View Full Version : ear piercing

09-06-2005, 13:02
how do you feel about ear piercing in children? i dont like it on boys/men full stop but i certainly wouldnt pierce my sons ears at 1 years old like romeo beckham,it has only just come to light but victoria said he had it done over a year ago. if i were to have a daughter i think she would have to be at least 5 years old before i considered it.

09-06-2005, 13:07
I remember gettig my ears pierced at 16 - and my father was furious- he said I was disfigured for life. Since then my Mum has had it done too!

I think that mid teens is early enough. I can still remember a girl in my primary class who got her earing caught when playing in the playground. Her ear was really badly ripped and there was blood everywhere..

09-06-2005, 13:08
Chance why u ignoring me??????

Bad Wolf
09-06-2005, 13:13
my mum gave me a choice, i think i wanted them done when i was about 8, then let them heal up a few years later, i've had them re done though. but that's the only thing i've had pierced though, my mum would have lynched me if i had got anything else done, plus i think i would have regretted it now and later in life

ear-rings on boys are a big no no, look how stupid paul looks in celebrity love island. whats attractive about them???

i think i would give my girls a choice, i wouldn't let any son of mine get anything pierced

09-06-2005, 13:15
A lot of schools ban earing for safety reason except v. small studs. I don't like to see children with earings at all, and certainly not babies in prams!

09-06-2005, 13:15
My mum didn't give me a choice, i was 6 months old when she got my ears pierced! I'm glad she did too coz i looked really CUTE! Shame i had to grow up really! :D

09-06-2005, 13:35
I don't agree with it... I used to have 3 in each ear, started having them done when I was 12. I seem to remember it hurt loads even then, so what must it be like for babies. I think for safety more than anything it shouldn't be allowed. But, as with everything, its down to personal choices..

09-06-2005, 14:19
I don't mind but would never have it done, my daughter doesn't have hers done, I would rather wait till she made the choice herself.

09-06-2005, 17:03
i wouldnt get connors ears done and i would NOT let him have it done if he asked. i think that earrings look awful on little kids! and most schools dont let them have them in round here.

if connor wants his ears pierced when he a lot older then fine he can pay for it and do it. i cant exactly stop him as his dad has his ear pierced 3 times!!!

di marco
09-06-2005, 20:39
i dont like men with their ears pierced either. and i think its just cruel when you get little babies ears done. i only had mine done last year, my mum said i had to wait til id done my gcses so the day after my last exam i went and had it done. im thinking about maybe getting 2nd holes done but my mum wont let me so ill have to wait til after my alevels. my mum def wouldnt have let me have anything else pierced, the amount of times she says things about my friends cos loads of them have their bellybutton pierced, 2 of them have their nose pierced, one of them had their chin pierced and one did that thing to your ear where you make the hole really big (cant remember what its called). id never get anything else pierced though, well i was sort of undecided about my bellybutton but i dont know, wont get it done yet anyway, but never have anything on my face pierced or anything

09-06-2005, 20:48
i had nialls ear peirced when he was 20 months old and i really wish i had not done it! when he was 8 he decided he did not want it in anymore and took it out, i will not be having niamhs done until she is old enough to decide for herself. i really reget having his done so young!!!!

09-06-2005, 20:56
i dont like men with their ears pierced either. and i think its just cruel when you get little babies ears done. i only had mine done last year, my mum said i had to wait til id done my gcses so the day after my last exam i went and had it done. im thinking about maybe getting 2nd holes done but my mum wont let me so ill have to wait til after my alevels. my mum def wouldnt have let me have anything else pierced, the amount of times she says things about my friends cos loads of them have their bellybutton pierced, 2 of them have their nose pierced, one of them had their chin pierced and one did that thing to your ear where you make the hole really big (cant remember what its called). id never get anything else pierced though, well i was sort of undecided about my bellybutton but i dont know, wont get it done yet anyway, but never have anything on my face pierced or anything

i dont mind men with pierced ears it it babies kids that look awful! dave had 2 in his right ear when i met him and had the top of his ear pierced when i had mine done. to be honest i dont really notice them now but if he takes them out it seems strange he dont look right!!

my mum said i could have my ears pierced when i was 13 so on my 13th birthday i made her talke after all she did she say 13!! and i had my second holes done a year later!

i wanted my tongue pierced a few eyars ago but i heard to many peoples stories in how it done and to be honest im far to much of a woosy girl to go through with it!!

i canrt stamd those hole things in the ear have you seen the realy big ones!! it makes me wanna be sick! theres a man who lives by us with it done and his ear is all stretched you could get a marker pen through! even now thinking about it i wanna throw up!!

di marco
09-06-2005, 21:06
my mum said i could have my ears pierced when i was 13 so on my 13th birthday i made her talke after all she did she say 13!! and i had my second holes done a year later!

my mum said i could get mine done when i was 16 as thats when she had hers done. i was 16 in the december and when i asked her she said i had to wait til after my exams :( though she did pay to have them done!

i wanted my tongue pierced a few eyars ago but i heard to many peoples stories in how it done and to be honest im far to much of a woosy girl to go through with it!!

i canrt stamd those hole things in the ear have you seen the realy big ones!! it makes me wanna be sick! theres a man who lives by us with it done and his ear is all stretched you could get a marker pen through! even now thinking about it i wanna throw up!!

i know people whove had their tongue pierced and i just think what if it gets infected or something. cos if it got infected it could be serious as its in your mouth, and also, what would you do if you got food in it???

my mate has done that really big hole thing but only to one ear. i just dont see the point in it. we said to her that although she might like it now, she might not in a few years time and what will her wedding photos look like if she has a big hole in her ear, especially if she hates it by then?

09-06-2005, 21:16
I had my ears pierced when I was eight and it did it hurt it was stinging for ages :o

09-06-2005, 21:35
it must hurt like mad whats attractive stiking a bolt through your ear

09-06-2005, 22:24
I could never pierce their ears if they were babies.

di marco
10-06-2005, 06:11
i dont think mine really hurt. as they put it in i could feel it but i wouldnt say it hurt and after that it didnt hurt or sting at all. maybe its cos i had it done when i was older and so thats why it didnt hurt so much?

10-06-2005, 09:50
I could never pierce their ears if they were babies.

I don't think I could do it either... I passed out when I got my ears done and yet I was ok with tatoos and needles.. I rather let my children decide when and if they want to get it done themselves

10-06-2005, 09:51
I had 3 in my ears and once I had my second child, I had to remove them because he nearly ripped them out of my ears, and I still have the holes there, which even now sometimes get horrible and manky!! Apart from it really hurting a small child/baby (aswell as an adult!) if they decided they didn't like them when they were older (if they were a boy say), they may have a hole there for years. Maybe the "fashion" will disappear soon.

10-06-2005, 09:55
I don't think I could do it either... I passed out when I got my ears done and yet I was ok with tatoos and needles.. I rather let my children decide when and if they want to get it done themselves Definitely the right way to go - I was the same, really hurt when I had them pierced, but fine with my (very small and delicate) tattoo. Plus I found that I had to wear gold earrings as I was allergic to anything else. If mine want it done when they are plenty old enough to decide, they pay for it themselves, and understand that they have got to make sure they are cleaned etc, up to them. Though I do think it looks a bit daft on boys and I will tell them that too!!!

Bad Wolf
10-06-2005, 09:59
when i worked in a shop my mate had her belly button done and her body rejected it and literally pushed it out. its the horror story i've decided to tell my kids to put them off. apparently this is really common with eye brow things too

to be honest i never wanted to get my belly done, despite nearly every girl in my year getting it done. i scar easily and didn't want any more, also the fact that every other girl had it done made me more resolute not to do it, i didn't want to be part of the crowd that also applies to the tops of my ears, which was another big craze.....another factor is i'm a total wuss and dont like pain!

10-06-2005, 10:18
I had my belly button done about 10 years a go and so far no problems!!! Got a small tattoo on the bottom of my back. My boyfs got everything peirced!!!

10-06-2005, 10:34
I had my belly button done about 10 years a go and so far no problems!!! Got a small tattoo on the bottom of my back. My boyfs got everything peirced!!!

I got a tatoo on my stomach.. was great at the time but it looks funny now that I am pregnant.. It is huge...

10-06-2005, 10:43
I had my belly button done about 10 years a go and so far no problems!!! Got a small tattoo on the bottom of my back. My boyfs got everything peirced!!!

when you sya everything do you mean everything?

my sisters ex hada load of peircing and he looked awful. it was like his obsession. every other week he have something new done!

Bad Wolf
10-06-2005, 10:47
when you sya everything do you mean everything?

my sisters ex hada load of peircing and he looked awful. it was like his obsession. every other week he have something new done!

far too painful, i'm happy with just the one hole in each ear!

10-06-2005, 10:50
when you sya everything do you mean everything?

my sisters ex hada load of peircing and he looked awful. it was like his obsession. every other week he have something new done!

Um yea!!!

he's only got eyebrow done on face so doesnt look too bad, and only one earing in his ear, used to have the top done but ripped it out when taking off his crash helmet! OW

The tounge one is grim though, when he starts playing with it!! and bashing it against his teeth, makes me cringe!

10-06-2005, 10:51
I've got belly button, but not ears!!

phils little sister
10-06-2005, 10:52
I have my ears pierced my nose and my bellybutton and i have to say my ears were the most painful

10-06-2005, 10:53
I hate seeing a child with their ears pierced.

I've got mine done and my tongue, would rather get my tongue done 10 times over than ever get my ears pierced again, they were so sore even now i can remeber the pain.... :eek:

Bad Wolf
10-06-2005, 10:59
The tounge one is grim though, when he starts playing with it!! and bashing it against his teeth, makes me cringe!

my friend does that!!!! its so annoying!!

10-06-2005, 11:01
my friend does that!!!! its so annoying!!

I think thats why he does it!!!

10-06-2005, 14:34
I do that i never realised that other people could hear it and it annoyed them

10-06-2005, 16:27
Um yea!!!

he's only got eyebrow done on face so doesnt look too bad, and only one earing in his ear, used to have the top done but ripped it out when taking off his crash helmet! OW

The tounge one is grim though, when he starts playing with it!! and bashing it against his teeth, makes me cringe!

i have to admit i do that with my tounge bar too!!! i can't help it!! i did have my eyebrow done but i took it out when i had niamh i was scared she would rip it out!!! i got my belly button done just before i got pregnant and managed to keep it in all the way through the pregnancy with the help of a special long plastic bar! it did look very strange, none of my piercings hurt at all nor did my tattoo. i have been told i have a high pain threshold, i think i am just lucky!

10-06-2005, 17:58
how do you feel about ear piercing in children? i dont like it on boys/men full stop but i certainly wouldnt pierce my sons ears at 1 years old like romeo beckham,it has only just come to light but victoria said he had it done over a year ago. if i were to have a daughter i think she would have to be at least 5 years old before i considered it.

Please excuse the following rant:

Where I come from (Rhode Island, USA) many people have Portuguese backgrounds and it is a custom to pierce little girls before they turn 1 or as soon after birth as possible. It is and old custom to teach the pain that comes with beauty, but they won't remember it. My ears were pierced the first time at 4 months. Of course I do not remember and so the no beauty without pain thing was of course right. That being said when my daughter was born I said absolutely no way is anyone piercing her ears. My mother was beside herself. My husband agreed that she could have them when she was ready to ask for them. After all it is her body after 18, until then it is his and mine to care for and take care of, so again no way was anyone poking holes in my infant. This December Kacie turned 4 and wanted earrings (I am sure at the prodding of gram) so we let her get them. their was only one piercer on so she did one side and Kacie flipped out. She screamed bloody murder and it took my almost 40 minutes to convince her to do the other side. They did the other side and again she was horrified at the pain. I felt horrible for her, but I explained this was the decision she had made on her own. Now she is very proud of them and shows everyone, but I certainly do not think she will ask for another anytime soon. As far as boys are concerned, nothing makes me more livind than seeing a 3 year old boy with an earring. I want to smack the mother. That and a little boy with short hair and a tail in the back! The whole idea behind earrings on boy or girls is adornment plain and simple. But for boy/men it is sometimes associated with either toughness of being effeminate. Both are steroetypes, but people do make decision about people on appearance and a sweet little boy with an earring usually makes me think he is a bit of a brat. In my town if I see a little boy like that that mother is usually pierced herself (tongue, nose, eyebrow) or has tattoos or is adorned with something to make her more noticeable. If you would not let a little boy have a tattoo why an earring? Adults can have at it with tattoos, grommets, scarification, whatever, but on kids... Parents marking children at an early age bothers me. It is almost an attempt to either turn them into mini versions of themselves or to show how unconventional they are at the kids expense. In my daughter's case our custom says little girls are supposed to wear earrings as a show of femininity, but because of it she learned the hard way that with those decisions comes a lifelong committment as well as some short-term pain.

11-06-2005, 02:48
Please excuse the following rant:

Where I come from (Rhode Island, USA) many people have Portuguese backgrounds and it is a custom to pierce little girls before they turn 1 or as soon after birth as possible. It is and old custom to teach the pain that comes with beauty, but they won't remember it. My ears were pierced the first time at 4 months. Of course I do not remember and so the no beauty without pain thing was of course right. That being said when my daughter was born I said absolutely no way is anyone piercing her ears. My mother was beside herself. My husband agreed that she could have them when she was ready to ask for them. After all it is her body after 18, until then it is his and mine to care for and take care of, so again no way was anyone poking holes in my infant. This December Kacie turned 4 and wanted earrings (I am sure at the prodding of gram) so we let her get them. their was only one piercer on so she did one side and Kacie flipped out. She screamed bloody murder and it took my almost 40 minutes to convince her to do the other side. They did the other side and again she was horrified at the pain. I felt horrible for her, but I explained this was the decision she had made on her own. Now she is very proud of them and shows everyone, but I certainly do not think she will ask for another anytime soon. As far as boys are concerned, nothing makes me more livind than seeing a 3 year old boy with an earring. I want to smack the mother. That and a little boy with short hair and a tail in the back! The whole idea behind earrings on boy or girls is adornment plain and simple. But for boy/men it is sometimes associated with either toughness of being effeminate. Both are steroetypes, but people do make decision about people on appearance and a sweet little boy with an earring usually makes me think he is a bit of a brat. In my town if I see a little boy like that that mother is usually pierced herself (tongue, nose, eyebrow) or has tattoos or is adorned with something to make her more noticeable. If you would not let a little boy have a tattoo why an earring? Adults can have at it with tattoos, grommets, scarification, whatever, but on kids... Parents marking children at an early age bothers me. It is almost an attempt to either turn them into mini versions of themselves or to show how unconventional they are at the kids expense. In my daughter's case our custom says little girls are supposed to wear earrings as a show of femininity, but because of it she learned the hard way that with those decisions comes a lifelong committment as well as some short-term pain.
Well it took me a while to digest that lol :) You let it all out!

11-06-2005, 02:49
The problem with ear piercing in babies is the fact they might not have wanted to have it done.

12-06-2005, 16:58
I don't think it's fair to have babies ears pierced.....they are not fashion accessories!

I had mine done when I was 10, just before I started high school. I think I only, asked because all my friends had it done. I remember my dad went bonkers, he said I was mutilating myself or something, I think he was only angry because the week before I bought fake stick on ones and managed to fool him, so when I really had them pierced he thought they were fake again.....he just doesn like being wrong hehe

samantha nixon
17-06-2005, 18:16
i had my ears pierced when i was 4 months and i have just had my bellybutton pierced and im 13 and i want my ears pierced twice more but im a wimp so i might not have them done

17-06-2005, 18:40
Did belly hurt? I swear you cant have it done till 16 but was I wrong. I would like to get my 2nd ears done. Done my first when I was about 6 months??
Babies and earrings are ok I guess (girls Im talking about) but think about it... if they grow up (we) and they didn't want it then they can let it heal...
Pain lasts about 5 mins ok blood yeah yeah but don't worry they will be fine we got ours done 1 ear then next week 1 year and got checked. Im living and want to go to the next!!

17-06-2005, 19:28
I had my ears done in yr 5 but the earrings used were really big and my earrings got swalloed, but I had them re-done in yr 6 and i can pierce my ears with a second hole when i'm 15. it dint really hurt me though.

17-06-2005, 19:30
i tthink you can get body piercing done when you are under 16 as long as you have a parents permission

samantha nixon
17-06-2005, 19:46
my belly piercing didnt hurt as they numb it and everything but it made my toes go numb aswell and my mum and twin went first

17-06-2005, 19:53
my belly, eyebrow or tounge did not hurt

17-06-2005, 20:54
my mother made me have my ears pierced when i was 3 and i wailed and wailed and wailed :crying: :crying: :crying: :lol: i ended up taking them out i then had them re-done in year2 :lol:

26-06-2005, 20:51
hello everyone. i've been reading this thread with great interest.
i had my ears pierced when i was 3 years old and i still remember the pain. when my daughter's about 6months old i think i am going to get her ears pierced, that way she wont remember the pain and it does look cute.

28-06-2005, 19:36
I had my ears pierced when i was a baby and my belly button done last year

23-07-2005, 15:10
Going to get my ears re-piearced again next weekend, people keep buying me earings not realising I dont wear them!!! so thought i'd start!!

Dr. Tangliss
23-07-2005, 15:53
I personally would not have my children's ear pierced. I would wait until they were old enough to make their own decision. However, at the end of the day, it's down to the option of the parent, and everyone has their different views.:)

23-07-2005, 15:59
I had my second ear piercing on Thursday, I would have hated to have had them done when I was very young though

samantha nixon
23-07-2005, 16:01
I had my second ear piercing on Thursday, I would have hated to have had them done when I was very young though

did it hurt as i want my second holes done aswell as i had my first when i was a baby i dont remeber if they hurt and ive got to have them done soon as of school

Dr. Tangliss
23-07-2005, 16:01
How was it?

23-07-2005, 16:15
did it hurt as i want my second holes done aswell as i had my first when i was a baby i dont remeber if they hurt and ive got to have them done soon as of school

It really doesn't hurt that much, it hurts a bit when the earring goes in but apart from that. I had mine done at the start of holidays so it would heal. You should go for it.

samantha nixon
23-07-2005, 16:18
ok thanks i might see about geting mine done then

23-07-2005, 19:55
ive got 3 holes in my ears,but its weird as i cant be bothered to wear em all anymore,i just wear earrings in the first hole,sometimes second but with all those earrings i always lose them!
its hurts more the further you go up.

23-07-2005, 20:05
i have only got mine done once and i had to wait till i was 13. I cant be bothered with the hassle of earings. I could never have my belly or nose done cause i HATE needles.

25-07-2005, 11:48
helping you to decide -

INFECTION: This is probably the most common problem. Infections may set in on the ear lobe if the equipment used to pierce the ears is not sterile, if the earrings have dirty posts, or if the earrings are attached too tightly to the lobe. Many of these infections may be avoided by keeping the first earrings in for about 6 weeks, cleaning the ear with rubbing alcohol daily and making sure the earring backs are not too tight. If the ear becomes red, pus forms around the site, or the baby gets a temperature without an obvious cause, you should contact your doctor.

KELOID FORMATION: When the skin is injured, a small scar forms after the scab which is usually so small you don’t notice it, or it fades away with time. However, some children, particularly African-American children, may be prone to large scars known as keloids. Those prone to forming keloids after injuries may develop large bumps at the site of the piercing. If keloids tend to form on the child or there is a family history of them, it is probably best to delay ear piercing.

ALLERGIC REACTIONS: Contact dermatitis (allergy to something that comes in contact with the skin) may occur on the earlobes of those with an allergy to metal. Using 14-carat gold or hypo-allergenic stainless steel earring posts may eliminate this problem.

INJURY TO THE EAR LOBE: Younger children may tend to play with the earrings. The baby may catch hoop or drop earrings and tear the lobe. If you decide to pierce the ears, I strongly suggest only using studs or earrings that lie flush with the skin.

CHOKING ON THE EARRING: This is probably the most worrying danger. As most parents know, some toys are not approved for certain ages because of the risk of choking. Many toys are not recommended for children under three because they tend to put a lot of things in their mouths. Earring are certainly not permanent fixtures, and there is a risk of them accidentally falling out. They are generally of a size that is easily swallowed. Therefore, there is a risk of inhaling an earring or its clasp if it becomes dislodged.

samantha nixon
02-08-2005, 15:20
i had my second holes done on saturday and they didnt hurt

Dr. Tangliss
02-08-2005, 15:21
I am glad to hear that all went well. How much did it cost?

samantha nixon
02-08-2005, 15:22
£9 and my mum paid so it was allright

Dr. Tangliss
02-08-2005, 15:23
That's not bad really, I was expecting it to cost more to be honest.

02-08-2005, 15:24
im not allowed my second ones done

samantha nixon
02-08-2005, 15:25
well if you wanted other earings my cousins was £28 cause of the earings

samantha nixon
02-08-2005, 15:25
im not allowed my second ones done

my mums got 3 so she didnt mind she said just not youre tongue or nose

Dr. Tangliss
02-08-2005, 15:25
well if you wanted other earings my cousins was £28 cause of the earings


Dr. Tangliss
02-08-2005, 15:26
im not allowed my second ones done

Why not?

02-08-2005, 15:26
my mums got 3 so she didnt mind she said just not youre tongue or nose

lucky you as soon as im 16 then i might have them done

02-08-2005, 15:27
Why not?

i think she thinks it will make me look hard... asif!!

02-08-2005, 15:27
I would rather get my tongue done ten times over than get my ears done again.

My nose was quite sore too

samantha nixon
02-08-2005, 15:28

yes as se had her birthstone but ive got nice silver stud ones as i wear silver most of the time

Dr. Tangliss
02-08-2005, 15:28
i think she thinks it will make me look hard... asif!!

Lol, bless, parents!:searchme:

Dr. Tangliss
02-08-2005, 15:29
yes as se had her birthstone but ive got nice silver stud ones as i wear silver most of the time

Just imagine if your birth stone was diamond, how much would that cost!!

I would just go for silver too

02-08-2005, 15:30
i would go for silver aswell

Dr. Tangliss
02-08-2005, 15:30
i would go for silver aswell

I think it looks better too.

samantha nixon
02-08-2005, 15:31
yes because even my belly bars silver so

02-08-2005, 15:32
now if i had that done, my mum would go mental lol!! she wont let my sis grow her fringe out

02-08-2005, 15:32
Just imagine if your birth stone was diamond, how much would that cost!!

I would just go for silver too

my birthstone is a diamond!!!!

and i do wear one it is not very big but it is a diamond!!!
i prefer silver (colour) to wear too but i normally wear white gold and platinum

Dr. Tangliss
02-08-2005, 15:34
my birthstone is a diamond!!!!

and i do wear one it is not very big but it is a diamond!!!
i prefer silver (colour) to wear too but i normally wear white gold and platinum

Unfortunalty, it's no mine. But I wear one too, a solitaire around my neck!:D

samantha nixon
02-08-2005, 15:35
now if i had that done, my mum would go mental lol!! she wont let my sis grow her fringe out

i dont have a fringe i grew it out once and had to have it cut for my aunts wedding then ive never had one since

02-08-2005, 15:36
i dont know what my birthstone is... and i used to have one as well but i dont think my mum like to think she is growing up..

samantha nixon
02-08-2005, 15:38
mines pink and thats all i no about my birthstone what would it b if i was born in october