View Full Version : Hollyoaks Spoilers 01-05 March

23-02-2010, 08:44
2766: Darren makes a surprise discovery
Airs on Monday, March 1 2010 at 18:30 GMT on Channel 4

The 'Find Holly' campaign has stepped up a gear as they prepare a TV reconstruction. Cindy's a complete wreck, frightened what Tony could have done to her daughter as he's been kept at the police station all night. Tony's desperately missing his step-daughter and is emotionally drained after his ordeal when he's eventually released.

Cindy's shocked when Tony reveals that Holly is the secret blogger who's been destroying their businesses. Lashing out, Cindy accuses Tony of being involved in Holly's disappearance. Tony's devastated but knows that they need to be united for the TV reconstruction, so heads off to the council hall to help with the campaign.

The TV reconstruction gets underway as Cindy, Tony, Steph and Darren anxiously watch on, hoping that it will lead to Holly being found safe and well. However, they're all quietly fearing the worst. Tony's alarmed when he realises that his final moments with Holly are about to be revealed and is forced to tell Cindy what happened with Theresa before Holly ran away.

It's too late, though - Cindy's more convinced than ever that Tony's to blame for Holly's disappearance. When Darren returns to his flat, he's shocked to find Holly hiding there…

Meanwhile, Elliot's surrounded by revision chaos as he prepares for his exams. He's anxious, though, when Nancy leaves him to look after Charlie. On the verge of a breakdown, Elliot's surprised when Jake turns up to check on Charlie. Although he knows that he shouldn't, Elliot insists that Jake take Charlie with him so he can get on with his work. Jake's torn but seeing Elliot's despair reluctantly agrees, glad of the rare opportunity to spend time with his son.

Later, Nancy's horrified when she sees Jake and Charlie together and threatens to call the police. Nancy's livid with Elliot for putting Charlie in danger, forcing Elliot to realise how wrong his judgement call was.

Elsewhere, India's had enough of living in filthy halls and tries to force Dave to clean up his mess. However, a hungover Dave is having none of it. When he accuses her of being a nag, India tries the laid back approach and settles herself on the sofa with a magazine. She's itching to clean up the mess but is determined to make a point. With that, Dave tips a bag of rubbish over her head.

With an air of efficiency, Sheila arrives in her capacity as the new Halls Inspector and checks around the flat, before asking them both to tidy up. India sneaks out, however, leaving Dave to clean by himself.

2767: Cindy threatens Jake
Airs on Tuesday, March 2 2010 at 18:30 GMT on Channel 4

Cindy takes her anger over Holly's disappearance out on Tony, telling him that she holds him entirely responsible. As the re-enactment begins on TV, Darren charges into the hall and announces that he knows where Holly is. As everyone rushes into the flat, Holly's nowhere to be found.

Tony and Cindy turn to an anguished Darren for answers. Cindy falls to pieces and as the cameras roll, her emotional outburst is caught by the waiting press. Reaching breaking point, she warns Jake that she'll kill him if he's had anything to do with Holly's disappearance…

Meanwhile, Darren wants to know from Holly what Cindy and Tony did to cause her to run away. Holly pulls out all the excuses in the world, eventually stating that Tony hates her and that Cindy was happy when she was going out with Darren. Bribing her with a DVD, Darren calms her down but she refuses to leave the flat.

Darren reluctantly agrees to leave her home alone but while he's out, Holly catches the re-enactment on TV, grabs her coat and heads for the door. Running through the woods, a determined Holly stumbles on - but where is she headed?

Elsewhere, Dave's interrupted by a knock at the door - it's Sheila. Surprised by the lack of cleaning that's been done. She's on the verge of losing her temper when Dave mentions that the car crash has been causing him sleepless nights. Falling for his tale, Dave finds himself drawn into Sheila's bosom as she hugs him close.

In the SU, India and Charlotte catch up with Archie, who's joined by two good looking girls. With the champagne flowing, the party atmosphere begins. Charlotte grows weary of the shenanigans and attempts to call a halt to proceedings. However, she finds herself over-ruled. Instead, she catches the eye of Archie's friend Paris and heads over to join her.

Taking revenge on Charlotte, Archie dives behind the bar and announces that drinks are on the house for the rest of the night. As madness ensues, Charlotte exacts her own revenge when she pulls Archie's date herself…

Elsewhere, Kris and Nancy collide in the village and instantly rub each other up the wrong way. A passing Jake piques her interest and she soon directs her venom in his direction. An upset Jacqui also finds herself caught in the crossfire. Jacqui soon storms off, prompting Des to follow in hot pursuit.

Michaela's desperate to prove herself as a serious journalist but Des is more interested in why Jacqui's in a foul mood. Realising that it's their six-month anniversary, Des hurries off to make it up to her but Jacqui insists that she needs to be by herself - she can't cope with the seriousness of their relationship. Breaking down with the stress of it all, her panic deepens when Des utters those three little words

2768: Jake's hounded by the press
Airs on Wednesday, March 3 2010 at 18:30 GMT on Channel 4

Jake's name is plastered over the news as a suspect in Holly's disappearance. He's being hounded by the press as the journalists camp out on the Osbornes' doorstep. Refusing to be held prisoner in his own home, Jake heads out but he's hurt when Loretta doesn't stand by him.

Tom's intrigued and wants to know what's going on but Steph and Jack try to protect him from it all. Newt, however, is worried that Tom will only hear exaggerated stories from his mates in school if they don't tell him the truth. With that, they gently break the news to him that Holly could be dead.

Later, Steph's frantic when she receives a call informing her that Tom's not in school. Realising that Jake's been out, Steph questions where he's been, desperately clinging to any lead that might lead to Tom's safe return. Jake, however, can't believe what he's hearing.

The family are soon relieved, though, when Tom's eventually found safe. Jake, however, is left devastated when he discovers that Loretta's disappeared.

Meanwhile, Elliot realizes that he's not over Sheila when he finds himself jealous of her spending so much time with Dave. Charlotte's exasperated when she's left to clean up the flat alone, knowing that Sheila will be there any time for the inspection. Charlotte can't believe her luck, though, when Elliot distracts her attentions.

Elliot's relieved when he hears that nothing's happened between Sheila and Dave. In a bid to stop her from seeing Dave, Elliot invites her out for a coffee. Elliot's mind is on his work but he's unable to resist Sheila's advances.

India opens Cincerity, while Cindy focuses on the search for Holly. India, however, finds herself locked in the toilet, leaving the shop unattended. She's horrified when she's eventually let out and discovers that half the stock from the has been stolen!

Back at the flat, India and Charlotte are slating Sheila when she suddenly appears behind them from Elliot's bedroom. Charlotte's mortified when she realises that she's just made the situation 10 times worse for herself...

Elsewhere, knowing that she was too hard on him the previous day, Jacqui goes to see Des. She finds it hard to articulate her feelings, while Des is embarrassed after telling her that he loves her. Des explains that after hearing nothing in return to his proclamation, he simply wants to forget what happened. Jacqui, however, has other ideas.

The pair have an awkward heart-to-heart but are distracted by Steph when they hear that Tom's gone missing. Relieved when Tom is found, Des and Jacqui realise that their argument is petty and decide to rekindle their love. Theresa's hurt, though, when she sees Jacqui happy and having fun, despite causing Kathleen to leave the village. With that, Theresa begins to plot revenge…

2769: The police discover a body
Airs on Thursday, March 4 2010 at 18:30 GMT on Channel 4

With Cindy and Tony's relationship becoming increasingly strained, Dominic feels stuck in the middle. Cindy starts the day in a bad mood when Tony lets her sleep in but feeling bad for his brother, Dom tells her that she's being too hard on him.

A shattered Tony returns from an all-night search to a moaning Cindy. When she eventually pushes him too far, Tony snaps, telling her blasting that people are doing all they can for Holly. As Carla arrives, Cindy hounds her for information but she's devastated to hear that it's not good news - the police have found a body.

When Cindy chooses to identify the body herself instead of a DNA test, Tony questions whether it's the right choice but Cindy's determined - she has to see for herself if it's Holly. A distraught Cindy and Tony leave the mortuary with the news that everyone's waiting for.

Meanwhile, Jake's forced to hide in The Loft from the press swarming the village. When Dom turns up, it's awkward between the pair - Jake's the prime suspect over Holly's disappearance. Desperate to speak to Loretta, Jake asks Dom for a contact number for her family or friends but he doesn't have one.

Calvin arrives at The Loft to reporters banging on the door. Finding Jake inside, Calvin he realises that it's bad for business and tells Jake that he can't allow him to stay on. It's a big knock for Jake and he threatens Calvin, insisting that he won't get away with what he's done.

Meanwhile, Elliot's full of anxiety over his unfinished coursework but Sheila's determined that all his attention is on her. Completely absorbed in his own worries, Elliot can't work out why Dave's so stressed. Elliot later feels bad when he's reminded about the crash and Josh's imminent court case. It's obvious Dave needs to talk but Elliot's too distracted and leaves for college.

While there, Elliot bumps into a downtrodden Archie who's been cut off by his dad, forcing him to pay all his fees and loans himself. Elliot feels bad for his mate but tells him that he has no time to talk. Elliot returns home in a bigger flap as he has to re-do all his work by tomorrow! Sheila turns up and assuming that she's there to inspect their rooms, Dave lets rip.

Sheila's unfazed by his outburst as she's there for personal reasons. Despite having work to do, Elliot's easily seduced and he later returns to college having done no more of his coursework. At a loss as to else to do, a desperate Elliot takes drastic measures and resorts to Archie's legal highs.

Elsewhere, despite a warning from Mercedes to lay off Jacqui, Theresa's still angry and in no mood to forgive. Des arrives to collect Jacqui but as soon as Mercedes leaves, the atmosphere is tense with Theresa. In a sudden change of mood, Theresa begins flirting with Des, while bombarding him with questions about his relationship.

An uneasy Des is clearly relieved when Jacqui returns and quickly escapes to pick up dinner. Sensing that something's wrong, Jacqui quizzes Theresa, assuming she's in trouble at school. Jacqui won't let the issue drop and pushes Theresa until she snaps - Des fancies her and he's using Jacqui to get close to her.

A furious Mercedes insists Theresa is lying but Jacqui's unsure - her relationship with Des feels too good to be true. When an oblivious Des returns, Jacqui lays into him. However, hurt that she'd believe Theresa's accusations over him, Des tells Jacqui that they're over.

23-02-2010, 08:44
2770: Jacqui tells Des that she loves him
Airs on Friday, March 5 2010 at 18:30 GMT on Channel 4

Theresa finally admits she lied about Des making advances towards her. Jacqui's furious but Theresa's adamant that she deserved it. Carmel eagerly attempts to defuse the situation but she merely antagonises Mercedes. Carmel encourages Jacqui to talk to Des, explaining that if she and Calvin had given up so easily, then they'd never be back together.

With that, a jealous Mercedes threatens to take a pair of scissors to Carmel's sexy underwear. Mercedes seems on the brink of telling Carmel the truth about her and Calvin - but she manages to hold her tongue and Carmel continues in her attempts to reunite Des and Jacqui.

Carmel and Jacqui see Des from afar and Carmel urges her sister to make amends with him. Jacqui refuses, but it's clear that Des is hopeful that they'll reconcile. Jacqui makes an effort to go see him but when she's unable to tell him how she really feels, she leaves.

Walking through the village, Jacqui bumps into Theresa who apologises for what she did. Jacqui thinks things through for a while, before going to find Des in The Dog. Jacqui finally tells him that she loves him.

Back in the McQueens', though, a spiteful Mercedes takes a pair of scissors to Carmel's sexy underwear. How long can Mercedes maintain her secret?

Meanwhile, it's the day of Josh's plea hearing and he goes to see Dave in a bid to rebuild their friendship. Josh tells Dave that he intends to plead guilty and asks if he'd like to meet up after the hearing. Although Dave agrees, his answer is far from convincing.

Rhys continues to battle with his guilt and he seems ready to tell Josh that he was the one who spiked his drink. Josh seems calm and collected in comparison to Rhys who's wracked with guilt and worried that his brother will be sent to prison.

At court, Josh pleads guilty to drink driving and offers the judge a letter that he's written, explaining what happened on the night of the crash. It all becomes too much for Rhys and he suddenly jumps to his feet. Is he about to tell the judge the real reason why Josh was over the limit on the night of the crash?

Later, Dave appears in The Dog but Rhys tells Josh that he doesn't need friends like him. Josh, however, is eager to get back in Dave's good books. Josh thanks Dave for attending court but Dave's nonchalant attitude frustrates Rhys. Josh tells a drunken Rhys to back off and explains that he's trying to rebuild friendships. Josh apologises to Dave for Rhys's behaviour and asks Dave if he'd like to go for a drink. Dave stares at him momentarily, before revealing that Josh is nobody to him.

Elsewhere, Tony tries to persuade Cindy to take a break from the hunt for Holly. Cindy, however, is determined to find her and heads to the council hall.

Dominic and Tony, meanwhile, are wary of her behaviour but Tony tells his brother that he doesn't want to dampen her spirit. Dom warns Tony that the search is proving difficult, before suggesting that they prepare Cindy for the worst.

23-02-2010, 10:58
I hate saying this but poor Jake

What does Jake know about Calvin?