View Full Version : Corrie at 50 - your favourite memories of the show

02-12-2010, 10:16
With just a week to go until the big 50 I thought we could use this thread to discuss our favourite memories/storylines from the show. I started watching Corrie around the mid to late 90's as I was growing up and I think one of the obvious standouts from the years i've watched is the Richard Hillman storyline. It really was unmissable back then and I think his exit where he drove the car into the canal is possibly my favourite Corrie ep ever! Here's a clip :D


What's your fave storylines?

02-12-2010, 12:59
Yup, the Richard Hillman storyline is one of the best I've seen on Coronation Street. I started watching around 2001/2002...so my favourite storylines are going to be fairly recent. It might not be a popular choice, but I loved the 'Killer Katy' story. I just thought it was a really well structured plot and very well acted, as we witnessed the whole family fall apart. I loved how the plot progressed and how one event led to another, from Katy going out with Martin - killing her dad - Angela taking the blame - Katy committing suicide because she felt guilty.

I remember at the time a lot of people criticised the story for being depressing and Katy's endless crying was getting annoying... but it's one of my favourite Corrie stories.

Also, remember the Tracy/Roy/Hayley plot? Where Tracy tricked Roy into thinking they slept together and that he got her pregnant? I loved that story too. Tracy was at her bitchy best and you felt so much sympathy for Roy and Hayley! Also loved Tracy's scenes with Karen.

These are probably my favourite scenes since I've started watched Coronation Street though...this is Corrie at its absolute best and I hope it can return to this level of quality.


02-12-2010, 13:31
Eileen and Gail! Classic cat fight! :D "Oh here's the other one, the rest of the village people!" :rotfl: Best line EVER! :D

Agree about Karen/Tracy too, loved their rivalry! Their huge bust-up on the factory roof in 2004 when Karen left was brilliant. I do miss Suranne Jones, she was great.


I seem to remember 2004 being a brilliant year for the show

02-12-2010, 22:21
Karen was amazing character! i loved the hillman storyline that was great as well, Sarahs pregnancy stands out as well. I also liked Phil Midlemiss s character was he called Des when he was with Natalie and he died due to her son and the drug dealers. That was really good, but i was quite young then and that might have made me think it was better than it actually was.

ooh and speaking of tony horrocks, that was also linked to the Jez Quigley story wasnt it when he got Leanne on drugs. That was great and the scene where he died in the car park with the mcdonalds.

And ill never forget the battersbys introduction! what a family they were, Toyahs rape and that christmas episode with the turkey and then the introduction of cilla, when the bath came through the ceilling, that was comedy gold!

What a show, 50 years of great storys and characters its a pity i only remember that last 10 years or so and not some of the really early stuff.

02-12-2010, 23:16
Suranne Jones was fantastic - I really hope she returns as Karen one day. Yup, 2004 was a very strong year... I can't believe I forgot to mention Mad Maya! Remember 'Mad Maya Monday' and all the trailers for it? haha that was absolutely fantastic! Blowing up all of Dev's shops and then being crushed in her car... absolutely barmy! Did that happen in 2004 as well? I can't remember but if it did, 2004 really was a magnificent year!

I can faintly remember the Battersbys arriving... Leanne has developed so much now, compared to when she first arrived!

02-12-2010, 23:29
I can't believe I forgot to mention Mad Maya! Remember 'Mad Maya Monday' and all the trailers for it? haha that was absolutely fantastic! Blowing up all of Dev's shops and then being crushed in her car... absolutely barmy! Did that happen in 2004 as well? I can't remember but if it did, 2004 really was a magnificent year!Yeah that was November 2004. I remember being gobsmacked by that episode especially when the truck crushed her car, that came so out the blue! Brilliant!

One of the storylines I loved from the 90's was that Anne Malone woman becoming obsessed with Curly, I can only remember it briefly but always recall that scene where she froze to death in Fresco's freezer! Classic! :D

Chloe O'brien
03-12-2010, 18:21
I love the scene with Stan and Hilda. with Stan kissing Hilda and asking which flavour her lipstick is? She answers "Woman Stanley Woman" Classic.

sean slater
03-12-2010, 23:52
When Sarah Louise got pregnant at 13 was a good one. It was quite a taboo back then, cos not that many soaps had tackled it that young. I also liked Martin and Gails relationship through that time. He was definitely the best husband she had. I liked him a lot. Oh and Kevin's wife Alison stole bethany after her son died and she got hit by the lorry. Classic.
And Richard Hillman was classic when he killed Maxine.
It's hard to cast your mind back too far. Cos Corrie tends to have a lot of gaps inbetween drama, loads of spaces where nothing happens.

Liz HF
13-12-2010, 17:19
The explosion and tram crash has to be the best moment by far! But Deidre going to jail has to be the storyline that grabbed the most headlines and my favourite storyline before the tram crash. Who would have thought the unlikely Deirdre Barlow would’ve ended up in jail? Everyone could see how bad her relationship with Jon was. I remember how enraged I was after she was sentenced to 18 months in prison while he walked off scot free! The whole nation was enraged, even Tony Blair issued a statement on the affair. I recall the campaign to free Deirdre like it was yesterday.

Corrie has had some amazing storylines over the last 50 years. They seemed to have pulled out all the stops with the latest tram crash, I wonder what they will do at Christmas?

Liz :)

13-12-2010, 17:22
Free the Weatherfield one!!!

13-12-2010, 23:54
For me richard hillman, got to be a top one!! such a good storyline with lots going on

Also sarah lou getting pregnant, I ontl realised the other day that I was 9 when that was going on! I can still remember it