View Full Version : A little help?

28-01-2011, 21:35
When I sat down tonight and wondered who I could ask for help with this I thought of my old friends at SB

Many of you know ive spent the last 2 and a half years looking endlessly for a job doing anything but with no success.

Well I'm bored of it and something has snapped inside of me and given me some crazy idea to start my own business...irk mental

The plan sounds great and it solves all my issues but I just don't know where or how to begin and it is totally doing my head in

So I am hoping you people can point me somewhere and maybe give me advice that doesn't sound as complicated and as stressful as the WWW does

Chloe O'brien
28-01-2011, 22:15
First of all. Good for you Vicky. My advice would be to go and see an advisor. Is there an Enterprise building were you can go to for help and funding for new and small businesses, then I would do some market research to see if there is a demand for the product your selling. also you need to think of premises if your going to work from home or rent a place, and what resources you will need.

28-01-2011, 22:48
What sort of a business are you thinking of. I attended a small business course and may have some books to help you.

28-01-2011, 23:10
I'm thinking graphic design/photo editing business :)

30-01-2011, 17:50
Ok i've got a name for the company...thats a start now i need a website can anyone tell me best way to do one? I've used dreamweaver and im ok at building i just don't know how to get it on the web....so i was hoping id find an online web builder that i can pay for to remove limitations on pictures and pages or something like that but can't seem to find anything and my mind is completely blank so i can't think of anything else bar DW

30-01-2011, 18:27
With Dreamweaver its very simple to upload your website to the Internet.

Most hosting companies also have free web design programs

30-01-2011, 20:19
Ems (from here) has told me about 1and1 web hosting they have templates that are easy to use she says so im going to try that :) anyone else used them?
Dunno why i thought this was a good idea lol it's soooooo difficult

30-01-2011, 22:10
Ems (from here) has told me about 1and1 web hosting they have templates that are easy to use she says so im going to try that :) anyone else used them?
Dunno why i thought this was a good idea lol it's soooooo difficult

I use !&1 and Fasthosts depending on who has the best offer when I need a domain name. Both have excellent site building tools but if you can use Dreamweaver to build a site its ten times better than any of the free sitebuilders

31-01-2011, 08:47
Sorry Vicky, no advice, I just wanted to wish you the best of luck! I think it is fantastic that rather than sit around moaning you can't find a job, you have decided to do something about it!

31-01-2011, 18:14
I can't put links on but ive set up the beginning of the site so id like someone to have a look and tell me what they think if possible....pm me for link. Thanks in advance :)

And thanks MoonStorm

31-01-2011, 22:35
Long time no hear from you Vicky...I hope you are well! Good look with your new venture hope it goes well for ye! x

08-02-2011, 15:25
What's the business you're going into? It is rewarding but you really need to have a plan in place before you move forward, especially around costs and your exit strategy. And then there's about marketing your company, getting that first customer etc.

15-02-2011, 18:09
What's the business you're going into? It is rewarding but you really need to have a plan in place before you move forward, especially around costs and your exit strategy. And then there's about marketing your company, getting that first customer etc.

Graphic Design
Photo Editing
Business Cards