View Full Version : Emmerdale reveals new Home Farm dynasty - The Maceys

30-09-2010, 01:03
Emmerdale has revealed the new dynasty that will reign at Home Farm when the Wylde family empire crumbles.

With Amanda Donohoe (Natasha Wylde), Alice Coulthard (Maisie Wylde) and Lyndon Ogbourne (Nathan Wylde) all exiting the ITV soap, it has been confirmed that Declan Macey, played by Jason Merrells, will take over the estate.

However, Declan - who joined the soap in April - will also be joined by his "somewhat dysfunctional" family who "sweep into the village ready to make their mark on Home Farm".

Famed for his role as Father Jack in Father Ted, Frank Kelly will play Declan's "eccentric and quick-witted" dad Dermot, who arrives in the village when his houseboat sinks.
Dermot is described as having a "mischievous streak" and the ability to wind his son up the wrong way.

Kelly said: "I'm a big fan of the show so I'm looking forward to making myself at home in The Woolpack! Dermot is a real character and I can't wait to get started."


Former Doctors actress Corrinne Wicks has joined the cast as Declan's estranged wife Ella. The sexy and savvy businesswoman is determined to win back her ex-husband as she returns from Singapore, where she runs a lucrative chain of nail bars.

"I'm so thrilled to be joining the fantastic cast of Emmerdale," Wicks said. "Ella is going to be great fun. She's feisty and glamorous with a no-nonsense attitude. I can't wait to get started as the Maceys make their mark on the Dales."

Meanwhile, never far behind Ella, is daughter Mia, played by Britannia High star Sapphire Elia. Fun-loving and carefree, Mia promises to turn a few heads upon her entrance.

"I'm so excited," Elia said. "Emmerdale is such an established and well-loved show and it's a brilliant opportunity for me."

She continued: "Mia is full of fun and I can't wait to see what she's going to get up to."

Emmerdale series producer Gavin Blyth added: "I'm so pleased to be welcoming three superb actors to our cast at this exciting time.

"The Maceys are glamorous and dynamic, and their move to the big house signals a new era at Home Farm which will see them firmly at the centre of some of our most compelling storylines."

The Maceys will begin to arrive on screen from November.

30-09-2010, 01:04
So there we have it. With the Wylde family's reign at Home Farm drawing to a close, the new dynasty has been revealed. Delcan Macey won't have much time to enjoy the peace and quiet though, as his ex-wife Ella, their daughter Mia and his father Dermot all arrive in the village. I caught up with actors Jason Merrells and Corrinne Wicks to find out more about Declan and Ella's relationship, why she wants him back and what she thinks of the wallpaper in Home Farm.

How does it feel to be joining Emmerdale?
[CW] "[I'm] very excited. I truly am, I'm not just saying that. 'A' because it is a job and 'B' because it is a great show. I'm very new. I've only done four scenes so far. I met Jason just the other day. I've met my new family today, my daughter and father-in-law. They're just great, great actors. We've got Father Jack! That is very exciting."

How did you find walking onto the Home Farm set for the first time?
[CW] "Amazing! I only had one audition and that was a screen test, and I thought I would just be sat there like a normal audition, but it was on set, full crew - actually in Home Farm. So that in itself was quite exciting. The fact that all the sets are next to each other - the Dingles' front room is next to ours!"
[JM] "We actually sleep in the Dingles' (laughs)."
CW "It does look rather comfy. I haven't actually been to the village yet. I'm not sure when my first visit there will be, but in a couple of weeks I think. So I'm really excited to see that because I didn't even realise that it is purpose-built."
[JM] "It's beautiful up there. That's really nice actually, that it's not in a studio. You'd get a bit claustrophobic as soon as you go up to the village or out on location, things just slow down slightly to old-fashioned filmmaking and it's a bit nicer."

Jason, how did you feel when you found out that you were taking over Home Farm and were being joined by a family?
[JM] "I think it was always mooted when I joined that that was the idea behind the character, that he eventually take it over. It was never clear how that was going to happen. At the time it wasn't even clear how they would get out of the Wylde story, who would be left there or what happened. So that was all up in the air but that was definitely the plan, that they wanted him to eventually take it over. And then as I continued to work, the idea came up of an ex and a daughter and they sort of finished, what I think, is a really quite funny and believable story of how she arrives. In a way Declan is hoist by his own petard. He tries to be very clever in the way that he gets his hands on the estate legally, which Ella becomes involved in. Then she ends up in the place because of how he has manipulated events. So I think there is a kind of justice in him being forced to confront his ex-wife in that situation, in that place. I think it is going to be quite funny as there is unfinished business between them and it's going to be a lot of fun driving that top-of-the-village story with a little bit of humour and a little bit of romantic comedy, for want of a better word, rather than the terrible murder mystery that has been [going on] for a while."

What can you tell us about the circumstances surrounding Declan and Ella's split?
[JM] "The way I imagine it is that we would have been geographically separate because of our businesses, drifted apart, not spoken, and because we are so driven, feisty and defensive, we probably played brinkmanship with each other over the divorce: 'Are you calling it?' 'No I'm calling it' - and eventually found ourselves getting divorced and being split apart without really examining what happened."
[CW] "Without intending it perhaps. Obviously we have a daughter who we both very much love and are very close to so there has been constant contact, but Ella lives in Singapore so there is a lot of distance between them."

Ella wants to win Declan back - how is she going to achieve this?
[CW] "Well, look at me! (laughs) He's not going to put up a fight for long, surely! I think she will use everything in her armoury to get him back. She's a determined lady. She is not after his money as she is fairly financially secure with her own nail bars. A very successful chain of nail bars! She's going to move into Yorkshire and set up some more very successful nail bars, so she's not after his money - she is after a man."

What do you know of Ella's relationship with Dermot, her father-in-law?
[CW] "Well, there is [a relationship] there. Although Declan and I are divorced, I think we've been in constant contact with Dermot. I think Mia and Ella are very close and adore him. The three of us are quite a strong unit, which [Declan] doesn't like too much. We love Dermot!"

If it works out for Ella in the village, do you think we could be seeing her parents or other family pop up?
[JM] "Jesus! (laughs)"
[CW] "Well, I've got a lot of unemployed actor friends that need jobs so yes! I don't know actually. I think it's very early days and we're quite a unit, just the four of us. I suppose if they keep me, there is always the potential that there could be other relatives crawling out of the woodwork."

Do we know if Declan's mother is alive?
[JM] "I don't think so. On a job like this, all the balls are always in the air. We all try as actors to nail our backstory as much as we can, but it is very difficult to do that when the producer wants to keep some things in reserve in order to make you bring something forward. You have to be pretty flexible about how you define your past. But I would say, my hunch is that she is not around. I would say that that is what we are working with at the moment."

So what else is coming up for Ella and Declan?
[CW] "I don't know actually, I've only read a couple of scripts!"
[JM] "There are a lot of disputes over the interior decoration, let's put it that way."
[CW] "There is that! I quite like it as it is actually. I was looking round the other day and it's got some nice wallpaper. But Ella doesn't like it, she wants the whole thing changed."

30-09-2010, 01:08
Remember the drunk priest in Father Ted who harped on about "drink!" and "girls"?

Thankfully, his repertoire extends far beyond that - as Emmerdale fans will soon see when actor Frank Kelly joins the rural soap.

The Irishman, who played foul-mouthed alcoholic priest Father Jack Hackett in the sitcom, has been cast as Dermot Macey, the eccentric father of businessman Declan Macey (Jason Merrells).

He joins the show along with Declan's ex-wife Ella, played by Corinne Wicks, and the former couple's daughter Mia (Sapphire Elia), who all move into Home Farm in the wake of the Wylde empire's demise.

Frank insists his new character is nothing like Jack.

He said: "He's not that kind of guy. He wouldn't swear. He's a pretty cool dude with a bit of a twinkle in his eye and he likes pretty ladies."

Actress Corinne is thrilled to be working alongside Frank - for a rather special reason.

"When I got married five years ago I walked down the aisle to the theme tune of Father Ted, so I'm very excited," she said.

Ella and Mia hit screens in November, while Frank joins the soap a month later.

Series producer Gavin Blyth said: "The Maceys are glamorous and dynamic, and their move to the big house signals a new era at Home Farm, which will see them firmly at the centre of some of our most compelling storylines."

30-09-2010, 08:01
yay, father jack! i love Frank Kelly and this oviously means he got the all clear from his cancer which is great news. I liked that Sapphire Ella as well when she was in dream team i think it was. not brittania high as she was awful in that but that was probably due to the awful writing!

30-09-2010, 11:02
Father Jack on Emmerdale :cheer:

Chloe O'brien
30-09-2010, 23:25
Come on he's got to stand in the Woolpack yelling "drink" "girls" :D All we need is Mrs Doyle.

01-10-2010, 12:14
Former Father Ted star Frank Kelly has opened up over his new role in Emmerdale, admitting that he is glad to have a regular acting job once again.

Earlier this week, it was announced that the Irish actor had signed up to play Declan Macey's (Jason Merrells) eccentric dad Dermot on the Yorkshire soap.

Speaking to the Irish Independent, Kelly revealed that he has signed a one-year contract but would consider a longer stint with the programme.

The 71-year-old explained: "I'd only know if I wanted to stay after the year's up, but it's very well-paid work, and with our economy and the state it's in at the moment, it's very reassuring to be asked to work for a year for really good money."

"The man I'm playing is Irish but not overtly 'oirish'," he continued. "There will be no leprechauns!"

Kelly added that one downside of the job will be spending so much time away from his wife Bairbre.

He said: "We're devoted to one another and I hate being away from my lovely wife and family. I'm hoping to be back each weekend. But it will give me some insurance against this rocking economy."

Kelly will make his first appearance in Emmerdale later this year.

10-11-2010, 10:03
WENNJason Merrells has hinted that Emmerdale fans can expect Home Farm to be the setting for "funnier" scenes once his screen family take over the business.

Earlier this year, it was announced that Merrells's character Declan Macey is to take charge of the estate, where he will soon be joined by dad Dermot (Frank Kelly), ex-wife Ella (Corrinne Wicks) and Ella's daughter Mia (Sapphire Elia).

The new era for Home Farm comes as the remaining members of the Wylde clan prepare to depart the village in the weeks ahead.

Speaking about what is in store over the coming months, Merrells commented: "There is a whole family being landed on me and the way that each of them arrives is quite interesting.

"I think the producers are looking for a different tone at Home Farm now, less intense and a bit funnier than the brilliant but intense stories of the past."

Discussing Declan's relationship with Ella, the actor added: "Perhaps they got divorced too quickly. He's been trying to work and build a future without her and I think it's the last thing he expected.

"But I think there is something still there between them. The main thing about their relationship for me is that hopefully it will be funny. They have quite a lot of banter with each other."

Ella makes her first appearance in next Wednesday's episode of the ITV1 soap

11-11-2010, 17:51
Emmerdale's new recruit Corrinne Wicks has revealed that she wants her character to do "a lot of flirting" on the show.

The actress has been cast in the role of Declan Macey's ex-wife Ella, who causes a stir next week when she helps the businessman to get possession of Home Farm.

As Ella becomes an established face on the ITV1 soap, fans will see her aiming to win back Declan - but whether she will be successful remains to be seen.

Discussing the pair's bond, Wicks explained: "It is a love-hate relationship. They have stayed in constant contact, particularly because of their daughter. Declan has been over to Singapore because Mia has a motorbike accident and I think seeing each other has sparked something between them again.

"Ella wants to pursue it. She's going to fight for her man. There is a lot of feeling between them. There is an irresistible pull but they drive each other mad."

The star added: "She also gets bored easily and so if Declan won't play ball, she's not going to hang around. I'm hoping there's going to be a lot of flirting! There are some good-looking guys on this show!"

Jason Merrells, who plays Declan, recently confirmed that fans can expect "funnier" scenes at Home Farm once his screen family take over the estate.

17-11-2010, 00:23
Emmerdale actor Jason Merrells has said that his character Declan Macey is keen to win back the affections of his recently arrived ex-wife.

Viewers of the Yorkshire soap will see Declan enlist the help of estranged partner Ella Hart, played by Corrinne Wicks, in securing Home Farm from a reluctant Nathan Wylde (Lyndon Ogbourne).

Merrells told the soap's official website: "Does Declan want Ella back? I think he does but he doesn't recognise that himself at first."

He continued: "He's still got his armour up. He's just had this quite unnerving relationship with what turned out to be a murderess, so he's still reeling from that.

"And when she first appears he's still in battle mode and wants everything straightforwardly simple and she's confusing things."

Merrells added that Declan "falls under [Ella's] spell quite quickly", despite her ability to provoke him.

21-11-2010, 01:46
Declan decides to kick off his fresh start with a bang by throwing a party.

Alicia is among those invited to the celebration and Declan is clearly impressed when she arrives at the bash looking stunning.

Following some flirtation, the pair succumb to their passion and share a steamy kiss - but they're interrupted when Ella and Mia turn up.

Soon afterwards, Declan realises that Ella is going to be a thorn in his side when she announces that she and Mia intend to stay in the village. Will Declan's desire for some no-strings fun be scuppered by his ex-wife?





These scenes air on Monday, November 29 at 7.00pm

25-11-2010, 15:00
Emmerdale star Jason Merrells has admitted that his character Declan Macey has no fears about owning Home Farm, despite the estate's supposed 'curse'.

The village business has developed a poor reputation on screen after proving unlucky for a number of families over the years, including the Tate, King and Wylde clans.

Last week, Declan ensured that Home Farm left the hands of the Wyldes as his ex-wife Ella (Corinne Wicks) bought their share of the estate. The former couple's daughter Mia (Sapphire Elia) and Declan's dad Dermot (Frank Kelly) will also become permanent fixtures at the business in the weeks ahead.

Speaking of Home Farm's eventful history, Merrells told Soaplife: "A curse on Home Farm? Even if there's been one in the past, there won't be one now Declan's in charge - that's how he sees it."

He added: "Whether he's right to feel so confident, we'll just have to wait and see."

Amanda Donohoe - who played Wylde matriarch Natasha - recently told DS that she would like the bad luck to continue as the Maceys settle in.

Speaking last month, she said: "I'm so excited to see what happens! We all know what happens when you move into Home Farm! It's the curse of Home Farm! If there isn't a lot of drama surrounding the new family, I will be sadly disappointed."

16-12-2010, 23:53
Emmerdale's new arrival Dermot Macey will cause friction amongst his family, according to actor Frank Kelly.

Kelly, who is famous for his role as alcoholic priest Father Jack on Irish comedy Father Ted, will appear in Home Farm next week as new owner Declan's estranged father, after an invite from his daughter-in-law Ella and granddaughter Mia.

However, the reunion is not anticipated to be a happy one, as Declan and Dermot are due to clash.

Speaking to the soap's official website, Kelly said: "I'm determined to cling on so there's going to be a bit of friction there at some stage. Declan will want me out of his house finally. I think he'll find himself ordering me out.

"What will I do then? Who will I camp on then?"

Kelly also teased that there may be romance ahead for Dermot, saying: "I'm kind of hedging my bets, throwing my eyes around watching the ladies the whole time.

"He's very, very interested in flirtation and affairs."

18-12-2010, 01:08
Former Father Ted star Frank Kelly makes his debut in Emmerdale next week, taking on the role of Declan Macey's mischievous father Dermot. When Dermot arrives at Home Farm to spend Christmas with Declan and his family, the village businessman is far from pleased over the situation and tensions run high as Dermot makes himself at home for the holidays. Can father and son put their differences aside in the season of goodwill, or is this a reunion that's doomed to fail? Frank recently chatted about his new soap part.

Please note that this interview took place before the death of Emmerdale's producer Gavin Blyth.

How did the role in Emmerdale come about?
"I was presenting an award at a ceremony in Dublin and the Emmerdale bunch were all over for it. I was sitting there quite bewildered and tired after the evening, when the producer of Emmerdale came over and introduced himself. He said that he had to have me on the show and that he'd always wanted to have me on Emmerdale. So he asked me to come along and, in the moment, I said that I'd love to. I actually didn't know whether anything would come of it, as it was a very fleeting encounter. But they followed it up and were very keen and insistent that I should join the show! Of course, you don't look a gift horse in the mouth - if you're a freelance actor and people want you to act and pay you for it, you do it! It was far enough ahead for me to be able to plan for it, and here I am!"

Had you watched Emmerdale much before you joined the show?
"I'd watched it with a very careless eye! But when I thought that I might be on it, I began to watch it much more closely to get an idea of the feel of it. It can be quite difficult to pick up on it, though - you'd want to be watching it for quite a long time, because the stories are quite spread out and things develop gradually and comfortably, as they would in village life. But I was able to get a feel for the ambiance of it and some of the characters."

How would you describe the character of Dermot?
"He's quite a devil-may-care rogue. While Declan is very businesslike, down-to-earth and very much in control of things, Dermot is very different. He's been living on a houseboat which has now sunk, so he has nowhere to live! But Declan's not quite ready to accept him into his household - he's quite ambivalent about it. He wants Dermot to move on and get out of the place, but Dermot is trying to live off his son. He even orders a whole round of drinks in The Woolpack and charges them up to Declan! But he does that as a bit of a leg-pull - a bit of a joke. He always has a twinkle in his eye and is always taking the Michael out of Declan!"

It seems as if there's some bad feeling between Dermot and Declan - what else can you tell us about their relationship?
"Basically, they're not too fond of each other - and we don't know the reason for that or the background behind it just yet. We don't know what kind of relationship they had when Declan was growing up, and it actually seems like they didn't have much of one."

What does Dermot think about Declan's success as a businessman?
"He ridicules him a lot. At one stage he says, 'My God! I didn't think you'd need a secretary for this kind of thing!' He just won't take his son seriously, and yet he keeps ripping him off for loads of money. So where all this will end, we don't know. We don't know what kind of explosion could occur, but Dermot has a lot of potential for many different stories. He can move in many different directions. The problem about coming into Emmerdale is that you don't always know much about yourself or the background of your character, so you just have to build it and grow with it, and I think the writers often respond to what you do as well - I think it's an interaction in that sense."

Will Dermot be a comedic character in the village?
"Well, I'll tell you what he is - he's a hell of a flirt! He fancies all the women, and he's getting information on one lady in particular. So I don't know where that might go, but he definitely has a twinkle in his eye and he's watching the ladies all the time!"

Does Dermot enjoy life at Home Farm as he settles in?
"Oh yes, definitely. I'd be inclined to camp there if I was him! It's very comfortable and very nice. I don't want to reveal too much, but he takes great liberties with the house and garden and interferes with it a lot. I wouldn't like someone doing that in my house! But he seems to be doing it partly to take the Michael out of his son - he's always laughing at Declan."

And does he get on well with Ella and Mia?
"He does. Ella is a little bit cooler - she watches out for things and she's a lot more adult. But Mia adores him - she calls him Pops the whole time. They're both trying to keep the Christmas spirit when the acrimony happens between father and son - they want to have a festive party in the house and all that sort of thing."

What is Jason Merrells, who plays Declan, like to work with?
"I like him very much - we're already mates! We've just been on the same wavelength from day one, which is great. And Corrinne Wicks is a lovely girl, really lovely company and very charming. She looks so cool, calm and collected - but she's got a great sense of humour! She always laughs very heartily indeed!"

We've heard that you have quite a passion for the countryside - does that make Emmerdale a particularly nice place for you to work?
"Oh, absolutely - one of my main hobbies is hill-walking, so it suits me perfectly!"

Your family are back home in Ireland - is it hard to be away from them when you're working on Emmerdale?
"Well, I don't like working away from home, but you have to. I'm used to it - I've previously toured Scotland with a theatre company, appearing in a play called My Old Man, written by Tom McGrath. I toured the Highlands and all over Scotland with that one - literally all over. I've done some other tours as well, so I have done quite a wide variety of work. I've had a fair bit of work in England, too."

Have you received a warm welcome from rest if the Emmerdale cast?
"Oh, it's one of the warmest families I've ever been in. It's amazing - I don't know what drug they're on, but it certainly works! (Laughs) Everybody - from the directors down - is very warm, welcoming, pleasant and supportive. I don't know how they achieve it, but they're really keen to keep it like that. And I think that comes through on the show. I mean, when we did Father Ted, it was a very happy show and it would only have been half as good had it not been a happy show. We all got on extremely well on Father Ted - every technician, every actor, the producer, the director, everybody. Even the accountant! It was great fun."

Is Father Ted something that you're proud you were a part of?
"Oh yes, I'm very proud of it. When I see it now - and it's 15 years since it was done - I realise how good the writing was. You can't have a good show without good writing - it's so important!"

Frank Kelly's first Emmerdale episode airs on Tuesday, December 21 at 7pm on ITV1.

24-12-2010, 23:39
Great to see Father Jack in Emmerdale!

25-12-2010, 10:09
Great to see Father Jack in Emmerdale!

Cows, cows cows FECK

25-12-2010, 13:26
its great to see him looking so well,

25-12-2010, 15:44
Great to see Father Jack in Emmerdale!

I keep expecting him to say drink, feck, **** and girls

Chloe O'brien
27-12-2010, 16:08
Doesn't he look so different to Father Jack. I was watching an old episode of Father Ted the other night. The one were Ted, Dougal and other priest were lost in the ladies underwear department in a department store and Father Jack was in the toy section playing with building bricks and making the word FECK.

14-03-2011, 17:04
Emmerdale bosses have confirmed that show newcomer Ella Macey is to embark on an affair with a toyboy in a forthcoming storyline.

Ella - played by former Doctors actress Corrinne Wicks - is currently settled at Home Farm with on-off partner Declan (Jason Merrells), daughter Mia and former father-in-law Dermot.

However, a post on the ITV soap's official website has announced that Ella is about to stir things up by having a "steamy" relationship with a man "young enough to be her son".

The site has not named the man in question but further details are expected to be revealed in the coming weeks.

Ella, Mia and Dermot were introduced to Emmerdale late last year.

14-03-2011, 17:09
Emmerdale bosses have confirmed that show newcomer Ella Macey is to embark on an affair with a toyboy in a forthcoming storyline.

Ella - played by former Doctors actress Corrinne Wicks - is currently settled at Home Farm with on-off partner Declan (Jason Merrells), daughter Mia and former father-in-law Dermot.

However, a post on the ITV soap's official website has announced that Ella is about to stir things up by having a "steamy" relationship with a man "young enough to be her son".

The site has not named the man in question but further details are expected to be revealed in the coming weeks.

Ella, Mia and Dermot were introduced to Emmerdale late last year.

I think it is Adam

Chloe O'brien
15-03-2011, 11:51
Yeah I'm going with Adam. Ryan is leaving this year. It would be more contraversal if it's Adam Ella has an affair with.

15-03-2011, 12:56
That would make it interesting, the mother stealing her daughter's boyfriend :eek:

15-03-2011, 15:14
Yeah I'm going with Adam. Ryan is leaving this year. It would be more contraversal if it's Adam Ella has an affair with.

That would make it interesting, the mother stealing her daughter's boyfriend :eek:

Sounds like an episode of Jeremy Kyle

15-03-2011, 17:23
Im already looking forward to the Emmerdale special with Jereney sat on the steps with the results of the DNA/Lie Tester in his hand... bring it on

15-03-2011, 18:02
That would make it interesting, the mother stealing her daughter's boyfriend :eek:

Is Adam with Mia?

I thought she might go for one of the Sharma brothers

15-04-2011, 20:30
Corrinne Wicks has revealed that she is enjoying exploring her Emmerdale character's "naughty" side in her latest storyline.

The actress's alter ego Ella Hart has been tipped to cause chaos in the village in the coming months as she embarks on an affair with a toyboy.

Speaking to All About Soap about the upcoming plot, Wicks explained: "I love playing Ella and I like this naughty side to her. I also hope we start to see her vulnerable side as well, because she does have her reasons for behaving this way.

"Kim Tate was such a great Emmerdale vixen - it would be great to be like her!"

Ella's toyboy storyline is expected to begin in the next few weeks when she starts flirting with Adam Barton, who is dating her daughter Mia and has been hired by her partner Declan as a new Home Farm employee.

"I don't think it's as cold and calculating as Ella starting to seduce Adam and she hasn't planned it as such," Wicks said. "She just falls into it. She's been drinking too much and is rattling around alone in that big house. She's bored and Adam's a young, handsome lad."

She added: "Ella sees a lot of the young Declan in Adam. Ella is attracted to Adam and the idea of a toyboy appeals to her, but then again, I think it would appeal to most people! I don't think she's going to fall head over heels - she just sees him as a pleasant distraction."

Wicks joined the cast of Emmerdale last autumn.


26-04-2011, 15:04
Emmerdale star Corrinne Wicks has praised her character Ella Hart's new toyboy storyline.

Ella is to embark on an affair with Adam Barton in an upcoming plot, pursuing her daughter's boyfriend because she feels ignored by partner Declan Macey.

Speaking to Take It Easy about Ella's forthcoming infidelity, Wicks explained: "She's not doing it for love or even for the sex - she's doing it for the attention. Even though Declan isn't ignoring her intentionally, he thinks now she's back he doesn't have to woo her anymore. But Ella still wants the romance and excitement, so she falls into this thing."

Asked whether she was shocked when she heard about the plot twist, the actress replied: "Not especially, as when I got the part they tipped me off there was going to be something along the lines of a relationship with a younger man. It's a lovely storyline to be given and hopefully we'll get to see another side to Ella's character."

Wicks added that she is still learning new things about her character and believes viewers will do likewise as the new storyline progresses.

Discussing how she has settled into the role of Ella, she said: "I'm still finding her really, and this is the first big challenge that she's had, so I think we'll learn a lot more about her through this. Generally I'm feeling much more comfortable with playing Ella now, and I certainly don't feel like the new girl anymore."

28-04-2011, 16:09
Emmerdale star Frank Kelly has announced that he is leaving the soap to focus on career opportunities closer to home.

The Irish actor landed the role of Dermot Macey on the show last autumn and he has appeared on screen since December.

However, speaking to Emmerdale's official website, Kelly confirmed that he will soon be bowing out from the programme.

He commented: "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Emmerdale and working within such a supportive and happy team, but travelling to Leeds each week from my home in Ireland has meant that work opportunities closer to home have proven too appealing to turn down."

Emmerdale's series producer Stuart Blackburn added: "Frank has been an asset to the cast and we wish him all the best for the future."

During his time in the village, Dermot frequently caused mischief by happily spending his son Declan (Jason Merrells)'s money at the pub. He also took a shine to show regular Pearl Ladderbanks (Meg Johnson).

Kirsty-Leigh Porter (Roz Fielding) and Suzanne Shaw (Eve Jenson) will also be seen leaving the show in the coming months.

Chloe O'brien
29-04-2011, 13:17
I was expecting his character to have a lot more to do with Declan but instead he's in the woolpack with Alan and Pearl.

02-05-2011, 15:57
Don't think he will be missed not been on the program much anyway

05-05-2011, 20:38
Jason Merrells has admitted that his Emmerdale character Declan Macey has doubts over his rekindled romance with ex-wife Ella Hart.

Declan was reunited with Ella (Corrinne Wicks) last year after she made the unexpected decision to move to Home Farm with their daughter Mia, but the landowner has recently been neglecting his partner as he focuses on his business concerns.

Ella's feelings of loneliness will soon lead to her embarking on an affair with Mia's boyfriend Adam Barton, played by Adam Thomas.

Offering his character's take on the relationship troubles, Merrells told Inside Soap: "Declan is set in his ways. He and Ella got divorced for all the right reasons before, so it's not easy for him to play love's young dream after she turned up again out of the blue.

"He's really pleased Mia is back in his life and is sort of tolerating Ella being there, but he's not quite sure about it all. I don't think either of them are, really!"

Next week's episodes see Declan offer an olive branch to Adam's father John, promising to invest in the Bartons' farm and help them to expand the business.

Merrells added: "Declan and John are pretty similar men, so I think that the two of them could work well together as business partners. Declan also thinks that Adam is a genuinely good kid who makes his daughter happy, so he wants to give the lad a chance.

"Of course, should he find out what's going on between Adam and Ella, he might change his mind!"

Merrells's on-screen father Frank Kelly (Dermot) recently announced his decision to leave Emmerdale after less than six months in the soap.


09-05-2011, 17:50
Emmerdale star Corrinne Wicks has praised her new toyboy storyline, describing it as a 'realistic' plot twist.

The actress's mischievous character Ella Hart will soon embark on an affair with her daughter's boyfriend Adam Barton (Adam Thomas) because she is tired of being neglected by her partner Declan Macey (Jason Merrells).

Speaking to We Love Telly about the on-screen portrayal of 'cougars', Wicks commented: "I suppose it's become fashionable, with Cougar Town. But it's real, it does happen. People don't think anything of the older man and the young girl - it's about time we ladies got our fair share of fun."

Asked whether she approves of older women dating younger men, she replied: "Absolutely! I've had a relationship with a man 22 years older, and a man 14 years younger. But the nearer you are in age is better for longevity."

Wicks, who is married to actor Tom Butcher, also insisted that she has not felt uneasy about the physical nature of Ella and Adam's new plot.

"Adam has been a joy to work with. We've had to get quite hands on, which has been enjoyable, but I've not found it uncomfortable," she said.

"I've done lots of sex scenes but in this case, I didn't want it to look creepy. It was great fun. The cast were winding us up, but we didn't talk about it - we just went for it."

Adam and Ella sleep together for the first time later this week.


10-05-2011, 12:12
Emmerdale star Adam Thomas has admitted that his character's affair with Ella Macey will get "very messy" when it is discovered by his mother Moira.

Speaking to New magazine, Thomas confessed that he is enjoying his current plot, which sees Adam Barton cheat on his girlfriend Mia with her mother, played by Corrinne Wicks.

"I'm having a ball," he said. "It's nice to have a good storyline to get your teeth into. When I got the script, I was like, 'Wow!'. I was really excited."

On kissing his co-star, he continued: "You dread it but, when it comes down to it, it's not as bad as you think. You just get on with it. It¹s not just kissing scenes, either. We have sex over a desk! I've just been shooting scenes where Moira finds out and I think it's going to get very messy."

Explaining the plot development, he added: "Yes, she sees us at it and everything. She catches us doing it in the car!"

Pressed to reveal if he personally had ever been caught in a compromising position, Thomas hesitantly confessed: "Erm, not yet. I remember my brother walking in on me once when I was younger, but I don't really want to go into that!"

While he continues to enjoy his storylines, the actor insisted that he is "taking every day as it comes" on the ITV1 soap and "enjoying it all for the time being".

"If they keep me on, they keep me on, if they don't, then they don't," he said. "Unfortunately, it doesn't last forever, this soap game."

Read the full story in this week's New - out today.


15-05-2011, 20:15
Sapphire Elia has confirmed that she will be leaving Emmerdale later this year.

Earlier today, the News of the World claimed that Mia Macey had been axed by series producer Stuart Blackburn. However, Elia has revealed that her character's departure had been mapped out for some time.

"Hey everyone, yes it is true but not as been written," Elia tweeted today. "The explosion of this summer's storyline will result in my character's departure but with the doors open for her return."

"I'll be on your screens right up until roughly October so keep peeled for more Mia!" Elia continued.

Elia's exit from Emmerdale is likely to come following the revelation of Ella Macey's affair with Mia's boyfriend Adam Barton.

"As for me, in 4 months time it's onwards and upwards," Elia added. "I'll keep you posted on what's to come."

Last month Frank Kelly, who plays Mia's father Dermot Macey, announced that he had quit the soap to pursue career opportunities closer to home.

Elia joined Emmerdale in November last year as part of the Macey clan, brought in to replace the departing Wylde family as the new owners of Home Farm.

15-05-2011, 21:08
No real loss

17-05-2011, 17:29
I can remember Sapphire when she was in Britannia High. Her character was really snobby then

22-05-2011, 00:57
Emmerdale star Corrinne Wicks is to leave the soap at the end of her current contract, it has been confirmed.

The actress's mischievous character Ella Macey is expected to bow out on screen later this year after her ongoing toyboy storyline reaches a climax.

Viewers have recently seen Ella seduce young farmer Adam Barton, despite the fact that he is dating her daughter Mia. A fiery showdown has been tipped to take place at Home Farm once the truth is revealed.

However, The People reports that Emmerdale's new series producer Stuart Blackburn recently told Wicks that her current contract will not be renewed.

In a statement confirming her departure, Wicks told the newspaper: "I have had a wonderful time and am very much looking forward to filming the dramatic story."

Meanwhile, Blackburn said: "Unfortunately some of the strongest drama dictates the exit of characters."

Chloe O'brien
22-05-2011, 12:27
I wonder how long Jason Merrells will stay on the show now that all his family has gone.

23-05-2011, 11:39
I wonder how long Jason Merrells will stay on the show now that all his family has gone.

I hope for a while, Declan is a great character and Jason is hot plus he is the best Macey his family have been a failure

Ella is no loss imo, I was expecting a character in the same vein as Kim Tate and she isnt

Chloe O'brien
23-05-2011, 12:00
I agree Jason is hot, but if he's going to be hanging around like a spare part then he'll probably go so the writers need to give him some decent stories.

25-05-2011, 15:33
Natalie J. Robb has teased that Emmerdale fans can expect lots of "twists and turns" in Adam Barton and Ella Hart's affair storyline.

Robb's on-screen son Adam (Adam Thomas) has embarked on an affair with Declan Macey's wife, played by Corrinne Wicks, despite dating their daughter Mia (Sapphire Elia)

Thomas previously said that the situation gets "messy" when Adam and Ella are caught together by Moira.

"Ella is Moira's own age... that would be a shock for any mum," Robb told Soaplife. "It's a mother's job to deal with what gets thrown at her.

"She never particularly liked Ella. Moira's had to struggle and she thinks Declan and his family never have. Also, Ella's betraying her own daughter and Moira can't see how any mum could do that."

However, she admitted that Moira doesn't tell her husband John (James Thornton) the truth in case it jeopardises his attempts to buy the farm from Declan.

"She doesn't tell him to protect him and to protect Adam. But she warns Adam if he doesn't sort it out then she will," she explained. "In the meantime Moira lets Ella know that she knows what's going on and what she'll do if it doesn't end. You can see that while you can take the girl out of Glasgow you can't take Glasgow out of the girl!"

On what's to come, she added: "Lots of it with lots of twists and turns. The audience love it when they know something some of the characters don't. It's going to get very exciting - especially when it all comes out."

Both Wicks and Elia will depart the ITV1 soap as the plot reaches its climax later this year

09-06-2011, 12:25
Emmerdale star Sapphire Elia has revealed that she is eager to film the climax to her current love triangle storyline.

The actress's character Mia Macey is currently blissfully unaware that her boyfriend Adam Barton (Adam Thomas) and her mother Ella Hart (Corrinne Wicks) have betrayed her by embarking on an affair.

Mia and Ella are both due to leave the village later this year, meaning that the truth is likely to come out in the months ahead.

"It's going to be really dramatic and hopefully I'm going to get some big scenes to act out," Elia told Inside Soap. "I think we'll see a new side to Mia, but I don't think she's going to be out for revenge.

"She'll just want to get the hell away from everyone. And her mum's betrayal will definitely hurt more. A boy she can get over - but what her mum's done to her? It's life damaging."

Although Mia begins to suspect that Ella is having an affair in next week's episodes, she remains clueless over the full story.

Elia added: "Everything seems pretty perfect for Mia at the moment - she's in love with Adam and thinks they have a future. If she knew the truth, it would destroy her."

Emmerdale continues tonight at 7pm and 8pm on ITV1.

22-06-2011, 00:25
Corrinne Wicks and Sapphire Elia have discussed their upcoming departures from Emmerdale, with Wicks revealing that she will be "sad" to leave the soap.

The pair have recently been part of a love-triangle storyline in which Ella Hart (Wicks) has been having an affair with Adam Barton (Adam Thomas), unbeknownst to her daughter Mia Macey (Elia), who is dating the young farmer.

Elia is to exit the soap by October, with Wicks also leaving at the end of her contract, when the storyline will likely come to a climax.

Speaking to OK, Elia said that she is "excited" about life after her run in the soap ends, and hopes to try her hand at theatre work.

"I'm really open-minded. I've learnt so much on Emmerdale in just a year, but I'm quite excited about what might be out there," she said. "I wouldn't not do a soap, but I'd like to do as much of the things that I haven't done as possible - and do some more singing.

"A West End show would be lovely - I haven't done that since I was 10, when I was in Les Misérables."

Wicks added: "I've had a brilliant time. I love the show, I love the people, and I love Leeds, so I'll be sad to go. But it's not all about playing one character all the time, so hopefully there will be other opportunities. On the other hand, I do love the security of a regular job."

On what they will miss most from working on the soap, Elia said: "Corrinne. She's my closest friend on the show. We look after each other, actually. It helps that we joined at the same time, and now we're leaving at the same time. We go out all the time. She lives about five minutes away from me."

Wicks responded: "There's so much I'll miss, but probably mostly having something to do with my day - and the money! Sapphire's one of the best things to come out of the job, actually."

Speaking about the current storyline, Wicks joked: "Adam was obviously coming onto her! It's all in the eyes; it's only something a woman could see!

"She was lonely and there was this very attractive young man who was showing her some attention. I suspect people will say that she came onto him, but it's not that clear cut."

Elia added: "She has no clue about the affair. She's totally in love with Adam. She's been suspecting that her mum's having an affair, but not with Adam. When Adam dumps her, she's devastated - but she still doesn't know the full truth.

"The mum thing is obviously a bigger issue, so I think she'll be devastated and shocked beyond belief. It'll ruin her life."

Corrinne Wicks recently said that she "loves" her character's "naughty side"

24-06-2011, 15:23
Hollyoaks star Sikander Malik has explained his decision to leave the soap, admitting that he feels that he has "more to give" as an actor.

Malik announced his departure from the Channel 4 show yesterday after fans noticed that he does not feature in the new Hollyoaks opening titles, which have been released online.

Discussing his exit on Twitter this morning, he commented: "As an actor, one always likes to be challenged, given the opportunity to explore your character, and be involved in something 'progressive'.

"Although I have had some completely awesome times working on our show, working with some extremely talented people and have had the good fortune to be paired with some of the finest directors in British television, I truly feel I have so much more to give as an actor, as a person."

Malik said that he agreed with Twitter followers who felt that Jamil should have played a more prominent role in storylines.

"Although I am a very patient and humble person by nature, at times it was very frustrating to hear the cries of the fans and agree totally with them, but for the sake of staying 'silent' for others, knowing that no matter how much I agree with you guys, it's ultimately out of my hands," he explained.

"At the end of the day, I have been a very fortunate person to be part of our tremendous show, a show that I am very proud of, but believe me when I tell you this, I don't like to be treated as a third wheel. That's not who I am, and that's not what I signed up for.

"So therefore I graciously, gratefully and gainfully bow out, taking with me all the many fond memories I have, but also a recollection of all the difficulties I have faced, which I believe have made me a stronger person.

"There have been a lot of changes at Hollyoaks, some have been very difficult, some have required a great deal of patience, but as a professional, one puts on a smile and says, 'The show must go on!' But don't worry! Having said that, there's still plenty of action to come from our man Jamil, so stay tuned to good old Hollyoaks!"

Malik joined the cast of Hollyoaks last summer, initially appearing in online spinoff Freshers before later moving over to the main show. His final scenes will air in the autumn.

24-06-2011, 15:49
Hollyoaks star Sikander Malik has explained his decision to leave the soap, admitting that he feels that he has "more to give" as an actor.

Malik announced his departure from the Channel 4 show yesterday after fans noticed that he does not feature in the new Hollyoaks opening titles, which have been released online.

Discussing his exit on Twitter this morning, he commented: "As an actor, one always likes to be challenged, given the opportunity to explore your character, and be involved in something 'progressive'.

"Although I have had some completely awesome times working on our show, working with some extremely talented people and have had the good fortune to be paired with some of the finest directors in British television, I truly feel I have so much more to give as an actor, as a person."

Malik said that he agreed with Twitter followers who felt that Jamil should have played a more prominent role in storylines.

"Although I am a very patient and humble person by nature, at times it was very frustrating to hear the cries of the fans and agree totally with them, but for the sake of staying 'silent' for others, knowing that no matter how much I agree with you guys, it's ultimately out of my hands," he explained.

"At the end of the day, I have been a very fortunate person to be part of our tremendous show, a show that I am very proud of, but believe me when I tell you this, I don't like to be treated as a third wheel. That's not who I am, and that's not what I signed up for.

"So therefore I graciously, gratefully and gainfully bow out, taking with me all the many fond memories I have, but also a recollection of all the difficulties I have faced, which I believe have made me a stronger person.

"There have been a lot of changes at Hollyoaks, some have been very difficult, some have required a great deal of patience, but as a professional, one puts on a smile and says, 'The show must go on!' But don't worry! Having said that, there's still plenty of action to come from our man Jamil, so stay tuned to good old Hollyoaks!"

Malik joined the cast of Hollyoaks last summer, initially appearing in online spinoff Freshers before later moving over to the main show. His final scenes will air in the autumn.

I thought this was an Emmerdale thread :hmm: :p :D

24-06-2011, 15:50
Emmerdale star Corrinne Wicks has insisted that she is pleased to be making a dramatic departure from the soap.

The actress's cheating character Ella Hart will bow out on screen later this year, when her current cougar storyline is expected to reach its climax.

Viewers recently saw Ella embark on an affair with young farmhand Adam Barton, even though her daughter Mia was in a relationship with him.

Ella's on-off partner Declan discovers her infidelity next week and the storyline is expected to hot up over the remainder of her time with the show.

"My character burns her bridges and makes life impossible for herself, so that's why I'm going," Wicks told the Daily Record. "I'd have happily stayed a bit longer but it's better to have a great storyline than Ella sitting in the corner of The Woolpack giving people evil looks.

"But the producers have said there is every chance I could come back. It's nice to know the door is open."

Wicks also joked that she would like Ella to make a surprise appearance on another soap once she departs the Dales.

She said: "Michelle Collins has gone from EastEnders to Corrie, so why not start letting characters swap? It would be fun!"

Wicks's screen family members Frank Kelly (Dermot) and Sapphire Elia (Mia) are also leaving Emmerdale.

19-08-2011, 13:30
Emmerdale star Jason Merrells has revealed how his character Declan Macey reacts when he discovers that he is not Mia's biological father in climactic scenes on the soap.

Next week's episodes of the ITV1 drama see Declan's on-off partner Ella Hart drop the bombshell, revealing that Jai Sharma is Mia's real dad before leaving the village.

The revelation proves to be Ella's final spiteful act as actress Corrinne Wicks bows out from the programme. The dramatic scenes also build up to Mia's (Sapphire Elia) departure at the end of the month.

Discussing the twist, Merrells told Soaplife: "Declan's sent reeling. He had never questioned Mia's paternity but once he's told, something in the back of his mind goes, 'Click - yes, there always has been something not quite right'.

"It totally changes the way Declan feels about Mia. In theory, he'd like to think, 'It doesn't matter - I brought you up and I'm still your dad'. But he can't. He keeps seeing Jai in her face."

Subsequent scenes see a scheming Declan take Jai (Chris Bisson) out on a clay pigeon shooting expedition. Armed with a shotgun, Declan then begins quizzing the factory owner over his history with Ella.

Teasing the tense scenes, Merrells added: "He's gutted about losing his daughter. It affects him very deeply and he becomes a bit manic. Declan's not cold-blooded but he is fuelled by a cold rage."

19-08-2011, 14:20
Emmerdale star Chris Bisson has predicted that his character Jai Sharma could face the wrath of Declan Macey in the coming months.

Declan, played by Jason Merrells, is provided with reason to hold a grudge against Jai in next week's episodes when he discovers that the factory boss is Mia's biological father.

After Declan struggles to accept the news, scenes airing later this month will see him invite Jai out on a clay pigeon shooting expedition before threatening him with a shotgun.

However, in an interview with Soaplife, Bisson revealed that Declan ultimately decides to adopt a slower-burn revenge plan.

"There are 20 years of betrayal and Declan's in a very emotional state," Bisson told the magazine. "He loads the gun and points it at Jai, and Jai asks if he's going to blow his head off.

"Declan replies, 'No - that's way too easy. There is more to come and you'll be the first to know about it'."

He continued: "Declan and Jai will have to find some kind of uneasy truce for the time being as people in the village are starting to notice things.

"There are some big storylines coming up and it will appear like they're back on track. But I can't see Declan ever really forgiving Jai. He'll definitely get his revenge."

Declan's family members Mia (Sapphire Elia), Ella (Corrinne Wicks) and Dermot (Frank Kelly) are all due to bow out from Emmerdale later this month.

21-08-2011, 01:27

WHEN sexy cougar Ella bedded hunky toyboy Adam she set Emmerdale viewers’ pulses racing.

The steamy affair between a mum and her daughter’s boyfriend was one of the hottest ever in the rural soap.

And although Corrinne Wicks, who plays Ella Hart, was initially reluctant about the hot storyline she need not have worried.

Men and women told elegant Corrinne, 43, they loved it.

This week viewers will see Ella, who has been kicked out by hubby Declan (Jason Merrells), make a dramatic exit from the show.

She says: “My character burns her bridges and makes life *impossible for herself. I’d have happily stayed longer but it’s *better to have a great storyline than Ella just sitting in a corner of The Woolpack giving evil looks.

“The producers have said there is every chance I could come back. It’s nice to know the door is open. So you never know.”

But Corrinne is staying tight- lipped about whether screen daughter Mia (Sapphire Elia) discovers Ella’s treachery.

“Maybe she will, maybe she won’t,” teases Corrinne.

In fact, Sapphire and Corrinne have been good friends on the show. Corrinne says: “We often went out to eat and shopping together. She’s got a very old head on young shoulders. I felt the roles were reversed and she was mother and I was the daughter.”


Corrinne, who was Dr Helen Thompson in the BBC’s Doctors for five years, has only spent 10 months on Emmerdale and has certainly left her mark.

But she did have qualms about Ella seducing Adam Barton, played by Adam Thomas, 24, the younger brother of Ryan, Corrie’s thickie brickie Jason Grimshaw.

Caught: Pair's affair revealed

She says: “Because I’m a few years older than Adam, you do worry some people might think it’s a bit sad or tasteless or strange. But in reality it does happen.

“If it’s the other way round with older men and younger girls, people don’t bat an eyelid. So it’s nice to show the other side.

“And the reaction on the street has been positive. Men say it’s a dream of young guys and ladies are very supportive and give me a slap on the back.

“I think Ella having an affair with a younger man gives everybody hope.”

“And who wouldn’t fall for Adam Barton, he’s gorgeous,” adds the down-to-earth star.

“Adam Thomas who plays him is just lovely. We had a lot of fun. I didn’t mind the sex scenes so much between us.

“I’ve done quite a lot of on screen snogging in my time. I think Adam was a bit nervous but, to be honest, there so many crew around and everything, it’s just like another day, except you’re in bed.”

Chic Corrinne’s own life is also unusual. She is very happily married to actor Tom Butcher, 48, who she met on Doctors, but they don’t actually live together. The actress mainly lives in a two bedroom Victorian terraced house in the Midlands, while Tom has his flat in London.

“While filming Emmerdale, I actually had three homes as I also had my flat in Leeds.

“The fact is, my house is the first house I bought. I got it in 2001 and it’s a real home and I am very *attached to it. But the truth is I just couldn’t live with Tom full time.

“I am obsessively tidy. I drive Tom mad because he is a complete and utter mess. He’d hate me for saying this but his place is like a student flat.

“He’s very good at DIY but as soon as something is more or less livable with, he moves on to the next project so nothing is properly *finished. His idea of washing up is to rinse it under cold water.”

So the couple spend time apart and meet up at weekends at either Corrinne’s house or Tom’s flat. “It kind of works,” she says.


Devoted: Corrinne with Tom and as Dr Thompson

“When I’m in London with Tom I’m like a different person. It takes me a couple of days to get into it. I can live like that for a short while but then I need to get away to a sort of sanity. A messy house makes my head hurt.”

One thing Tom does do is cook: “Oh yes, he feeds me up when I am with him. Left to my own devices, I can’t be bothered. I open a tin or have anything you can add boiling water to.”

Tom is happy with the arrangement as Corrinne says they are both independently minded.

“We decided when we married we both had to have our space. It’s just how we are. Although my *being up in Leeds has meant we’ve spent far less time together than normally. So, ironically, we’ve wanted to get together more.

“It would be nice if our homes were slightly closer together, but it works for us. I can recommend it. We make sure we don’t go longer than two weeks without meeting up. Because we make an effort to see each other, it means more – we don’t take each other for granted or get bored.

Corrinne adds: “It’s not that we don’t like being together, we do. We’ve done theatre tours where we’ve lived, worked, eaten together all day every day.

“And we have a camper van and love going on holidays together in that. It’s just we like our own space as well.”

Corrinne has two sets of *everything so she has stuff at Tom’s flat and her own home.

The couple do have matching sofas though: “We both have the same sofa so if we ever did live together fully we could have his and her settees.”

The couple married in 2005 but actually couldn’t stand each other when they first met.

Corrinne recalls her first reaction: “Awful! He came to audition for Doctors to play my character’s love interest.

“I just thought he was awful and when they asked me which actor I wanted in the role I said anyone but him.

“But actually they must have seen something between us *because they cast him. I didn’t like him at all and couldn’t see how we would ever get on, let alone fall in love.”

But their icy relationship thawed and they became good friends and then a couple.

“He’s really funny and very talented and I always find talent attractive. He’s not bad looking either which helps.”

Corrinne, who grew up in Cheltenham where her parents still live, worked in casting on hit shows such as Prime Suspect but always wanted to act.

“I just didn’t know how to go about it and was embarrassed to tell anyone,” she reveals.

“Then one day I thought I’d apply for drama school but kept it secret because I thought I wouldn’t get in. I did though and the rest as they say is history.” Coming to acting later in life has made all her jobs all the more precious: “You appreciate it more. I remember for example when I heard I’d got Emmerdale. I was camping with parents and Tom and it was my wedding anniversary. I got the call and I was thrilled. We all went for a meal and it was on me.”

She has no immediate plans now she’s left Emmerdale although she hopes to work on a project with Tom. Ask her what she would like to do next?

22-08-2011, 00:36
Why does Declan decide to tell Mia about Adam and Ella's affair after so long keeping quiet?
"Well, Declan is very reluctant to tell Mia the truth, but in the end he sees it as his only option. The other option would be to let Mia carry on seeing Adam now that they've reunited, which is something that Declan just can't sanction given what he knows. So Declan is forced to tell Mia the truth. He definitely doesn't enjoy it, because he knows that it's going to hurt her so much."

When Declan sees how upset Mia is, does he have any regrets or is he confident that he's made the right choice?
"I think Declan does feel guilty and he really feels for Mia, but at the same time, he knows that he's had to stop what's been going on. In Declan's head, there's no way that he can let Adam's relationship with Mia carry on after what Adam's done, so it feels like the right choice."

We'll see Mia get very angry with Ella, but is she also angry with Declan for keeping her in the dark for so long?
"Mia is annoyed with Declan but I don't think she gets too angry about it - I think she can understand that it's not something he wanted to keep from her. Hopefully we'll see that Mia does understand, because Declan just didn't want to hurt her."

It sounds like we'll also see a vengeful side to Declan's character as he vows that both Adam and Ella will pay for what they've done…
"Definitely! Declan is a man who isn't crossed easily, and it doesn't sit easy with him when something like this happens. I don't think Declan was particularly back in love with Ella - I think he was just coasting for the sake of his daughter - but even so, it's a slight that he can't resist avenging himself for."

Were you surprised when you heard the twist that Mia is Jai's daughter?
"Well, we've known about it for a while and that it was the plan, but it was certainly a surprise when we were told! And it's a big shock for Declan, too - he doesn't suspect it at all. It does strike a chord when he's told and he realises that it makes sense, but that doesn't mean that he had any suspicions beforehand. I think Declan is deeply shocked by the news, as you would be."

We know that Corrinne Wicks has now left Emmerdale, so will you miss working with her and the rest of the Maceys?
"Yeah, I'll really miss them all! I think it's one of those things where shows like this thrive on big, massive bombshells. Unfortunately, sometimes when those bombshells happen, it means that you have to play out the consequences and I think Emmerdale have been brave to do that. But I think Corrinne has played a fantastic part, especially with this breakdown of the relationship. I'm going to miss them all a lot, because we've had a lot of fun together. I hope they've had a really good time, as it's been a fantastic story for them."

What was Frank Kelly, who plays Dermot, like to work with?
"Funny - very funny! I was a huge Father Ted fan, so I couldn't believe it when I heard that he was coming in to play my dad. With Frank, I think it was more that he's a little bit older and he was doing so much travelling back and forth from Dublin, so he decided to concentrate on opportunities closer to home. But I think he enjoyed his time here and I really enjoyed working with him."

What do you think the future will hold for Declan once the rest of the Maceys have departed?
"Well, I think at the moment Declan has got his thing with Katie going on and he's enjoying the lack of drama surrounding the relationship compared to his last one! It's more of a light relationship, so we'll see where that goes. But I think Declan will have to be careful to be honest with her, and let her know how he's really feeling about all the things that have been going on. Declan is quite manic in the coming weeks and doesn't really deal with what he's feeling inside, and Katie is going to challenge him on that. If Declan isn't honest with Katie, then their relationship may not have a future. In the immediate future, I think that's what we'll see from Declan and then beyond that, we'll see what happens…"

A couple of our readers have pointed out that Katie's boyfriends often seem to have bad things happen to them, so could Declan fall victim to the curse of Katie?!
"I've heard this, and I hope not! (Laughs) I'm still walking at the moment!"

As a result of this storyline, Declan has reason to be angry with the Bartons and Jai. Do you think we'll see him hold a grudge for a long time to come?
"For the immediate future, yes. All I can say is that it's going to be a very difficult thing to shift…"

Are you enjoying playing Declan's ongoing rivalry with John Barton?
"Yes. All of the cast are great to work with, and I really enjoy those scenes between Declan and John. Myself and James often have to work quite hard not to start laughing during them! They're definitely fun to play."

Last year, Declan's storylines revolved around the Wyldes but in the past few months he's become a lot more prominent in his own right. Have you been pleased with the new direction for the character?
"I'm very pleased, yes. I mean, I always knew when I joined what the plans were and what would happen - we were on the tail-end of that huge Wylde storyline and I was aware that at some point he'd take over Home Farm. Declan was biding his time, and I guess I was too!"

Are there any characters on Emmerdale who you'd love Declan to share more scenes with in the future?
"I'd love to work more with Mark and Dominic who play Marlon and Paddy, as I haven't really done anything with them and I think it would be fun. I've also had some scenes with Jeff Hordley who plays Cain that I've really enjoyed, and I'd like to do more of those scenes and get back to how things were with Declan and Cain. But I think I've been quite lucky as I tend to go across quite a lot of stories, so I've worked with a lot of the cast already."

Finally, do you think Declan has shown himself to be quite a ruthless character?
"I don't think Declan would see it as ruthless - I think it's just that he's front-footed and direct. He's assertive, and he's quite a typical entrepreneur or businessman in many ways. So when a problem arises or something needs doing, Declan will act and he won't even think about it - there'll be no delay and he'll just go for it! But yes, that can seem ruthless at times, especially when it's linked into his revenge…"

22-08-2011, 11:56

^ Could be moved in here please

22-08-2011, 11:56

^ Could be moved in here please

22-08-2011, 12:47

^ Could be moved in here please

This is a separate interview with Jason Merrells. If this needs moved then I suppose all DS interviews should be moved

22-08-2011, 13:05
This is a separate interview with Jason Merrells. If this needs moved then I suppose all DS interviews should be moved

Even you have already posted in the other thread about the same future spoiler topics that Jason talks about in the above interview it would make sense to have them all in the one thread

22-08-2011, 13:42
Even you have already posted in the other thread about the same future spoiler topics that Jason talks about in the above interview it would make sense to have them all in the one thread

28-08-2011, 02:19
Completing a run of soapland clashes, Emmerdale's Declan Macey and Jai Sharma will also be facing off in the days ahead.

After Declan lets Jai know the shocking truth about Mia's paternity and threatens to take revenge, any friendship that the pair had looks to be well and truly over.

Katie and Charity are both left curious over the sudden bitterness between the pair, but they struggle to get the answers they want from their partners. However, when Charity secretly invites Declan to her and Jai's engagement party, she hopes the men can get back on good terms.

Declan ultimately rejects his invitation to the big bash at Holdgate, but he does drop Katie off for the event. When Jai sees Declan, he loses it and orders the village landowner to leave - but things get out of hand as Declan gets out of his car and punches Jai.

With the animosity between the two businessmen at fever pitch, will Charity and Katie find out the truth behind what's going on?




