View Full Version : Hollyoaks Spoilers 03-07 May

27-04-2010, 08:43
2811: Malachy and Cheryl share a kiss
Airs on Monday, May 3 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Mercedes can't stand the fact that Carmel and Calvin are so loved up and her obvious jealousy infuriates Malachy no end. Donning her sexy underwear, Mercedes tries her best to seduce Malachy but it's obvious that she's trying to prove a point. With that, Malachy makes his excuses and heads to The Dog, leaving Mercedes and Calvin alone in the house.

While Mercedes makes another pass at Calvin, Malachy drowns his sorrows with Cheryl. However, when Calvin knocks Mercedes back, she tries a different tactic - and tells Carmel that she's making a mistake by marrying Calvin.

With Mercedes preoccupied with her plan to destroy Carmel and Calvin's relationship, she's completely unaware that Cheryl's become more than just a shoulder to cry on for Malachy…

Meanwhile, having returned from his brother Caleb's funeral, Zak's determined to put things right with Michaela and persuades her to go for a drink with him. Reluctant at first, Michaela eventually agrees.

While out together, they spot an advert in The Chester Herald for a journalism intern and Zak encourages Michaela to apply. When she's refused an interview, Zak tells her not to back down and so she decidedly goes along anyway.

Michaela manages to secure an interview but she's forced to contend with a senior journalist called Meriel who's determined to destroy Michaela's chances of a job. Has Michaela met her match?

Elsewhere, Theresa mopes around Relish, having broken up with Kyle. Anita watches as Theresa and Rae bond and desperate to fit in, Anita offers to take them all to a festival.

Anita's finally gone up in Rae's estimations and they spend the afternoon drinking outside The Dog. Just as Anita manages to gain some respect from Rae, she throws up all over her feet. After working so hard to impress, has Anita just blown her chances of a new friendship?

2812: Zak attacks Tariq
Airs on Tuesday, May 4 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Michaela's full of excitement as she prepares to embark on her journalistic career at The Chester Herald. However, Meriel soon dampens her mood and it quickly becomes evident that their relationship will be far from smooth running…

In the village, Zak's surprised to find Tariq on his doorstep. It's obvious he has something on his mind and as Tariq begins to talk, Zak's stunned to hear the truth behind Caleb's death. Struggling to deal with his brother's unnecessary demise, Zak takes violent actions…

Meanwhile, Lauren and Gaz vow to continue their plan to fleece Spencer of more money. As excitement about the wedding intensifies, Spencer's thrilled to receive his invitation, while Lauren's furious to discover that Gaz has been missed off the guest list.

In response to the invite snub, Lauren upsets Leo and declares that she's not attending the wedding at all. As her thoughts return to money, Lauren stoops to wicked measures in her quest to secure Spencer's cash…

Malachy attempts to evade questions from Cheryl following their drunken antics and is quick to play down her concerns about his marriage. Realising that something's amiss, Cheryl decides to investigate and seeks out Mercedes for some answers.

The more pressure Cheryl applies, the more defensive Mercedes becomes - until she snaps and finally lashes out at Cheryl. Malachy and Calvin arrive in the mêlée and are forced to separate the warring girls…

Elsewhere, Jake confesses to Steph how much he's missing Loretta and admits that her disappearance all his own doing - he cheated on her, so it's no wonder she won't have anything to do with him.

In an effort to get his life back on track, Jake approaches Calvin in the hope of securing his old job at The Loft but he's left frustrated when Calvin refuses. Turning his anger into a positive, Jake's determined to win Loretta back…

2813: Calvin learns of Lauren's 'pregnancy'
Airs on Wednesday, May 5 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

When Steph overhears Jem's phone conversation, she's convinced that she's cheating on Gilly. Determined to uncover the truth, Steph ropes Darren in to help. However, they're caught in the act when Gilly and Jem return.

Darren thinks on his feet and tells them that he and Steph were hoping for some alone time - and Steph's mortified! Gilly catches up with Steph and insists that she can do better than Darren, completely unaware that it was all a lie.

Steph leans in to kiss Gilly, who pulls away. Humiliated, Steph runs off. Has she blown her chance with Gilly yet again?

Gaz is impressed as Lauren continues to fool Spencer about her pregnancy. Wracked with guilt over what's happened, Spencer tells Sasha that Lauren is pregnant. However, Sasha misinterprets his confession and believes that Gaz is the father of the baby.

Desperate to maintain the lie, Gaz continues to coerce Spencer, reminding him that he still needs to pay for Lauren's medical bills. Things go from bad to worse, though, when Cheryl accidentally spills the beans to Calvin. How will he react to the news of Lauren's pregnancy?

Meanwhile, Meriel and Michaela are still at loggerheads. Looking for a new story, they go to the hospital to interview Tariq who's been admitted following his savage attack. When Michaela meets up with Zak, she notices the bruises on his fists - and putting two and two together, she realises that Zak was involved.

It's the final straw for Michaela and she walks out, leaving Zak heartbroken. As she returns to the office, Meriel hints that she knows Zak was involved. With that, Michaela's forced to chose - her career or her boyfriend.

Elsewhere, Anita asks Ravi if she can borrow some cash for the festival but is met with a definite 'no'. Ravi's preoccupied by his date with the mysterious Kate, though.

Later, when Kate arrives, Anita spills coffee all over her. Kate leaves and Anita encourages Ravi to go after her. While he's away, Anita raids the till for money in order to pay for the gig tickets.

2814: Calvin turns to Sasha for help
Airs on Thursday, May 6 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Mercedes and Carmel are forced to pull together to help Myra save the family home. As the water board official arrives, the gang resort to extreme measures to ensure he listens.

Meriel, reporting for the Herald, is delighted by the McQueens' antics but Carmel and Michaela are mortified - and arguments ensue.

With her family all distracted, Mercedes seizes her chance and makes a call that could potentially ruin Carmel's dreams of a happy ending.

Meanwhile, Calvin's reeling after hearing the news of Lauren's pregnancy. Lauren guiltily avoids talking to her brother but a heart-to-heart with Carmel proves too much and she tells Gaz that their lies have gone too far - it's time to confess.

Unable to bear the thought of Gaz ruining Lauren's life any further, a plan forms in Calvin's mind and he's forced to turn to Sasha for help. Will Sasha agree to be part of Calvin's scheming ways in order to finally get rid of Gaz once and for all?

Elsewhere, a shamefaced Steph is forced to face Gilly after trying to kiss him the previous day. A bemused Gilly laughs the situation off - he's only concerned that Jem doesn't find out as he's still in her bad books. Steph's relieved that she's off the hook.

As Gilly goes all out to make it up to Jem, Gilly's unaware that his fiancée is holding an explosive secret in her hands. As Jem reads the mystery letter, she discovers the true feelings of someone very close…

2815: Kyle and his gang attack Calvin
Airs on Friday, May 7 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Carmel's heartbroken when she discovers that her wedding's somehow been cancelled. Mercedes, meanwhile, remains quiet as she watches her sister panic. Carmel's distracted, however, when the girls announce that they're taking her to Spain.

The plans soon change and the hens and stags both find themselves in The Loft. When Calvin spots Kyle dealing drugs, he goes to stop him but Kyle and his mates get the better of him. Malachy looks on as Calvin is beaten up by Kyle and his gang.

The hatred between Gaz and Sasha intensifies as Sasha feels that her sister is drifting further away. Concerned about Lauren and Gaz's relationship, Sasha turns to Anita for advice.

When Anita confirms Sasha's worst fears and reveals that Lauren beat her up on Gaz's say so, Sasha's horrified at the lengths her sister will go to for him. With that, Sasha heads to the police station.

While Lauren and Sasha hang out at home, there's a knock at the door. Gaz is frantic, revealing to Lauren that the police are looking for him - as Sasha's blamed him for her attack.

Lauren and Gaz are furious but Lauren's in for a bigger shock when it's revealed that Sasha had an accomplice.

Still feeling guilty after making a pass at Gilly, Steph's on edge when Jem turns to her for advice. After reading Steph's love letter to Gilly, Jem's out for revenge and what looks, at first, to be an innocent business meeting between the pair soon turns into a confrontation.

Jem warns Steph to stay away from Gilly but how sure can she be sure that Gilly will stay away from Steph?

Elsewhere, Zak's furious with Michaela following her betrayal. The more she tries to talk to him, the more he ignores her.

When they meet at The Loft, Michaela explains her own feelings of betrayal. But will it be enough to mend their broken relationship?

27-04-2010, 10:43
So Jem has Steph's love letter to Gilly I hope he finds it soon