View Full Version : Mouth pain :(

23-08-2010, 18:51
Hi folks,

It would appear that my molars have chosen now to erupt. Bottom right and top left. I have a partially erupted top right molar which came through no problem and just seems to be stuck halfway through. These two buggers are doing my head in already. I can feel them bulging towards the inside of my mouth, moving horizontally and vertically at an angle rather than vertically straight up.

My mouth is in a bit of a mess anyway, I've bitten the side of my mouth (must have been in my sleep) and there's bits of skin hanging off the roof and gums, a bit like a graze from sharp food.

Trouble is, I'm not registered with a dentist down here and I don't think they would do anything just yet as the pain is not severe enough to extract them and I can still eat. Naturally I will go if the pain gets too bad.

Is there anything you guys would recommend for toothache and a sore mouth that have worked for you? Mouth rinses, pain killers, anything would be better than putting up with general face ache and a sore mouth. I'm also well past the calpol and teething ring stage :p


Chloe O'brien
23-08-2010, 23:08
Have you tried medicated mouth wash like corsodyl or oraldene.

23-08-2010, 23:18
No, I just thought they were normal mouthwashes to be honest. I'll have a look in the chemist tomorrow. Thanks Kath :)

24-08-2010, 15:29
Bonjela is good for numbing mouth pain, though I wouldn't put it on any open wounds.

24-08-2010, 16:23
The problem I find with bonjela is it just slides off and I can't resist the temptation to lick it :p I end up with a very numb tongue tip and painful gums so its useless to me.

24-08-2010, 16:27
You could try Anbesol its an anaesthetic antiseptic I use it for mouth ulcers