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15-01-2017, 18:51
Probably with Ross, it seems like they rekindle things quite quickly.

with emma finn and pete too?

16-01-2017, 12:10
with emma finn and pete too?

They could move into Wylies farm.

16-01-2017, 12:10
with emma finn and pete too?

They could move into Wylies farm.

14-02-2017, 05:20
Sounds like Debbie wants to take sarah abroad for treatment but has trouble because of her criminal record

14-02-2017, 12:35
Sounds like Debbie wants to take sarah abroad for treatment but has trouble because of her criminal record

she has her own passport but probably can't get into america over her criminal past

14-02-2017, 12:36
Sounds like Debbie wants to take sarah abroad for treatment but has trouble because of her criminal record

she has her own passport but probably can't get into america over her criminal past

14-02-2017, 13:11
The spoilers says she wants to take her to Prague. I don't get why she won't just let Cain or Charity take her. I know she would obviously prefer to go herself but this just seems like making an issue out of something that isn't there just to create drama and for her to do something criminal especially when less than a few weeks ago she was berating Charity :rolleyes:

14-02-2017, 18:15
The spoilers says she wants to take her to Prague. I don't get why she won't just let Cain or Charity take her. I know she would obviously prefer to go herself but this just seems like making an issue out of something that isn't there just to create drama and for her to do something criminal especially when less than a few weeks ago she was berating Charity :rolleyes:

Well if Debbie cant go because of a criminal record then Cain and Charity obviously won't be able to either. I bet Ross ends up taking her.

14-02-2017, 18:15
The spoilers says she wants to take her to Prague. I don't get why she won't just let Cain or Charity take her. I know she would obviously prefer to go herself but this just seems like making an issue out of something that isn't there just to create drama and for her to do something criminal especially when less than a few weeks ago she was berating Charity :rolleyes:

Well if Debbie cant go because of a criminal record then Cain and Charity obviously won't be able to either. I bet Ross ends up taking her.

14-02-2017, 19:17
Well if Debbie cant go because of a criminal record then Cain and Charity obviously won't be able to either. I bet Ross ends up taking her.

Ross also has a criminal record...

14-02-2017, 19:44
all dingles have :p diane could take her

15-02-2017, 02:03
Ross also has a criminal record...

He actually doesn't, this was highlighted when Finn got charged for being in possession of the stolen goods. They had a scene where they talked about the irony of Ross being the only brother without a criminal record. He's been arrested before but never charged.

15-02-2017, 02:03
Ross also has a criminal record...

He actually doesn't, this was highlighted when Finn got charged for being in possession of the stolen goods. They had a scene where they talked about the irony of Ross being the only brother without a criminal record. He's been arrested before but never charged.

15-02-2017, 07:40
Well if Debbie cant go because of a criminal record then Cain and Charity obviously won't be able to either. I bet Ross ends up taking her.
That wouldn't surprise me actually. I'm pretty sure this storyline will be those airport scenes filmed a few weeks ago.

15-02-2017, 11:58
That wouldn't surprise me actually. I'm pretty sure this storyline will be those airport scenes filmed a few weeks ago.

My prediction is that they all reluctantly let Ross take her along with Moses, then they return with a proper bond leaving Debbie impressed.

15-02-2017, 11:58
That wouldn't surprise me actually. I'm pretty sure this storyline will be those airport scenes filmed a few weeks ago.

My prediction is that they all reluctantly let Ross take her along with Moses, then they return with a proper bond leaving Debbie impressed.

19-12-2017, 10:42
Emmerdale's Debbie Dingle falls into a shocking trap when she starts working for Tom Waterhouse in the New Year.

Debbie is currently blissfully unaware that her rich new boyfriend is secretly plotting against her family, but the truth looks set to be revealed at last in January.

Viewers know that Tom (Ned Porteous) is the mastermind behind the planned golf course in the village, which would lead to Zak and Lisa's home being demolished.

Still in the dark after Christmas, Debbie starts working at Tom's office and it's not long before she gets given her first big task – being asked to sign off on a big deal as a witness.

Debbie Dingle meets up with Tom Waterhouse in Emmerdale

Later, when it's revealed what Debbie has signed, it's clear that she's been conned. Just what has Debbie put her signature to?

Charley Webb, who plays Debbie, revealed: "It's a big move for Debbie to start working at Tom's office, but Debbie is ambitious and she doesn't want to stay working in the garage forever. She's enjoyed accompanying Tom on business trips, so I think she's hopeful she can make an impact in his office.

"Debbie is at the office and Tom's colleague asks her to sign off a deal as a witness. Debbie neglects to check what she is actually signing. She's a bit distracted, as it's her first day and she doesn't even think about it being dodgy."

Asked how Debbie will react when the truth comes out, Charley replied: "The betrayal will be enormous. It will break her heart, every part of it. The double crossing and deceit is too much. I don't think she could ever forgive him."


Digital Spy

19-12-2017, 14:58
she sells dingle house or garage

05-01-2018, 22:20
up duffy by joseph tate?

06-01-2018, 12:23
up duffy by joseph tate?

Would be typical Emmerdale that, ruin a great storyline by introducing yet another unplanned sprog for "surprise" vale. I think it would be better for Joe to establish himself before he gets tied down with a kid, especially to Debbie.

06-01-2018, 16:51
up duffy by joseph tate?

Would not surprise me but at least this time we would not wonder who the daddy is....

06-01-2018, 21:56
Would not surprise me but at least this time we would not wonder who the daddy is....

I hope not .... really trashy storyline. .... recycled hash job ..... Unfortunately Joseph was spot on with the character assination (even if he is a total scumbag). And as for the toilet issue ..... I have now started to leave the room with some if the scenes ( can't turn over as hubby fixated yo the T V).

08-01-2018, 14:44
Would be typical Emmerdale that, ruin a great storyline by introducing yet another unplanned sprog for "surprise" vale. I think it would be better for Joe to establish himself before he gets tied down with a kid, especially to Debbie.

As Charity's daughter, I think Debbie could lie to him that she is pregnant as revenge

13-03-2018, 19:51
some online chatter that joe and debbie get married

13-03-2018, 20:12
some online chatter that joe and debbie get married

As Joe is out for revenge .. leaving her at the altar for maximum embarrassment ?? Or acrimonious divorce?? Or until death will them part?

20-03-2018, 20:28
where is jack and sarah, holidaying with cain?

20-03-2018, 22:15
where is jack and sarah, holidaying with cain?

Literally anywhere apart from with their mother as usual. I really don't know how she has the cheek to call Charity a bad mum, she's put men before Sarah her entire life.

27-03-2018, 20:03
how can debbie buy the cottage from joe

27-03-2018, 23:07
When is going to pay for what she did? When is Ross going to find out

28-03-2018, 13:04
When is going to pay for what she did? When is Ross going to find out

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they attempt to make Ross the villain in this. I really think that Ross will eventually find out and come up with some evil revenge plan meaning we're all supposed to feel sorry for Debbie and root for her and Joe. Along with Robert, Aaron, Tracy and Moira, Debbie is one of Iain Mcleod's favourites. Personally I think the character went stale years back.

28-03-2018, 16:13
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they attempt to make Ross the villain in this. I really think that Ross will eventually find out and come up with some evil revenge plan meaning we're all supposed to feel sorry for Debbie and root for her and Joe. Along with Robert, Aaron, Tracy and Moira, Debbie is one of Iain Mcleod's favourites. Personally I think the character went stale years back.

Debbie gets away with too much, all the Dingles do

I think for Ross to get justice and Simon to be sent down, she needs to confess, maybe Ross's suicide attempt will guilt her into confessing

28-03-2018, 17:03
Debbie gets away with too much, all the Dingles do

I think for Ross to get justice and Simon to be sent down, she needs to confess, maybe Ross's suicide attempt will guilt her into confessing

If she doesn't confess after that then she really is an evil scumbag. Ross is meant to be someone she cares for, yet she can look him in the eye after what's happened.

28-03-2018, 20:18
I'd have to admit that I am not a big fan of Debbie's. But in saying that, I think we need to get some perspective. So I'll play the Devils advocate. Why should Debbie confess? Debbie sent her little thug after Joe NOT Ross, it was all mistaken identity. But if Ross hadn't stolen Joe's car, it would have been Joe's face all scarred. And besides all that, I do think Charley Webb is a really good actress. And this is JMO, I am sure we are all entitled to that, :lol:

29-03-2018, 04:48
I'd have to admit that I am not a big fan of Debbie's. But in saying that, I think we need to get some perspective. So I'll play the Devils advocate. Why should Debbie confess? Debbie sent her little thug after Joe NOT Ross, it was all mistaken identity. But if Ross hadn't stolen Joe's car, it would have been Joe's face all scarred. And besides all that, I do think Charley Webb is a really good actress. And this is JMO, I am sure we are all entitled to that, :lol:

She also never said anything about an acid attack .. she wanted Joe scared not scarred .. but it will all come out so I am wondering how the writers will Ross cope with this

29-03-2018, 13:24
She also never said anything about an acid attack .. she wanted Joe scared not scarred .. but it will all come out so I am wondering how the writers will Ross cope with this

I think her words were wipe that smile off his face

29-03-2018, 16:40
She also never said anything about an acid attack .. she wanted Joe scared not scarred .. but it will all come out so I am wondering how the writers will Ross cope with this

This is no excuse though, she keeps on getting thugs and her dad to do her dirty work. Just look at the time Debbie told Cain to deal with Ross on her wedding day, which almost led to him dying. Aslong as she's happy she doesn't care about other people. I know that there's plenty of characters who've done just as bad including Ross but atleast they bring something to the show other than constant misery, there's no personality in the woman at all yet bloke after bloke has fallen for her. It's not believable at all

31-03-2018, 22:03
Debbie moves and sounds like a woodentop and desperately needs some form of nasal surgery

03-04-2018, 00:00
i thought she would have heard of ross suicide attempt by now and visited him

03-04-2018, 00:10
i thought she would have heard of ross suicide attempt by now and visited him

She's too self absorbed to do that, she probably feels that she's already paid her dues with Joe's blackmail.

11-04-2018, 14:19
What age was Cain and Charity when Debbie was conceived?

11-04-2018, 17:05
What age was Cain and Charity when Debbie was conceived?

Charity would have been 12/13 ... Charity was 13 when she had Debbie

26-04-2018, 00:00
is she back on with tom, why their scene tonight felt strange out of place

26-04-2018, 11:44
is she back on with tom, why their scene tonight felt strange out of place

They supposedly still love eachother but Debbie is too worried about what her family would think if she got back with him. It's sickening that they've used an acid attack to get those two closer together again. Once again, Graham was lurking in the background like a superhero, seriously they need to get him away from those two. They'll destroy his character.

26-04-2018, 21:49
They supposedly still love eachother but Debbie is too worried about what her family would think if she got back with him. It's sickening that they've used an acid attack to get those two closer together again. Once again, Graham was lurking in the background like a superhero, seriously they need to get him away from those two. They'll destroy his character.

lusting after megan will destroy him too

sarah back tonight and where is jack?

26-04-2018, 22:11
Typical I'm not surprised once again that another Dingle gets away without punishment

26-04-2018, 23:07
i really expected more anger from moira

28-05-2018, 20:30
bad acting from charley, tears needed for crying, part of acting 101

28-05-2018, 22:02
Ridiculous awful writing

28-05-2018, 22:04
sarah cain and charity just accepting tom and debbie back on even after all tomjoe has done

28-05-2018, 22:31
Yes family didn't really seem surprised, and next week clips with Graham playing darts with Frank!!!! Stop ruining Graham with the whole Megan rubbish, nobody cares

29-05-2018, 16:56
Yes family didn't really seem surprised, and next week clips with Graham playing darts with Frank!!!! Stop ruining Graham with the whole Megan rubbish, nobody cares

Some do care! Graham is only human.

29-05-2018, 17:08
I like Graham but seriously him and Megan don't make a good match, and his character really don't seem the type to engage in darts with Frank!!!! They will ruin him

29-05-2018, 17:09
I hope Pete or Sarah tells on Debbie to the police

29-05-2018, 17:24
I hope Pete or Sarah tells on Debbie to the police

Cannot see Sarah doing it, would be against Dingle law but Pete might

31-05-2018, 20:47
So Sarah is going to be ill again!!!!! This show should change its name to dinglefarm because it's all about them and anyone related to them. And Liv finding out about Gerry????? How she's been in jail, more rubbish from McLeod I bet the robron wedding gets loads of airtime

01-06-2018, 19:11
So Sarah is going to be ill again!!!!! This show should change its name to dinglefarm because it's all about them and anyone related to them. And Liv finding out about Gerry????? How she's been in jail, more rubbish from McLeod I bet the robron wedding gets loads of airtime

Hmm, coicndecne that Sarah is ill just as Debbie is at risk of someone reporting her tot he police? The lengths Emmerdale go to, to make us feel sorry for that woman is ridiculous. i suppose Ross will forgive and forget now because of Sarah... yawnnnnnnn

03-06-2018, 08:19
Hmm, coicndecne that Sarah is ill just as Debbie is at risk of someone reporting her tot he police? The lengths Emmerdale go to, to make us feel sorry for that woman is ridiculous. i suppose Ross will forgive and forget now because of Sarah... yawnnnnnnn

Agree with what you say here, and generally with your views about Emmerdale's Princess Debbie. It's totally outrageous where this acid attack story has been taken. Debbie is being seen to get away with what she organised and is rewarded with a millionaire lifestyle with Joe. And her stooge, Simon, has run off wih a £100,000 prize.

12-06-2018, 00:50
now debs puts her kids first after sarah ultimatium and joe dumping her

13-06-2018, 09:57
So even though the police have been told about her involvement in the attack on Ross they don't arrest her! Really!!! Why are the police in soaps made out to be completely useless and thick

02-07-2018, 20:08
so does not want sarah catching flu with bugs keeping her in doors but invites joe for tea, put the kids first you stupid mare

02-07-2018, 20:20
Jo could of bought her one of those bubbles

05-07-2018, 08:17
Typical ... Debbie gets her own way again .... got Joe back going behind saras back ..no police after setting up attack .... and yet another female dingle who drops her knickers to get back into home farm ....

15-08-2018, 20:42
her acting in the sarah storyline is brutal, terrible crier

15-08-2018, 22:02
her acting in the sarah storyline is brutal, terrible crier

Totally agree.

26-10-2018, 20:12
same again, poor me, victim debbie

30-10-2018, 14:49
same again, poor me, victim debbie

I can't believe that Ross was basically apologising for getting justice! The Cain proved what an absolute scumbag he is by saying Ross ruined Debbie's life! The nerve of that family is laughable

31-10-2018, 12:16
I can't believe that Ross was basically apologising for getting justice! The Cain proved what an absolute scumbag he is by saying Ross ruined Debbie's life! The nerve of that family is laughable

Debbie ruined her own life, she needs to start putting her kids first, she kept bringing Joe back into her life and her kid's lives after all he did and her need for revenge too scarred Ross for life so she needs to be punished

31-10-2018, 19:28
Debbie deserves to serve a lengthy prison sentence. No other ending to the acid attack story line is acceptable.


06-11-2018, 10:02
pregnant? will she have joe jnr in prison?

06-11-2018, 16:08
Such a predictable story line ..... I really hope not. The way Graham is behaving it's looking like he will be Debbie next victim for revenge

03-02-2019, 17:51
Charlie Webb and Matthew Wolfenden are expecting their third child ... so Debbie will leave the village for some time while Charlie is on maternity leave...what will be the reason and who will she become pregnant by or will they do the usual thing by hiding the bump behind big bags or tables ???


22-02-2019, 01:46
an aberdeen garage wants debbie so not experienced to run it, is this arranged by lisa

25-04-2019, 01:17
why was she reading up on menopause?

09-07-2019, 22:01
Her maternity exit must be soon, she is getting bigger, hard to hide, off to the garage in Scotland

14-07-2019, 13:38
Her maternity exit must be soon, she is getting bigger, hard to hide, off to the garage in Scotland

Yes, looks like that is what is going to happen


14-07-2019, 15:04
Best wishes to Charley Webb.

19-01-2020, 17:19

No plans to return soon.............

20-01-2020, 11:54

No plans to return soon.............

good if she takes brat sarah now even better

21-05-2020, 06:52
According to Metro.co.uk Charlie has no intentions of returning just yet ......

18-12-2020, 23:50
back at christmas

25-12-2020, 20:04
back as al's mystery lady

24-12-2021, 08:13

Emmerdale star Charley Webb ?quits show after 19 years amid race row? ??? It is from the Metro so might not be true, Charley always maintained she would not return until Covid restrictions were eased so this might just be another made up story. However, I think it is time that Emmerdale made an official statement as to what this row is all about...

24-12-2021, 12:41

Emmerdale star Charley Webb ?quits show after 19 years amid race row? ??? It is from the Metro so might not be true, Charley always maintained she would not return until Covid restrictions were eased so this might just be another made up story. However, I think it is time that Emmerdale made an official statement as to what this row is all about...

This story has also appeared in The Sun. She says she wants to try something new, and has been thinking of leaving for a while. However the timing of the announcement seems very strange, especially as he husband is involved in the race row. Is it possible that Mathew and Isabel have got a little to close?? Just wondering.

24-12-2021, 16:45
This story has also appeared in The Sun. She says she wants to try something new, and has been thinking of leaving for a while. However the timing of the announcement seems very strange, especially as he husband is involved in the race row. Is it possible that Mathew and Isabel have got a little to close?? Just wondering.

he strayed before and both are no loss

05-01-2022, 04:02

Emmerdale star Charley Webb has addressed her future on the ITV soap, almost a year since she was last seen on our screens.

Charley, who has played fan-favourite Debbie Dingle since 2002, responded to a fan's question about whether she had left the show on Instagram yesterday (January 3).

Confirming Emmerdale's line back in December that there were currently no plans for Debbie to return to the village, Charley appeared to admit that she had bid farewell to her long-running character.

"This is always my most asked question but I've never answered it before because I've never wanted to make a big deal of it," the actress explained.

Suggesting that she had stepped back from the soap on a more permanent basis when she last went on maternity leave, Charley continued: "I left to have Ace [two] years ago.

"I went back at the end of last year for 10 weeks to complete a storyline. So, I guess officially it's been a year. I never felt the need to announce it which is why we didn't."

Speculation about Charley's future on Emmerdale follows reports that her co-star and husband Matthew Wolfenden ? as well as Victoria Sugden star Isabel Hodgins ? had been absent from filming amid rumours of an on-set row.

Emmerdale later responded to reports of a racism complaint, saying it "has robust policies in place to deal with any allegations brought to our attention".

Reports claimed that a mixed-race star had been upset by an "inappropriate comment" and mimicry during filming earlier this year. Neither Wolfenden nor Hodgins have addressed the speculation publicly, but they are previously reported to have denied the allegations.