View Full Version : Declan discovers a scandal

28-06-2010, 18:06
DEVOTED son Declan Napier discovers that his stepdad Paul Robinson has been embezzling money and collects a dossier of evidence to bring him down.

But when he goes to the dodgy businessman with his fi ndings, he’s in for one hell of a shock as his mum Rebecca has innocently been caught up in it all.

And Paul tells him that if he intends bringing him down he’ll see his mum come down with him.

The troubled lad realises he can’t risk Rebecca going to jail so is forced to come up with another plan to get Paul out of their lives.

A Neighbours insider said: “Declan takes all the evidence to close friend and Ramsay Street lawyer Toadie Rebecchi who tells him he has enough to put Paul away for a very long time.

“He’s over the moon and tells Toadie to keep hold of the dossier. He then stupidly tells Paul what he’s got planned – who informs him about his mum’s involvement.”

Fans will see the storyline unfold on Five this summer.

Daily Star

29-06-2010, 15:21
I doubt Paul will go to prison, somehow.

06-07-2010, 17:25
Oh why does Pual have to do this!!