View Full Version : EastEnders Spoilers Week 17 (25 - 29 April 2011)

07-04-2011, 13:03
Easter Monday 25 April
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Yusef continues to drive a wedge between Zainab and Masood, in tonight's visit to Albert Square.

Ryan arrives back and is shocked to find out what has been happening while he has been away; and Jay tells Ben they need to stop playing games with Heather as she is going to get hurt. Will Ben listen?

Tuesday 26 April
7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Masood is shocked when he finds out who Zainab is talking to about their family problems, in tonight's visit to Albert Square.

It's pub quiz night at The Vic and Mo is trying to get "the brains of Walford" team together in a bid to win.

Behind the guise of "Kevin", Ben pours his heart out to Heather about his problems.

Thursday 28 April
7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Jane seems to be going through a lucky streak which Masood is keen to take advantage of, in tonight's visit to Walford.

Vanessa tries to help Jack get through the grieving process.

Elsewhere, Mercy is shocked when someone from the UK Border Agency turns up in Albert Square to speak to her.

Bank Holiday Friday 29 April
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
It's the day of the Royal Wedding and Dot and Tiffany are preparing for the celebrations, in tonight's visit to Walford.

Meanwhile, Jay finds out that Ben is being bullied and decides to take matters into his own hands; and Fatboy thinks of a way to keep Mercy in the country.

07-04-2011, 15:06
Vanessa tries to help Jack get through the grieving process.

Another blonde for Jack's bed

07-04-2011, 15:46
Another blonde for Jack's bed

and another one he will take from max

08-04-2011, 12:16
EastEnders has unveiled details of its royal wedding episode.

The Mirror reports that Albert Square's residents will stage a street party to mark the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The storyline will be broadcast on April 29, the day of the ceremony.

An insider on the BBC One show is quoted as saying: "There was no way the script writers could ignore the street party fever sweeping the nation. EastEnders was always going to mark the royal wedding with a bang.

"It's going to be a very bright and happy episode."

Real footage of the service will also be shown on the Queen Vic's television during the episode.

The source continued: "The effect will be amazing and give a real sense of the cast being there."

However, the insider added that achieving a real-life feel would be a technical challenge as the footage will be added into pre-recorded scenes.

The paper also reports that Bianca Jackson's daughter Tiffany Dean will dress up as a bride and that Arthur 'Fatboy' Chubb (Ricky Norwood) will propose to Mercy Olubunmi (Bunmi Mojekwu).

It had been previously speculated that Phil Mitchell and Shirley Carter would wed on the same day as the royal couple, but show bosses later denied this and viewers recently saw Shirley decide not to marry the Walford hardman.


17-04-2011, 00:37
As the day of the royal wedding arrives on EastEnders at the end of the month, the residents of Walford get into the spirit of the occasion - none more so than Fatboy, Dot and little Tiffany.

At the Queen Vic, the locals all cheer as Kate Middleton appears on the TV - but at that moment, the television breaks down. As everyone scrambles around trying to get the wedding coverage back on screen, an upbeat Kat can't help but laugh.

Later, everyone gathers on the Square as Tiffany decides to mock up her own version of the royal wedding. She asks Fatboy to be her prince, while Dot is enlisted to perform the ceremony!

A Walford insider said: "Dot and Tiffany are very excited about the royal wedding and decide to have their own mini street party.

"Tiffany tells Dot she wants to find a prince of her own and, when the TV in The Vic breaks down, everyone gathers in the Square and watches on smiling as Tiffany creates her own royal wedding."



17-04-2011, 10:22
ALBERT Square veteran Dot Branning leads the celebrations as the *locals enjoy a royal wedding knees-up.

In special scenes to be screened on the evening of Prince William and Kate *Middleton’s big day, viewers will see little Tiffany Dean get dressed up in a makeshift wedding dress.

So when the television goes on the blink in the Queen Vic, Tiff decides to mock up her own *royal wedding and enlists the help of Fatboy as her prince.
The *ceremony is conducted by Dot while the locals gather round and let out a big cheer as the *couple tie the knot.

EastEnders bosses will add footage from the Westminster Abbey wedding to the Queen Vic’s TV on the actual day to give it a “live feel” after deciding there was no way they could *ignore such a public occasion.

An EastEnders insider said: “Dot and Tiffany are very *excited about the royal wedding and *decide to have their own mini street party.

“Everyone gathers in the Vic and there is a loud cheer as Kate arrives at the Abbey. But *Winston accidentally pulls the plug out and causes the television to blow up.

“They try to fix it but have no joy, so Tiffany tells Dot she wants to find a prince of her own to marry.

“They both persuade Fatboy to take on the role and all the locals gather as Tiffany creates her own royal wedding.”

The insider added: “The scenes were written *especially for the nuptials. All that’s needed is for our *technicians to add in footage from Westminster Abbey on the day.

“We wanted to be involved in the celebrations.”

Fans of the hit BBC1 soap will be able to watch the special scenes as Albert Square *celebrates the royal occasion a week on Friday.

Daily Star Sunday

19-04-2011, 00:18
Mon 25th

Ryan returns to Albert Square, unaware of everything that happened while he was away. However, this doesn't last for long as when he visits the Minute Mart, Heather and Denise comment on how Whitney needs her brother around her. When Fatboy enters the shop, a confused Ryan asks what's been going on with Whitney, so Fatboy takes him to see Dot and she explains everything. Later, when Ryan returns to Pat's house, he starts to question Whitney but the reality of the situation becomes too much for him and he walks out. When Ryan has a confrontation with Janine about the matter, she tells him to forget about what happened with Rob and instead concentrate on supporting Whitney. Realising she is right, Ryan decides to apologise to his sister.

Meanwhile, when Yusef catches Masood giving money to Phil, he stirs up the situation by telling Denise, who in turn mentions it to Zainab. When Zainab confronts her husband, she's disgusted as he admits he has been doing some gambling for Phil. Later, Zainab rebukes Yusef for causing trouble but he turns the topic of discussion onto Syed, telling Zainab that it was hypocritical to disown him as she also brought shame on her family. As the day continues, Zainab decides to pay a visit to Syed. She waits until Christian has left before arriving at his door. They start to talk and Zainab is longing to confide in her son, but she soon decides that she shouldn't be there and leaves. In the evening, Zainab makes a phone call and tells the person on the other end that she never stopped loving them. Who is she talking to?

Elsewhere, Heather tells Shirley that 'Kevin' wants to meet her at The Vic, unaware that it's Ben and Jay who have sent the message. Still dubious over online dating, Shirley decides to go with Heather to support her. When Kevin doesn't show up, Heather gets upset and Jay starts to feel guilty, telling Ben that he needs to stop playing games. Later, Ben is confronted on the Square by school bully Nathan. He then arrives home and writes another message to Heather from her 'mystery man'.

Elsewhere, Ashley tells Fatboy that he has reported Mercy to immigration; Tamwar and Afia tell Masood that they have set a date for their wedding; and the investigation into Mercy begins as a man starts taking photos of her.

Tues 26th

Masood overhears Zainab as she makes another mysterious phone call, asking someone to meet her. When Masood follows Zainab out of the house, he spots Zainab and Yusef talking and assumes that he was the person she wanted to meet. Confronting Zainab over the matter, he tells his wife that he can't trust her and storms off, ignoring her protestations that he is mistaken. Later, Masood finds Zainab in the café just as Syed walks in. Realising that it's actually Syed who she has agreed to meet, Masood has another argument with his wife. However, Syed tells Zainab not to listen to Masood and they both walk out. Later, Zainab tells Yusef that she now wants to accept his offer of a loan. When they go to talk to Masood about it, there's yet another row, but in a private moment later, Zainab makes it clear to Yusef that she still wants the loan as she believes it will save her family.

Meanwhile, as everyone prepares for a pub quiz night at The Vic, Ryan asks Alfie whether he will give Whitney a job and Alfie promises that they can have a proper chat about it later. However, when Ryan tells Whitney about his efforts, she isn't interested as she's worried that everyone will be gossiping about her. Later, as the quiz night is about to get under way, a man at the bar named Martin eyes Jane up as she sits with Christian. Jane decides to ask Martin to join their team and as the pair start getting on well, Martin asks Jane to invite him next time. Mo's team wins the quiz but, on Jean's suggestion, they give the prize money to Kat and Alfie as they need it most.

Elsewhere, Ben continues to use his laptop to share his troubles with Heather under the guise of 'Kevin'. When Jay notices that Ben isn't wearing his glasses, Ben makes an excuse but Jay later discovers that Ben's glasses are smashed in the bin and realises that he's being bullied again.

Also today, Alfie and Jean notice that Kat will only refer to Tommy as 'the baby' rather than by his name. When Alfie asks her about it, Kat says that Tommy is the name of the baby who died and it doesn't feel right to carry on using it.

Thurs 28th

Kat is still refusing to call Tommy by his name and Mo is shocked when she hears her refer to the baby as 'him'. Soon afterwards, Alfie tells Mo at the café that he wants to have a christening for Tommy and starts to discuss the details, but Jane points out that Jack is nearby and gestures for them to stop talking about it. Alfie tries to apologise, but Jack tells him not to worry. Vanessa soon comes over to talk to Jack and he tells her that he wants to get James's headstone changed. When Vanessa sees how upset Jack is, she offers to make the arrangements for him.

Once they have returned to The Vic, Alfie and Mo start secretly making the plans for the christening, but Kat later answers the phone to someone who they have contacted over the ceremony. Realising he's been rumbled, Alfie tells Kat that the baby needs a name and it should be Tommy. However, Kat disagrees, arguing that Tommy was the name they buried and they need to choose a new one. Later, Jack tells Kat that he wants to change the headstone and make everything right. Touched by Jack's comments, Kat phones the church and says that she wants to go ahead with the christening, before telling Alfie that he was right and they should keep the name Tommy after all.

Meanwhile, Masood sees that Syed is calling Zainab and he secretly cancels the call. He then finds the cheque from Yusef in Zainab's handbag and confronts her over the matter, insisting that he will find the money himself somehow. Later, Jane convinces Masood to buy a scratchcard and he wins £50. Wanting to continue the good luck, Masood asks Jane to put a bet on the horses for him and they have another win. After putting on another bet, they win £8,000 and Masood excitedly tells Zainab that he has the money. However, Masood gets greedy and tells Jane that he's sure they won't lose if they bet for a final time. Jane wants no further part in it, but Masood can't help himself. Returning home to an excited Zainab later, Masood can barely look at her - he's blown all the money on the last race…

Elsewhere, Mercy is upset as Seb has dumped her; Syed goes to see Zainab but she insists that they can't rush things as she has other things on her mind; a representative from the UK Border Agency approaches Mercy and informs her that she'll have to leave the country as her visa expired four months ago; and Christian tells Syed that he is worried Zainab will hurt him again, but Syed is convinced it will work this time.

Fri 29th

It's the day of the royal wedding and Dot and Tiffany are among the Walford residents who are preparing for the celebrations. However, Fatboy is heartbroken as Grace tells him that Mercy will be leaving tomorrow. Fatboy tries to think of ways to keep his friend in the country, but Grace doesn't believe there's any chance. Later, Fatboy and Mercy attend Kat and Alfie's royal wedding party at The Vic, which is buzzing on the special day. Fatboy tells Mercy that he wants to go to the airport with her, but she insists that she doesn't want an emotional goodbye and leaves to pack her bags.

As the party continues at the pub, everyone cheers as Kate Middleton appears on the TV. However, at that moment, Winston accidentally causes the TV to break down. Everyone rushes round trying to fix the problem, although Kat can't help but laugh. Later, everyone gathers on the Square to watch Tiffany stage her own mock-up version of the royal wedding, with Fatboy as her prince and Dot performing the ceremony. Once the fun is over, Fatboy notices Grace crying as she bids Mercy farewell. As the reality of the situation sinks in, Fatboy runs after the cab, drops down on one knee and proposes to Mercy.

Meanwhile, Jack asks Roxy to visit the cemetery with him so they can both see the headstone for the first time. Roxy is reluctant as she believes that Ronnie should be there, but eventually she agrees. Once they arrive back, the pair have a heart-to-heart and Jack leans over to kiss Roxy. However, Roxy pushes him away. Realising that Jack just want to be close to someone, she gives him a hug to comfort him. At the same time, over at the pub, Alfie produces a savings book for Tommy and he and Kat share a touching moment as Alfie promises that Tommy will want for nothing.

Elsewhere, Abi finds out that Ben is being bullied by Nathan and tells Jay about it; Masood tells Zainab to ignore some banging on the door as it's the bailiffs; and an aggressive Jay tries to force Nathan to apologise to Ben, but Abi stands between the pair of them to prevent a fight and Nathan gets off scot free.

19-04-2011, 08:27
everyone cheers as Kate Middleton appears on the TV. However, at that moment, Winston accidentally causes the TV to break down.
Winston. My hero! :)