View Full Version : Question about Break Times at work

Jessie Wallace
10-01-2011, 20:50
I have a ramdom question some of you brain boxes might be able to answer for me.
I'm a carer assistnat in a nursing home and after my break at work today, i was told that i'm no longer allowed to read a book and must join in with the conversation thats happening in the staff room. Now we do get paid for our breaks and are already made to have our breaks in the staff room and no-where else. I just wondered if anyone knows where they can do this, as surly my break is to do with is as i wish.
Feels a little like being back at school, infact i think i had more freedom at school! lol

10-01-2011, 20:54
I'm pretty sure they can't force you to do anything during your break, unless its an emergency. It's your break, use it how you wish. Regardless of whether you're paid for break times or not, they can't dictate how you spend them.

Ask to see the policy which states you must have a conversation. Seems barmy to me.

10-01-2011, 20:58
Have you asked them why?

Jessie Wallace
10-01-2011, 20:59
I'm pretty sure they can't force you to do anything during your break, unless its an emergency. It's your break, use it how you wish. Regardless of whether you're paid for break times or not, they can't dictate how you spend them.

Ask to see the policy which states you must have a conversation. Seems barmy to me.

I think it's barmy too. The manager didn't even have to guts to tell me herself, she made her deputy do it. Who didn't agree with it, but still has to tell me.

Jessie Wallace
10-01-2011, 21:00
Have you asked them why?

Was told it was to do with meet building getting us to talk to each other.

10-01-2011, 21:03
It's your break, they are not allowed to tell you what to do, in fact I don't think they are allowed to tell you where you have to have it. I would ask to see the official company policy if they insist. I must say your boss sounds a bit mad!

10-01-2011, 21:06
you say you have to stay in the staff room for breaks, does this mean the smokers (if there are any) aren't allowed to go out for a cigarette?

Jessie Wallace
10-01-2011, 21:26
We don't have any smokers at the moment, nor have we since this we have to stay in the staff room rule.

Chloe O'brien
10-01-2011, 21:36
Dawn they can't tell you what you have to do on your break. My sister and niece are both care assistants and they have to eat their meals in the staff room and if my sister who's a smoker has to change out of her uniform and go outside the grounds to have a smoke as it's company policy and she has it in writting in her contract of employment, but they're not told what they have to do on their break. In my job staff are paid for thier lunch-break and their is one staff room where some staff sit and chat while some sit quietly reading a book. Is there any senior carer or nurse you can discuss it with as I would say your employer is in the wrong. If there is no one at the work you can talk to I would contact the CAB for advice.

10-01-2011, 21:42
You can also have a look at the ACAS website and if you don't find the answer, contact them free of charge.

10-01-2011, 21:59
Was told it was to do with meet building getting us to talk to each other.

I'd tell them to organise a team building day if they want you to talk to each other. You're there to work, not chat. I don't know what your co-workers are like or what your view on being friends with colleagues obviously but if you're not the type of person to talk about your personal life at work (which is fair enough) then what are you supposed to talk about? Talking about how somebody's kid drew a dog would send me over the edge. There's a line that varies from person to person over how much they reveal to their co-workers and I find it insulting that your boss thinks you have to talk about your boyfriend or kids in order to do your job.

11-01-2011, 09:24
When I started this job many moons ago, I used to take my breaks with the girls I was in training with and it was advised by my TL and mentor that I should go to breaks with people on my team so I can interact with them.. They can't force it, but they can ask you

Jessie Wallace
11-01-2011, 23:11
Thanks for your help guys. my boss wasn't in today was couldn't talk to her.

20-01-2011, 17:24
Seems slightly unethical to me. Surely they can encourage you to socialise with your fellow employees but not force you.