View Full Version : Inception

15-08-2010, 22:35
Has anyone seen it yet?

My friends say its great and I was going to see it last week but couldnt, I really want to see it but I think its going to finish at my local cinema soon, its not fair I keep seeing adverts it looks so good

Kirsty :]
16-08-2010, 00:32
I went to see this. Lol, big mistake. It was visually very very good and I understood the whole concept of dreams... I just didn't get the actual storyline lol. It's good if you're brainy though so you'll be fine lol. Chris turned to me when it finished and I just went " I didn't get it" He was like... oh God hahah but if I'd have understood it I'm sure I would've loved it... :)

16-08-2010, 10:08
I think you need to see it more than once well I did I thought it was excellent

16-08-2010, 10:22
lol thats eve more of a reason why I want to see it cos it will make me think and I love it when I get things! I never used to :p

16-08-2010, 12:54
I saw it, sort of understood it but the ending confused me a lot. I wouldn't go and see it again though, Odeon ticket prices have gone up to £7.80 for a student.

16-08-2010, 23:22
:eek: that is insane!

16-08-2010, 23:53
I know. I didn't have enough change and had to pay by card. Boooo :p.Perhaps because its London its gone up more. To Cineworld and its creaking curtains I think. :lol: Failing that finding people with orange wednesdays will do.

24-08-2010, 12:30
I think Inception is the best film I have seen this year......the ending is excellent. definately one for pre order on blu ray i think!

24-08-2010, 12:36
For anyone who has seen whats your thoughts on the end

Was it a dream or real

24-08-2010, 13:18
i think;

He was asleep the entire time and in the end the spinning thingie showed him that he was asleep....although it did wobble a bit like it was going to fall over......I thought the way it left the audience to decide was brilliant.

half way through i thought he might be in his wifes dream...........but no!

30-08-2010, 09:23
one of the best movie of 2010 , dont wait go watch it . . . !!!