View Full Version : Bring back the agony aunt section nowhere for people to voice thier problems!

sean slater
03-10-2010, 12:59
Ive been going through a bit of difficulty lately. Was having stomach pains, was sent to the hospital, did a blood test, kept me in over night found, thought it might be a urinary infection so sent me away with anti-biotics, did nothing. So then went back to the doctors, he's given a months worth of Omeprazole. Thing is I only have about 2 weeks left of them and it still hurts. Its not as painful as it was but its still there. Im starting to think it might be something gynaecological, as the pains are now at my lower abdomen, and my periods seem a bit weird. Over the last week or so ive had pains but no period. Im hoping I will get one eventually. I really need to now try and record it properly. See what is actually going on here.

Thing is the hospital gave me a blood test and I have given 3 different urine samples, nothing has shown on anything! It is worrying though, thinking it might be something which doctors havent picked up.

03-10-2010, 16:59
Sorry to hear about your health problems, sean slater. It's horrible when the doctors can't find what's wrong, as I know from family members' experience. You must keep going back and telling your doctor that there is still something wrong - don't let them fob you off. Good luck!

sean slater
03-10-2010, 17:55
Thanks. It's difficult to know what to do. Ive been to 2 different doctors surgeries, stayed overnight at a hospital. The only thing is they never gave me a scan, thats whats been bugging me! so it could be something inside that people dont know about. Would there be an increase of white blood cells if I had a cyst or problems with my uterus?

Chloe O'brien
04-10-2010, 01:14
Sean how long have you been having these stomach problems for and are they constant or do they come and go. My daughter is 12 about three years ago she started having problems with pains in her stomach and headaches. It took me nearly 4 months with visits to the doctors to find out firstly she had constipation and from there it progressed on to IBS. I hope you get the problem sorted out soon.

04-10-2010, 09:39
I agree with Dazzle, it is important to keep going back to tell your doctor (or, even your surgery's Nurse Practitioner,) that you are still having problems. Don't be afraid to actually suggest what you think might be wrong, because he/she will either be able to put your mind at rest, or recommend you for further tests.

Chloe makes a very good point too, because IBS can manifest with some very uncomfortable pains/symptoms, which might not seem to be related to those you are experiencing.

Can I also venture another suggestion? I hope you'll not be offended (bearing in mind I have no idea of your age group) but... is there any possibility that you could be starting the menopause? That too, can produce some odd aches and pains in addition to the more obvious symptoms.

Hope you can get your mind put at rest and will feel better very soon Sean.

04-10-2010, 12:03
I hope all works out well in the end for you and it is not too serious

My sister had the same symptoms and it was gallstones which she had to get out and it took for a while for doctors to diagnose they thought it was IBS also at one stage

04-10-2010, 13:35
Have you had any unprotected sex in living memory? Some STDs can cause abdominal pain and problems with periods years after you have caught them. You can get free STD checks from your GP or GUM clinic. The GUM clinic don't pass any information on to your GP without your consent so if you want to keep it off your medical records, that's the place to go.

Try keeping a pain diary of when the pain starts, when it gets worse, what sort of pain it is (e.g. sharp, dull, ache, intermittent) and when it stops. Record what you were doing at the time, if you had eaten anything etc. It may help narrow down the possibilities, especially with food intolerance related diseases.