View Full Version : Cilla Black 'approached by Corrie'

23-03-2010, 09:10
Cilla Black has revealed that she may make a cameo appearance in Coronation Street.

The former Blind Date host claimed that she has been approached by the ITV1 soap's producers despite turning down the chance to join Weatherfield on a number of occasions in the past.

Black, 66, confirmed that she would like to appear for a one-off episode but is wary of making a greater commitment due to the programme's demanding filming schedule.

Speaking to The Mirror, the star explained: "They have asked me to join the show. It's not their first approach - they have asked me several times. I love Corrie, but I keep saying no.

"I couldn't cope with all the hours they do, they work them like dogs. It's really hard work."

She added: "It would be nice to do a cameo, but even Ian McKellen worked long hours when he did it for a while. If the role was right, I would do a one-off thing."

Black also admitted that she would like to do "more acting" in the future and that a movie role would be "wonderful".

23-03-2010, 12:43
Coronation Street bosses have denied rumours that Cilla Black has been approached for a role in the Weatherfield soap.

Tabloid reports have claimed that the 66-year-old has been asked "several times" to appear in the programme.

Despite allegedly turning down numerous offers, the iconic Liverpudlian singer went on to explain that she would relish the opportunity to film a cameo stint.

However, a spokesperson for the show this morning told DS: "No approach has been made to Cilla Black about appearing in Coronation Street.

"Cilla is incredibly famous and it would be difficult to see how she could appear in Coronation Street as a different character."

25-02-2011, 12:04
Cilla Black has revealed that she is still hoping to land a cameo role on Coronation Street.

The 67-year-old recently made a return to acting by filming a guest appearance in ITV1's Benidorm, which airs this evening.

Speaking to The Sun about her next small screen ambition, Black said of Corrie: "I grew up with it and it's as good today as it ever was. ITV have said they'd like me to do it but it never happens.

"I wouldn't want to be in it for very long. But perhaps I could just be myself, like when Status Quo were in a couple of episodes. I'd love that."

Asked about other future TV appearances, she added: "I like to dip my toe in now and again. Anything that doesn't take up all my time."

Black has previously said that a Coronation Street appearance is her "life's ambition".

The star's Benidorm episode airs at 9pm tonight on ITV1.


08-03-2011, 17:17
Kym Marsh has revealed that she would like to see Cilla Black achieve her dream of landing a role on Coronation Street.

Last month, the former Blind Date host reaffirmed her desire to secure a guest stint on the soap, explaining that she would like to appear as herself in "a couple of episodes".

Writing in her New magazine column, Marsh predicted that Black would prove a hit if she ever joined the show.

The actress, who plays Michelle Connor, explained: "Cilla Black has said she'd like a cameo on Corrie as herself and is just waiting for the call. How fantastic would that be? She'd fit in brilliantly as a friend of Audrey's.

"I saw her guest appearance on Benidorm and she proved she's game by getting involved with the fictional Middlesbrough Swingers Association!"

Black has previously spoken of her love for Coronation Street a number of other times, stating that she would "die happy" if she ever landed a role on the cobbles.


09-03-2011, 00:11
Kym Marsh has revealed that she would like to see Cilla Black achieve her dream of landing a role on Coronation Street.

Last month, the former Blind Date host reaffirmed her desire to secure a guest stint on the soap, explaining that she would like to appear as herself in "a couple of episodes".

Writing in her New magazine column, Marsh predicted that Black would prove a hit if she ever joined the show.

The actress, who plays Michelle Connor, explained: "Cilla Black has said she'd like a cameo on Corrie as herself and is just waiting for the call. How fantastic would that be? She'd fit in brilliantly as a friend of Audrey's.

"I saw her guest appearance on Benidorm and she proved she's game by getting involved with the fictional Middlesbrough Swingers Association!"

Black has previously spoken of her love for Coronation Street a number of other times, stating that she would "die happy" if she ever landed a role on the cobbles.


Is there any subject that Ms Marsh doesnt have an opinion on. Next thing she will be spouting on about the anti Khadaffi Rebels in Libya and the pros and cons of a UN sponsored No-Fly Zone. Still I suppose it fills space over on DS