View Full Version : Hollyoaks Spoilers 10-14 Jan

04-01-2011, 08:33
2991: Theresa teams up with Warren
Monday 10 January

Theresa makes a pact with Warren, and Ethan later reveals that Kyle was attacked in prison and the trial has been postponed.

Meanwhile, Diane reveals some shocking news to Sinead about her biological mother.

Elsewhere, Leanne overhears Lee saying he still loves Amy.

And Carl is livid when an article about Riley insensitively refers to Jason.

2992: Jason is left seriously injured
Tuesday 11 January

Jason is distraught to hear Heidi's malicious comments and, following his counsellor's advice, he tearfully records a video diary.

Meanwhile, in an effort to impress Ruby, Bart steals a car and takes her joyriding, but their recklessness ends in disaster when Jason steps into the road.

Ruby and Bart quickly flee the scene leaving Jason fighting for his lifeā€¦

Elsewhere, Leanne has a cunning plan up her sleeve.

2993: Brendan makes a discovery
Wednesday 12 January

Brendan makes an interesting discovery about Warren when he meets Kyle.

The encounter prompts Brendan to come to his own conclusions about Calvin's murder.

Meanwhile, the truth about Jason's self-harming comes to light as he lies in a hospital bed.

Questions are soon asked about whether his stepping into the road was an accident or whether there is a more disturbing explanation.

2994: Lee and Leanne's big day arrives
Thursday 13 January

It's the big day for Lee and Leanne. Bombhead arrives to support his friend and Leanne's sneaky plan backfires.

Later, Leanne sparks more trouble when an old friend returns to seek vengeance...

Meanwhile, Brendan bluffs his way to the truth about who killed Calvin, but what will he do with the incriminating evidence?

Elsewhere, Theresa relaxes when Warren tells her Kyle has gone away.

2995: Darren comes face-to-face with Suzanne
Friday 14 January

Nancy is excited when Darren pops the big question.

However, their celebrations are overshadowed when they bump into Suzanne.

Meanwhile, Rae confides to Amy that she's pregnant and Amy pays Brendan a visit.

Later, Brendan tries to finish with Ste, but their passionate goodbye has an audience - is their secret about to hit the headlines?

04-01-2011, 10:27
I kinda think Brendan fancies Warren also

04-01-2011, 13:04
Looks like it is Mitzee that see Brendan and Ste:-

Finally, this is the moment when Mitzeee sees something she shouldn't as she spots Brendan and Ste sharing a passionate kiss in Hollyoaks.

Never one to miss an opportunity, the outrageous glamour girl knows she now has some useful information - but what will she do with it?

Is Mitzeee is about to become a thorn in Brendan's side, or can they come to an arrangement which will secure her silence?

Above from DS

05-01-2011, 10:42
I bet Mitzee will pretend to be Brendan's girlfriend

05-01-2011, 10:44
Hollyoaks star Ashley Taylor Dawson has revealed details of the surprise new storyline which will see Suzanne Ashworth return to the village.

In next week's episodes, Suzanne will leave Dawson's character Darren Osborne stunned when she makes her comeback and announces that she is pregnant with his twins. The shock moment comes just after Darren has proposed to new girlfriend Nancy Hayton (Jessica Fox).

Speaking to Soaplife about Suzanne's return, Dawson explained: "He can't miss the fact she's pregnant but he just thinks things have worked out for her and Nev. When she says Nev's not the father, he thinks she's been a bit of a goer.

"[But] she says, 'It's twins and they're yours'. At first, he doesn't believe her and he thinks it's a wind-up."

However, he added: "The dates match up. It's a huge shock. But when she threatens to go back to Spain, he realises it's not what he wants and he stops her. He decides to man up and be a dad to his kids."

Dawson also admitted that Darren's 'proposal' to Nancy comes about accidentally rather than being planned.

He said: "That wasn't meant to happen either. He likes Nancy, but it's far too early to be talking marriage!"

Suzanne was originally seen leaving the village last summer after most of the Ashworth clan were written out of the soap.