View Full Version : EastEnders Spoilers Week 6 (7 - 11 Feb 2011)

20-01-2011, 12:53
Monday 7 February
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Janine teaches Whitney how to tease men in the first visit of the week to Walford.

Meanwhile, Afia plans to tell her dad about her and Tamwar's relationship but backs down when she comes face to face with him.

Elsewhere, Darren gets his job back at the car lot.

7.30-8.00pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Roxy catches Whitney stealing in the club and demands she give back the belongings, in tonight's visit to Albert Square. When Whitney declines Janine's offer of a night out, Janine tells her to leave.

Afia tells Tamwar that she can't be happy when both of their fathers are intent on breaking them up. Tamwar decides he has to fix things.

Meanwhile, Heather is still feeling unwell but forces herself to go back to work.

Kat continues to struggle without baby Tommy, which puts more strain on her and Alfie's relationship, in tonight's visit to Walford.

Meanwhile, Whitney moves back in with Janine, and Heather's money problems lead her to steal from a friend.

Ronnie tells Jack she wants Michael out.

Friday 11 February
8.00-8.30pm BBC ONE and BBC ONE HD
Ronnie spots Roxy and Michael kissing, in the final visit of the week to Albert Square.

Later, Jack and Michael decide to go into business together, while Dot tries to help Heather with her money problems.

20-01-2011, 14:09
So Michael is living with Jack and Ronnie and romancing Roxy that was quick

20-01-2011, 15:06
What's wrong with Heather, does anyone know where they are gong with this story line?

20-01-2011, 15:17
What's wrong with Heather, does anyone know where they are gong with this story line?

Ithink remember reading somewhere about Heather been involved in a health storyline to highlight something but can't remember what now...

20-01-2011, 18:47
if I were to guess what was wrong with heather it would probably be diabetes..( they may use a new storyline on obese women ???)I think it would be a good story line IF EE does it right What does she do with all of her money ?????????

21-01-2011, 09:31
if I were to guess what was wrong with heather it would probably be diabetes..( they may use a new storyline on obese women ???)I think it would be a good story line IF EE does it right What does she do with all of her money ?????????

I have often wondered about that in EE.. it seems the less you do i.e Phil, the more money you have but if you work hard like Heather and Billy, you end up pennyless.. however they all seem to have enough money for chips, cafe and Vic

21-01-2011, 11:44
if I were to guess what was wrong with heather it would probably be diabetes..( they may use a new storyline on obese women ???)I think it would be a good story line IF EE does it right What does she do with all of her money ?????????

Yes this could be diabetes considering all the bad foods Heather eats and she is overweight

Chloe O'brien
21-01-2011, 22:55
Is she not to catch Swine Flu.

22-01-2011, 13:45
EastEnders character Heather Trott will reportedly be left fighting for her life after breathing toxic fumes.

Heather, played by Cheryl Fergison, will inhale the gas from her faulty boiler, which she can't afford to fix. Best friend Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) will find her unconscious on the sofa and she is rushed to hospital.

A source told The Mirror: "Heather has hit rock bottom financially and she is in desperate need of cash. But as usual she is far too proud to admit to anyone how skint she is.

"Her life hangs in the balance after she collapses in the house. She is in a really bad way. It is a race against time to get her to hospital."

Heather's baby son George will not be in the house when the incident occurs next month.


22-01-2011, 17:01
Heather's baby son George will not be in the house

Of course not. Babies and children are never in the house with their parents.

26-01-2011, 14:14
Of course not. Babies and children are never in the house with their parents.
Hahaha. They always vanish into thin air and resurface when needed.

26-01-2011, 14:35
Hahaha. They always vanish into thin air and resurface when needed.

Soaps are the best babysitters... you can do what you want, go where you want and not have to worry about your baby.. I mean look at Roxy lately.. she has moved house and whatnot.. where is Amy?? Gone to the same room as Tracey in Corrie?? well we all know how she turned out

30-01-2011, 07:39
Meanwhile, EastEnders' Max Branning will live to regret making an unusual bet with Michael Moon next month when it leads to the Walford newcomer sharing a kiss with Vanessa.

In Thursday's episode of the BBC soap, the stakes are high during a darts challenge at The Vic when Max agrees that Michael can lock lips with Vanessa if he proves to be the better player. Unfortunately for Max, Michael turns out to be a natural at the game and wins easily.

As a new week dawns in Albert Square, it becomes clear that Michael hasn't forgotten about the bet when he cheekily asks Vanessa whether she knows about the agreement.

Max tries to tell him to get lost, but Vanessa soon provides a surprise of her own when she warns Max not to underestimate her and moves in for a kiss with Michael.

A Walford source said: "Vanessa is fuming at Max for going through with the bet and decides to teach him a lesson, much to Michael's surprise and delight!"


These scenes air on Monday, February 7 at 8.00pm on BBC One.

30-01-2011, 13:34
i don't understand the whole vanessa - max thing, she's far too high maintenance to live with a 2nd hand car salesman, she always looks too perfect too..and what's with all the white!?

01-02-2011, 00:21
Mon 7th

In preparation for a night out with Gary and David, Janine teaches Whitney the art of teasing a man into giving her money. Following the lesson, they head over to R&R, where Janine focuses her attentions on Gary and Whitney pairs up with David. However, Janine decides to bring her night to an early end when Gary comes on too strongly. She leaves the club, but out on the street, she bumps into Gary again and he pins her up against a wall - determined that he's going to get what he paid for. Fortunately for Janine, Ricky hears her screaming for help, comes to her rescue and takes her home for a cup of tea.

During a candid chat, Ricky explains to Janine that he's worried about Whitney. Janine suddenly realises that Whitney is still with David in the club and could be in danger. She quickly heads back to the R&R, but Roxy refuses to let her back inside. In the club, David is making a move on Whitney, but she starts to feel uneasy and wants to follow in Janine's footsteps by calling it a night. However, before she leaves, she steals David's wallet - which is full to the brim with cash. Back at the flat, Whitney proudly tells Janine what she's been up to - but Janine is unimpressed, certain that Whitney has put them in danger. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door and an angry David ends up in a confrontation with Whitney…

Meanwhile, Afia tells Tamwar that she plans to tell Yusuf about their relationship because he's now home from his trip. However, she backs out when she comes face-to-face with her father. Instead, Yusuf has a surprise of his own when he offers Afia a round-the-world ticket as a gift, but she declines it because she wants to stay in London. Later, Zainab and Afia prepare to have dinner together at the Argee Bhajee, but Masood initially refuses to attend because he feels unable to accept Afia into the family. It's only when Jane advises Masood to attend for Tamwar's sake that he has a change of heart, arriving half-way through the dinner. Soon afterwards, things turn sour when Afia chats about her father and Zainab is visibly angry to hear him being talked about. Later, Masood tells Afia that it's best for her to break things off with Tamwar, so she agrees to go on the round-the-world trip after all. When Tamwar tells Afia that he loves her, she has tears in her eyes because she knows their relationship has to end.

Elsewhere, Michael informs Vanessa about his wager with Max, so Vanessa initiates a kiss with Michael and warns Max not to underestimate her. Roxy witnesses the whole thing and Michael flirts with her, but he's interrupted when Max taps him on the shoulder and punches him in the face.

Tues 8th

Alfie is keen to pay what he owes to Michael following their wager at The Vic, so he has pawned his wedding ring in order to raise the cash. While planning a Mexican-themed day at The Vic, he struggles to maintain his composure because everyone is asking after Kat. When Kat is sharp-tongued towards Alfie, he cannot take it anymore and storms out of the pub. Alfie then pays a visit to Michael to pay off his debt and, while there, he lets on that he witnessed Michael's secret kiss with Kat.

Later, Alfie is touched when Roxy asks how he's doing - she's the first person who has asked about him rather than just Kat. He then returns to the pub, where Kat comes clean about her kiss with Michael. Unable to keep calm, Alfie destroys the piñata in front of all the punters before storming upstairs. When Kat follows him, he tells her that he loves her but her cold and ungrateful behaviour also makes him hate her. Alfie then angrily blames Kat for Tommy's death…

Meanwhile, Afia tells Tamwar about her intention of heading off on a round-the-world trip, explaining that she can't be happy when both Yusuf and Masood are both determined to break them up. Later, while working at the Argee Bhajee, Tamwar defies his father by purposely misinterpreting his orders - hoping that the restaurant's reputation will be tarnished as a result. When Masood confronts his son over his behaviour, Tamwar insists that destroying the reputation of a business is nowhere near as bad as destroying his strong relationship with Afia. When Tamwar asks Masood to make things right with Yusuf for his sake, will he agree to do so and can Tamwar and Afia's relationship be saved?

Elsewhere, when Roxy sees Whitney's theft on the club's CCTV, she confronts her. As a result, Whitney is forced to give the wallet back - although she keeps some of the cash for herself. Later, after being kicked out by Janine, Whitney is forced to spend the night in a shed at the allotment.

Also today, Heather is feeling unwell but returns to work anyway as she desperately needs the money.

Thurs 10th

Kat makes a phone call to the hospital as she wants them to speed up the results of Tommy's post-mortem examination. However, she's left disappointed when she's informed that the results aren't ready yet. Her phone call is witnessed by Alfie and he tries to sympathise, but Kat heads straight over to Ronnie's - where she's let in by Michael. Appearing agitated and desperate, Kat asks why her baby had to die and Ronnie's didn't - does it mean that she did something wrong? Kat's words unnerve Ronnie, and Kat soon lets herself out.

Later, Michael joins Kat as she sits in the park - but he confesses that he doesn't feel anything for the baby. This only makes things worse for Kat as she feels like nobody understands how she's feeling. Back at the pub, Kat becomes angry with Alfie when he tries to sympathise with her yet again. With the tension becoming too much to bear, Alfie asks Kat whether he should leave Walford as it seems like she doesn't want him there anymore. Will Alfie decide to leave the Square?

Meanwhile, following her night spent at the allotment, Whitney heads over to the launderette - hoping to find some warmth and shelter there. Spotting Whitney's desperate state, Dot advises that she should end her dispute with her family and return home. However, Whitney feels unable to go back to Pat's house while Bianca isn't there, so she heads back to Janine's instead. Janine returns home to find Whitney crouching outside the front door, but she just walks straight past her and ignores her. Moments later, however, she opens her door and invites Whitney back inside after all.

Elsewhere, Darren tells Heather that he'll now be able to give her £10 extra per month for George, but she's disappointed that it's not more; Ronnie tells Jack that she wants Michael out of their house; Heather is caught red-handed by Dot after stealing money from her purse; and Michael spends time with Roxy after being kicked out by Jack - and the pair kiss following an evening together at The Vic.

Fri 11th

Ronnie spots Roxy and Michael kissing as they leave the Slaters' house, where Michael has been offered a room by Mo. It's immediately clear that Roxy didn't go home last night. Later, Ronnie ends up alone with Roxy's phone and spots that there is a voicemail message flashing up on it. When Ronnie listens to it, she hears that it's from Michael - asking Roxy out to lunch.

After listening to the voicemail, Ronnie deletes it from Roxy's phone - but Glenda sees her putting the phone down. Scheming further, Ronnie asks Roxy out to lunch and lets Glenda look after the baby for the first time. Roxy agrees to go out, but is less impressed when they only end up at the café. While there, Ronnie admits to Roxy that she isn't keen on her dating Michael - explaining that he's responsible for problems in Kat and Alfie's relationship.

Meanwhile, working at the car lot doesn't seem to be satisfying Jack as he's frustrated over working with Max and Darren. Later, at The Vic, Michael invites Jack to check out a business proposition with him and so the pair visit a boxing gym together. At first, Jack is uneasy about the whole thing - certain that Ronnie wouldn't approve of the new venture. However, he's soon won over and returns home with champagne to celebrate. Jack announces that he's going into business with Michael at the gym. Desperate, Ronnie tells a lie to Jack, Glenda and Roxy - claiming that Michael made a move on her…

Elsewhere, Masood tells Yusuf that he's not going to stand in the way of Tamwar and Afia's relationship as Tamwar is a grown man; Dot takes sympathy on Heather and takes her to the Citizens' Advice Bureau to get some financial help; and Yusuf tells Masood that he wants to speak to Tamwar - if he is man enough.

01-02-2011, 00:21
Mon 7th

In preparation for a night out with Gary and David, Janine teaches Whitney the art of teasing a man into giving her money. Following the lesson, they head over to R&R, where Janine focuses her attentions on Gary and Whitney pairs up with David. However, Janine decides to bring her night to an early end when Gary comes on too strongly. She leaves the club, but out on the street, she bumps into Gary again and he pins her up against a wall - determined that he's going to get what he paid for. Fortunately for Janine, Ricky hears her screaming for help, comes to her rescue and takes her home for a cup of tea.

During a candid chat, Ricky explains to Janine that he's worried about Whitney. Janine suddenly realises that Whitney is still with David in the club and could be in danger. She quickly heads back to the R&R, but Roxy refuses to let her back inside. In the club, David is making a move on Whitney, but she starts to feel uneasy and wants to follow in Janine's footsteps by calling it a night. However, before she leaves, she steals David's wallet - which is full to the brim with cash. Back at the flat, Whitney proudly tells Janine what she's been up to - but Janine is unimpressed, certain that Whitney has put them in danger. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door and an angry David ends up in a confrontation with Whitney…

Meanwhile, Afia tells Tamwar that she plans to tell Yusuf about their relationship because he's now home from his trip. However, she backs out when she comes face-to-face with her father. Instead, Yusuf has a surprise of his own when he offers Afia a round-the-world ticket as a gift, but she declines it because she wants to stay in London. Later, Zainab and Afia prepare to have dinner together at the Argee Bhajee, but Masood initially refuses to attend because he feels unable to accept Afia into the family. It's only when Jane advises Masood to attend for Tamwar's sake that he has a change of heart, arriving half-way through the dinner. Soon afterwards, things turn sour when Afia chats about her father and Zainab is visibly angry to hear him being talked about. Later, Masood tells Afia that it's best for her to break things off with Tamwar, so she agrees to go on the round-the-world trip after all. When Tamwar tells Afia that he loves her, she has tears in her eyes because she knows their relationship has to end.

Elsewhere, Michael informs Vanessa about his wager with Max, so Vanessa initiates a kiss with Michael and warns Max not to underestimate her. Roxy witnesses the whole thing and Michael flirts with her, but he's interrupted when Max taps him on the shoulder and punches him in the face.

Tues 8th

Alfie is keen to pay what he owes to Michael following their wager at The Vic, so he has pawned his wedding ring in order to raise the cash. While planning a Mexican-themed day at The Vic, he struggles to maintain his composure because everyone is asking after Kat. When Kat is sharp-tongued towards Alfie, he cannot take it anymore and storms out of the pub. Alfie then pays a visit to Michael to pay off his debt and, while there, he lets on that he witnessed Michael's secret kiss with Kat.

Later, Alfie is touched when Roxy asks how he's doing - she's the first person who has asked about him rather than just Kat. He then returns to the pub, where Kat comes clean about her kiss with Michael. Unable to keep calm, Alfie destroys the piñata in front of all the punters before storming upstairs. When Kat follows him, he tells her that he loves her but her cold and ungrateful behaviour also makes him hate her. Alfie then angrily blames Kat for Tommy's death…

Meanwhile, Afia tells Tamwar about her intention of heading off on a round-the-world trip, explaining that she can't be happy when both Yusuf and Masood are both determined to break them up. Later, while working at the Argee Bhajee, Tamwar defies his father by purposely misinterpreting his orders - hoping that the restaurant's reputation will be tarnished as a result. When Masood confronts his son over his behaviour, Tamwar insists that destroying the reputation of a business is nowhere near as bad as destroying his strong relationship with Afia. When Tamwar asks Masood to make things right with Yusuf for his sake, will he agree to do so and can Tamwar and Afia's relationship be saved?

Elsewhere, when Roxy sees Whitney's theft on the club's CCTV, she confronts her. As a result, Whitney is forced to give the wallet back - although she keeps some of the cash for herself. Later, after being kicked out by Janine, Whitney is forced to spend the night in a shed at the allotment.

Also today, Heather is feeling unwell but returns to work anyway as she desperately needs the money.

Thurs 10th

Kat makes a phone call to the hospital as she wants them to speed up the results of Tommy's post-mortem examination. However, she's left disappointed when she's informed that the results aren't ready yet. Her phone call is witnessed by Alfie and he tries to sympathise, but Kat heads straight over to Ronnie's - where she's let in by Michael. Appearing agitated and desperate, Kat asks why her baby had to die and Ronnie's didn't - does it mean that she did something wrong? Kat's words unnerve Ronnie, and Kat soon lets herself out.

Later, Michael joins Kat as she sits in the park - but he confesses that he doesn't feel anything for the baby. This only makes things worse for Kat as she feels like nobody understands how she's feeling. Back at the pub, Kat becomes angry with Alfie when he tries to sympathise with her yet again. With the tension becoming too much to bear, Alfie asks Kat whether he should leave Walford as it seems like she doesn't want him there anymore. Will Alfie decide to leave the Square?

Meanwhile, following her night spent at the allotment, Whitney heads over to the launderette - hoping to find some warmth and shelter there. Spotting Whitney's desperate state, Dot advises that she should end her dispute with her family and return home. However, Whitney feels unable to go back to Pat's house while Bianca isn't there, so she heads back to Janine's instead. Janine returns home to find Whitney crouching outside the front door, but she just walks straight past her and ignores her. Moments later, however, she opens her door and invites Whitney back inside after all.

Elsewhere, Darren tells Heather that he'll now be able to give her £10 extra per month for George, but she's disappointed that it's not more; Ronnie tells Jack that she wants Michael out of their house; Heather is caught red-handed by Dot after stealing money from her purse; and Michael spends time with Roxy after being kicked out by Jack - and the pair kiss following an evening together at The Vic.

Fri 11th

Ronnie spots Roxy and Michael kissing as they leave the Slaters' house, where Michael has been offered a room by Mo. It's immediately clear that Roxy didn't go home last night. Later, Ronnie ends up alone with Roxy's phone and spots that there is a voicemail message flashing up on it. When Ronnie listens to it, she hears that it's from Michael - asking Roxy out to lunch.

After listening to the voicemail, Ronnie deletes it from Roxy's phone - but Glenda sees her putting the phone down. Scheming further, Ronnie asks Roxy out to lunch and lets Glenda look after the baby for the first time. Roxy agrees to go out, but is less impressed when they only end up at the café. While there, Ronnie admits to Roxy that she isn't keen on her dating Michael - explaining that he's responsible for problems in Kat and Alfie's relationship.

Meanwhile, working at the car lot doesn't seem to be satisfying Jack as he's frustrated over working with Max and Darren. Later, at The Vic, Michael invites Jack to check out a business proposition with him and so the pair visit a boxing gym together. At first, Jack is uneasy about the whole thing - certain that Ronnie wouldn't approve of the new venture. However, he's soon won over and returns home with champagne to celebrate. Jack announces that he's going into business with Michael at the gym. Desperate, Ronnie tells a lie to Jack, Glenda and Roxy - claiming that Michael made a move on her…

Elsewhere, Masood tells Yusuf that he's not going to stand in the way of Tamwar and Afia's relationship as Tamwar is a grown man; Dot takes sympathy on Heather and takes her to the Citizens' Advice Bureau to get some financial help; and Yusuf tells Masood that he wants to speak to Tamwar - if he is man enough.