View Full Version : Driving test to be revamped

04-06-2010, 21:31
The UK driving test is to be revamped in an effort to make it more relevant to real world driving situations.

The change, which comes into force in October, is the inclusion of a ten-minute journey that the pupil must make unassisted, known as the 'independent driving' section.

Depending on where the test is taking place, the examiner will tell the learner to either follow signs for a city centre or landmark, or give them a series of directions.

When directions are given, the examiner will also have a set of cards to mark out the route, as a visual prompt for the learner.

The point is not to make learners memorise directions, but to evaluate how they cope with driving as they would after passing the test. Therefore, the examiner will not guide them during every turn and junction.

Early research by the Driving Standards Agency indicated the new section would lead to a fall in pass rates.

However, the learner will not fail the test if they get lost or make a wrong turn. In those circumstances the examiner will guide the learner back on course.

A DSA spokesman said: “Subsequent trials with a larger number of participants and more closely reflecting the conditions in the planned new test showed no significant fall in the pass rate.”

Other changes to the test will include more focus on high risk driving, like turning right across traffic and using slip roads. In addition, only one of the three low speed manoeuvres will need to be taken, rather than two.

05-06-2010, 10:07
I think its a good idea! just ask me again in a few months / years when im actually taking the test and i may say differently!

05-06-2010, 10:15
I'm glad I took my test many years ago - when it was a lot easier than it is now.

05-06-2010, 22:11
In addition, only one of the three low speed manoeuvres will need to be taken, rather than two.
That's a good idea. In real life all of those (aside from maybe the 3 point turn are useless - in London at least!!)

However...glad I've passed my test already! :lol:

07-06-2010, 18:55
Oh shucks. I'm just going to get a moped and have done with it. Cheaper to buy and run, don't actually need to pass a test to go out alone and nowhere near as expensive as learning to drive a car.

30-06-2010, 18:28
Not at all a happy bunny. It is hard enough to stop nerves getting to you on the day (I'm pretty sure I failed because of them!) without having to worry about that. I've spent thousands and the best part of a year and a half learning as it is :angry: The problem is not the test, it's that a lot of people my age aren't responsible enough to stick to speed limits and drive how they're supposed to.

30-06-2010, 19:18
Oh great, im just about to start learning to drive next week as well!

01-07-2010, 15:49
Oh great, im just about to start learning to drive next week as well!

Good luck, Abbie.

05-07-2010, 12:47
Scratch that, I'm not bothered what they do any more. I passed today :D Can't believe it, that was a terrible drive compared to my last test.

05-07-2010, 13:05
:cheer: Well done, Kim, well done :)

05-07-2010, 16:47
Well done Kim, that's fantastic!!!!!!!

06-07-2010, 15:30
Scratch that, I'm not bothered what they do any more. I passed today :D Can't believe it, that was a terrible drive compared to my last test.

Congratulations, Kim :cheer:

06-07-2010, 16:57
Well done kim :)

Chloe O'brien
10-07-2010, 22:39
Well done Kimmeh xxx

12-07-2010, 11:06
Nice one Kim :)