View Full Version : Apple to Unveil New Iphone

07-06-2010, 12:49
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs will today unveil the long-rumoured new version of the iPhone, which features longer battery life and a high-resolution display.

The product announcement is widely expected to come at 6pm UK time this evening at the firm's Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco, which is attended by a host of programmers interested in creating apps for Apple's hugely successful mobile devices.

Over 51 million iPhones have been sold since the product launched in June 2007, but details about its latest version recently leaked out after an Apple engineer left a prototype model in a bar.

Gadget blog Gizmodo subsequently published various details about the device, including its camera flash, noise cancellation and OLED screen to improve battery life.

The device's digital camera will also be significantly more powerful than its predecessor, and users will also be able to send photographs and video material via text message.

At WDC this evening, Jobs is expected to officially unveil the latest iteration of the iPhone, which reports suggest could become available on July 17.

Jobs will also reveal more information about the iPhone OS 4.0 operating system, which will power the new device.

The software update will incorporate a range of features, including the ability to simultaneously run multiple apps, which will bring the iPhone in-line with mobile devices running Google's Android operating system.

Last month, it emerged that Android-enabled mobile devices outsold the iPhone for the first time in North America during the first three months of 2010.

Analysts believe that the latest improvements to the iPhone will not herald a revolution, but instead help the device maintain its market position in the face of strong competition.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, CCS Insight analyst Geoff Blaber said: "We'll see the evolution of an established and hugely successful product rather than a revolutionary new device.

"Apple has to continue improving. It's facing a barrage of competition that didn't exist three years ago when the first iPhone was launched. Google's Android platform is gaining in momentum and popularity, and is an increasingly capable operating system."

07-06-2010, 12:52
My iphone contract is due for renewal on 2nd July. I think I might wait. Of course O2 will have a lot of old iphones they wont be able to shift so the deals may be very good.

I love my iphone but the battery life is rubbish.

07-06-2010, 15:41
I've moved onto the HTC Desire. Crap battery life, but what a phone! Beats the iPhone easily.

07-06-2010, 16:09
And you can buy it for about £89 on PAYG

20-07-2010, 13:46
I want to buy new Apple iPhone please tell me latest technology which added in it and cost also?
