View Full Version : 'Bully' EastEnder faces cop probe

19-03-2011, 03:13
CHILD EastEnders actor Joshua Pascoe is facing a police quiz over alleged bullying at his school.

Joshua, 15, who plays tearaway Ben Mitchell, has been suspended.

Yesterday Italia Conti Academy stage school passed the allegations by two pupils to Scotland Yard. Detectives confirmed an inquiry had begun.

Joshua and his family deny any wrongdoing. But the actor, Phil Mitchell's son in the BBC soap, won't be allowed back to the school in Islington, North London, until the matter is resolved.

Joshua is being tutored at his South London home so he can keep the special licence required by law for under-16s to appear on TV shows.

A source said: "Staff have agreed to let him carry on studying at home under the auspices of the school in order to keep his licence. Without it, he would have to leave the soap."

Joshua first appeared in EastEnders in December 2010 – the fourth actor to portray wildchild Ben. Storylines have seen him sent to a detention centre after attacking a school bully.

Scotland Yard said last night: "We can confirm police have received third-party information relating to several alleged incidents at a local school. Matters are at an early stage."

EastEnders declined to comment. But a source said: "It's not an issue for us because we have no evidence of a problem."

(C) the sun

i didnt see this posted

19-03-2011, 19:57
I hope it's not true - it's horrible to think that Ben Mitchell is a bully in real life.

Chloe O'brien
19-03-2011, 22:46
If it's true then he will have to go. EE can't be seen to support someone who is a bully especially a young member of the cast who are supposed to be role models for young viewers.

20-03-2011, 01:22
If it's true then he will have to go. EE can't be seen to support someone who is a bully especially a young member of the cast who are supposed to be role models for young viewers.

Half the cast of Deadenders have criminal records so whats another one

Chloe O'brien
20-03-2011, 01:33
True but a lot of younger viewers watch the show because they like characters like Whitney, Abby and Jay instead of Phil, Dot or Heather. These young actors are looked on as role models and if they're known for being a bully and escaping punishment then some young people are going to think it's fine to be a bully because if so-and-so of the telly can do so can I. That is wrong you only have to read the newspapers to see that too many kids are suffering at the hands of bullies. If Joshua is serious about having a career in acting he is not doing himself any favours as if the reports are found to be true then no-one will hire him.

20-03-2011, 21:32
They need the other actor Benny Elliot back