View Full Version : Devon residents 'most unfaithful people'

28-03-2010, 08:54
Research has revealed that residents of Devon make the most unfaithful partners.

According to The Daily Telegraph, a study commissioned by IllicitEncounters.com found that 44% of spouses are currently cheating.

The poll discovered that 4% of Devon residents had also been unfaithful to their husband or wife on a previous occasion.

In second place was Avon, with 19% of unfaithful partners, while Lincolnshire took third with 12.5%.

Surrey was at the bottom of the table with only 1% of people admitting that they were currently cheating on their spouses, while just 2% said they had been unfaithful in the past.

The survey of 4,000 people found that nationally 3% of people say they are currently having an affair while 7% have cheated on their partner before.

IllicitEncounters employee Sara Hartley said: "In our opinion, Devon have just been much more honest in their answers. It has previously been estimated that around 40% of women and 60% of men will cheat during marriage, so these figures seem incredibly low."

She added: "Traditional values seem to have a strong hold in rural towns and villages, therefore many feel a strong pressure to marry. As a result, we see a lot of members from places like Devon, who married young and now feel trapped in their relationships."

07-04-2010, 17:49
I do think that they have probably been more honest, would be interesting to see the figures when everyone tells the truth