View Full Version : Stars back anti homophobia campaign

17-05-2010, 10:02
Veteran film actor Sir Ian McKellen and Coronation Street star Antony Cotton have voiced support for The Lesbian & Gay Foundation's new 'Enough is Enough!' campaign against homophobia.

Launched today to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the LGF's new drive calls for an end to the prejudice and intolerance still faced by gay people around the world.

Organisers are asking members of the public to register their support for the movement via the LGF website. It will also be possible to sign up at Pride events and festivals over the coming months.

Key to the campaign is the message that homophobia is not only a gay issue but one which adversely affects families, friendships and communities.

Calling for public backing of the movement, McKellen commented: "Your support means we can continue to spread the word that enough is enough, we won't stand for homophobia in any form. There's just one more thing you can do today. Ask your friends and family to sign up too."

Meanwhile, Cotton - who plays Weatherfield's Sean Tully - said: "I'm proud to say enough is enough because homophobia in any form or context is unacceptable and needs to stop. Sadly, it is still a daily reality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people and also their family and friends - on the streets, at school, at work and in the home. Sign up to the campaign and take positive action against homophobia."

The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia is recognised around the world on May 17 every year, marking the date homosexuality was removed from the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organisation in 1992.