View Full Version : EastEnders Spoilers Week 13 (28 March - 1 April 2011)

10-03-2011, 13:06
Monday 28 March
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD

Michael and Roxy plot to get Kat and Alfie back together at the boxing club, but Michael gets more than he bargained for, in the week's first visit to Albert Square.

Elsewhere, Carol tries to make it up to Dot – but leaves her reeling.

Meanwhile, Christian is torn between his boyfriend and best friend.

Tuesday 29 March
7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Ronnie and Michael clash when he demands to know why she doesn't like him, in the latest drama from Walford. Under pressure, Ronnie comes to a decision.

Elsewhere, Jean surprises Kat by coming back to stay at the Vic.

Meanwhile, Tanya is reaching the end of her tether with Roxy at the salon.

Thursday 31 March
7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Roxy is frantic with worry about Ronnie but Jack is losing his patience, as the trials and tribulations of life in Albert Square continue.

Dot, meanwhile, has a nasty fall and Fatboy is stunned when his dishevelled father, Ashley, turns up.

Elsewhere, Tanya and Syed make a decision about their future.

Friday 1 April
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Roxy goes looking for Ronnie, while Michael has a business proposition for Tanya to consider, in the week's final visit to Albert Square.

Masood, meanwhile, discovers some unwelcome information about Afia and Yusef plays the Good Samaritan and helps out Ashley.

Elsewhere, Carol and Dot clash over Dot's care.

15-03-2011, 18:06
Jean is back

16-03-2011, 14:55
Elsewhere, Carol and Dot clash over Dot's care.

Should this be Jim's care

17-03-2011, 22:57
Jean is back

This may be just what Kat needs, Jean's support :-)

20-03-2011, 01:27
just as it looks like Kat and Alfie's marriage is over for good, Michael and Roxy will hatch a plan to reunite the strained pair.

Deciding that a secret supper for six at the boxing club could be the ideal way to get the couple back on speaking terms, Michael and Roxy start eagerly planning the evening - putting themselves on the guest list alongside Kat, Alfie, Jack and Ronnie.

At first, Ronnie is reluctant to accept the invite, but a frustrated Jack gets tough with his erratic wife - telling her firmly that he wants her to be there. Later, as everyone attends as planned, the atmosphere is tense until Kat and Alfie start sparring like the old days - but it doesn't last for long…

A Walford insider said: "Michael is determined to get Kat and Alfie back together. He still feels guilty for what happened between him and Kat and he knows that they belong together.

"There is tension at the meal as everyone waits to see if the plan will work. Ronnie doesn't want to be there and eventually the pressure of the evening gets too much for her and she leaves, making Jack suspicious."


22-03-2011, 00:50
March 28th

Kat and Alfie's marriage is on the rocks and when Michael and Roxy try to find out what's going on, Alfie remarks that it's all over between him and Kat, before adding that what she and Michael did is one of the reasons why. Roxy is confused until Michael tells her that he was Tommy's father. Soon afterwards, Roxy and Michael hatch a plan to reunite the pair by arranging a secret supper for six at the boxing club, attended by Kat, Alfie, Roxy, Michael, Jack and Ronnie. Michael informs Kat about the invitation but getting Alfie there proves more difficult because he's heading to the tube station, ready to leave the Square. Fortunately, Michael manages to get there in time and convinces Alfie to come to the boxing ring. Jack, meanwhile, is frustrated as Ronnie is refusing to come to the dinner. He firmly tells Ronnie that she of all people should know what Kat and Alfie are going through and he wants her to be there.

Later, all six of them attend the gym as planned, but the atmosphere is tense. As Michael tries his best to ensure that Kat and Alfie get back on good terms, there's some encouraging signs as they start sparring like the old times. However, Kat soon says that she needs to be back at The Vic. Alfie follows her and the pair get close on the Square, sharing a tender kiss. Back in the club, though, it's all become too much for Ronnie and she rushes off. Towards the end of the night, when Michael finds Ronnie alone in the gym, he asks her why she has such a problem with him. However, Ronnie tells Michael that he can never know the reason why - before rushing out, knowing that she's said too much…

Meanwhile, Syed and Tanya plot to put Roxy out of business so they can start up their own as a replacement. However, Christian walks in on the pair's conversation and wonders what's going on. Not wanting to be dishonest to his partner, Syed hands him some paperwork which explains all, before walking out. Later, Christian finds Syed and Tanya in the café and Syed tells Tanya that Christian knows about their scheme. An unhappy Christian asks how Roxy will feel when she finds out what they're up to, but Syed says bluntly that he doesn't expect him to tell her as he's his boyfriend and that outranks the position of best friend. Christian is left speechless by Syed's behaviour.

Elsewhere, Edward tells Carol how hurt Dot was over not being informed about Whitney, prompting Carol and Max to apologise to Dot; Ian asks Fatboy whether he fancies Mercy; and Dot is horrified when Carol describes Edward as her "fancy man", so she tells Edward that from now on he can provide the meals for Jim but she doesn't want him around for anything else.

March 29th

The situation between Kat and Alfie has improved as they seem loved-up and their relationship appears to be back on track. As a new day dawns at The Vic, Kat tells Alfie and Mo that she's been missing Jean and decides to visit her at the hospital. When Kat arrives, Jean is happy and surprised to see her and the pair soon have a heart-to-heart. Kat explains to Jean that she feels empty inside following Tommy's death, but Jean explains that it will take time for her to come to terms with what's happened.

Later, Jean tells Kat that the nurses are happy with her progress and she's now able to go home. Kat invites her to stay back at The Vic, but Jean explains that she'd prefer to make a fresh start away from the Square and will be going to stay with a friend in Bradford. The news upsets Kat and she returns to the pub alone, telling Alfie that Jean is never coming back. As the day continues, Jean surprises Kat by turning up at The Vic unexpectedly. She says that she has changed her mind and would like to stay at the pub after all. Kat is thrilled with the development and they both make a pact that they'll help each other get better.

Meanwhile, Roxy agrees to let Michael move in with her. Later, Jack tells Roxy that Ronnie is not the woman he married - still concerned about her reluctance to leave the flat. Roxy tries to cheer up Ronnie by inviting her to come to Southend for the afternoon, but Ronnie makes an excuse about why she can't go. Roxy then warns Ronnie that she'll lose Jack if she carries on like this. As the day continues, Michael confronts Ronnie about what she said last night, but she tries to talk her way out of the situation.

Jack, meanwhile, decides to arrange a poker night with Ricky, Max, Michael and Alfie. However, Ronnie isn't happy and tells Jack that she'd been hoping he would babysit as she was planning to go out herself. This annoys Jack as he thinks she's just playing games - making life difficult because he wants to go out. When Jack storms out, Ronnie heads to Roxy's to ask her to look after James while she visits the Minute Mart. Roxy agrees, but when Ronnie leaves she walks straight past the Minute Mart and it's clear she has another plan in mind…

Elsewhere, Tanya decides to close the salon early, declaring that she's fed up of Roxy play-acting at running a business.

March 31st

Dot is rushing to get to the launderette while looking after Jim at the same time. Suddenly, she loses her footing and falls head-first down the stairs. Jim calls out from the front room, but Dot is unconscious. At the same time, Carol and Kat visit the launderette but are confused to find it shut. Kat heads off to find Heather for an explanation, but Heather doesn't know anything about it and says that she doesn't have a set of keys. Annoyed, Kat declares that Heather should be opening up the launderette because she doesn't have anything else going on in her life - which hurts Heather's feelings.

Kat and Carol then head off to Dot's, and when they start banging on the front door, they hear Dot crying out in pain. When they look through the letterbox, they spot Dot lying on the floor. Yusef notices a growing crowd outside Dot's house and manages to gain entry, before tending to Dot while Carol looks after Jim. Yusef reports that Dot has broken her arm and convinces her to go to hospital. Later, Carol washes up for Dot and tells Jack that they need to make sure Jim is properly looked after from now on.

Meanwhile, Christian is outraged that Syed has stolen Roxy's client list. Syed defends himself but Christian threatens to tell Roxy the truth - prompting Syed to storm off. Later, Syed informs Tanya of Christian's intentions but Tanya insists that she doesn't care now and is just looking forward to opening her own place after the wedding. At the same time, Christian tries to tell Roxy about the plotting that's going on, but she's too distracted by the fact that Ronnie has disappeared. Christian eventually informs Syed that he won't be telling Roxy after all. Syed then asks Christian to help him move his things out of the salon, while Tanya tells Christian to move everything to her house as she'll be opening up her own salon in her lounge.

Elsewhere, Ronnie's loved ones are upset and worried as they wonder where she could be; Heather is upset over Kat's hurtful comments and decides to try internet dating, despite Shirley's protestations that she will only meet perverts and freaks online; Kat encourages Jean to go on a course so she can do all of the cooking at The Vic; Fatboy is stunned when his father Ashley turns up at his stall, looking dishevelled and needing his help after losing the house; and Michael feels guilty when Roxy bursts into tears over Ronnie at the pub, knowing that he laid into Ronnie the previous night.

April 1st

It's Masood's birthday and a busy time because his family and Afia are still making arrangements for the engagement party. When Masood complains that he has a headache, Afia encourages him to visit the shop for an eye test later. When Masood does so, he gets talking to one of Afia's female colleagues and is unhappy to hear her say that Afia has always been popular with boys and Yusef was never happy with those that she hung around with in the past. Masood is suddenly cold with Afia, believing that she's been lying to Tamwar by falsely claiming that he is her first boyfriend. Later, Masood comes home and tells Tamwar and Afia that he needs to ask Afia something…

Meanwhile, Tanya and Syed set up their new salon at Tanya's house, while Roxy is horrified to discover that her salon is closed. She tries to call Tanya for an explanation but Tanya decides not to answer the call. Already feeling guilty over the Ronnie situation, Michael promises Roxy that he'll find Tanya to find out what's going on. When he sees Tanya setting up the makeshift salon at home, Tanya has to explain that Roxy has been treating her employees badly. Later, Michael suggests that Tanya should buy the salon.

Elsewhere, in the café, Yusef overhears Ashley tell Jack that he needs somewhere to stay, along with a bath and some clean clothes. Later, Yusef acts like a good Samaritan, telling Fatboy that he has secured accommodation for Ashley at the B&B. Mercy, meanwhile, is surprised to realise that Ashley has been staying with Fatboy - she'd presumed that he'd been sneaking girls in. Fatboy then tells Mercy the truth about his dad's troubles.

Also today, Dot tries to play down her injury and gets annoyed when Carol starts fussing over her. The pair clash and when Carol returns later with custard tarts, a sulky Dot says that she doesn't want them. Carol gets annoyed with Dot's refusal to rest and Dot finally admits that she's struggling - she hasn't taken Jim to the toilet yet because she hasn't been able to manage it. Dot then tells Carol that she's grateful for the help but wants to stay on top of the things that she can manage.

23-03-2011, 19:26

DOT Branning will be left unconscious after taking a dramatic tumble headfirst down the stairs at her home in Albert Square next week.
The chain-smoking launderette worker, who has been seen struggling to balance her job with caring for her husband Jim in recent weeks, loses her footing when she hurries down the stairs on her way to work.

Dot - who is played by June Brown - is seen slumped at the bottom of the stairs, leaving EastEnders fans wondering who will come to her rescue.
Her distressed husband Jim (John Bardon) is too ill to reach her or a telephone from the front room and calls out to her.

Meanwhile, Dot's stepdaughter Carol Jackson (Lindsay Coulson) and Kat Moon (Jessie Wallace) wait outside the launderette wondering where she is.

They pester Dot's co-worker Heather Trott (Cheryl Fergison) to let them in but she tells them she doesn't have the keys so they head round to Dot's.

They then stumble upon the elderly resident flat out in her hallway and get hold of Dr Yusef Khan (Ace Bhatti), who takes her to hospital.

The dramatic scenes will air on Thursday, March 31 at 7.30pm on BBC1.

Meanwhile, the soap's bosses defended the ten-minute EastEnders special shown on Red Nose Day which focused on the sexual exploitation of Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty).

The BBC received 125 complaints about the mini-episode, which was watched by an audience of 12million when it aired at 7pm.

They argued that the material shown was "inappropriate for a family audience".

A spokeswoman said: "We appreciate the episode was challenging so we ensured that the audience was aware of the storyline through advanced publicity and on air before transmission.

"We're mindful of the time slot in which EastEnders was shown and ensured scenes were appropriate to the audience who may have been watching."

The Sun

28-03-2011, 05:47
A QUIP about Elizabeth Taylor by Alfie Moon has been cut from tonight's EastEnders.

Fans will see Alfie's cousin Michael urge him to save his marriage to Kat, saying: "You can't split up. You're like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton."

The scene, filmed earlier this year, showed Alfie (Shane Richie) replying: "Isn't one of them dead?" - meaning Burton, who died of a stroke in 1984.

But his line has been axed following 79-year-old Liz's death from heart failure last Wednesday. Cameras will now jump to Roxy Mitchell, who chips in: "You're like salt and vinegar."

A soap spokeswoman called it "pure coincidence" that scriptwriters referred to Liz - who wed and divorced Burton twice - to suggest that Alfie and Kat belonged together.

She said: "A decision was taken to edit the scene as it's so soon after her death."

The Sun

28-03-2011, 14:13
Should this be Jim's care

Oh I see it is Dot's care