View Full Version : Extra-small condoms aimed at 12-year-olds

04-03-2010, 14:00
A Swiss company has reportedly launched an extra-small condom especially aimed at 12 to 14-year-old boys.

According to The Daily Telegraph, manufacturer Lamprecht created the Hotshot product following government research showing that underage boys are not using protection while having sex.

Company spokesman Nysse Norballe said: "At the moment we are only producing the Hotshot in Switzerland.

"But the UK is certainly a very attractive market since there is a very high rate of underage conception. The UK would definitely be top priority if we marketed abroad."

While the condom has a standard length of 19cm, its diameter is 4.5cm compared to the regular 5.2cm.

The Hotshot has reportedly been supported by family planning groups and the Swiss Aids Federation following a number of studies into underage sex and contraception.

I guess that it is better to have these available, as youngsters are sexually active at this age already, but somehow I think boys of that age should not have sex yet in the first place

04-03-2010, 14:17
I suppose it is a good thing but the thought of it just makes it sound so wrong

04-03-2010, 14:18
Isn't it legal in Holland for 12 year olds to have sex if they are with another 12 year old.. it is a good incentive but then again 12 year olds should be playing football not the field

04-03-2010, 16:33
Unfortunately, we can't stop kids having sex no matter how wrong we think it is. Condoms to fit younger kids can only be a good thing.

04-03-2010, 16:39
OMG Shiv I gotta use this as a question of the day,, and ask my partner ...I wouldn't be surprised if those 12 yr olds were boinking here in Holland with the way some of them act in the parks close by..dunno but will get back to you on this one,, interesting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-03-2010, 16:58
OMG Shiv I gotta use this as a question of the day,, and ask my partner ...I wouldn't be surprised if those 12 yr olds were boinking here in Holland with the way some of them act in the parks close by..dunno but will get back to you on this one,, interesting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jodi.. found this:

1. Has no sodomy laws, the age of sexual consent is 16 for all, sex between an adult and a young person between the ages of 12 and 16 is permitted by law, as long as the young person consents. It may only be prosecuted by complaint from the young person or the young person’s parents.

source: http://www.interpol.int/Public/Children/SexualAbuse/NationalLaws/

04-03-2010, 19:18
:eek: seriously?! at 12?

05-03-2010, 12:39
sorry but thats sick

05-03-2010, 18:46
12 year olds should be playing football or just being a child! Not having sex. Tgeres a lot of time for that when your older. People need to be a kid when they are A kids age. I suppose though its better to make sure they are safe it it is going to happen.

Chloe O'brien
07-03-2010, 01:03
Lord no wonder I have grey hairs. Someone give me the number of the local convent so I can lock up my daughter. My daughter is 12 this year and the thought that she could be having sex horrifies me. I won't let her go round to the local shop to buy a pint of milk let alone think about her growing up and thining about having sex. I would be carated of to the funny farm if my baby told me she was pregnant I would really. There is no way I could cope.

02-04-2010, 10:53
i know it sounds really bad making condoms for children but we have to face it, its going on around us there getting younger and younger! i donmt believe in these jls condoms though i think they might be incouraging

02-04-2010, 18:09
How can we possibly put condoms for 12 year old on sale in this country? For anyone to have sex with a 12 year old is ILLEGAL, so anyone selling condoms to them must be seen as encouraging an illegal act. We should be concentrating on sex education not giving in and saying "Oh well, they're all at it, let's give up."

02-04-2010, 20:11
oh my god :thumbsdow whats next?