View Full Version : Question about women trouble - boys beware!

05-03-2010, 00:09
For the past couple of days I've had an itch, so to speak.

Not too bad, don't notice it in the daytime really.
As far as I can tell, no rash etc or anything else I would expect. The only thing I have changed recently is my loo paper...:searchme:

In the meantime, anything I can buy from boots? (of course if it continues I will see the Doc)

As always, appreciate replies. :)

05-03-2010, 09:29
did you change washing powder? is the new toilet paper scented?

05-03-2010, 15:05
If it's not the new toilet paper or washing powder etc it could be something like thrush. You can buy Canesten cream and pessaries over the counter which would cure anything fungal - ask the pharmacist for advice. I'd try that before going to the doctor.

Good luck!

06-03-2010, 01:26
did you change washing powder? is the new toilet paper scented?
The last few times I've taken my clothes back home with me :p (its too expensive at uni!) and my mum has always used the same washing powder.

The new paper wasn't scented but it was white as opposed to orange, so maybe they used something different in it...I have changed the loo roll the one I had before and it seems to be better but I will wait to see.

Thanks both of you for the replies. :)

06-03-2010, 09:44
Glad you are a getting better. But also watch out for knickers that are not cotton and leggings/jeans that are too tight, this can set you off too.

Chloe O'brien
06-03-2010, 23:56
It could be a hormal thing. I sometimes get an itch the first day or two of my period. Another thought may be. Sorry I don't mean to pry but are you sexually active at the moment. I remember when I started seeing Marley's dad I used to get itchy after sex and it turned out to be the condoms. I was alergic to lubricated condoms. I used to have to tell him to buy the non-lubricated ones. I would try the thrush cream as well.

07-03-2010, 10:36
It could be a hormal thing. I sometimes get an itch the first day or two of my period. Another thought may be. Sorry I don't mean to pry but are you sexually active at the moment.
I wish. :lol: :p Nah. Maybe its the period, I stopped taking the pill because it gave me migranes again so after one, I haven't had one for about 6 weeks or so.

07-03-2010, 12:45
It could be the toilet paper. Coloured paper has dyes in and they're not good for your bits. Cheap toilet paper (value type stuff) can also affect your bits.

Are you taking any medications? Some antibiotics can cause itching.

I don't mean to get too personal but do you wash regularly? Do you use scented soaps on that area? Water is the best thing, try to stay away from using shower gel down there.

Last year I got thrush after my period for about six months. I changed my underwear to cotton and that helped hugely. I haven't had thrush this year yet.

07-03-2010, 22:36
It could be the toilet paper. Coloured paper has dyes in and they're not good for your bits. Cheap toilet paper (value type stuff) can also affect your bits.

Are you taking any medications? Some antibiotics can cause itching.

I don't mean to get too personal but do you wash regularly? Do you use scented soaps on that area? Water is the best thing, try to stay away from using shower gel down there.

Last year I got thrush after my period for about six months. I changed my underwear to cotton and that helped hugely. I haven't had thrush this year yet.

Antibiotics sounds about right, I took a course of penicillin for my throat.

I do wash everyday, and usually use scented shower gel, thanks for the advice. :) Did you take anything like caneston to get rid?

07-03-2010, 23:20
I figured out that it was the mooncup I was using. I've switched back to tampons and haven't had any problems since. I think I need a new mooncup and need to sterilise it with those tablet things instead of just boiling in water for five minutes. It has tiny holes in around the rim so perhaps some fungus is trapped in there(what a lovely thought!) .

I used the cheap version on caneston the first time then didn't bother after that. It only lasted a few days each time and I learnt to live with it.

08-03-2010, 18:10
Antihistamines may help... I've had problems with just about everything I've ever taken, and antihistamines stop the itching perfectly!