View Full Version : Neighbours spoilers for 12th to 16th April

04-04-2010, 17:44
Kate celebrates her 18th birthday
Airs on Monday, April 12 2010 at 17:30 BST on Five

Harry and Sophie conspire to give Kate the 18th birthday she always wanted.

Unearthing the book of plans she made with their Mum when she turned 17, they organise her ideal party. But as touched as she is by their efforts, Kate finds it only re-awakens her grief for her departed Mum.

Can Declan save Kate's birthday from total disaster… and make all her birthday wishes come true?

Zeke complains to Rebecca about PirateNet's new advertorial policy. He feels it's compromising both his and the station's credibility. But Paul reminds Rebecca that business comes first and urges her not to let the talent push her around.

Swayed, Rebecca plays hardball with Zeke only for him to quit. Paul and Rebecca struggle to find a replacement, so when Zeke returns agreeing to go on air and do the commercials, Rebecca has no choice but to let him go back on air.

But Paul and Rebecca are in for a shock…

Toadie and Steph struggle with their secret
Airs on Tuesday, April 13 2010 at 17:30 BST on Five

After her birthday kiss from Declan, Kate's floating on air until Lyn's innocent questioning makes her doubt his true feelings.

Kate's doubts are further fuelled when she doesn't hear from Declan. Will her romantic doubts put her family at risk?

Put on the spot by Lyn, Toadie and Steph are forced to attend their first event as a couple – a family lunch in their honour.

Keen to convince their family and friends their love is real, they try a little too hard. Will their nearest and dearest uncover Steph and Toadie's lie?

Libby tries to reason with Lucas
Airs on Wednesday, April 14 2010 at 17:30 BST on Five

The day of Lucas' court appearance arrives and Libby is shocked to hear he intends to choose jail over a fine.

It falls on Libby to try and make him see reason, but will angry Lucas be talked down?

With her guardianship made official, and her eighteenth birthday over, responsibilities weigh heavily on Kate.

Suspecting she needs a chance to be a kid for a while, Declan organises a special day of crazy birthday fun.

Summer declares war on Andrew
Airs on Thursday, April 15 2010 at 17:30 BST on Five

Andrew's worried because the footage of himself and Donna is still doing the rounds and Summer – who he can't help being attracted to - nearly sees it. And he still owes Paul money.

Surely selling dodgy dating advice to his classmates while baiting and flirting with Summer isn't going to get him into trouble…?

After accepting Libby's offer to pay his fine, Lucas invests in his relationship with his nephew, Ben. Stoked that his uncle is not going to prison, Ben talks up his love for Lucas in front of Toadie.

When Toadie voices reservations about Ben emulating troubled Lucas, the gloves come off, and it's Ben who's caught in the crossfire…

Libby returns to work
Airs on Friday, April 16 2010 at 17:30 BST on Five

Zeke's time doing Community Service gets a whole lot more interesting when he runs into old flame Mia. Zeke is surprised the savvy leader of the animal activist group got caught. He is even more surprised to learn the experience has taken the edge off her radicalism.

Zeke resolves to win back Mia's heart, but when Karl doesn't believe Mia has reformed, Zeke finds himself having to choose between his girlfriend and his family.

Summer flaunts school rules to set in motion a payback campaign against Andrew. He and Harry find themselves swamped by disgruntled schoolboys demanding a refund from the bogus romance manual.

But when Andrew prompts the angry mob to turn on Summer as well, the three of them are forced to take refuge together.

Following the hard time Libby had coping with her marriage break up, her family and friends wonder how she will handle going back to work. Libby resolves not to let the stress of her job get to her.

However, when Andrew, Harry and Summer create a perfect storm of school mayhem, Libby's resolve to stay calm is sorely tested.

04-04-2010, 20:02
Maybe Lucas and Libby will get back together now

06-04-2010, 13:54
Maybe Lucas and Libby will get back together now

Or Lucas and Sonya