View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 15 - 19 March 2010

02-03-2010, 18:08
Monday, 15 March 2010, 7:30PM - 8:00PM

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 9th March 2010.

When Molly faints at work she's taken to the medical centre. But a routine check throws up a huge surprise for Molly which leaves her reeling.

The police continue their search for Simon in Blackpool as Peter and Leanne are forced to return home without him.

Emotions run high at Joe's funeral as Gail and Tina face off.

Monday, 15 March 2010, 8:30PM - 9:00PM

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 9th March 2010.

With Simon now home safely how will Peter react when he comes face to face with George?

When an angry Tina informs the police about Gail's plans to leave the country has she sealed the widow's fate?

As Molly drops a bombshell on Kevin he devastates her with some shocking news of his own.

Thursday, 18 March 2010, 8:30PM - 9:00PM

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 9th March 2010.

Gail appears in court charged with murder. Will she be granted bail or will frail Gail go to jail?

As Molly prepares to leave for her dad's Tyrone has a shock proposition which leaves her with a lot to think about.

Nick joins forces with Carla as he buys into Underworld.

Friday, 19 March 2010, 7:30PM - 8:00PM

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 9th March 2010.

With a naïve Tyrone presuming Molly's baby is his, will she agree to give their marriage another go?

As Gail struggles with prison life David talks to Tina in a bid to clear his mum's name. But will Tina be prepared to listen?

Nick starts at the factory but will Carla discover where his insider info came from?

Friday, 19 March 2010, 8:30PM - 9:00PM

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 9th March 2010.

When Carla discovers Kelly was Nick's mole she orders him to sack her. But will Nick be prepared to show Kelly the door?

When Molly refuses to tell Kevin who the father of her baby is he orders her to stay away from his family.

Tina struggles to find any comfort as she mourns the loss of her dad.

03-03-2010, 15:02
So the rumours about Molly getting pregnant were true *yawn*.

I hope Peter gives George short shrift now he's got Simon back.

03-03-2010, 15:07
ffs miss piggy preggers :thumbsdow

04-03-2010, 18:28
I had hoped Molly wasn't pregnant too. Another unplanned pregnancy...

04-03-2010, 18:29
Come on now, when has an affair in a soap not had an unplanned/unwanted pregancy

04-03-2010, 18:31
Errr....can't remember! :searchme:

04-03-2010, 18:42
All soaps are always having unwanted/unplanned pregnancies, always have done and always will do
OK, not all of the pregnancies were the result of an affair :)

05-03-2010, 12:40
whats Kev's devasting news?

06-03-2010, 17:34
Didn't he have a vacectomy years ago - so the baby can't be his - then whose is it???????????? Am I actually bothered ???????????

06-03-2010, 17:52
If it is not Kevin's then it must be Tyrone's,she has not been with anybody else

06-03-2010, 19:02
Did Kevin have a vasectomy? Can't remember for sure...Think they can fail sometimes though.

06-03-2010, 19:12
I don't remember him having a vasectomy but then I am old and might have forgotten :D

06-03-2010, 19:13
I can't remember him having a vasectomy either, but I didn't watch Corrie for a few years so it could have happened then.

07-03-2010, 07:11
Joe McIntyre's funeral in Coronation Street is far from a quiet affair - mind, you wouldn't really expect anything less in soapland, would you?

Convinced that Gail's somehow responsible for her father's death, Tina bans her from the service. Eventually, she backs down and allows Gail to pay her final respects. At the church, though, Tina struggles to cope and opts to wait outside until the end.

Jason eventually convinces her to say goodbye to Joe properly but on her return inside, a fraught argument with Gail ensues.

Speaking to me last week, actress Michelle Keegan said: "Tina's in shock from beginning to end. She stands in the church looking at the coffin and can't quite believe that she's at her dad's funeral. She looks over to Gail and sees her singing and the whole situation just becomes too much for her and she runs out."

She continued: "Tina's supposed to do a eulogy but she runs out. When she goes back inside, Gail's reading her eulogy and Tina flips. In front of everyone, she accuses Gail of killing Joe."

David's about to rush to his mother's side but Jason ends up holding him back.

These scenes air on Monday, March 15 at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV1.

07-03-2010, 07:25
She has played *Coronation Street’s Gail for 35 years... and is as much a fixture of the well-loved soap as the *Rovers Return or those *famous cobblestones.

But Helen Worth admits she feared the worst when she heard the *character she has played since 1974 was to be charged with murder.

“My first thought was, ‘Oh my goodness, I’ve been written out’,” recalls Helen, 59, in a rare *interview.

“At the time I was genuinely anxious as to whether it was the end of the road for me and Coronation Street.

“I wasn’t shocked, because it can happen to an actor at any time. But I was very pleased when I found out that whatever happens at Gail’s trial, I will be staying in the show.”

The case against innocent Gail builds this week, with detectives increasingly suspecting she murdered new husband Joe McIntyre for his life insurance.

She is dramatically arrested in front of family and friends at Joe’s wake at the Rovers Return. She is charged with murder – and, as our exclusive pictures show, is sent to prison to await trial.

Filming for the shocking prison scenes took place in a real jail, Styal women’s prison in Cheshire, and for Helen it was a sobering experience.

She says: “I’d never been inside a prison before and we filmed on the remand block. On remand you are presumably innocent until proven guilty, yet you are behind a locked door in a real prison and treated as a prisoner.”

Despite the grim reality of life in jail, Helen says the prisoners were very welcoming.

She says: “They were shouting out ‘Free Gail! Free Gail!’ when they saw me. They all watched Coronation Street and were very *interested in what we were *doing.”

Gail’s trials and tribulations have kept viewers gripped for 35 years and as the show nears its half *century, *viewers have seen the long-suffering mum chalk up four *husbands – and outlive three of them.

Her first, Brian, cheated on her *before being stabbed to death. The second, Martin, also cheated. Third *husband *Richard *Hillman drowned in the canal as he tried to kill her family and now Number Four, Joe, *has *accidentally drowned in Lake Windermere while trying to fake his own death.

And Helen says she loves her character’s turbulent life: “Calm stories are not fun stories are they? It has never been boring.

“And I love the statistics – they make me laugh. Joe was husband number four and her fifth marriage – she married Brian twice.

She has three children by two *different *fathers, but before Sarah was born Gail had an affair with an Australian. In those days everything had to have a happy ending so the father was Brian.

“If that story was written now it would clearly have been the *Australian – and I always wished it had been. Then I would have had three children by three fathers – bring it on!”

Off screen Helen has little in *common with her screen character... she is cultured, elegant and *amusing.

She is currently single, having *divorced husband Michael Angelis, also an actor, in 2001 after ten years of *marriage.

She lives in London and has a busy social life – but without the ups and downs Gail has endured.

She says: “I’d be in a mental institution if my life was like Gail’s.

“I come home and see friends and go to the theatre. Luckily I find it quite easy to switch off – I’d be a nervous wreck if I didn’t.”

Helen also supports charities, particularly ActionAid and the Born Free Foundation, which works to protect wild animals.

She joined the charity at the House of Commons in 2006 to speak about proposed *changes to the Animal Welfare Bill and *campaign for Anne, the UK’s last circus elephant, to be retired.

Helen says: “Elephants are the most divine things and in a great deal of trouble at the moment because of the ivory trade.

“One hundred elephants a day are killed by poachers and the minute anyone buys a trinket or a small pair of ivory earrings that’s another *elephant dead. It’s horrendous. I don’t expect to change the world. I have no illusions about that. But if I can just do a little bit then it’s very hard to say no.”

Helen auditioned for two other Coronation Street roles before landing the role of warehouse clerk Gail *Potter. But it was three years before her character really took off.

Gail and her flirtatious friend *Suzie Birchall moved into number 11 Coronation Street to live with Elsie Tanner, to form one of the Street’s most glamorous households.

But while today’s young female stars quickly becoming fixtures of gossip columns and lads’ mag shoots, Helen admits that in the *Seventies life was very *different for the soap’s actresses.

She says: “It wasn’t like that when I joined. It was a more innocent time and they have a lot to cope with now.

“Goodness, when I started journalists used to ask what your hobby was. The poor publicity officer is still waiting for my *answer all these years later.”

But Helen – now the sixth *longest-serving cast member – has become one of the show’s most *recognisable faces and is often stopped in the street by fans.

She says: “Everyone seems to enjoy Gail’s problems. She makes them feel their lives aren’t that bad. I’m there to show them how not to do it!”

As for the future, Helen has no plans to leave, saying: “I initially joined for six weeks, but it’s so easy to stay here because it’s a great place to work. The Street has given me the opportunity to enjoy a great life and I love the people I work with.”

Helen was born in Ossett, West Yorks, and grew up in Morecambe, *Lancs, where her *parents Gladys and Alfred ran a seaside hotel.

She took dancing lessons from age three, appeared in many school *theatrical productions and then at 10 was invited to read stories on *Granada Television’s news and current affairs programme Scene at 6.30.

She went on to appear on Z-Cars then at 12 played one of the von Trapp children in The Sound of Music at London’s Palace Theatre.

She returned to Morecambe to finish her education then went to drama college in the capital. She worked in repertory theatre and, at the age of 17, played an urchin in the 1968 film Oliver!.

She was in the Prime of Miss Jean Brodie as a schoolgirl, six episodes of Doctor Who and prison drama Within These Walls before she won the role of Gail.

She has appeared in more than 900 episodes of Corrie and in 2006 was honoured with an outstanding achievement award at the Inside Soap Awards.

The only downside appears to be her character’s less-than-glamorous wardrobe – a limited choice of jeans and polo-neck jumpers.

Helen says: “The clothes are the most difficult part of Gail. If there’s something I really don’t like, I try to throw it out when the wardrobe *department isn’t *looking.”

Gail’s arrest and trial is set to be one of the big stories of the show’s 50th year – but *whatever the outcome, Helen says fans should not blame Gail for the mess she is in.

She says: “She’s someone I know very well and I like her.

“She’s gullible, she’s romantic, she’s optimistic and she’s strong. Not in the sense that she’s out in the street shouting about her rights, but *mentally she is incredibly strong. She hasn’t had a nervous *breakdown and how come after all she has been through? Who knows? Maybe that is the next storyline for her!”

Sunday Mirror

07-03-2010, 12:21
Helen Worth has revealed that she thought she was being written out of Coronation Street when she learned that her character was to be charged with murder.

The 59-year-old actress, who has played the soap's Gail McIntyre since 1974, said she was "very pleased" to discover her future is secure, regardless of what happens at the trial.

Worth told the Sunday Mirror that she was "genuinely anxious" when the plotline was revealed. "I wasn't shocked, because it can happen to an actor at any time. But I was very pleased when I found out that whatever happens at Gail's trial, I will be staying in the show," she said.

The storyline sees Gail being framed for the murder of her husband Joe McIntyre by former neighbour Tracy Barlow

Gail will be arrested at Joe's wake at the Rovers Return and is sent to prison to await trial. Filming of the prison scenes, which took place at Styal Women’s Prison in Cheshire, was a sobering experience for Worth.

"I'd never been inside a prison before and we filmed on the remand block. On remand you are presumably innocent until proven guilty, yet you are behind a locked door in a real prison and treated as a prisoner," she said, adding that her character has the backing of the inmates.

"They were shouting out, 'Free Gail! Free Gail!' when they saw me. They all watched Coronation Street and were very *interested in what we were *doing," she said.

Worth initially joined the soap for six weeks and said that she has no plans to leave.


07-03-2010, 19:48
Helen played an inmate in 'Within These Walls' in the mid 70`s before she joined Corrie. Was that not a real prison?

07-03-2010, 19:53
I was thinking that too but I don't know

08-03-2010, 17:11
Joe McIntyre won’t be allowed to rest in peace, judging by the scenes at his funeral.

His heartbroken daughter Tina goes ballistic and accuses his wife Gail of murder.

Her son David leaps to his mum’s defence and has to be held back by Tina’s fella Jason Grimshaw.

Tina breaks down during the eulogy as friends and family gather to say goodbye to her dad after his botched bid to fake his own death.

And when Jason takes her outside for some fresh air she tells him she’s finding it hard to believe Gail’s side of the story and just can’t cope.

She then decides to go back inside and is shocked to hear Gail is finishing the eulogy.

And as our dramatic picture shows it’s at that point she snaps and accuses Gail of killing her dad right there in front of the congregation.

Gail’s son David leaps to his mum’s defence but is stopped from confronting her by boyfriend Jason who has to physically hold him back.

A Weatherfield insider said: “Tina discovers that Gail is planning to go away.

“And it really gets her thinking. She’s just lost her dad and has no idea what to believe. The poor girl’s all over the place.

“All she knows is that Gail was the last person to see him alive and, whatever else her involvement was, the bottom line is she could have stopped him.

“As she’s staring at her dad’s coffin it starts to come together in her head and she needs some air.

“She tells all to Jason and decides she’s going to confront Gail after the funeral.

“But when she comes back in she just can’t hold it in. Gail just stands there taking it all. She has no choice.

“David goes mad and it’s all very embarrassing for everyone who’s sitting there in the church.

“They just don’t know what to say or do.

“Gail tries to defend herself but Tina is not having any of it. She then accuses her of murder.”

Daily Star

09-03-2010, 04:45
It's the day of Joe's funeral

Airs on Monday, March 15 2010 at 19:30 GMT on ITV1

Speculation begins to arise over Molly's health when she starts to feel ill at work - and just when Dev puts it down to Molly having had a few too many in The Rovers the night before, she faints.

Luckily, Sunita's on hand to help her to the medical centre and after being checked over by the doctor, she receives some shocking news. When Kevin's back is turned at the garage, Molly leaves an envelope addressed to him on a car windscreen.

Meanwhile, the search for Simon continues in Blackpool. The police assure Peter and Leanne that they're doing everything they can to find him. They go on to explain that it would be better if they returned home in case he tries calling. Will Simon be found?

It's the day of Joe's funeral and emotions are running high. Tina's hostility towards Gail remains as she still suspects that she was involved in her father's death. When Gail steps up to say a few words about Joe at the service, though, Tina's composure cracks.

Elsewhere, Carla calls Nick into Underworld to discuss their future. On the floor, gossip brews amongst the factory girls as they wonder what is going on.

Gail's arrested at Joe's wake

Airs on Monday, March 15 2010 at 20:30 GMT on ITV1

Joe's burial takes place and Gail is grief-stricken. Tina, however, is nowhere to be seen - instead, she's gone to the police.

While there, Tina informs detectives that Gail forced her to lie about Joe's disappearance and that Gail's planning to leave the country tomorrow. It's not long before the police turn up at Joe's wake and arrest Gail on suspicion of murder. Will Tina's revelation give the police the evidence they need to charge Gail with murder?

Meanwhile, with Simon safely home, Peter and Leanne take him to Ken and Deirdre's, where he tells them all about his adventure.

As Simon reveals George's plan to take him away to Berkshire, George turns up on the doorstep. Is this the final straw for Peter?

Elsewhere, upon receiving Molly's envelope, Kevin heads across to her flat where he delivers some devastating news.

Gail appears in court

Airs on Thursday, March 18 2010 at 20:30 GMT on ITV1

Following her arrest, a numb Gail awaits her court appearance.

Gail's family attend in the hope that she'll be released, while Tina's adamant that Gail should be held accountable for Joe's death. When her bail's denied, Gail's world is shattered as she's remanded in custody pending trial.

As Molly comes to terms with her pregnancy, she decides to move back to her dad's house. While packing the rest of her things at No. 9, Jackie returns home and is convinced that she's burgling the house.

Jackie drags Tyrone home to see Molly in action but her plan backfires when Tyrone begs Molly to stay. With that, Tyrone throws Jackie out on her ear.

Meanwhile, Nick announces that he's joined forces with Carla after buying a share in Underworld. With that, he suggests that he could move into the Platt's - but how will David react?

Elsewhere, Norris is delighted when he receives a replacement photo from Freda of their competition win. What will Mary have to say about his excitement?

Kelly's exposed as an Underworld traitor

Airs on Friday, March 19 2010 at 20:30 GMT on ITV1

When Carla realises that Nick's seen the company accounts, she forces him to reveal the mole as a peace settlement for the shares that she sold him.

After revealing that Kelly was the traitor, he's forced to dismiss her. Kelly doesn't take the news lightly, though, and puts up a good fight. Will she drop Nick in it with Carla in the process?

Gail tries to venture out of her cell in an attempt to settle into prison life. On the Street, Tina's in pieces as she continues to struggle with the loss of her father - she's desperate for someone to comfort her.

Meanwhile, tensions intensify between Molly and Kevin as they still have no clearer idea who the father of the baby is. The situation begins to turn bitter, though, when Molly tells Kevin to stay away. Will Kevin be able to keep quiet?

Elsewhere, when Rita tries to buy a suit at a discounted price, Emily's not amused. Things come to a head, though, when Rita exclaims Emily knows nothing about retail.