View Full Version : Neighbours Oz Spoilers, 9th - 13th August 2010

Jessie Wallace
01-08-2010, 16:19
Monday 9th August

Unable to let go of his worry that something is causing Chris to act out, Michael launches a senior school project encouraging honesty. However when classroom fun threatens to reveal Chris' secret publicly, he loses control. Libby accuses Michael of making Chris' problems worse and challenges him to fix it. Michael's not willing to invade Chris' privacy to help him but when Chris inadvertently reveals his secret, Michael realises it's a lot more serious than he thought.

Tuesday 10th August

When Natasha finds out a student in the school is gay, her appetite for gossip sees it becoming a school-wide scandal. Suspicions fall on Summer. As suspicions and accusations spread, school bully Macca takes delight in tormenting Summer. How much longer can the real secret-keeper maintain their silence?

Thursday 12th August

It's Callum's 13th birthday and all he really wants is for the Ramsay Street war to be over. He's annoyed that Toadie organised a party when none of the Kennedys will attend. Meanwhile Libby finally opens up to her parents, revealing just how painful everything still is. As the neighbours come together for Callum, he can't help but enjoy himself. With Susan's encouragement, Libby decides not to punish Callum for Toadie's actions and she takes Ben to Callum's party. But has she made a big mistake?

Friday 13th August

Apart from asking him to be MC at their reception, Donna and Ringo have unintentionally excluded Zeke from their wedding plans, preferring the help of Kate and Declan instead. Zeke hopes he can become more involved in organising Ringo's buck's night, but is miffed when once again Ringo would rather give the task to best man Declan. Sick of being sidelined, Zeke sneakily takes control of the Buck's night and plans to give Ringo a night he'll never forget.

01-08-2010, 21:43
So Chris is gay