View Full Version : EastEnders Week 14 (4 - 8 April 2011)

17-03-2011, 14:44
Monday 4 April
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

Jack finds Ronnie and they have a heart to heart, in the week's first visit to Albert Square.

Elsewhere, Tamwar is sick of his family interfering in his relationship with Afia and decides to do something about it.

Meanwhile, Michael persuades Roxy to sell the salon and suggests offering it to Tanya for a quick sale.

Tuesday 5 April
7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

Disaster strikes at Afia and Tamwar's engagement party when the roof of the Argee Bhajee collapses, as the drama in Albert Square continues.

Ricky, meanwhile, goes looking for Whitney and gets into trouble with the police, and Heather joins an online dating agency.

Elsewhere, Pat arrives back from New Zealand and is shocked to hear the news about Bianca and Whitney. And Carol informs Janine that her grandmother, Lydia, is ill in hospital.

Thursday 7 April
7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

Pat confronts Carol about what has been happening while she has been in New Zealand, in tonight's visit to Walford.

When Janine finds out Lydia is rich she kindly lets her stay at her flat to recuperate.

Meanwhile, Shirley asks Ben and Jay to help Heather upload a photo to her online dating profile.

Friday 8 April
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

Abi (Lorna Fitzgerald) bunks off schoolAbi bunks off school early to meet Jay but their date is interrupted by Lauren, in the week's final visit to Albert Square.

Ian, meanwhile, convinces Greg to let him be best man at his and Tanya's wedding so he can try to rekindle his romance with Jane.

Fatboy is jealous when he spots the chemistry between Mercy and Seb; and Masood is forced to admit to Zainab he knew the Argee Bhajee was not safe.

Elsewhere, Lauren sees a young girl who resembles Whitney being led into the police station by two police officers.

17-03-2011, 22:44
Looks like its gonna be a fair week,,

18-03-2011, 11:52
Surely the reveal and wedding is next week

18-03-2011, 11:56
Probably not for another 2 weeks, Easter is at the end of April and I believe that is when the storyline is meant to end.

29-03-2011, 00:41
4th April
Afia is confused about Masood's remarks until he explains how he's been told that Tamwar is not her first boyfriend. Tamwar insists that Masood is mistaken and accuses him of trying to destroy his relationship. An upset Afia runs off and Tamwar tries to go after her, but he fails to find his fiancée. On his way home, however, he bumps into Christian and Syed who are going away to Brighton for the evening. The pair give Tamwar the keys to their flat and say that he can stay there to get away from it all for the night. Tamwar returns home and tells Masood that until he apologises and Afia accepts it, he no longer has a father.

Tamwar finds Afia in the café and she expresses her fear that Masood will tell Yusef and thus ruin her life. Tamwar tells Afia that their families' interference has become too much and it's time to do something about it. The pair then meet up with Jodie and Darren and reveal that they're going to get married that night. When they ask their friends to come with them, Jodie and Darren agree and they all head off in a taxi together. Later, Tamwar and Afia arrive back as a married couple and go back to Christian and Syed's flat.

Meanwhile, Jack arrives at Aunt Sal's house to make amends with Ronnie, though Roxy is unsure whether he should be there as she believes he will just cause more upset. However, Jack and Ronnie have a heart-to-heart and Jack asks what he's done to cause their recent problems. Ronnie says that he hasn't done anything and something else is to blame, but she fails to reveal what that is. Ronnie finally agrees to go back home with her husband, but Roxy later tells Jack that she's worried about Ronnie as she doesn't seem to be stable.

Later, Roxy arrives back at the salon and is shocked to discover the missing items and the fact that it hasn't been open all day. When she realises that Michael knows something about what has gone on, Roxy questions him but he advises her to sell the salon to Tanya and focus on him, Ronnie and Amy. Roxy soon agrees to the idea. Later, Greg tells Tanya that he will buy her the salon as a wedding present.

Elsewhere, Alfie and Kat start selling cocktails in a bid to win a competition where the prize is a weekend in Lanzarote, and Ian tries to make a good impression in front of Jane by helping Jean to pick a cooking course to attend.

5th April

Christian and Syed arrive back from Brighton and are shocked when Tamwar tells them that he and Afia are now husband and wife. The pair explain that they plan to reveal their happy news to their parents before the engagement party, but Syed advises keeping it quiet until after the bash. Later, Tamwar arrives at the Argee Bhajee with Afia, and Masood apologises for what he said the day before, which they both accept. As the day continues, Tamwar tells Syed that he wants him to attend the party but Syed says that it isn't a good idea. Tamwar later informs Yusef that he wants Syed to be there, so Yusef agrees to speak to Masood on his behalf. Yusef doesn't speak to Masood at all but still informs Syed that Masood wants him to be there because he's ready to move on. After hearing Yusef's lies, Syed agrees to go to the party with Christian.

At the same time, Greg has been doing some repair work at the Argee Bhajee but has to tell Masood that the extension is dangerous and the restaurant needs to be closed until the repair work has been completed. However, Masood decides to ignore the advice. Later, once the party gets under way, Tamwar prepares to tell his parents about his secret marriage but, at that moment, Christian and Syed turn up. Masood and Zainab order the couple to leave as they're not welcome, but Syed refuses to go and Tamwar declares that he wants Syed and Christian to stay. As a row breaks out, the ceiling of the restaurant collapses, burying the guests in dust and debris. Syed is buried in the rubble and trapped by a large piece of plasterboard. He tells Christian that he's okay but the roof beam above then crashes down on top of him… Will Syed survive the accident?

Meanwhile, Carol hears that Janine's grandmother Lydia is unwell in hospital and suggests that Janine could go to visit her. However, Janine refuses to go, declaring that Lydia blew her chance years ago. Later, when Pat returns from New Zealand and hears what's gone on with Whitney and Bianca, she takes the news out on Janine - angrily accusing her of encouraging Whitney to go on the game. Janine protests her innocence but tells Pat that she can't stay and chat because she's off to visit her grandmother in hospital.

Elsewhere, Ricky goes to look for Whitney in the red light district and Tammy, a street girl, orders him to pay her for information. When he hands over £30, two police officers appear and tell Ricky that he'll have to answer some questions.

Also today, Heather puts her foot in it in front of Denise during a conversation about her online dating, saying that she's looking for anything with a pulse apart from a murderer!

7th April

Syed lies injured on the floor in the Argee Bhajee with a worried Christian by his side. Zainab goes to move towards Syed but when she sees that people are watching, she stops herself and Tamwar and Jane are both disgusted that she will not acknowledge her son. Yusef then takes control of the situation by ordering Masood to get everyone out and to call an ambulance for Syed. The restaurant is then evacuated, with only Christian, Yusef and Tamwar remaining inside. Christian and Yusef try to get Syed to respond to them but it's no use as Syed just lies there…

Later, Masood goes to see Greg and asks him to take a look at the damage in the Argee Bhajee. Greg agrees to repair the ceiling and get rid of the mess but says that he will not do any other work until the insurance people have been involved and the extension is safe. Masood tries to blame Greg for the accident but Greg says that it was his choice to cut corners for the sake of cost. At the same time, Yusef is with Zainab at her home, suggesting that she should visit Syed in hospital. Zainab says that it would only anger Masood if she visited Syed, but Yusef informs her that her son is in a bad way and she should change her mind. What will Zainab do?

Meanwhile, Janine visits Lydia but doesn't get a warm welcome from her outspoken grandmother. When Janine suggests that Lydia should stay with her while she recuperates, Lydia responds that she would rather poke rusty nails in her eyes than stay in Janine's 'poky little flat'. Later, Janine pays a second visit to Lydia and says that her mum would have wanted her to be looking after her gran. The ice between the pair starts to melt slightly, but Lydia still won't commit herself to moving in with Janine. Despite this, Janine heads back to the Square and tells Ricky and Pat that Lydia will be her housemate. They're shocked to hear that she will be helping out Lydia, believing that she wouldn't do so unless there was something in it for her. Janine then reveals that she's visited Lydia's massive house and it must be worth a fortune. Ricky and Pat soon realise that Janine is only interested in her grandmother's money.

Elsewhere, Pat confronts Carol about how she slept with Connor behind Whitney's back; Jay and Ben try to help Heather by photoshopping a picture of Jodie's head onto Heather's photo for her online dating escapades; Ricky tells Pat and Carol that he was arrested on suspicion of soliciting but was released without charge after seven hours in a cell; and Shirley encourages Heather to send a genuine photo after she receives contact from an interested party on the dating site.

8th April

Zainab visits the Argee Bhajee and when she sees that a builder is inspecting the damage, she wrongly thinks that he is from the insurance company and starts bombarding him with questions. Soon afterwards, Zainab tries to phone the insurance company but Masood tells her that he cancelled the payments three weeks earlier because they could not afford them. He then further admits that they are in thousands of pounds of debt and he took a loan out from Phil. Zainab starts looking through a pile of invoices and sees one from Greg, indicating that he did minor repair work on the restaurant but also noted further structural issues. Furious that Masood knew the restaurant was not safe, Zainab flies into a rage.

Later, as the Masoods try to think of new ways to make money, Ian pays them a visit and declares that he wants compensation as his wrist was injured in the roof collapse. However, Zainab informs him that they don't have time for his power games. At the same time, Tamwar tells Afia that he feels guilty over their wedding secret. Afia agrees, pointing out that they can't let their parents pay for the wedding when it has already happened. Tamwar soon tells his parents that he and Afia have decided to postpone the wedding to ease the financial pressure on the family. However, the plan doesn't work as Masood orders him not to worry about money and declares that the wedding will go ahead as planned.

Meanwhile, the stress of finding Whitney is taking its toll on Ricky so he tells Jay that he can't come to work as he is too tired after being out all night searching for her. At the same time, Lauren is walking past the police station when she sees a young girl who looks like Whitney being escorted inside. Lauren tries to go inside to investigate, but a police officer says that the girl is being interviewed and so she can't see her. Lauren gives the officer her phone number in case the girl turns out to be Whitney. Later, Lauren looks at her phone and rushes off to the police station. When she gets there, the front door opens and Whitney emerges, looking pale and distant.

Elsewhere, when Greg's best man has to pull out of the wedding as he has work commitments abroad, Ian tries to persuade Greg to let him take on the responsibility - convinced that it would help him to win Jane back. Greg agrees, but Tanya and Jane are far from impressed.

Also today, Ashley borrows money from Fatboy, explaining that he needs the train fare for a job interview he has in town. However, Fatboy later catches him in the pub having a drink with Kim and it becomes clear that he didn't go to any interview. Later, Fatboy gets jealous when he notices a growing chemistry between Mercy and Seb.