View Full Version : Edmonds to stay on 'Deal Or No Deal'

14-05-2010, 11:13
Noel EdmondsTV
Channel 4Noel Edmonds has extended his Deal Or No Deal contract.

The move means that Edmonds will host the Channel 4 gameshow for another two years, The Sun reports.

However, producers are now hoping to make four episodes a day instead of three in an attempt to save money. They are also planning to stick to a £50,000 budget for each show.

A Channel 4 spokesperson said: "Noel has firmly established himself as a real favourite."

Earlier this year, a man proposed to his girlfriend while taking part in the competition.

Good - This show would not be the same without Noel!

23-05-2010, 06:47
REAL or no real? That fare-haired woman in the back of TV star Noel Edmonds' personal black taxi cab is definitely NOT real!

She's a shop window dummy called Candice and canny Noel installed her as a permanent passenger to stop punters trying to hail him in the street.

A friend revealed how Channel 4's crafty Deal or No Deal host bought the traditional black cab to beat rush-hour city traffic by sneaking into the bus and taxi lanes.

"But then he got plagued by people constantly trying to flag him down," said the pal. "One woman even got in as he was waiting to meet a colleague at the train station - then refused to get out despite his protestations that he was NOT a genuine licensed taxi-driver.

"So Noel's wife Liz came up with the idea of putting a shop mannequin dressed in real clothes on the back seat so it looks like there's always a passenger on board. And to make it more realistic she gave the giant doll a mobile phone constantly held to her ear! Now Noel hardly ever gets bothered - and he's delighted."

It was while stuck in Bristol's traffic jams on his daily drive to the TV studios that telly legend Noel, 61, spotted all that free space in the bus lanes and cheekily splashed out a few hundred on the ageing taxi.

He then added the jokey message "Action Against Time Thieves" to the cab's pretend licence plate, making clear his feelings about traffic snarl-ups. And the number on the plate is a bit special too - it's the date he met third wife Liz.

Despite being happily married almost a year, Noel confessed to the News of the World he has a soft spot for that blonde on the back seat. "Candice is every man's dream," he said. "She's attractive, well dressed, nice figure - and she's got great tips!"
