View Full Version : Your Worst Pressie

26-07-2010, 02:51
What's the worst pressie you've eve received? Mine was delightfully given to me and, when I opened it, it was a bottle of Cillit Bang and three rolls of kitchen roll!

Can anybody beat that? :D

26-07-2010, 08:46
I got a few presents in my time where I have just cringed.. My ex mother-in-law got me a jumper (2 sizes to big) it was a horrible blue colour (I like blue but this was bad) with red bead love hearts all over it.. it was horrid.. She also gave me the same present 2 years in a row

My "friend" (I use quotes cause I have know this girl 16 years and yet present has been bad) got me a blue photo frame with shells on it (like something a child would make at school) and for the past 2 years she has gotten me celeb stuff (I don't like celeb stuff, she does).. she actually admitted she got it for herself but gave it to me in the end

And finally my ex husband got me an empty jewelery box... I threw it at him...

I have to point out, I am not a hard person to buy for.. in fact I am on of the easiest which is why it annoys me that people can get it wrong.. I would happy with a stick wrapped in tinsel.. I think about the person when I buy presents and I don't just buy something and hope it fits..

My ex once got a condom and 2 dead batteries

26-07-2010, 09:55
OMG, how horrible :( I have had rubbish presents in the past but the electric carving knife I never wanted or needed that I got some years ago from OH does not compete with yours, I feel. And the obvious articles of clothing, he now keeps the receipts so I can get what I really like after :lol:

26-07-2010, 16:48
Wow, some terrible presents received here!

I didn't receive this personally, but famous in my family is the time that my aunt gave everyone a hairdryer type thing to defrost car windscreens (and by everyone, I mean even her own sisters!) They were really cheap and nasty too. The same aunt also gave someone a doily one year.

26-07-2010, 16:54
There was a suggestion at work to have a "bad" criss krindle where you basically find the worst thing in your house and give it to your secret santa.. I think I would win the worst present giver!! :lol:

26-07-2010, 19:21
I've had a few:

- Used cosmetics
- A condom
- Something for men; I don't remember what it was; I promptly binned it.
- A barbie cup that the same people had already given me!
- Make-up and hair set thing that was far too young for me and that I found in the sale a few days later when I went shopping.
- Barbie make-up (I was nearly 18 at the time!)

26-07-2010, 19:23
I've had a few:

- Used cosmetics
- A condom

It could have been worse.....

27-07-2010, 13:16
A dartboard picture frame which you couldn't even use as a dartboard?!

30-07-2010, 20:19
I think the worst was probably cheap make up sets, but compared to what has been posted here, that's not bad at all.

06-08-2010, 23:21
erm for me, I dont they are that bad, but since Ive moved I think some of my aunts and 'aunts' have forgotten that I get older each year
Ive had 3 sizes too big Pjs
and just some very ugly clothes and tend to be too big
also some barbie stuff lol

31-01-2011, 10:37
This week.. I have topped the worst present ever!! It wasn't that the present itself was bad. just the thought behind it.

my "friend" (the one I mentioned above) texted me christmas and new year to say she has a present for me.. I didn't get out to see her until This saturday.. I gave her her present and she gave me a model car.. nice present however, it wasn't wrapped, she owned this for 5 years and said to me "do you want that, if not, I will give it to charity"... seriously!!! she gave me something she was throwing away.. This was the great present she texted me about...

Chloe O'brien
31-01-2011, 11:44
What a cheek. You should have thrown it back at her.

31-01-2011, 11:46
What a cheek. You should have thrown it back at her.

I would have but it was a nice Ferrari F50 and Ben loves it...