View Full Version : Hello and Help!

24-07-2010, 15:14
Hi everyone. I'm new on here and I've been having a toot round the forum to see how things work 'cos it's a bit different to other forums I've belonged to. :o

Can someone please tell me how to edit My Profile please? Bare with me as I'm a senior citizen, but love to chat. :)

24-07-2010, 15:18
Hi Mollie, welcome to SoapBoards, I hope you like it here :)
If you go to Settings at the top, you will see all the options to edit your profile. If you need any information, just ask, we are all very friendly and helpful here :D

24-07-2010, 15:34
Hi Perdita. Thanks for the reply and the welcome. I'm going potty in my old age. I was trying to find a way of editing in My Profile. Cheers for that.

For my next trick question. How do we put the smilies in replies?

I'll get there in the end, once I'm used to the layout properly. :o)

24-07-2010, 15:37
Your are welcome and you obviously figured out the smilie thing yourself. :)

24-07-2010, 16:14
No, I can't see the smilies in the reply box. I just typed in the code for "smile". Not to worry. There are two reply boxes, so which one of them contains the one where smilies can be used? I've a had a look but I'm stumped with that one for now. Am sorry to pester, and you've been very helpful. I'll have a play a bit later.

My stars! I've just noticed you've got over 14,000 posts so I've a bit of catching up to do. On one forum I used to go on I notched up over 40,000, so be prepared for me to do some yapping!

Ah, now I get it with the smilies. :cheer::cheer::D

24-07-2010, 16:31
:cheer: you have a selection of smilies in the Advanced box, as you evidently figured out :D

24-07-2010, 17:16
Yes, ta very muchly. Just been editing My Profile and got me avatar on. Will have another browse round, then I'll be able to start posting properly.

You've been very helpful Perdita and, from what I can see, there are some jolly nice folk on here. :thumbsup:

I've spotted a Test area as well, which I might use for a couple of things. :D

24-07-2010, 18:29
Welcome to Soapboards, Mollie.

I see you're finding your way around just fine :)

24-07-2010, 18:43
Hi Dazzle. Thanks for the welcome. Yep, am finding me way around, but I haven't figured how to stop an email coming to me everytime someone replies in a thread. 'Tis a puzzlement at the moment. :searchme: :)

It's okay. I just found it! :)

24-07-2010, 19:01
Glad you found it.

I've got my subscriptions set to "control panel only" so that when I log on, I go to "settings" at the top of the page and can see the new posts in my subscribed threads.

One of the best things about this forum over others I've been to is that you can click on "go to first unread post" on a thread, which saves wading through posts you've already read.

24-07-2010, 19:04
Well, I thought I'd found it Dazzle, but I just got an email telling me you'd replied here! :D

No worries. I'll keep playing with things till I get it right. Haven't fathomed out how to a signature on here yet. I might be getting older, but I'll not be beaten by an infernal piece of electronics! :D

24-07-2010, 19:10
If you go to "settings" at the top of the page, then "forum settings" on the bottom left, there's a section called "default thread subscription mode". Yours is probably set to receive emails. Mine is set to "control panel only" and I don't receive emails.

Hope this helps :)

24-07-2010, 19:31
Sorry for the delay, Dazzle. The forum must have gone down for a few minutes 'cos I couldn't get online.

Thanks for that information. Will try that.

I looked at the Signature bit again and it says I don't have permission to put one on. {{Sulk}}! :D

24-07-2010, 19:43
Hmm, I'm not sure why you don't have permission for a signature. I've never tried it so I can't compare. Maybe after you've been here a while?

24-07-2010, 19:47
Maybe so Dazzle. I'm not too bothered about that though. :)

I did what you said about the other thing as well, but I've still got an email again! :rotfl:

I think I'll have a little rest for now and come back to it again later, or tomorrow, so thanks for the help. :thumbsup:

24-07-2010, 19:49
Welcome to soapboards! :) x

24-07-2010, 19:50
I think you might need a certain amount of posts, but, to be honest, it has been several years since I joined and I can't remember lol

24-07-2010, 19:53
I think its like 50 or 100 posts?

24-07-2010, 20:03
Again, thanks to everyone for the help. You could well be right about having to have 50 or 100 posts before a signature is allowed. I seem to remember a ruling like that on another forum I used to go on. Ah well, will just have to keep yapping! :rotfl:

{{Mumble, mumble}}! Still getting emails and I set it to Do Not Subscribe so I've re-set it again as Dazzle suggested. I don't suppose it's any big deal though. :lol:

Right! What else can I pester you all with now? :p

Back later. I need to lie down in a darkened room! :D

24-07-2010, 20:53
When you changed to "do not subscribe", did you scroll down the bottom of the page and press "save changes"?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, only I remember I did this myself - it's an easy mistake to make.

Hope you had a good lie down in a darkened room :D

24-07-2010, 21:05
Am back! :D

Yes, I pressed Save Changes. I can see I'm going to need extra medication working some of this out, but I didn't get an email about your last post, so I must have done summat right now! :lol:

I always get there in the end though. :angel:

I'll start having a chat in the Soap sections soon - once I've found my way around properly. :)

24-07-2010, 21:17
Well done :) Sounds like you've got it sorted.

30-07-2010, 20:24
Welcome to the boards Mollie. I hope you do post lots, its always good to have new faces around the place :)

You can also unsubscribe from threads by going to "thread tools" at the top of each thread and clicking unsubscribe.

Chloe O'brien
30-07-2010, 22:45
Welcome to the boards Mollie. When you figure out how things work send me an idiot guide. I've been here five years and still clueless :D