sorry i forgot to write one last time thanks willow
strawberry as the other 2 you have for dinner
london, paris, belfast

nope!! cabbage as the other 2 are a fruit!!


cd, dvd, video

28-06-2005, 19:30
video the others are round
cat dog elephant

28-06-2005, 19:48
video the others are round
cat dog elephant



samantha nixon
28-06-2005, 20:04
ice cream spoon choclate sauce

28-06-2005, 20:16
ice cream spoon choclate sauce

nope, wine and brandy are made from grapes lager is not (sorry)

spoon the others are food

plate, bowl, knife

samantha nixon
30-06-2005, 09:55
knife as you put food in or on the other 2
computer, playstaion and gameboy advance

di marco
03-07-2005, 12:08
computer as the other 2 are games consoles

stars, moon, sun

samantha nixon
03-07-2005, 12:11
as the other 2 come out at night or
as the other 2 are sources of light (i think anyway)

teddy, rabbit and bear

di marco
03-07-2005, 12:13
as the other 2 come out at night or
as the other 2 are sources of light (i think anyway)

yeh the first one was right

teddy, rabbit and bear

rabbit as teddy and bear can be linked to say teddy bear

03-07-2005, 12:37
next question

di marco
03-07-2005, 12:40
oh yeh sorry

bonjour, hola, goodbye

03-07-2005, 12:43
goodbye the others mean helo
carrot, potatoe and tomato

di marco
03-07-2005, 12:47
tomato as you eat carrots and potatoes with your dinner and tomatoes you eat in a salad (dont know if that right)

crow, raven, swan

03-07-2005, 12:49
swan because it lives in water??

phone, computer, tv

di marco
03-07-2005, 12:51
swan because it lives in water??

yeh it was swan but it was cos the others are black and swans are white

phone, computer, tv

phone as the others you look at and phone you listen too (???)

paper, pen, pencil

03-07-2005, 12:52
phone as the others you look at and phone you listen too (???)
not quite, i'll give you a clue. Something to do with music..............?

03-07-2005, 12:52
next question

di marco
03-07-2005, 12:53
not quite, i'll give you a clue. Something to do with music..............?

you can listen to music on your phone and on your computer but not on your tv (?)

paper, pen, pencil

03-07-2005, 12:55
paper you write with a pen and pencil
dog cat rabbit

di marco
03-07-2005, 13:44
rabbit as they live in a hutch and dogs and cats dont

sink, bath, toilet

samantha nixon
03-07-2005, 13:46
toilet as you wash in the other two
paper, pen, book

03-07-2005, 13:46
you can listen to music on your phone and on your computer but not on your tv (?)
yey!! you got it right!! (sorry, i picked a crappy question!!)

di marco
03-07-2005, 13:47
yey!! you got it right!! (sorry, i picked a crappy question!!)

no it wasnt crap it was good!

samantha nixon
03-07-2005, 13:48
but you can listen listen to music on youre tv

di marco
03-07-2005, 13:51
but you can listen listen to music on youre tv

yeh but you cant listen to your own music, like you can put your cds in the computer or you can download music onto the computer and you can download music onto your phone, but you cant do that on the tv

03-07-2005, 13:51
toilet as you wash in the other two
paper, pen, book

Pen because you use it to write with unlike books and paper which are wrote on.

Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton and Freddie Highmore.

samantha nixon
03-07-2005, 13:51
oh right anyway

di marco
03-07-2005, 13:54
Pen because you use it to write with unlike books and paper which are wrote on.

Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton and Freddie Highmore.

hmmmmmm i thinking its got something to do with harry potter?

samantha nixon
03-07-2005, 13:57
I Havent Got A Clue

04-07-2005, 11:53
hmmmmmm i thinking its got something to do with harry potter?

Yes it has. :)

di marco
04-07-2005, 12:00
then im thinking daniel radcliffe and one of the other actors are in harry potter and the other one isnt (is that sort of correct?)