View Full Version : Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

27-01-2011, 10:18
Channel 4’s fly-on-the-wall documentary series ‘Big Fat Gypsy Weddings’ was a ratings smash for the channel last night, with 7 million tuning in.
Early overnight ratings said the controversial show drew 6million viewers in the vital 9pm timeslot – with a whopping 1million tuning in an hour later on Channel 4+1.
However, many critics and viewers felt that the show had some inappropriate scenes, particularly involving children getting ready for their first communion.
The views of Shelagh Fogarty, BBC presenter on the Nicky Campbell Radio Five show, were typical:
“I was astonished to see six-year-old girls in boob tubes, miniskirts, high heels and more make-up than you could shake a stick at, receiving communion for the first time in their lives. It seemed so bizarre.”
Siobhan Freegard, of parenting website Netmums said: “In this case it is not about making the children sexy.
“They are just dressed up like dolls. But the outcome in some cases can be sexualisation.”
Rachel Varley, writing in Metro, said: “This week, we had little girls with the carefully honed hip movements of thirty-year-old prostitutes.”
The debate continues as to whether the series is a point-and-giggle exploitation, or a revealing, sympathetic look at a fascinating subculture.
Either way, people are watching.

Anyone watching?

27-01-2011, 10:23
I see one of these before.. it was mental the dresses that they had on.. Some of them weight 3 times the weight of the girl getting married..

27-01-2011, 10:24
I see one of these before.. it was mental the dresses that they had on.. Some of them weight 3 times the weight of the girl getting married..

The brides look about 13 years old

27-01-2011, 10:35
The brides look about 13 years old

Yeah.. most of them marry very young as they are very devout and don't believe in sex before marriage so they married to have sex... They dress like slappers but none of them are like that.. it was very inciteful as these girls draw their own dresses and most when they were kids... Also they are on the fly weddings.. they can't announce the venue until nearly on the day cause if it gets out that they are gipsy, most pubs/hotels etc cancel on them

27-01-2011, 14:20

CHRISTINE Bleakley was transformed into a gypsy today as she donned a huge pink wedding dress on Daybreak.
The Irish presenter found out what it felt like to wear one of the massive frocks favoured by the girls on Channel 4's hit series My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

She was helped into the dress - which weighed one-and-a-half stone - by mum and daughter team Norma and Emma Green, who create many of the outfits on the show.

Waddling onto the ITV1 show's set, Christine - who is dating Frank Lampard - told viewers: "I've customised it with a hanky to cover my modesty - that's not really meant to be there."

And she joked: "My other half is currently running a mile, you know that?"

After she managed to reach the Daybreak sofa where she sat with co-host Adrian Chiles, Christine, 31, added: "I've still got my jeans on just in case...honestly It feels about five or six stone, my hips have already got little cuts in them, isn't that incredible?

"So fair play, as we say in Ireland, to anyone who can wear a dress like this."

The frock was a toned-down version of the massive 14-stone dress that Sam, 17, was seen in on Tuesday's show.
Her creation included mechanical butterflies and flashing lights.

The series follows gypsy girls as they make plans for their big day, complete with elaborate dresses and celebrations.

The show sparked outrage this week after it showed a six-year-old girl getting a spray tan before her first holy communion.

Little Marianne told cameraman she thought she was at the right age to start tanning.

Campaigners warned that spray tanning such young girls might "sexualise" them.
The episode also featured a group of eight-year-old girls dancing provocatively in skimpy outfits and heavy make-up.

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding has become Channel 4's top-rating show for three years, with peak audiences of 7.1million viewers.

28-01-2011, 09:03
i am loving this show, its really interesting to see into there lives. The dresses are mental, that poor little girl in the communion dress that burned and cut all her side, but she was having a great time in al fairness! id quite like to go to one of them weddings they look really fun and throw a cracking party.

28-01-2011, 09:31
Yeah.. gypsy wedding always look like it would be great fun and as for communions they always go all out.. one of the girls near my mum arrived in a helicopter!!!

ali does soap
28-01-2011, 21:54
Thinking this may give an insight into an alternative culture, I was looking forward to seeing the show, I have watched both episodes, and am in shock!! I cannot believe that the church allow children to dress like that to take communion, they looked like parodies of street walkers, and the state of that poor childs body, grazed and cut from the dress....
I am a normal (some would even say funky) nan, and I think this is total madness, I cannot believe that the adults here think children dressing and dancing like this is O.K.
To me it would have paedophiles reaching for the video record button, wholly inappropriate and surely tantamount to child abuse or neglect? Was that six year old undressed as she was being interviewed about the spray tan? The rest of us are not even allowed to take photos at school productions, yet travellers can parade young children about like this it's sick....

30-01-2011, 21:38
i watch it..it's chav-tastic, although why they'd want to get married at the age of 17 is beyond, wonder what the divorce rate (if any) is in the traveller world.

31-01-2011, 09:44
i watch it..it's chav-tastic, although why they'd want to get married at the age of 17 is beyond, wonder what the divorce rate (if any) is in the traveller world.

Very Little Inky... they will stay together even if it is a bad relationship.. as I said, they are very devout to the catholic religion which doesn't approve of divorce

09-02-2011, 22:09
Cher Lloyd has responded after being targeted with gypsy-related abuse on Twitter.

The 17-year-old X Factor finalist had received negative comments in the wake of the popularity of Channel 4's My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, a documentary series that follows gypsy communities around the UK.

One user tweeted: "Ho i swear I just seen half ur fam on channel 4," while another enquired: "Shouldn't you be preparing for your big fat gypsy wedding?"

Another user informed the singer: "Gypsy life expectancy is 50. That means we probably have another 33 years of Cher Lloyd."

In a post this evening, Lloyd told her followers: "keep chuckin those gypsy comments in, i'll tarmac ya drive and trim ya hedges for ya if ya like? No shame in me :L"

Her comments were preceded by the message: "might shave all my hair off and get a tattoo on my head. goodnight world."

Lloyd has recently been working with producers The Runners and RedOne on her debut album, due for release in August.

10-02-2011, 00:13
Every time I see this I am reminded of Jordan

11-02-2011, 10:06
Every time I see this I am reminded of Jordan

I think she gets her style tips from them

15-02-2011, 13:53
Irish travellers living in Britain have criticised Channel 4's portrayal of their community on Big Fat Gypsy Weddings.

The Guardian reports that the Irish Traveller Movement in Britain have requested air time on Channel 4 for a 'right to reply.'

The organisation told the newspaper: "We are hearing... distressing accounts from parents whose children are being bullied and called names. Venue bookings are being cancelled.

"We are hearing about the deep sense of embarrassment and shame many have been left with by such a narrow, misrepresentative and unjust portrayal of their community and culture."

Members of the Romany gypsy community have also complained about the show.

Channel 4 said in a statement: "The series features a mix of Irish Travellers and Romany Gypsies and the programme makes a clear distinction between these different groups... we have intentionally avoided many commonly held stereotypes and attempted to provide a balanced view."

The programme has been a ratings hit, attracting 8.2 million viewers last week.

The last episode of Big Fat Gypsy Weddings airs tonight on Channel 4.

16-02-2011, 15:32
Channel 4 bosses are planning a spin-off of 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings', which will focus on funerals.

The show - which documents traveller girls' big days, including their over-the-top dresses and huge cakes - has been the network's highest-rating series for years and producers are now keen to follow it up with a programme about how the gypsy community send off their loved ones.

A source told the Daily Star newspaper: "If something's a hit then you need to make a sequel as soon as possible. But they can't do weddings again so they need a new topic. And what better than funerals?

"In the past, gypsies have built enormous resting places for the deceased that resemble bedrooms so it looks like the person is sleeping in bed.

"They have a huge floral tributes in all shapes, massive tombstones and hundreds gather to say their goodbyes."

While 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings' - which ended its five-week run last night (15.02.11) - has become a ratings success, some travellers have blasted the show, saying it doesn't truly represent their community.

Traveller Caroline recently said: "I thought it was good that people would be made aware of travellers. We suffer a lot of discrimination. You're always scared that the neighbours will find out who you are and the kids will get bullied.

"We can't even book wedding receptions under our real names. If the venue finds out, they cancel. Millions have watched it, but all anyone is talking about are the dresses. We're a laughing stock."

(C) BANG Media International

17-02-2011, 13:46
Big Fat Gypsy Weddings' Paddy Doherty has admitted to faking his hardman persona on the show.

Doherty spoke on the hit Channel 4 documentary and the Bravo series Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men about competing as a bare-knuckle fighter, being "bred to fight" and eating rivals "like a bar of chocolate", but has since admitted that he was making the claims up.

The 51-year-old made the confession in court, where he was giving evidence against his cousin yesterday.

The ex-firefighter stated: "All that's for the cameras, all that crap. It was just having a laugh. It's all nonsense, it's just for a joke. The crew sort of tells you what to say and you play along.

"My fighting days were only when I was 18 or 20. After that, I was done with that."

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings concluded on Tuesday night, picking up 6.45 million viewers in its final episode.


21-02-2011, 14:54
Channel 4 has confirmed plans for a Christmas spin-off of hit documentary My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

The popular series, which has been a ratings winner for the broadcaster, ended its five week run earlier this month.

The Guardian reports that the one-off special, likely to be titled My Big Fat Gypsy Christmas, is one of several spin-offs that are under discussion along with My Big Fat Gypsy Birthday and My Big Fat Gypsy Funeral.

Liam Humphreys, the broadcaster's deputy head of factual entertainment, said: "Big Fat Gypsy Weddings was a huge ratings success and we're currently discussing a number of ideas going forward. We also have a one-off Christmas special planned, which has already been filmed. We're obviously delighted that the programme has resonated with viewers so much."

An insider added to the paper: "Of course, with 8 million people tuning in we would be stupid if we said 'that was it' and we will not be doing anything more on the subject. It hasn't just been a success, it's been an astonishing success. No documentaries, not even ones on BBC1 or ITV1, get more than 8 million these days."

Another source said: "Future programmes may involve the people from the series, it may be other Travellers, but Channel 4 will definitely be doing more programmes on this subject. As well as offering a fascinating insight into a group of people many people in the UK didn't know much about, the series is jaw-droppingly visual and brilliantly made."

26-02-2011, 18:03
Simon Cowell wants to take 'My Big Fat Gypsy Weddings' to the US.
The 'X Factor' boss has met up with production staff at Firecracker - the body behind the hit Channel 4 show - in a bid to work out a way to translate the programme for the American market.

A source told The Sun: "Simon knows all the TV execs in America. He is the man to make it happen.

"Everyone at Firecracker is very excited about it."

The show - famed for its portrayal of gypsy traditions including huge wedding dresses, courtship ritual 'grabbing' and bare-knuckle fighting - was a ratings hit in the UK, with an average of nine million viewers tuning in to watch.

Even singer Kylie Minogue has admitted to a fascination of the show because the dress weights - up to 280lbs - are similar to her own stage costumes.

The 'Get Outta My Way' hitmaker said: "I'm fascinated by how they have to be bound up to stop the dresses cutting in and how they move. That's me! At some point there may be a Kylie homage!"

Channel 4 bosses are now thought to be looking into a follow-up to the show focusing on funerals.

(C) BANG Media International

10-03-2011, 09:55
A bidding war has broken out between rival TV stations desperate to screen 'Travellers Got Talent'.

Producers are keen to secure the rights to the programme - which will showcase the skills of gypsy singers, dancers and rappers - as they are convinced it will be as big a hit as 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings', which was aired on Channel 4.

Organiser Jake Bowers, from the Gypsy Media Company, said: "It would be phenomenal. There are so many talented people within the traveller community. Last year's contest didn't get the coverage it should have done.

"What it needed was for a big company to take it onto a national stage. We've already had calls from production companies who want to turn it into something."

Jake also believes 'Travellers Got Talent' would provide a real insight into gypsy life and repair damage caused by the Channel 4 show, which travellers claimed showed them in a bad light.

He added to the Daily Star newspaper: "It would be a great thing if handled right."

Hundreds of gypsy battled it out at last year's contest, which was won by teenager Olivia Ayres, who has now vowed to audition for 'The X Factor'.

(C) BANG Media International

27-04-2011, 14:55
Channel 4 to air My Big Fat Royal Gypsy Wedding to compete with Kate Middleton and Prince William's big day
Hit reality show Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is returning for Royal Wedding special

Channel 4's hit TV show Big Fat Gypsy Weddings will return with a special royal episode on 29 April - the same day Kate Middleton marries Prince William.

Boss Jay Hunt has commissioned My Big Fat Royal Gypsy Wedding to compete with BBC1 and ITV's 8-hour coverage of the much-anticipated event.

'If you thought all the excitement would be at Westminster Abbey on 29 April - think again,' a Channel 4 spokesman tells the Daily Record.

The gypsy bride will be made to feel like a 'princess for the day' and going by previous episodes of Big Fat Gypsy Weddings - which drew 8million viewers an episode earlier this year - her dress will be just as talked about as Kate's.

The reality show will also return again this Christmas to give viewers an insight into the way travellers celebrate the festive season.

'Viewers just can't get enough of the gypsies,' a source tells the Daily Star.

'It's going to be one Big Fat Gypsy Christmas for everyone.'

26-05-2011, 17:30
Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is to return for a second series on Channel 4.

The BAFTA-nominated show, which picked up record-breaking viewing figures of over 8 million earlier this year, will have six new episodes airing in 2012.

The second series will look more closely at issues such as work and money, the family, health, prejudice, education and life on the road for gypsy and traveller communities.

Dressmaker Thelma Madine and traveller Paddy Doherty will return to the Firecracker Films show, but there will also be a new selection of gypsy families followed by the production team.

"Big Fat Gypsy Weddings was a phenomenon," said Channel 4 factual entertainment commissioning editor Tina Flintoff. "It would have been very easy for us to just commission more of the same but we wanted to enhance the series by adding more journalism and offering an even deeper insight into the gypsy and traveller way of life without losing what makes the show accessible - the weddings, christenings and spectacular celebrations."

Executive producer Jes Wilkins added: "We are excited about the creative challenge of how to follow up such a successful series. We are extremely grateful to all the gypsies and travellers who have opened up their lives to us over the last two years and we look forward to cultivating more relationships going forward."

27-05-2011, 19:04
i am excited for the 2nd series :D love this program some of the dresses are amazing.

15-02-2012, 22:05
i am excited for the 2nd series :D love this program some of the dresses are amazing.

It started back last night holy sh*t at some of the outfits and the age of the kids wearing them even if I was a size 8 I wouldnt wear them

16-02-2012, 11:53
Lizann.. you have got to read this then for the latest communion craze: http://www.oxygen.ie/catholic_church_bans_first_communion_vajazzles.PAG E4866.html

Chloe O'brien
16-02-2012, 12:44
Oh my word. Whatever happened to getting a Bible for your first Communion.

16-02-2012, 13:42
Lizann.. you have got to read this then for the latest communion craze: http://www.oxygen.ie/catholic_church_bans_first_communion_vajazzles.PAG E4866.html

That is sick

16-02-2012, 21:54
Lizann.. you have got to read this then for the latest communion craze: http://www.oxygen.ie/catholic_church_bans_first_communion_vajazzles.PAG E4866.html

Holy God! shocking!

20-02-2012, 23:28
I hate this program. Here's why.

Taken from http://pipopotamus.blogspot.com/2012/02/open-letter-to-chanel-4.html

An Open Letter to Channel 4
Dear Channel 4,

I am writing to you with the hope that you will stop ruining my life. While your obsession with my ethnicity is flattering, it has become somewhat apparent to me that you might have gotten the wrong end of the stick. This is sort of awkward for me, because I don't want to be the one to break it to you, but your documentary, 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings', is unfortunately a work of fiction. There is no need to be embarrassed, it can happen to the best of us, and thus I hope my letter will help you establish the facts, after all I'm sure you are passionate about fighting discrimination against ethnic minorities. Don't be modest now, we know you are...right?

It surprised me to discover that 99% of Britain's Gypsy and Traveller population are Irish. Correct me if I'm wrong, as I am sure you have done lots and lots of research on this topic, but just 10% of the Gypsy andTraveller population are actually Irish Travellers. The majority, like myself, are in fact Romany, yet your 'documentary' seems to ignore our existence. While I have nothing but respect for the Irish Traveller community, you seem to be unaware that we are two distinct ethnic groups and thus there are many differences between our cultures. While Irish Travellers originate from Ireland, we can trace our routes back to India, so it was hardly surprising that I was somewhat confused when you use the word Gypsy in the title of your 'documentary' about Irish Travellers. I was even more confused when your 'documentary' about Irish Travellers seemed to feature an alien culture that even most Irish Traveller's didn't recognise.

You correctly identified that many Gypsy and Traveller children leave school at a young age, however you failed to mention that this is not because we are all born to terrible parents, but because our communities suffer from great social exclusion. State education fails to adapt to anything but mainstream culture, thus we have to contend with a curriculum that is totally irrelevant to our way of life. Moreover, both teachers and students seem ignorant of our cultures, thus we are labelled as troublemakers and bullied for being different. The myths that you have been spreading have not helped matters. Indeed, I was subjected to physical attacks during your last series of your 'documentary' which ultimately led to my expulsion from school (long story), whilst my 12 year old cousin was beat up on her way home from school by a gang of girls who were calling her a prostitute.

As you can see, there are many reasons as to why Gypsy and Traveller children are failing to attend school, but you seem to have forgotten to feature those of us that do stay in education. Take myself, for example, I'm currently at college studying a range of subjects such as, History and Sociology. Moreover, my sister trained to be a hairdresser, my aunty went to university and is now a social worker and some of my cousins completed apprenticeships, thus clearly dropping out of education is not a prerequisite of living in a trailer.

Your 'documentary' has an unhealthy obsession with little girls. While I understand that the outfits worn by some of your younger stars could be considered a little risqué, I see only little girls having fun and dressing up for a special occasion. Your 'documentary' appears to be suggesting that we are inappropriately sexualising our children, yet the only people who are sexualising our children are the viewers who watch them and think they are sexy. In reality, our little girls can mostly be found in velour tracksuits and handmade frilly dresses, so I would suggest you should stop filming little girls dancing if you are finding that this is turning on your viewers.

After watching the last series of your 'documentary' it finally hit me why I was so unlucky in love. I would have been married by now, if only I had known that the key to a women's heart was to sexually assault her using a gypsy courting ritual called 'grabbing'. I asked my brother if he had grabbed his wife, but it turned out he had just asked her out on a date instead. It appears that in reality, no one actually knows what grabbing is, in fact Gypsy and Traveller men actually have a lot of respect for their women after all.

Speaking of love, I've been to many Gypsy and Traveller weddings, but I'm yet to attend a wedding where the bride's dress weighs more than my whole family. Don't get me wrong, I've seen some huge dresses but there is something you need to know: Thelma Madine is lying to you, she's not our dressmaker of choice. In fact, I’m kind of embarrassed for her because no one actually knows who she is and everything she says about us is actually untrue. Basically, you've been conned, so I suggest you find a new spokesperson for the Gypsy and Traveller communities, such as an actual Gypsy or Traveller like my Baba (grandma), she makes some right nice clothes you know.

It's hardly surprising that people are watching your 'documentary' purely to laugh at us, because even I laugh at the monstrosities that Thelma Madine creates. It is a shame that you haven’t featured any Gypsy or Traveller designers because the clothing that we were actually more traditionally known for before your 'documentary', is actually far more interesting than amusing. Last year, Leeds University Union thought it would be okay to laugh at the Gypsy and Traveller communities by hosting a Big Fat Gypsy Weddings fancy dress party. While the union holds events throughout the year to celebrate other ethnic minorities, your 'documentary' encouraged them to incite ethnic hatred. You'll be pleased to know that due to complaints from yours truly and friends, the event was shelved.

You seem to have misunderstood what a documentary about Gypsies should entail. Gypsies (as in Romany Gypsies that are completely different to Irish Travellers, that are like totally not Irish Travellers at all, get it?) are Europe's largest and most deprived ethnic minority. The majority of Romani people have never been to Rathkeale, let alone own houses there. In fact, most live in great poverty and I suggest you read my previous blogs. We suffer from discrimination on a daily basis and our human rights have historically been violated, yet you deem it acceptable to broadcast a misleading 'documentary' that has been made not to raise awareness of our plight but for entertainment. We are not a joke, we are human beings and your work of fiction is only strengthening stereotypes and ignorance.

Unlike those who star in your 'documentary' I am not after 5 minutes of fame, but what I am asking for, is for you to put humans above ratings. You can't ignore us forever.

Yours sincerely,


21-02-2012, 17:58
Very good letter. My sisters boyfriends family is of Irish Traveller descent and he hates this programme as well.

That said, i do quite enjoy the programme as it is pretty outragous but it is pretty obvious that its not 100% reality. It just covers a very small minority of people.