View Full Version : Gas & Electricity.

01-02-2010, 18:28
Finally we got out of that Flat & have found a house. :)

I'm just wondering how much everyone pays for their Gas and Electric, and who everyone is with?

The house we are living in does not have central heating, it has a gas fire in the room, one in the kitchen. The cooker is gas and everything else is Electric. With having no heating upstairs I've bought Halogen heaters for the bedrooms and will have them on for a couple of hours before bed (they seem to be more of a lamp though, not a heat source.

I'm with Southern Electric for now, and they have put me at £35 for Gas and the same for Electric.

Whats everyone else?

01-02-2010, 18:31
Can't help you with the charges for gas and electricity but congratulations on finding a new place to live in. Hope you like it in there for a long time, must be better than the nightmare of the flat you were in :)

01-02-2010, 18:34
Oh it's much better. It was a nightmare living there.

I don't hear any of the neighbours here, and lets face it .. a house is much more practical. :)

03-02-2010, 22:06
my electric is £90 a month and gas £35 im with atlantic but our bill are going to go up because of the amouint we have used this winter

04-02-2010, 05:01
British Gas apparently will announce price reductions for domestic users, not sure by how much yet though

04-02-2010, 10:58
im not keen on british gas they seem to get on watchdog and news for over charging people with ridiculous bills

04-02-2010, 11:26
I had British Gas threaten me with daily phone calls until I paid my bill which at that point was only 2 days past due date and the red reminder hadn't arrived by that point!!! To say I was livid was an understatement as they were also threatening me with a bad credit score etc.

I'm with EON, have been for years until I moved and then had to be with BG for a while, but have now transferred over again finally. I pay £45 a month electricity and £30 a month gas and thats for a 4 bed detached. The Tesco clubcard points come in very handy too.

04-02-2010, 20:24
Years ago I was on all electric but had BG bombard me with reminders for a gas bill. I telephoned and visited a showroom to explain I was not on gas and that they obviously had the wrong tenant, but they never let up. In the end they sent a note to say they were coming to remove the meter and I loved the look on the guys face when he realised there actually was no meter :)