View Full Version : things that go bump in the night

10-06-2005, 10:00
Anthony and Craig had a little late night water fight in the darkened bedroom. Craig scurried off to his bed, but Anthony grabbed him by the feet and pulled him back on to the floor.

They giggled their way through a very camp bedroom wrestle and Craig seemed to love the hands on attention from Anthony.

While most of the Housemates slept, some of the others were a little restless. Craig left the bedroom and returned with a glass of water. In a spur of the moment glasses at dawn style fight, Anthony and Craig squared up to each other in the dark.

Both dressed in just their boxers, they launched a glass of water over each other, before quickly retreating to their beds, chuckling like a pair of mischievous children. Anthony wasn't prepared to leave the friendly battle there though. While an unsuspecting Craig was safely tucked up in bed again, Anthony slinked over and climbed in to Craig's bed and started pulling him out by his feet.

"He's breaking my foot," squealed Craig as Anthony attempted to pull him out of the bottom of the bed. "Ooooh, now he's got both of them!" He giggled.

"His camp reaction only encouraged Anthony in his efforts to drag Craig out of bed. Craig tried to batter Anthony with his pillow, but Anthony managed to pull the yelping Craig, with his duvet, on to the bedroom floor. Mission complete, both boys scurried off to their own beds again.

It all seemed very flirtatious and fun until Lesley shouted, "If you want to talk, go out there. I've felt like s**t all day!" Party pooper.

Don't use up all of your energy boys