View Full Version : GMTV Clip of tonight

17-06-2005, 08:27
Did anyone see it?

i did!!!

It was Zoe's leaving party and her and Chrissie are bickering with Sam there with them. Sharon and Dennis walk through the door and Sharon says:

'hello girls....long time no see'.

The look on Chrissie, Zoe and Sam's faces -priceless! :cheer:

I can't wait for tonight :wub:

17-06-2005, 08:39
I didn't see it and I'm quite glad. Everyone is talking about it but I just want to keep it a surprise! Roll on tonight...

17-06-2005, 08:40
I didn't see it and I'm quite glad. Everyone is talking about it but I just want to keep it a surprise! Roll on tonight...

I half wish I hadn't seen it now but its got me all on hyper mode. :lol:

Carrie Bradshaw
17-06-2005, 10:03
I can't wait!!Hehe!!

17-06-2005, 10:23
I can't wait!!Hehe!!

Nither can I. Bring it on :thumbsup:

17-06-2005, 10:28
awwww i cant wait for it now !!! im well happy !!!

17-06-2005, 11:21
i didnt see it, but it sounds good cant wait, bet its right at the end though :wall:

17-06-2005, 11:31
i didnt see it, but it sounds good cant wait, bet its right at the end though :wall:
Yeah it is meaning we will have to wait until Monday for the next bit.

They described next week as Phenomenal. :)

17-06-2005, 11:43
yeha it was really good, chrissies face just amazin she knows now thats she is in trouble xx

17-06-2005, 11:48
hey everyone! I never saw the clip but in a way im kind of glad because i woudn't want to ruin the surprise! i thought they would walk through the door and then we see literally 1 second of them then duf duf duf...but it sounds like we will hear them speak aswell?! wow! lol now i am really hyper! lol wooooo cant wait till tonight!BOUT 8 HOURS TO GO NOW! :D

17-06-2005, 13:07
I can't wait for this, sounds great.

17-06-2005, 13:18
i;m gonna miss it tonight i got to work. I bet it will be really good though. I will have to wait till sunday. I missed the clip as well but i got quite an idea of what they would have looked like

17-06-2005, 16:16
I have to work too, but I'm taping it and I'll watch it when I get in!

eastenders mad
17-06-2005, 16:22
can't wait to see it and i can't wait for Zoe to leave i wish she was going now

17-06-2005, 16:27
can't wait to see it and i can't wait for Zoe to leave i wish she was going now

just give it another week and she'll be long gone. No doubt we will have lots of eye balling before she goes. :rolleyes:

17-06-2005, 16:50
Zoe isn't a bad character, she gave us more entertainment than Shannis ever did but when she became involved and we had Zonnis she just became unpopular.

17-06-2005, 16:53
The video recorder is set all ready!

AleX liddell
17-06-2005, 17:10
So is mine!!! I saw it it really has kept my hopes up and i can't wait!!! Was there no soapbox on this morning?? Because i taped it and it wasnt on!!

17-06-2005, 17:28
I'll be recording the bit when they walk into the Vic if I manage to catch it.

17-06-2005, 18:52
sounds good. can't wait to see it... yey yey yey... their finally back... yey yey yey...

17-06-2005, 19:10
please dont tell me it was rich arnolds pick of the day cus i turened over thinoing hed choose rubbish shows!!!

please dont tell me he did, im ashamed that i missed it :angry:
