View Full Version : Zeke to become animal activist

31-01-2010, 07:45
HUNKY Zeke Kinski is set to fall in love with a troublesome animal activist.

But sadly brunette Mia Silvani will break the teenager’s heart after leaving him to face the police when they sneak into an animal testing plant.

Poor Zeke is rocked when he realises Mia never really loved him and was just using him to help her cause.

But his stepmum Susan is on hand to help the heartbroken lad get over her – and even shops Mia to the police over the break-in.

A show insider told the Daily Star Sunday: “Mia is feisty, opinionated and totally passionate about animals.

“Zeke falls madly in love and it doesn’t take her long to convince him to become an activist too.”

Catch all the action this spring.

Daily Star Sunday

31-01-2010, 10:40
since when was Zeke hunky?

31-01-2010, 10:52
He will be for some :)

31-01-2010, 16:00
That's what I thought LostVoodoo :lol:.

Hmm where have I heard the name Silvani before ha!? Not your every day name like..

Just Googled... it was Marco... so is Mia related??

03-02-2010, 08:13
That's what I thought LostVoodoo :lol:.

Hmm where have I heard the name Silvani before ha!? Not your every day name like..

Just Googled... it was Marco... so is Mia related??

Wasn't Mia the name of Marco's older sister?

03-02-2010, 15:24
Oo right, so Mia must be Marco's sister then. Weird her coming into it isn't it :s haha!

03-02-2010, 15:46
Zeke kinda looks like Joe Jonas but i dont think either are hunky

08-02-2010, 19:53
I always feel awkward watching zeke, hes gets very boring