View Full Version : Dot Cotton Branning Affair???????

28-12-2010, 20:50
Do you think Dot will have an affair with her new friend Edward maybe not a sexual big romance but for companionship she seems very lonely so it wouldnt be an affair would it ??????

28-12-2010, 21:30
Can't see Dot caring for anyone else but Jim in that way

29-12-2010, 10:01
Nor can anyone else.....except Eastenders scriptwriters!

29-12-2010, 12:43
Do you think Dot will have an affair with her new friend Edward maybe not a sexual big romance but for companionship she seems very lonely so it wouldnt be an affair would it ??????

I must admit it did cross my mind while watching last night.

29-12-2010, 17:38
She has no female friends maybe bar Heather since Pauline died

She does love Jim I hope she dont stray

07-02-2011, 22:05
i think thats just what she needs sum attention shes always sat in kitchen on her own and needs someone to tlk to maybe she will just love the fact shes got a close friend

08-02-2011, 09:45
She won't have a sexual relationship.. she made that very clear to Jim when she married him so why do that with someone else.. I think she just needs company.. it is what she misses most