View Full Version : a bum deal

13-06-2005, 09:37
After a night of flirting and a water fight that left his mattress soaking wet, Saskia let Maxwell sleep in her bed. But when he tried it on, she was having none of it.

The couple have been flirting with each other for some time so it looked like the London lad's persistence had finally paid off, but she wanted none of it.

"Just think of Kemal," she whispered to him in an attempt to dampen his ardour, but this just made him giggle. And if there's one thing Maxwell likes it's a "bird" that makes him laugh.

He started to run his hand over her bum, but she reacted by saying, "get out of it" and slapped his hand away. Maxwell sighed like the little boy who had run all the way to the sweet shop only to discover it was closed.

"I'm so randy," he moaned stroking her hair, and then ran his hand further down towards her backside for a second pass. Saskia just moved his hand again and said: "You having a nightmare aren't you?"

Clearly this cheeky girl didn't want anyone touching her bum, but Maxwell refused to give up and began to gently blow in her ear - one of the true classics.

"Did you blow on me?" Saskia asked.

"Did you like it?" Maxwell replied perking up and sensing he might me getting somewhere at last.

"Not when your breath smells like *******. Pack it in," she snapped.

And with that, she poured more cold water over Maxwell's passion than he had poured in the entire water fight.

Poor lad...