View Full Version : EastEnders Spoilers Week 19 (09 - 13 May 2011)

21-04-2011, 13:37
Monday 9 May
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

Jack is close to the edge, so when Max goads him there's no telling how far he will go, in the week's first visit to Albert Square.

Meanwhile, Masood is tormented by worries of Yusef and Zainab.

Elsewhere, attempts to reconcile Ian and Jane only make the situation worse.

Tuesday 10 May
7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

Max and Jack are both seething but family and friends attempt to bring them together, as the drama continues in Albert Square.

Meanwhile, efforts to cheer up Heather with a party go disastrously wrong.

Elsewhere, Masood's meddling gets him into trouble with Zainab and Denise.

Thursday 12 May
7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

The aftermath of the party is still being felt in the Square, in the latest drama from Walford.

Meanwhile, Denise decides to take her relationship with Yusef to another level.

Elsewhere, Masood's worries for Zainab grow, but are his fears becoming realised? And Fatboy and Mercy give mixed signals while preparing for their wedding.

Friday 13 May
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

A miserable Ben makes a decision to get away, in the week's last visit to Walford.

Meanwhile, it's fight night in the boxing ring and Ian gets into a scrap of his own.

Elsewhere, Yusef is thrilled to learn some useful information about Masood; Jane makes a fool of herself with Fatboy; and Roxy receives a surprising phone call from Ronnie.

21-04-2011, 14:07
Yusef and Zainab getting together looks like it will happen

01-05-2011, 05:07
The unresolved feelings between Masood and Jane are revisited in EastEnders later this month as they declare their love for each other.

Seizing the moment after getting drunk, Jane asks Masood to take her home and questions why they can't be together, but Masood stays loyal to Zainab by insisting that it's not their time.

Although the pair both declare their love, they realise that they can't be together despite how they feel. However, in a twist, they're unaware that the meddling Yusef is watching their tender moment from across the Square…

A Walford source commented: "There has always been a connection between Jane and Masood. Jane is drunk and her marriage has just broken down, so when she is alone with Masood, she asks him why they can't be together.

"Masood does have feelings for Jane but he loves Zainab and he will always remain loyal to her. They both accept that they can never be together.

"Meanwhile, Ian has been filling Yusef in on Masood's history with Jane, and when Yusef spies them talking to each other, he knows he can use this to his advantage…"

These scenes air on Friday, May 13 at 8pm on BBC One.

03-05-2011, 00:11
9th May

Following their one-night stand, Jack throws Rainie out of his flat and Tanya and Greg witness the altercation from their doorstep. Confronting her sister, Tanya accuses Rainie of using drugs, but Rainie protests her innocence. Wanting to enjoy married life in peace, Tanya orders Rainie to move back to their mum's house, but she soon relents by agreeing that Rainie can stay with her, which annoys Greg. Later, Tanya sees Max at the Minute Mart and shares her belief that Rainie and Jack are bad for each other, but Max argues that they can't help how they feel - hinting at their own situation. However, Tanya tells Max that she feels nothing for him and reasserts her love for Greg.

As the day continues, Jack is persuaded to babysit Amy while Roxy goes to visit Ronnie in prison. Max later pays a visit to Jack's house and confronts him over his one-night stand with Rainie. As he's already wound up over Tanya and Greg, Max starts goading Jack and the two brothers end up in a heated row. Carol tries to calm the warring siblings, but the situation spirals out of control and she tries to hold Jack back as he attacks Max with blow after blow.

Meanwhile, Jane is still annoyed over Ian's mistreatment of her and she complains about her estranged husband to Christian in the café. Later, Alfie and Christian both get fed up of the petty war between the Beales, so they try to get them to sit down and have a civil conversation at The Vic. However, Jane and Ian can't help but bicker and snipe at each other, making Alfie and Christian realise that their plan isn't going to work.

Elsewhere, Kim tells Masood that Yusef and Denise aren't sleeping together and speculates that Yusef could have realised he is with the wrong sister; Tanya accepts Jane's apology when she says sorry for her behaviour at the hen night; Dot tells Edward that she has found his ex-girlfriend Betty on the internet, but he doesn't seem that keen; Masood's suspicions grow when Zainab tells him that Denise is wrong for Yusef as he needs a different type of woman; and Dot struggles to maintain her control at home as her new carer Marta starts to make her mark.


Heather is still feeling down following Kevin's 'death', so Shirley tells Ben that she wants to throw a party to cheer her up and needs his help in organising it. Soon afterwards, Phil, Shirley and Ben have a meeting with Ben's youth offender officer, who's pleased at the progress he's made - especially when Shirley explains that Ben hates seeing anyone upset and has organised a party for the grief-stricken Heather. Phil thinks that talk of the party is all an act for the officer, but he's later surprised to learn that the bash is going ahead for real.

Jay senses that Ben's guilt is getting the better of him when Phil starts to mock Heather behind her back and Ben jumps in to defend her. While Heather is receiving comfort from Dot, things get worse for Ben when Nathan arrives on the Square to bully him again. However, Shirley spots what's going on and warns Nathan off. Later, the party begins and Ben feels guiltier than ever as Shirley raises a glass to Heather. However, an unimpressed Phil teases Heather in front of everyone, declaring that Kevin didn't exist - or if he did, Heather probably bored him to death. Everyone warns him to stop, but as Phil continues to claim that Kevin was never real, Ben finally snaps - revealing that he was Kevin all along.

Meanwhile, it's Max's birthday and Vanessa is shocked when she sees the bruises all over his face, so she storms over to Jack's to confront him. When Tanya and Carol hear the commotion and come out of their houses, Vanessa explains that Max is in a state. As Rainie also comes outside, Carol blames her for the whole thing. Later, Carol visits Michael at the gym and asks him to talk to Jack, however Michael insists that he's not getting involved in any family dramas. Carol doesn't take kindly to this and the pair argue. Fortunately, Jack later lets Carol into his flat and she manages to convince him to attend Max's birthday dinner. As Jack turns up at Max's, Vanessa has a go at him, but Max tells her to stop and makes peace with Jack by offering him a drink.

Elsewhere, Denise confronts Masood, ordering him to stop spreading stories as it's only him who has a problem with Yusef. However, Masood lets slip that Zainab also doesn't understand what Denise sees in Yusef. Denise is furious over this news and storms over to see Zainab, accusing her of being jealous over the fact that Yusef has now found happiness with her.

Also today, Fatboy tells Mercy that they should start a petition to keep her in the country; while Dot feels sidelined when Edward explains that Betty rang and they are meeting up.


Zainab has a meeting with the imam and opens up to him about her marriage problems, explaining that she feels estranged from Masood. She adds that she is still stunned following the revelation that Yusef tried to save her from the fire - she lived for so many years thinking that Yusef's actions justified her leaving him, but she now feels as if she was the one in the wrong all along. Later, back at home, Zainab makes it clear to Masood that she's angry with him for telling Denise things that she told him in confidence. Urging Masood to trust her, Zainab reminds her husband that she chose him over Yusef. However, when Masood asks whether she would choose him now, Zainab finds that she can't answer the question…

At the same time, Denise confides in Kim about her relationship with Yusef, wondering why he still hasn't tried to sleep with her. Keen to change the situation, Denise dresses sexily to impress him, spurred on by some encouraging words from Kim. When Denise meets Yusef at The Vic, they flirt and Denise soon takes him off by the hand, wanting to take their romance to the next level.

Meanwhile, Heather is left humiliated following Ben's confession at the party, but Phil finds the situation funny and is proud of his son's antics. Heather ends up packing her things to leave, but Shirley talks her into staying. The two friends then have a heart-to-heart and Heather breaks down in tears, explaining that she only wanted to be loved. As Phil is continuing to find the situation funny, Ben has an argument with him and storms out. They chat later at the launderette but this fails to resolve the matter. Later, Ben comes face-to-face with Nathan on the Square and the bully tries to goad him once again. Ben finally starts to lose it and gets ready to attack his nemesis, but Abi, Jay, Billy and Phil all witness the stand-off and urge Ben to keep calm as they don't want him to end up back at the young offenders' institute. After Jay drags Ben away from Nathan, Ben runs away from his loved ones - legging it down the market.

Elsewhere, Fatboy and Mercy's friends help them to practise being in court to prove their love in front of a judge. Fatboy gives a speech about his love for Mercy, but Jodie adds that they'll now have to kiss to seal the deal. Mercy then grabs Fatboy and they share a smooch.


Following the tension with Phil and Nathan the previous day, Ben has stayed over at Ian's. When Phil and Shirley turn up there, they try to convince him to return home, but Ben declares that he'll never be back. This annoys Phil and he tells his son to come back when he has grown up. Later, Shirley and Heather grow concerned for Ben's wellbeing when they re-read the emails from 'Kevin' and the details of how he was being badly bullied. Shirley pays a visit to the boxing ring to see Phil and urges him to see his son, but Phil isn't interested. Later, Ben returns home to pack his bags and tells Jay that he's going to stay with Peggy and won't be back. Jay tries to stop him, but Ben leaves regardless.

At the same time, Phil and Shirley are at a fight night at the boxing club, where Ian is smug as Alfie has asked him to be godfather to Tommy. He goads Shirley with this news and comments on her and Phil's parenting skills, but Phil gets even by punching him in the face. Jay then enters and shares the news that Ben has decided to leave for good. Although they run to catch him at the station, they're too late - Ben has gone.

The atmosphere is also tense between Masood and Yusef at the boxing club as the pair end up in a tense conversation. Yusef winds up Masood by hinting at his feelings for Zainab. Later, Yusef joins Ian at the chip shop, tending to his injury following the punch from Phil. As the pair discuss their respective feuds, Ian tells Yusef that Masood cheated on Zainab - news which intrigues the doctor. Back at the boxing club, Jane drunkenly asks Masood to take her home. When she asks why they can't be together, Masood remains loyal to Zainab and insists that it's not their time. The pair declare their love for each other but recognise that they can't be together. When they share a hug, Yusef spots them from across the Square and puts the pieces of the puzzle together, realising that Jane is Masood's 'other woman'.

Elsewhere, Fatboy tells Mercy that he was only going through the motions when they kissed; Jack attends the boxing club fight following encouragement from Max and Michael; Roxy visits Ronnie in prison and makes a fresh plea for her to go for bail; and Jane makes a fool of herself by trying to flirt with Fatboy, who's forced to explain that he loves Mercy.