View Full Version : EastEnders' bosses axe "unruly" actress

30-05-2010, 10:37
EastEnders producers have axed Lucy Beale actress Melissa Suffield after she allegedly ignored numerous warnings from bosses about her "unruly behaviour".

According to the Daily Star Sunday, the 17-year-old - who has played Ian Beale's eldest daughter since 2004 - was issued with a final warning after attending a London nightclub while underage.

Despite being reprimanded, Suffield allegedly continued to ignore warnings about her continued misbehaviour, which resulted in a string of meetings, culminating in her dismissal from the role.

A source at the soap told the newspaper: "Melissa has been hauled before bosses on a number of occasions for her behaviour and attitude outside work. In the end they made the decision to let her go.

"The way she's been behaving out of work over the last few months is not acceptable. Melissa is 17 and wants to go out, have fun and do what she likes. But that kind of behaviour doesn't work when you're on a show like EastEnders."

They continued: "She was given a warning a couple of months back after she was photographed going into a London club. So when things didn't improve they had no choice but to write her out of the show."

An EastEnders spokesperson confirmed: "Melissa will be leaving in the summer. She's had a fantastic six years on the show and we wish her the best of luck."

Earlier this month, Devon Anderson - Billie Mitchell in the East-End serial - was banned from attending the British Soap Awards after violating strict BBC rules over advertising by posting a photograph of his intended outfit on Twitter.

From Digital Soap

30-05-2010, 17:48
What an idiot, its a bit like that Devon Anderson, as they dont realise what they have. People would give anything for the opportunities that they have.

30-05-2010, 18:07
Katy, it is because they think they are better than the show and it can't go on without them

30-05-2010, 18:23
yeah i think that you are right there, and also probably the fact that they think they are better actors than they are and can therefore do what they want and they are invincible! Stupid People.

30-05-2010, 18:34
Well, being contracted into a soap for year after year will give you confidence, which a lot of actors lack, but at that young age especially, I think the pressures of a hectic filming schedule and learning scripts makes it a tough life for them, hence they are often tempted by alcohol and drugs. And of course, being on a good salary makes it affordable too :(

30-05-2010, 19:52
Its a shame cos she plays the role really well

Chloe O'brien
30-05-2010, 23:50
Stupid girl she will know all about it in six months time when she's spent all her money and has no job. She'll be back with her begging bowl.

31-05-2010, 10:02
I am happy I hate Lucy

31-05-2010, 21:22
They might recast the role

31-05-2010, 23:49
They might recast the role

Yep and some one worse than Melissa ??? We have had recasts before they either are really good or they are terrible

01-06-2010, 02:29
I hope they don't recast. I still remember the terribleness that was Sam!!! Its a shame she got axed but she had warnings, and the BBC can't exactly condone her behaivour..even though a lot of people sneak into clubs underage she is high profile so can't really get away with it!

01-06-2010, 08:05
I hope they don't recast. I still remember the terribleness that was Sam!!! Its a shame she got axed but she had warnings, and the BBC can't exactly condone her behaivour..even though a lot of people sneak into clubs underage she is high profile so can't really get away with it!

I seem to remember that there was an up roar a couple years ago with Lacey Turner in a Hotel and it was caught on CCTV?? I think she was warned and she was a bit more CAREFUL after that

01-06-2010, 21:32
its like in any job though, there are rules and after so many strikes you will be out. Its no different by the fact she may only be17 and that shes on telly. She has the benefits so has to have the cons that go with it. If she had any sense she would have listened to her warnings.

02-06-2010, 08:36
Can we now please get rid of the rest of the Beale clan.

02-06-2010, 11:52
I hope they don't recast. I still remember the terribleness that was Sam!!! Its a shame she got axed but she had warnings, and the BBC can't exactly condone her behaivour..even though a lot of people sneak into clubs underage she is high profile so can't really get away with it!

Kim Medcalf's Sam was good imo

02-06-2010, 12:24
Shame, I quite like Lucy, she had a bit of a spark. Hope they don't re-cast, it never normally works.

01-08-2010, 08:52
These are the brazen photos sacked EastEnders actress Melissa Suffield believes destroyed her telly career.

The snaps of the 17-year-old wild child, posted on Facebook, included an image of her pouting next to a lollipop with the words: Suck me for pleasure.

It was the final straw for embarrassed soap bosses who had given the party-loving blonde THREE warnings to clean-up her act.

Filming her last scenes as Walford tearaway Lucy Beale this month, Melissa wrote on her web page: Sat in the green room at work, my last day very emotional!

I was a naughty girl outside of work, well that's what they have sacked me for, pathetic!

Referring to the lollipop pose that left bosses fuming, she said: This is the photo that destroyed my career, how pathetic.

And in response to surprised comments from networking pals, she repeated: Its *******ing pathetic... its classed as rude!

But the teenager who was pictured in last weeks People showing off her bottom in cut-off shorts confessed: It was in the rules and I did have 3 warnings... I'm gutted. But its all my fault.

Melissa wears a leopard-print bra-top and skirt hitched up to her thighs in one Facebook snap she took in a bedroom mirror.

She is also seen sticking out her tongue and flaunting her curves in a low-cut black mini-dress, smoking a cigarette on a stick and sitting at a table packed with booze.

Melissa, axed in May, made her debut as Lucy at 11, turning her into a headache for screen dad Ian and stepmum Jane Beale.

But the troublesome character is NOT being written out Lucy will be played by another actress after Melissa's final episodes are aired on BBC1 later this year.

An EastEnders spokesman said: Its common practice to recast actors employed as children to take on more challenging adult storylines.

01-08-2010, 17:37
If she was a good actress they probably would have kept her on.

01-08-2010, 17:52
I agre Dazzle, the photos arn't really that bad.

sean slater
06-08-2010, 19:45
It doesnt seem like anybody is supporting her actions on this board thought there may be a little bit more sympathy for her. I dont know, I can understand that in a job you have to follow certain rules, but I agree that the photos are not bad at all. That thing about the lollipop you really dont know the context of it, there's plenty of them you can buy in blackpool as a joke. And who hasnt been in a club before the age of 18?! lol. Her character of Lucy is a wild child kinda adds something to the image.

06-08-2010, 20:11
From DS: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s2/eastenders/news/a257215/new-actress-to-play-lauren-in-enders.html

Soap newcomer Jacqueline Jossa has taken over the role of Lauren Branning in EastEnders, Digital Spy can reveal.

Lauren - who was last seen making plans to attend a summer camp in the US - will return to Albert Square later this year and waste no time in letting everyone know that she's now all grown-up.

While the tough teenager looks set to stir up some trouble in Walford after making her comeback, viewers will also see her softer side as she searches for love in her life.

Lauren's keen to find a guy with the right personality rather than judging on looks - but will Max and Tanya's daughter manage to find someone who can sweep her off her feet?

Speaking of her casting, Jossa commented: "I was so excited when I got the call to say I'd got the part in EastEnders. I've always been a massive fan of the show and it's a dream come true. The character of Lauren Branning will be really fun to play and there are some exciting things coming up."

EastEnders' executive producer Bryan Kirkwood added: "Maddie Duggan did a great job of playing the young Lauren Branning, and we wish her the very best of luck for the future. I'm delighted to welcome Jacqueline Jossa to Albert Square. Jacqueline's portrayal of Lauren has all the classic Branning qualities of toughness, cynicism and sensitivity. Jacqueline is set to be at the heart of Walford drama for some time to come."

As announced in June, new faces will also take over in the roles of Ben Mitchell and Lucy Beale later this year.

06-08-2010, 22:51
Why are they getting rid of the old Lauren?

07-08-2010, 16:04
recasting seems to be all the range in EE at the moment. Im not sure why they got rid of Madeline Duggan, i didnt think that she was that bad an actress.

09-08-2010, 08:56
Maybe she had exams or something...

09-08-2010, 10:35
The new Lauren looks really old imo

09-08-2010, 11:09
The new Lauren looks really old imo

Yeah.. and will probably come back with a dodgy american accent as she was over there for the summer

09-08-2010, 11:11
I dont think she looks really old but I find whenever they replace a child they look older

Chloe O'brien
13-08-2010, 23:13
Yeah.. and will probably come back with a dodgy american accent as she was over there for the summer

Yeah like Vicky. That was the worst American accent ever.

15-08-2010, 22:47
Shes going to look so much older than peter

15-08-2010, 23:28
I wonder if she's related to Megan Jossa I think it was who played Courtney in 2006 :hmm: I feel even moresorry for Maddie having read this. Charlie Jones wasn't that good in my opinion and I don't think he's really suited the role since Ben became comfortable with living in Walford. Since Melissa Suffield didn't listen to warnings, she deserved to be axed as far as I'm concerned.

16-08-2010, 10:26
I wonder if the new ben will be different

22-08-2010, 07:20
EastEnders star Melissa Suffield has landed a role in the theatre.

The actress, who was axed from the BBC soap in May for her "unruly" behaviour, will play Sheila in Olly's Prison, according to PA.

The play is running at the **** Tavern theatre in Kilburn, London as part of a series of Edward Bond plays.

Speaking when she was axed from EastEnders, a source told the Daily Star Sunday: "The way she's been behaving out of work over the last few months is not acceptable. Melissa is 17 and wants to go out, have fun and do what she likes. But that kind of behaviour doesn't work when you're on a show like EastEnders."

22-08-2010, 11:29
**** Tavern


It makes it seem worse than it actually is!

22-08-2010, 11:48
The asterisks stand for the name of a male chicken, in case people are wondering :D

30-08-2010, 05:58
AXED EastEnder Melissa Suffield has blasted TV bosses who fired her for "unruly behaviour".

The 17-year-old, who played tearaway Lucy Beale got the boot in May after six years on the BBC1 show.

She said: "It's not like I was going out, punching photographers and being sick in a gutter. I'm only doing what every other girl of 17 does.

"It's not an excuse, but out of all the things Lucy has done, the only one I've done is drink underage."

Photos had emerged of Melissa posing in raunchy lingerie on Facebook and she was hauled in front of bosses when she was snapped leaving an over-18 nightclub at 4am.

She said: "They were really angry. I was apologetic and told them it wouldn't happen again."

Melissa finally got the axe after neighbours complained about noise.