View Full Version : Employment Advice

07-04-2011, 21:41
Just wondering if anyone can give me a bit of advice.

On tuesday i had to leave work early due to almost fainting, which has now been confirmed as a viral infection

I called into work yesterday and today to confirm that i would not be there for my shift both last night and tonight my new manager, ive worked there for over 5 years just moved managers, has called asking how im feeling and what isteps im taking to get back to work.

Tonight though during this phone call i was asked not to update facebook while off sick as this was not appropriate...is this something that can be said??

People on here who have me on facebook will know the only thing i have posted on facebook for the past couple of days is how rubbish ive been feeling...i could see their point if i was saying i was going out shopping or to the pub.

I might be over reacting but i have a feeling she may make something out of this when i go back

any advice???

08-04-2011, 05:17
As long as you don't mention work on facebook, you should be fine, it is criticism of the workplace or colleagues and managers that have got people into trouble. She is out of order for calling you at home while you are off sick, this could be construed as harassment. Go and look up ACAS website, where you should find most answers and maybe even contact them to discuss any particular issues, free of charge. Hope you get better real soon x

08-04-2011, 09:31
Luna.. he is just ensuring that you don't get into trouble.. A lot of employer do use facebook to find out where their employees are.. it happened here that one guy called in sick but then added photos on facebook of his trip to Italy (same weekend he claimed to be sick) so he got reprimanded by our manager.. They shouldn't used facebook in this way but they do