View Full Version : romeo and juliet

13-06-2005, 17:02
dont worry i am not asking you to do my homework but as this is a soap board it can help me

what i have to do is: we are studing shakespeare at the mo and my teacher wants me to find storylines in soaps that are like the theme of romeo and juliet. so in soaps which storyline have two people that are in love or a realasionship but there families dont want them to be because each family dont like one and other

e.g. debbi and andly-emmerdale

please help
i thank you very much is you can :cheer:

13-06-2005, 17:05
oooh tricky, we recently did Romeo and Juliet....its just a shame that I can't remeber any of it. Anyway......how about Dennis and Sharon. Just one small prob, its the same family not wanting either of them to be together!!!

13-06-2005, 17:06
lol yeah thanks anyway i will mention that

13-06-2005, 17:06
Sonia and Martin - Pauline was all for it but Sonia's wasn't very keen at all!

13-06-2005, 18:49
Demi and Leo?

13-06-2005, 19:12
Familys at war , there are loads!!

Emmerdale - Dingles and Sugdons, Kings and everyone!!

Familys not wanting them to be toghether

Lisa and Ben - Hollyoaks
Robert and Katey - Emmerdale and before that Andy and Katey
Chas and Karl, and policmen bloke - Emmerdale

Bad Wolf
13-06-2005, 19:15
leo and demi are a really good one- they planned to run away (like romeo and juliets original plan)

13-06-2005, 19:25
thanks guys

13-06-2005, 19:29
leo and demi are a really good one- they planned to run away (like romeo and juliets original plan)
Oh yah, i didn't think of them.

13-06-2005, 19:34
How about Martin and Katy from Corrie?

13-06-2005, 19:37
Leo and Demi~both families are against it!

13-06-2005, 19:50
yeah, but i guess martin and katys families were against it

13-06-2005, 20:01
leanne battersby and nicky tilsley? they eloped.

13-06-2005, 20:11
wasnt their a gay couple in EE a while ago that was kind of like Romeo and Juliet

13-06-2005, 20:18
wasnt their a gay couple in EE
Was there? :hmm: I don't remember :p

13-06-2005, 20:23
Maybe it was Corrie... it was one of the first Gay kisses on TV

14-06-2005, 13:29
how about dennis and sharon? den didn't want them together

14-06-2005, 13:45
Jess and Zubin?

14-06-2005, 19:51
How about Martin and Katy from Corrie?

That would be like Juliet and Romeo's Dad!

14-06-2005, 19:52
What about the Aussie soaps, the best one would be Charlene and Scott

14-06-2005, 19:58
That would be like Juliet and Romeo's Dad!
