View Full Version : Michael Jackson - Verdict - thoughts

13-06-2005, 21:36
Post your thoughts on this thread.


13-06-2005, 21:38
Confused, very confused!!! I'm not sure if he's guilty but i always see the good in people so i'm usless!!!

But i think he'll go down because of the evidence against him.

13-06-2005, 21:43
Me too, I guess he wont be aquitted of all the ofenses against him??

13-06-2005, 21:50
Whens the verdict being given?

13-06-2005, 21:51
Any time now!!

13-06-2005, 21:56
Ooohh!! Exciting!! I personally think he's guilty, even if he didn't do anything sexual, it's not on to share a bed with children. It's a shame because his music is bad ass!! His number ones album is wicked. He should be remebered for that.

13-06-2005, 22:15
Not guilty so far!

13-06-2005, 22:17
When are we going to know the verdict. On MSN it said 9.30pm BST, but I haven't heard anything as yet.

13-06-2005, 22:19
Not Guilty On All Counts!!!!!!!! Omg

13-06-2005, 22:20
hes been found not guilty

13-06-2005, 22:20
Not guilty verdict

13-06-2005, 22:21
OMG he is guilty

13-06-2005, 22:23
Not guilty of any charges!!!!

13-06-2005, 22:23
Well, I suppose he's not guilty then. Guess I was wrong.

13-06-2005, 22:36
He needs counselling, he should not walk free because he isn't normal, he's obviously a danger to people.

13-06-2005, 22:36
Well if he was found not quilty by a jury then he's not guilty.

I still go along with the fact that if he was a normal bloke who fitted cable for a living he's would have been carted off along time ago.

Never the less - he's not guilty!

13-06-2005, 22:39
Exactly judejude but he obviously has problems, surely he's going to have therapy?

13-06-2005, 22:47
Well if he was found not quilty by a jury then he's not guilty.

I still go along with the fact that if he was a normal bloke who fitted cable for a living he's would have been carted off along time ago.

Never the less - he's not guilty! I have to agree with you, I think in his case money has spoken a thousand words and thats why he got off, he played the court by being ill and got the jurys sympathy. Nothing will ever convince me that they have come to the right verdict. But at least no child will ever want to get near him again, that is the only good thing to come out of this hearing

13-06-2005, 22:48
He needs counselling, he should not walk free because he isn't normal, he's obviously a danger to people.

Couldn't agree more i don't believe he abused this child but there may have been others

13-06-2005, 22:54
He should be locked up for very different reasons.

13-06-2005, 22:56
Exactly someone who decided to change the colour of his skin should have been locked up years ago and the fact these operations were carried out is just as bad

13-06-2005, 22:57
Also what pearents of sane mind would let their children sleep in the same bad as a 40 year old man. (outside of family and close friends known to pearents).... what cause he's michael jackson, oh thats ok then

13-06-2005, 23:05
i cant beleive that he has been found not guilty! i think he is guilty of everything that he was accused of! guess we will probbaly be here in a few more years discussing this again!

13-06-2005, 23:06
Also what pearents of sane mind would let their children sleep in the same bad as a 40 year old man. (outside of family and close friends known to pearents).... what cause he's michael jackson, oh thats ok then

i would never let my son sleep in the same bed as any other man apart from his grandad!! and of course his daddy!

13-06-2005, 23:11
I'm happy for him :D I never believed he did, it I know the 'relationship' of having kids in his room for sleepovers may seem weird, but does it seem weird when a kid has the mates over for a sleepover? No! Excatly!

You look at his past, he never got a childhood when he should have done, as a kid, he was forced to be this 'star' I beleive he just thinks hes a big kid at heart, hes living his childhood finaly.

Now everyone can just leave him alone.

13-06-2005, 23:14
But at the end of the day he's a 40 year old man, not a kid, its not appropriate!! for a middle age man to host "sleepovers"

13-06-2005, 23:17
You look at his past, he never got a childhood when he should have done, as a kid, he was forced to be this 'star' I beleive he just thinks hes a big kid at heart, hes living his childhood finaly.

Now everyone can just leave him alone.

oh well why not let all the peadophiles off then! why dont they all just say they didnt have a childhood and that why they do what they do!

he should have been locked up

13-06-2005, 23:17
I agree. But, he's mentaly ill, he needs help, he doesn't know any better.

13-06-2005, 23:18
The justice should be a low rawer than going to prison.

13-06-2005, 23:18
I'm not saying he's guilty anymore, I'm over it now but he does need help.

13-06-2005, 23:18
Yep agree with that!!

13-06-2005, 23:21
i agree he is mentally ill but i still think he is guilty.

13-06-2005, 23:23
He should have been locked up a hell of a long time ago

14-06-2005, 02:27
Debs whether is he guilty or not, we don't know, he's been proved innocent however and therefore that's what we have to accept. I'm kind of over it now. You all know I didn't take kindly to the verdict but upon reflection it doesn't affect me in the slightest although I do feel strongly about the issue if he really has been abusing young children.
Even if he was just too naive and innocent and people took advantage of him, he left himself open to that situation by allowing children to stay in his bed. Let's hope he learns a lesson from this and stops that in future.
He does have mental issues and a number of things can be used to support that claim, there's tons of evidence, but whether he now chooses to get help remains to be seen although it would be a good step and I think the public might be able to accept him again if he's atleast seen to be doing something about his problems.

14-06-2005, 07:43
I thought he'd get found guilty on at least one charge but good for him. It soon became obvious that the woman only wanted to do this for the money and it's not the first time!

Prison is not what he needs. He was abused as a child and because of this I've got no doubt he's got mental problems. He lives in a place called Neverland. He thinks he's a child and that's why this is all so innocent to him. He doesn't want to hurt children he just wants to be friends. Mental help is what he needs not people telling him he's a child molesterer.

14-06-2005, 09:44
He obviously paid someone off! he's as guilty as hell.would any of you leave your children in his care because i know i wouldnt.hes famous thats why he got away with it.what would people say if you partners slept in the same bed as the kids that live down your road? he'd be branded discusting and a peodophile also hed end up in jail.hes got away with it which is no shock,knew he would.

Bad Wolf
14-06-2005, 09:46
i think he is guilty- i think he has a major screw loose, the verdict was wrong

14-06-2005, 09:56
i think he is guilty- i think he has a major screw loose, the verdict was wrong

i agree totally

phils little sister
14-06-2005, 10:01
Isn't he just lucky that all of you's were not on the Jury - he would be on his way to the electric chair by now

I think he is innocent and i am delighted with the verdict

14-06-2005, 11:21
I thought he was guilty before the verdict came through but 12 people all agreed that he was not guilty on all 10 counts.

A 40 year old man sleeping in the same bed as a kid is pretty disgusting but it isn't against any laws and that isn't what he was on trial for.

14-06-2005, 11:32
Debs whether is he guilty or not, we don't know, he's been proved innocent however and therefore that's what we have to accept. I'm kind of over it now. You all know I didn't take kindly to the verdict but upon reflection it doesn't affect me in the slightest although I do feel strongly about the issue if he really has been abusing young children.
Even if he was just too naive and innocent and people took advantage of him, he left himself open to that situation by allowing children to stay in his bed. Let's hope he learns a lesson from this and stops that in future.
He does have mental issues and a number of things can be used to support that claim, there's tons of evidence, but whether he now chooses to get help remains to be seen although it would be a good step and I think the public might be able to accept him again if he's atleast seen to be doing something about his problems.

Walford Queen i find it very hard to believe that that man is innocent, so i dont hace to accept the verdict at all! i truly believe that in a few years time we will be here again!

i agree about the help. he needs to get some and lets hope he does.

14-06-2005, 11:35
He obviously paid someone off! he's as guilty as hell.would any of you leave your children in his care because i know i wouldnt.hes famous thats why he got away with it.what would people say if you partners slept in the same bed as the kids that live down your road? he'd be branded discusting and a peodophile also hed end up in jail.hes got away with it which is no shock,knew he would.

exactly chance. if i found out that connor had slept in some mans bed say at a mates house i would go mad! but micheAL jackson does it and oh well he been abused, he got a few mental problems so well find him innocent. sorry something is not right here

14-06-2005, 11:36
I agree, Every one is entitled to their opinion, I personally agree with the verdict,

Ok its not normal to have sleepovers and stuff but is it normal to have a five year old up on stage infront of millions of people.

Yes he may have a screw lose but he's not capeable of hearting anyone. He's the ulitmate peter pan.

Someone earlier commented that he must have paid someone of to get this verdict. Its been reported that his finances are dwindling away rapidly because of this trial and the expense to run neverland that he would not have had enough money to pay someone of even if he had to.

anyway he has been found not guilty and that what has to be accepted right or wrong !

14-06-2005, 11:46
They found OJ not guilty as well ...

However, reading the reports of the boys mother, I definately think she was a money grabber.

What still counts against MJ is that he did pay off Joey Chandler.

14-06-2005, 11:47
...he's been proved innocent however...

He may not have been proved innocent. All the jury had to decide was if there was enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt if he was guilty. If there wasn't enough evidence then he would be found not guilty by default.

14-06-2005, 11:50
They found OJ not guilty as well ...

However, reading the reports of the boys mother, I definately think she was a money grabber.

What still counts against MJ is that he did pay off Joey Chandler.

i suppose in a way it good that he didnt pay people off this time but i still dont think he is innocent. i agree with you why would you pay off someone if you were innocent. maybe he is this time ( i dont think so though!) and the mother thought it was an easy way to make some money.

14-06-2005, 11:58
i suppose in a way it good that he didnt pay people off this time but i still dont think he is innocent. i agree with you why would you pay off someone if you were innocent. maybe he is this time ( i dont think so though!) and the mother thought it was an easy way to make some money.

He couldn't payoff people this time. It had to go to court.

14-06-2005, 12:00
i think he was guilty and he could do it again

14-06-2005, 12:05
Check out this news story (http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1720975,00.html).

14-06-2005, 12:08
No one come out well in this case.

I have 2 sons ages 11 & 13 and there is no way that I would allow them to have sleepoevers with some stranger just because he is famous. And share a bed! This was AFTER the Jordie case and the accusations were widely known.

Michael Jackson is obviously not 'normal', however that doesn't make him a pedophile.

He has been really badly advised and lives in a world of his own that seems abnormal to most people.

What kind of world does Gavins mother live in?

14-06-2005, 12:44
At the end of the day we might not agree with the verdict but he's now a free man. For me to accept that he needs to be seen to be getting some kind of support for his mental health problems. If he doesn't then he may well find himself back in the same situation because we all know this wasn't the first time and it's got a good chance of not being the last as well if he continues to leave himself open to these kind of "claims" by allowing children to sleep in his bed.

14-06-2005, 13:20
He needs counselling, he should not walk free because he isn't normal, he's obviously a danger to people.

that's exactly what me and my other half were saying.

14-06-2005, 15:04
If you haven't heard the verdict being read out, click here (http://release.theplatform.com/content.select?pid=_XWjF7ctqByX4bunS_ltiFGvXdIhUzi I&UserName=Unknown) to listen to it.

You can view the actual verdict document that was read out by the court clerk here (http://www.courttv.com/trials/jackson/docs/verdictform.pdf). You need Acrobat Reader to view it.

Bad Wolf
14-06-2005, 15:08
although i think he is guilty, i still maintain he has a major screw loose, he wight not of intentionally done wrong but he did

the man lost his childhood, i think on some level he still thinks he is a child, which is slightly worrying as the man has children himself

14-06-2005, 15:32
If you haven't heard the verdict being read out, click here (http://release.theplatform.com/content.select?pid=_XWjF7ctqByX4bunS_ltiFGvXdIhUzi I&UserName=Unknown) to listen to it.

You can view the actual verdict document that was read out by the court clerk here (http://www.courttv.com/trials/jackson/docs/verdictform.pdf). You need Acrobat Reader to view it.
I can't listen to it again, I'll have an heart attack, I was on the edge of my seat, I even listened ot it harder than I do EastEnders! :D

14-06-2005, 15:40
No one come out well in this case.

I have 2 sons ages 11 & 13 and there is no way that I would allow them to have sleepoevers with some stranger just because he is famous. And share a bed! This was AFTER the Jordie case and the accusations were widely known.

Michael Jackson is obviously not 'normal', however that doesn't make him a pedophile.

He has been really badly advised and lives in a world of his own that seems abnormal to most people.

What kind of world does Gavins mother live in?

I totally agree! :thumbsup:

14-06-2005, 15:43
I totally agree! :thumbsup:
I don't think anybody would let their kids sleep in his bed if they knew about it.

14-06-2005, 16:03
I dunno why any parent let their kids sleep in his bed. What was going through their minds??!

14-06-2005, 16:18
I dunno why any parent let their kids sleep in his bed. What was going through their minds??!I don't know, but it is weird that they would trust him too let thier kids sleep in his bed. why??

14-06-2005, 16:26
Maybe they never knew until afterwards?

14-06-2005, 17:47
Or maybe they saw $ signs.

Letting your child sleep in some guys bed (especially one as doubtful as Jackson) has got to leave you open to accustions of Aiding and abetting child abuse?

Some people sell their kids into prosititution - would this be any different (if he did it..)

Bad Wolf
14-06-2005, 17:56
i just think he is quite sad- a boy who never did grow up

14-06-2005, 18:04
How old are his kids??

14-06-2005, 18:08
Or maybe they saw $ signs.

Letting your child sleep in some guys bed (especially one as doubtful as Jackson) has got to leave you open to accustions of Aiding and abetting child abuse?

Some people sell their kids into prosititution - would this be any different (if he did it..)
I honestly don't know what to believe, he might be innocent and he might be guilty, there's strong evidence to suggest there was funny buisness but the jury would not have found him innocent had there not been reasonable evidence to consider that he might be innocent.

Apparently he's learned his lesson and will no longer leave himself "open" situations like these, just been reading about how he's going to stop sleeping with young boys - might be a good step to take but what was he doing sleeping with them in the first place?

14-06-2005, 18:10
How old are his kids??
Which ones? He's got them dotted around everywhere. Most of them were concieved using the good ole turkey baster method :D

I believe the youngest is Blanket, the one he dangled over the balcony and I think he's about 1 now? Although I'm not sure :)

I believe there's one called Prince as well, but I have no idea what the name of the other one is or how old they both are.

He makes them wear masks in public, what sort of a life are they going to have? He should let them have a normal childhood, he keeps talking about how he never had one yet he's denying his own children the best possible start in life. It's all very well buying them lots of things but they atleast need some normality and stability and you can guarantee they won't get that living with him.

14-06-2005, 18:11
I don't remember hearing about strong evidence. Strong evidence would of been actual physical evidence. (DNA)

I just hope that he gets the medical help he needs in order to make him stable mentally as he acts like a boy in a mans body i.e the sleep overs. Which is wrong as he is a man, but surely as he was not acting as he hould of surely his advisors and people around are to blame also.

14-06-2005, 18:14
He also has a little girl called Paris.

14-06-2005, 18:18
cor, who'd be mad enough to have a relationship with him?? Unless they were money hungry, starstruck wannabe's wanting fame lol.................:D

14-06-2005, 18:23
Blankets full name is Prince Michael II, He alsoo has Paris and Prince Michael I - imagine calling 2 of you kids by the same name bar a digit!!!!

Bad Wolf
14-06-2005, 18:26
that is pretty odd, wouldn't you get confused?

14-06-2005, 18:29
Blanket?! What a strange name....

14-06-2005, 18:58
that is pretty odd, wouldn't you get confused?

I think that describes him quite well, pretty odd and confused!

Bad Wolf
14-06-2005, 19:00
yup, i think he thinks he is a child still, and these boys who he shares a bed with are on his wave length, at that age boys are not friends with girls. that might explain why its boys who made the accusations?????

14-06-2005, 19:04
Mayb, Uri Geller said on richard and judy that jacko told him that he could only trust children and not adults, i bet he feels as if he can't trust anybody anymore. Like i said before i hope he gets the help he obviously needs. to make he understand that he is an adult and he can't relieve his childhood by having sleep overs as it is not right.

14-06-2005, 19:11
all im saying on the matter is there is no smoke without fire


15-06-2005, 02:26
Good phrase there bondboffin.

Anyways I heard an interview with some of the jury on the radio today and they were saying there was an incident of child molestation that they could have convicted him for but that was for a different case and therefore they weren't allowed to, they also said something fishy was going on.

Like that needed confirming. It was obvious right from the off.

15-06-2005, 07:03
all im saying on the matter is there is no smoke without fire


i was thinking of the same phrase!!

15-06-2005, 11:16
I don't like that phrase because it's not always true. If I went up to Michael Jackson and said he molested me then I would be totally making it up so there would be smoke without fire.

15-06-2005, 13:00
Good point there Osiris but this isn't the first time Michael Jackson's been up in court. Only last time he paid them off didn't he?

15-06-2005, 13:42
i think he has paid them off this time, money talks
he is going to make loads more money through this, interviews,magazines, he will write a book and the compensation through all the stress he has been through oh my god that will be big money
neverland 2 will be getting built next(or whatever you call it) :sick:

15-06-2005, 13:59
I always felt there was alot of money changing hands..:thumbsdow There had to be some truth in the molestion charges, I mean back in 96 didn't Jacko pay 20 million bucks for an out of court settlement???:searchme: As some of u say where there may be smoke theres bound to be a fire... he may have gotten off this time, but what will the public think, if he is caught again?

Any way as you all said it all boils down to the $$$$$$$$..If u got it.....great.. if you don't say hello to your cell mate Bubba.....:wall:

15-06-2005, 14:04
Then again, in this case, if he hadn't the money perhaps he wouldn't have been accused?

Yes he bought of Jordie Chandler, and yes he may well have abused children in the past, but this case was proven unfounded in court.

In this case Gavin's family have been found wanting by the American Criminal Justice Dept. They are guilty of exposing their child to risk for monetory gain.

The jury didn't believe them.

15-06-2005, 15:12
He wasn't allowed to pay them off this time.

15-06-2005, 15:19
But I bet that was what they were angling for. Money grabbing swine who exposed their child to danger for cash.

Regardless of whether or not Jackson is guilty, Gavin's mother is DEFINITELY guilty of endangering her child.

15-06-2005, 16:28
Maybe but maybe she didn't know her child would be sleeping in the same bed as Wacko Jacko?

15-06-2005, 16:30
Yes she did, she gave express permission. It came out in court. MJ asked her and she said yes - and this was after the Jordie Chandler case was made public! She is culpable.

15-06-2005, 17:35
They're all to blame.

15-06-2005, 21:32
I expect there will be Civil Action, where money is really involved.

MJ was quoted as saying to (prob in the tabloids) that he will never let a child sleep in his bed again. Says it all really

16-06-2005, 00:06
Just out of interest would this affect any of you buying his music in the future?

16-06-2005, 00:08
Just out of interest would this affect any of you buying his music in the future?
A very interesting point. I don't think it would but I've never liked his music anyways. Are you a fan?

16-06-2005, 00:08
A very interesting point. I don't think it would but I've never liked his music anyways. Are you a fan?

I like the music. I wouldn't say I'm a fan though but yer I do listen to it.

16-06-2005, 00:09
Infact I haven't heard that much of it.

16-06-2005, 00:09
Will you still be buying his music Lex?

16-06-2005, 00:12
Will you still be buying his music Lex?

If I liked it then yer I'd buy it. Just I can imagine some people wouldn't because of the principal of the money going to him if they didn't agree with what he did. I would only be if I really liked the music though regardless of what he'd done.

16-06-2005, 00:13
If I liked one of his songs then this wouldn't stop me buying it.

16-06-2005, 10:43
No it wouldn't stop me buying it, I just hope if he does come back his music is as good as his old stuff i.e billie jean, bad etc.

16-06-2005, 11:56
I wouldn't cut my nose off to spite my face because that's the same kind of thing if I liked one of his songs but refused to get it.

16-06-2005, 13:47
I have never actually bought any of his music. I was still going to dicos and clubs when Thriller came out and I liked his stuff, but never enough to go and buy it. I used to dance to Bad and Billie Jean. They were good songs of their time.

16-06-2005, 13:51
I have never actually bought any of his music. I was still going to dicos and clubs when Thriller came out and I liked his stuff, but never enough to go and buy it. I used to dance to Bad and Billie Jean. They were good songs of their time.
I've never bought any either. He's never really interested me.

16-06-2005, 13:55
In the last 10 -15 years he has been more of a curiousity item, really, rather than a Pop Star. King of Pop - don't make me laugh! In the seventies before he started on the plastic surgery, maybe. I cannot see how he could make a come back now, He is 47 years old for goodness sakes, and he is still Moonwalking!!!

16-06-2005, 14:04
In the last 10 -15 years he has been more of a curiousity item, really, rather than a Pop Star. King of Pop - don't make me laugh! In the seventies before he started on the plastic surgery, maybe. I cannot see how he could make a come back now, He is 47 years old for goodness sakes, and he is still Moonwalking!!!
I think his career is over, he wouldnt have needed to make a comeback had it not been for this debt.

16-06-2005, 14:07
He should sell his Beatles back catalogue, sell Neverland, sack his advisors and fade into obscurity.

He is tainted now, no matter what, and really it would just be some sort of sick freak show if he tried to comeback.

16-06-2005, 14:15
He has already sold Neverland.

16-06-2005, 14:18
He has already sold Neverland.

:searchme: When did that happen?

16-06-2005, 14:19
:searchme: When did that happen?
The other day, he sold it to pay off debts. He got it for like $1 million and sold it for $19 million.

16-06-2005, 15:15
Michael Jackson has secretly sold his Neverland Ranch for $35 million, The National Enquirer can reveal. The scandal-plagued superstar is so wracked by financial troubles he can no longer afford to keep his trademark fantasy estate in Los Olivos, near Santa Barbara, California.

From Nation Enquirer though!!!

16-06-2005, 15:41
The other day, he sold it to pay off debts. He got it for like $1 million and sold it for $19 million.

I didn't know that! Thanks for the info WQ! :D

16-06-2005, 18:27
I would imagine that the place has some pretty horrible memories for him after all this. Although imagine wanting to buy it??

16-06-2005, 18:31
Yeah it was $35 million with something extra can't remember what though but the basic place was priced at $19 million.

16-06-2005, 18:46
Ok I wonder what is going with the sale of the house, all the amusement park rides, the animals, all the oddities he had in the house?? I agree he should sell the Beatles Catalog to Sony,at least they are prepared to pay a princely sum for that rare catalog.

Hes 47 years old, and hes over the hill and a has been. So making a come back would look pathetic.He can always do what alot of other big time celebrities did when in debt, file bankruptcy.....:hmm:

16-06-2005, 19:19
He would raise a fortune from that catalogue but if he gets in debt again or spends all the money paying off his debts he's no better off. He's still lost his prized possesion.

21-06-2005, 13:38
I can't believe he got off on ALL charges. I thought he was innocent, but assumed he'd go down for at least something. My friend said one of the jury claimed: "He probably has slept with kids", but she also said that they didn't have enough evidence. I don't get it. I'm confused.

He is a has been, I agree with justjodi. But, strangely, I think people will get over it. Some people can move on just like that *clicks fingers*. But, I don't think he'll ever get it off of his mind.

di marco
21-06-2005, 16:48
i wasnt sure if he was guilty or not. all i think is that hes quite naive and doesnt really know what hes doing. i know thats not an excuse if he did do it, but thats the way he seems, theres def something wrong with him. and the parents of these children were in the wrong as well, i mean would you let your child stay over someones house who you didnt know, just cos hes famous, i def wouldnt

21-06-2005, 16:58
come 12 months time i wouldnt be surprised if another revaeltion came out about his peverse actions

the bloke is a pedo face facts! (IMHO)


21-06-2005, 21:37
I am extremly surprised he got off, scot free! I was hoping he'd get something, even if it was just a small fine, or making him have therapy - Let's face it, as the others said, he needs it, bad.

I think... He is like the young kid he never got to be, in the way he doesn't completly understand that it's not right, it may be a bit of fun for him, but it's not right to want to have kids in your bed with you. I do agree with the fact he need therapy - If he was a normal guy he'd have been put into an instituition ages ago.

21-06-2005, 22:15
He needs therapy and locking up for mental health reasons regardless of being found innocent of this.

21-06-2005, 22:17
yea I reckon he should be sectioned, not sure if the do that in the states??

21-06-2005, 22:39
Well he's moving here soon apparently :)

22-06-2005, 17:41
I think he is guilty of some child molestation along the line, they didnt have enough evidence to convict him of this, but he isn't normal and I really hope he gets the help he so desperately and obviously needs

22-06-2005, 18:04
I doubt he will though because he didn't last time :)