View Full Version : Neighbours UK spoilers for 5th to 9th July 2010

19-06-2010, 16:42
Episode 5926
Monday 5th July 2010

Andrew sees how much the loss of Summer’s friendship is affecting Harry. He decides they need to work together to show her how sorry they are. They work hard to create the perfect gesture of friendship, and Summer’s touched. But Natasha’s jealous and decides to sabotage their efforts.

Kate’s shaken by her experience at the club and is determined to find proper dance gigs so she never finds herself in that position again. Kate finds the ideal opportunity to promote Terry’s dance troupe, but the day backfires when Kate is faced with a terrible dilemma.

Episode 5927
Tuesday 6th July 2010

Steph finds herself fantasising about the male clientele at Charlie’s and realises her second trimester pregnancy hormones are starting to kick in. When she spies Toadie helping their boys build a Junior Men’s Shed, she decamps to her mother’s in order to cool off. However, Lyn suggests Steph’s idea might not be so crazy, pointing out they might as well make their fake relationship real. Will Toadie be happy to make a pregnant woman's hormonal fantasies come to life?

Learning of Chris’ secret desire to captain the basketball team, Summer helps him build up enough confidence to put himself forward. Despite his hurt, Harry seconds his old mate and Chris is voted captain. But Harry soon regrets his generosity.

Episode 5928
Wednesday 7th July 2010

Harry’s angry at Chris for taking his woman and Summer’s angry at Harry for taking it out on Chris. Meanwhile, Andrew ditches his friend in a time of need for a tempting proposal from man-eater Natasha. What will Daddy think when he catches them making out?

Steph fears the worst. The only way to confirm Steph’s situation is through tests, which distresses Lyn and stirs up bad memories for Steph. When Steph refuses to take local anesthetic for a painful biopsy, Lyn freaks out. Toadie insists Lyn needs to respect Steph’s decisions to protect her baby, but Lyn says it’s her job, she’s her mother, not a temporary fake boyfriend. Toadie thinks Steph’s got enough to worry about rather than stress out over her mother. Lyn thinks she’s right, but Toadie won’t let Lyn interfere and take control of Steph’s life again, and suggests a radical solution. Will Steph agree to Toadie’s shock ultimatum?

Episode 5929
Thursday 8th July 2010

Ringo discovers his first attempt to dump Naomi didn’t take so he’s forced to make it clearer for her. Shocked by his determination to end their relationship Naomi searches for a reason. She asks Kate for some inside information on Donna and Ringo’s relationship and Kate inadvertently fuels Naomi’s paranoia. Has Donna made a dangerous enemy?

Toadie and Steph ask Summer to keep their secret until after they’ve told Callum. Summer accepts Toadie and Steph’s wishes and they break the idea gently to Callum, who announces he needs time to think the situation over. Once Lyn finds out, she’s mortified. As far as she’s concerned, it’s taking the lies too far. Unable to tell Lyn the real reason behind their decision, Toadie and Steph must tell more lies. But how long can they keep it up? And once the news is out there, how can they ever take it back?

Episode 5930
Friday 9th July 2010

Donna confronts Naomi about the photograph. However, she is frustrated by Naomi’s denial and her inability to prove anything. When a mysterious package turns up containing pictures of Donna going about her daily business, Rebecca insists they call the police. Constable Simone Page tells them the police are powerless without more evidence and Donna’s left frustrated by their lack of action.

Sick of everyone talking about Toadie and Steph’s wedding, Lucas latches onto Michael. But his decision to offer the new guy membership at the club without putting it to a vote goes down like a lead balloon. Lucas vents his frustrations, revealing what is really bugging him and prompting his fellow club members to reconsider. Michael is offered membership and through his passion for a classic 70s automotive icon, a new mateship is born.

21-06-2010, 16:34
Ringo's new lady sounds like a nutter

22-06-2010, 18:26
What's happening to Steph - is the cancer back

23-06-2010, 17:14
What's happening to Steph - is the cancer back

It sounds like they suspect it might be back. I can't think why she'd need a biopsy otherwise.