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23-01-2010, 10:22
CORONATION Street has cast its first full-time disabled character - months after rival soap DeadEnders did the same thing.
Wheelchair user Cherylee Houston, 35, starts filming next month following David Proud's arrival in Walford as Adam Best in September.

Street fans have seen disabled actors briefly appear in the soap before.

Ryan Connor's mate Phil was played by wheelchair user Richard Sargent and Emily's niece Freda was played by deaf actress Ali Briggs.

Cherylee, who suffers a degenerative tissue disorder, will star as new girl Izzy, a love interest for loafer Kirk Sutherland.

The pair meet through an internet dating service but bosses hinted it won't be love at first sight.

The actress has previously appeared in Holby City, The Bill, Little Britain and Emmerdale.

She told TV Biz: "I grew up with Coronation Street and can't wait to start on the show."

A Corrie spokesman added: "Izzy is a real firebrand who wastes no time in taking on some of the Street's feistiest females.

"However, the people she slams so savagely are usually the ones who end up liking and respecting her the most."

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/2820762/Wheelchair-user-Cherylee-Houston-to-become-Corries-first-full-time-disabled-character.html#ixzz0dQh7QZ7J

23-01-2010, 12:15
sounds exactlly like the character in Eastenders!..wheelchair bound with attitude,can't they come up with something by themselves :o/

23-01-2010, 13:11
sounds exactlly like the character in Eastenders!..wheelchair bound with attitude,can't they come up with something by themselves :o/

There are only so many types of characters available so the soaps are bound to copy each other.

If you want to take it to the extreme then you can say that Deadenders copied Corrie by introducing a pub when Corrie had The Rovers why did Deadenders copy them with the Queen Vic

23-01-2010, 13:47
This is what she looks like :)

23-01-2010, 15:18
I think it sounds good :D Especially if Kirk is involved. Will be nice to see him find someone new.

23-01-2010, 15:37
He has been on his own a very long time now, hope she stays around long term

23-01-2010, 19:58
Its about time Kirk got a new girlfriend

23-01-2010, 20:16
sounds intresting

24-01-2010, 16:28
Ive just remembered that Corrie used to have Maud Grimes in a wheelchair. She played Reg Holdsworths Battleaxe of a mother in law

24-01-2010, 16:36
I have forgotten about her, you are right. She was a great character, her and Percy Sugden :D

24-01-2010, 18:06
Oh yes, Maud and Percy. They were brilliant!

15-02-2010, 12:37
CORRIE'S first full-time disabled star arrives on the cobbles ready to start filming her new role in the ITV1 soap.
Wheelchair user Cherylee Houston, 35, will play Izzy - dopey Kirk Sutherland's new love interest.

Kirk, played by Andy Whyment, meets feisty Izzy through a dating website.

She arrives just months after EastEnders introduced disabled character Adam Best (David Proud) to Walford.

Cherylee, 35, has appeared in Holby City, Little Britain and Emmerdale.

Disabled characters have briefly appeared on Coronation Street in the past, including Ryan Connor's mate Phil, played by Richard Sargent, and Emily's niece Freda, played by deaf actress Ali Briggs.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/soaps/2853333/Cherylee-Houston-makes-Coronation-Street-history.html#ixzz0fbjIvTCI

15-02-2010, 16:15
Where is Kirk living now?

21-04-2010, 09:40
CORRIE bosses are so pleased with disabled actress Cherylee Houston's scenes as wheelchair-bound Izzy Armstrong that they're giving her a family to join her in the Street.
Cherylee, 35, was brought in as Izzy - the soap's first full-time disabled character - to be a new love interest for Kirk Sutherland (Andy Whyment).

Now bosses are recruiting a dad, brother and sister to hit the screen later this summer.

A source told TV Biz: "Cherylee is a great actress. She's done really well and is absolutely perfect.

"We want her as a permanent fixture so we're getting her a family to give her more scope.

"There are lots of exciting storylines coming up." Cherylee has also appeared in Holby City, Little Britain and Emmerdale.

21-04-2010, 17:27
She's 35??

22-05-2010, 15:01
Cherylee Houston has hit out at those who have "preconceived ideas" about people with disabilities.

The actress, who last night made history by becoming Coronation Street's first full-time disabled actress, said many people fear "the unknown" or "saying the wrong thing".

Houston, who plays Izzy Armstrong on the ITV1 soap, told The Mirror: "I have a rule of three. Either people will get over the wheelchair after meeting me three times, or they never will. It's the same with taxis - the third cab will stop. Normally they'll look the other way or say their ramp is broken or they're not insured."

She added: "There are so many preconceived ideas about disabled people, but it's a case of realising that we are just people."

The 35-year-old, who was diagnosed with the rare tissue disorder hypermobility type Ehlers Danlos syndrome when she was 23, described Corrie as a British institution and said she hopes for a long run on the soap.

"Attitudes are only just changing and TV is one of the last domains. There are nearly 10 percent of us in society, but hardly any of us on TV. I'm really proud to be joining Coronation Street and really excited too. But for me, more than anything, it is about being good at my job," she said.

22-05-2010, 18:08
Izzy seems like she could be a good character.

11-06-2010, 14:38
Coronation Street star Cherylee Houston has praised the soap's producers for their approach to the issue of disability.

Speaking on This Morning today, the actress explained that she has been glad to see her character Izzy Armstrong experiencing a varied reception in Weatherfield due to her use of a wheelchair.

In one of Izzy's early scenes, viewers saw Eddie Windass (Steve Huison) insult the feisty newcomer by telling Kirk Sutherland: "You don't want to go out with a bird in a wheelchair."

Asked how disabled viewers will have felt about the remark, Houston replied: "They were probably going, 'Thank God that's showing reality'.

"When we went to do that scene, Steve who plays Eddie and a few of the others said, 'I'm not that sure about this line'. But I was like, 'No, it's brilliant because that's what happens'. People say some quite outrageous things to your face."

Meanwhile, discussing her future with the soap, the 35-year-old revealed: "I've been extended so I've got a year now."

In real life, Houston has used a wheelchair since the age of 23, when she was diagnosed with the rare tissue disorder Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

21-11-2011, 03:01
Corrie awarded Ability Media International Drama award for portrayal of Izzy
include the powerful characterof Izzy, portrayed by outstandingyoung actor and wheelchairuser, Cherylee Houston, inCoronation Street is an importantand much needed developmentin the representation of disabledpeople in popular televisiondrama. Cherylee’s storylineis both unpatronising anddramatically effective and itsimpact on how disabled peopleare perceived by the generalpublic, could be considerable.Coronation Street have been awarded the Ability Media International Drama Award for the portrayal of Izzy Armstrong.

The producers’ decision to include the powerful character of Izzy, portrayed by outstanding young actor and wheelchair user, Cherylee Houston, in Coronation Street is a much needed development in the representation of disabled people in popular television drama.

Cherylee’s storyline is both unpatronising and dramatically effective and its impact on how disabled people are perceived by the general public, could be considerable

21-11-2011, 14:49
I think she is a a great actor , and so easy to focus on the character she portrays and not rhe wheelchair . I hope she gets some well deserved , good storylines . And let's be honest Corrie isn't awash with talented actors at the moment

04-06-2012, 01:33
Gary and Izzy are to have a baby in an upcoming Coronation Street storyline.

In episodes due to air in the next few days, the couple look after Faye and discuss the prospect of having a family.

It looks as if it will be happening sooner than they think, however, as, according to All About Soap, Izzy (Cherylee Houston) will soon confide in Fiz that she's pregnant.

This could spell trouble for their relationship - bad boy Gary (Mikey North) has shown a softer side in recent months, but is still unsure if he's ready for the responsibility of starting a family.

Izzy is determined to keep the baby with or without him, which leads to her own health fears threatening her happiness.

Viewers will be kept waiting to see whether Gary will choose to leave Izzy, or if he'll stick by her during her time of need.

22-06-2012, 15:16
Coronation Street star Cherylee Houston has admitted that her character Izzy Armstrong fears being dumped by boyfriend Gary Windass when her pregnancy storyline begins.

As first revealed earlier this month, Izzy will discover that she is expecting a baby in an upcoming episode. However, she is frightened to share the news with Gary (Mikey North) as she knows he does not feel ready to start a family.

Houston told Soaplife of Izzy's reaction: "It's quite a shock. She's scared Gary is going to leave her and she'll have to do it on her own. How would she cope?

"She also wonders if she can physically do it with her disability. There is an increased chance of miscarriage, but lots of people with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - which Izzy has - do carry babies full term."

Viewers will see Izzy receive some advice from Fiz Stape (Jennie McAlpine), who suggests that she should tell Gary the truth sooner rather than later.

Asked how Izzy would react if Gary failed to support her, Houston replied: "I think she'd definitely go it alone. Nobody can ever prove her wrong. She's just so blooming independent."

Backing the couple to get through the issue, she added: "I think it will bring them closer together. They are really connecting at the moment and looking out for each other."

Coronation Street launches Izzy's pregnancy storyline early next month.

03-07-2012, 13:18
Coronation Street's Cherylee Houston has hinted that Gary will commit to Izzy when she tells him she is pregnant.

The actress predicts that the pair, who have had an on-and-off relationship since falling for each other in late 2010, will have a long future together as a couple.

"I think it will bring them closer together," she told Soaplife. "I think they're really connecting at the moment now.

"They're really looking out for each other and the pregnancy will bring them together as a family."

Before she informs Gary (Mikey North), she is struck a blow when he reveals he feels more comfortable working than bringing up children.

Houston added: "Gary says it's easier to lug sand about on a building site or fill in a skip in the rain than look after kids - and that's not what Izzy wants to hear!

"She's very scared as she's thinking that she's going to have to have the baby on her own."

The 36-year-old recently divulged that Izzy will be shaken by the fact her disability increases the chances of a miscarriage.

10-07-2012, 05:33
Coronation Street's Cherylee Houston has revealed that she is starting to adopt her character's Mancunian accent in real life.

The actress, who plays Izzy Armstrong in the ITV serial, also spoke about the differences between herself and her Weatherfield alter ego.

Speaking to Inside Soap, Houston explained: "Bits of me are like Izzy. I seem to be adopting Izzy's accent more and more - dropping my t's and h's!"

However, she said of her character traits: "I'm a bit more diplomatic than she is, and I don't fly off the handle as fast. She can be quite dogmatic when she gets something between her teeth - she's always ready to bark!"

Of representing disabled people on the show, Houston added: "I think we get judged so much on people's opinions, which means that we're often misrepresented.

"I'm just showing that we're regular people. Every job you take, you have to get into battle."

14-05-2013, 09:44
Coronation Street star Cherylee Houston has admitted that her character Izzy would be devastated if she discovered Gary's kiss with Tina.

Gary (Mikey North) made a move on Tina (Michelle Keegan) during Monday night's episode of the soap.

Speaking to the Radio Times about Gary's betrayal, Houston said: "She'd be absolutely devastated. It would almost be another punch in the stomach. Not only can Izzy not carry her own baby, but her partner's also turned away from her.

"For her to discover he has feelings for Tina, who is doing the most intimate thing for them as a couple, would just be devastating."

Houston also revealed that she doesn't think Izzy would hold it against Tina if she was to eventually discover the truth.

"I don't know. It would hurt her deeply. It would be a trust issue, I think. She's fair-minded so I don't think she'd hold it against Tina because she had said no to Gary. She's not a girl who's jealous of other girls irrationally.

"Izzy takes no prisoners where Gary's concerned and is capable of reigning him in, so that's really enjoyable to play."

Coronation Street continues tonight at 6.45pm on ITV.

15-05-2013, 00:47
Coronation Street's Izzy Armstrong and Gary Windass could be facing one of their toughest times yet as a couple as their surrogacy deal with Tina McIntyre threatens to tear them apart.

A confused Gary (Mikey North) made a move on Tina (Michelle Keegan) earlier this week, and as ever in soapland, it's only a matter of time before Izzy finds out the truth.

We recently caught up with Cherylee Houston, who plays Izzy, to hear her take on the storyline and life at Corrie.

What has the surrogacy storyline been like to film?
"I'm loving filming it - it's really good fun. It's brilliant to work with Mikey and Michelle so much, and we're all really enjoying it. There are a lot of emotional scenes involved so it's quite a lot of hard work, but it's definitely enjoyable for all of us.

"It's also a really interesting topic to explore. I think surrogacy is a brilliant thing for people who can't have children. There are also a lot of women who enjoy the process of having a baby for somebody else."

Have you had much feedback from the viewers?
"Yes, it's quite an interesting one, as people are always asking me, 'Do you get the baby?' and 'Is it Tina and Tommy's baby?', so there's certainly a lot of speculation out there which people have been quizzing me about!"

How is Izzy feeling about Tina and Gary's connection at the moment?
"Izzy is feeling quite cross with herself for getting so jealous over their closeness. It's obvious that Gary is going to feel close to Tina, because she's carrying his baby. That means that Gary is drawn to Tina. Izzy has become very aware of that, but at this point she's upset with herself for struggling to cope with it."

How would Izzy feel if she knew about Gary making a pass at Tina?
"Izzy would be absolutely devastated. She'd feel so hurt, because so much has been invested in their relationship, their love for each other and their need for a child. I really think it'd be the worst thing in the world for Izzy if she found out what Gary had done. A lot would certainly unravel from that!"

What's your own take on Gary's behaviour?
"I don't think it's a typical soap storyline, as it's more complicated than just an infidelity plot. The writers have been very clever with this, as there are so many reasons why Gary got close to Tina in the first place. There's so much confusion in his head about why he has those feelings, so it's an interesting angle to take.

"Plus, Gary does have a tendency of getting slightly obsessed with things in his head - this time it's Tina!"

Could Izzy forgive Gary if she found out what he'd done?
"Oh, I don't know! I think she'd just be so floored at finding out that he'd done that, so it's hard to know how she'd react. Izzy is quite a definite person, as she's always very decisive and 'in the moment'. Things are often quite black and white with her, so I think you'd have to expect a strong reaction from Izzy!"

Would you be disappointed if Izzy and Gary did split up?
"I would, as I love working with Mikey. The good thing is that if they did split up, the baby would probably still tie them together and we'd still share scenes.

"There's a really interesting dynamic between Izzy and Gary, because they're two people who you wouldn't really put together, yet they work so well. Izzy doesn't take any of his rubbish and I think she definitely wears the trousers more than Gary thinks!"

Next week's episodes see Katy find out about Gary's pass at Tina. Would Izzy be hurt over Katy not telling her the truth?
"It's an interesting one, because when Izzy found out about Katy and Ryan's fling, she went straight round there and told her that she knew. Izzy was very honest with Katy and tried to help her see what that situation was. I think she'd be very hurt that her sister hasn't had the same loyalty towards her!"

Tina is starting to feel smothered by the Windasses. Do you think they're approaching this situation in the wrong way?
"I think they genuinely want to help Tina as much as they can. They're all very aware that Tina hasn't got a family around, and they're all quite family-orientated people. They're trying to embrace her into the fold, because she's helping them to extend their family.

"Everything they're doing is out of love and care, but from the outside, it might be a bit much! But people never realise when they overdo things, do they? At least, until it's too late and they get shouted at!"

Is Izzy worried about Tina growing too attached to the baby?
"I don't think it's crossed Izzy's mind at all that Tina could get attached to the baby. It's the last thing that she'd expect."

How do you feel about Michelle Keegan deciding to leave Corrie?
"I'm really going to miss her. She's such a good actress and fun to work with. However, she's here for another year, so she's got such a long time to go yet. I'm sure we'll have more fun ahead!"

After three years at Corrie, do you still enjoy it as much as when you first started?
"Yes, I love this job - it's genuinely such a nice job. Everyone is so lovely and friendly to work with, and we have such a great team here of creative people. I'm always learning something at Corrie.

"I'd love to stay here and continue to work on Corrie for a lot longer. I think Izzy has got a lot of stories ahead. There's a lot of potential for her and I really enjoy playing her."

Is there anything you'd love the writers to explore with Izzy?
"Well, the writers are so brilliant that they come up with so many things that you just wouldn't even think of yourself. I always just wait to see what challenge I'll be given next. I've learned a lot as an actor from everything that I've done so far, which has been brilliant for me."

What do you get up to in your spare time?
"Well, I'm growing carrots at the moment! I'm a bit of a geek! I've started growing tomatoes and I've just ordered an artificial lawn to edge them with."

Do you think Corrie is in with a good chance at the British Soap Awards this weekend?
"I hope so, as I think Corrie's had some fantastic storylines and the actors are showing how good they are. I think it'd be lovely if that was reflected at the awards!"

19-12-2015, 10:50
A Corrie source confirmed the storyline and said show bosses were working with experts about the subject

Coronation Street will be rocked by a new drugs shock in the New Year – as a soap character turns to cannabis for help.

Wheelchair bound character Izzy Armstrong will confess to Erica Hulroyd that she's in a lot of pain and her usual prescription medicine isn't making a difference any more.

Erica, played by Claire King, suggests she starts smoking cannabis to ease the pain and knows where she can get some from.

Izzy initially says no but then ends up smoking the drug in a bid to help herself when Erica supplies her with some drugs.

A Corrie source confirmed the storyline and said show bosses were working with experts about the subject. The subject of cannabis use for pain relief has been debated in the UK in the past.
ITVCheryl Houston plays Izzy ArmstrongCheryl Houston plays Izzy Armstrong

A Corrie insider added: “The show has researched this issue extensively and, whilst Izzy will take cannabis to try and alleviate her pain, the programme will look at all aspects of this debate and examine the legal implications and the far reaching consequences of her actions for her family.”

Izzy is played by Cherylee Houston, 39, who joined in 2010 and was Corrie's first disabled character.

Izzy was the first member of the Armstrong family to be introduced, her father Owen and sister Katy arrived within two months after her first appearance.


19-12-2015, 12:27
A Corrie source confirmed the storyline and said show bosses were working with experts about the subject

Coronation Street will be rocked by a new drugs shock in the New Year – as a soap character turns to cannabis for help.

Wheelchair bound character Izzy Armstrong will confess to Erica Hulroyd that she's in a lot of pain and her usual prescription medicine isn't making a difference any more.

Erica, played by Claire King, suggests she starts smoking cannabis to ease the pain and knows where she can get some from.

Izzy initially says no but then ends up smoking the drug in a bid to help herself when Erica supplies her with some drugs.

A Corrie source confirmed the storyline and said show bosses were working with experts about the subject. The subject of cannabis use for pain relief has been debated in the UK in the past.
ITVCheryl Houston plays Izzy ArmstrongCheryl Houston plays Izzy Armstrong

A Corrie insider added: “The show has researched this issue extensively and, whilst Izzy will take cannabis to try and alleviate her pain, the programme will look at all aspects of this debate and examine the legal implications and the far reaching consequences of her actions for her family.”

Izzy is played by Cherylee Houston, 39, who joined in 2010 and was Corrie's first disabled character.

Izzy was the first member of the Armstrong family to be introduced, her father Owen and sister Katy arrived within two months after her first appearance.


another story I hope is responsibly dealt with.
Extensive research is often mentioned at these
Not always must evidence of that on screen tho.

02-02-2016, 16:43
Coronation Street drugs plot will begin next week as Erica Holroyd gives Izzy Armstrong some cannabis
Izzy Armstrong's drugs storyline will begin on Coronation Street next week, after Erica Holroyd comes up with an idea to help her manage her pain.
Izzy, who has the connective tissue disorder Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, will confide in Erica (Claire King), admitting that she has been in terrible pain since dislocating her hip.
With her painkillers not working, Erica offers to get her some cannabis to help.
The ITV soap has lined up the plot to debate the issue of using marijuana as pain relief, and the subsequent effect Izzy's decision will have on her family.
Although Izzy (Cherylee Houston) is initially against the idea, it looks like she could be reconsidering the offer when her pain intensifies.
When she calls in the shop, she tells Erica that she'd like to take up her offer of some cannabis and they meet furtively in the Rovers back yard.
Erica hands over a small package of the drugs - but is Izzy making the right decision?

02-02-2016, 16:44
Coronation Street drugs plot will begin next week as Erica Holroyd gives Izzy Armstrong some cannabis
Izzy Armstrong's drugs storyline will begin on Coronation Street next week, after Erica Holroyd comes up with an idea to help her manage her pain.
Izzy, who has the connective tissue disorder Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, will confide in Erica (Claire King), admitting that she has been in terrible pain since dislocating her hip.
With her painkillers not working, Erica offers to get her some cannabis to help.
The ITV soap has lined up the plot to debate the issue of using marijuana as pain relief, and the subsequent effect Izzy's decision will have on her family.
Although Izzy (Cherylee Houston) is initially against the idea, it looks like she could be reconsidering the offer when her pain intensifies.
When she calls in the shop, she tells Erica that she'd like to take up her offer of some cannabis and they meet furtively in the Rovers back yard.
Erica hands over a small package of the drugs - but is Izzy making the right decision?

Why can´t they meet at Izzy´s or Erica´s ??? Somebody is bound to see/overhear them :wall:

02-02-2016, 16:44
Coronation Street drugs plot will begin next week as Erica Holroyd gives Izzy Armstrong some cannabis
Izzy Armstrong's drugs storyline will begin on Coronation Street next week, after Erica Holroyd comes up with an idea to help her manage her pain.
Izzy, who has the connective tissue disorder Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, will confide in Erica (Claire King), admitting that she has been in terrible pain since dislocating her hip.
With her painkillers not working, Erica offers to get her some cannabis to help.
The ITV soap has lined up the plot to debate the issue of using marijuana as pain relief, and the subsequent effect Izzy's decision will have on her family.
Although Izzy (Cherylee Houston) is initially against the idea, it looks like she could be reconsidering the offer when her pain intensifies.
When she calls in the shop, she tells Erica that she'd like to take up her offer of some cannabis and they meet furtively in the Rovers back yard.
Erica hands over a small package of the drugs - but is Izzy making the right decision?

Why can´t they meet at Izzy´s or Erica´s ??? Somebody is bound to see/overhear them :wall:

sarah c
02-02-2016, 18:18
Why can´t they meet at Izzy´s or Erica´s ??? Somebody is bound to see/overhear them :wall:

it all happens in the Rovers back yard.........

02-02-2016, 21:09
Why can´t they meet at Izzy´s or Erica´s ??? Somebody is bound to see/overhear them :wall:

thinking phelan will spot the exchange

02-02-2016, 21:09
Why can´t they meet at Izzy´s or Erica´s ??? Somebody is bound to see/overhear them :wall:

thinking phelan will spot the exchange

02-02-2016, 21:55
It should be allowed for chronic pain. My friend with MS used to use it

03-02-2016, 12:34
thinking phelan will spot the exchange

Or Norris :p

03-02-2016, 17:19
It should be allowed for chronic pain. My friend with MS used to use it

It's also extremely effective for chronic anxiety. Don't ask how I know that! :ninja:

14-02-2016, 04:45
Izzy Armstrong's drug storyline on Coronation Street only kicked off this week, but already it looks like the choice to use cannabis for pain relief will be getting her in trouble with the police.

Scenes on Friday (February 12) saw newcomer Erica Holroyd (Claire King) offer Izzy (Cherylee Houston) some marijuana to ease the pain she's been feeling since dislocating her hip.

Izzy has the connective tissue disorder Ehlers-Danlos syndrome but as her painkillers are no longer working, she takes Erica up on her offer, and new reports in The Mirror suggest that this decision will see the police come knocking.

According to the sources, Izzy is about to face arrest as the storyline, which aims to raise the debate of using cannabis as pain relief, progresses.

Izzy confides in Erica
A Corrie source told the paper: "It's a difficult subject and the scenes are likely to divide opinion. Many viewers will have sympathy for her plight, especially those with experience of severe pain.

"Izzy only turns to drugs as a last resort. But with the police involved she could be in serious trouble. Hopefully it will spark a debate."

The ITV soap will continue to explore this storyline as Izzy's decision goes on to have a subsequent effect on her family.

09-09-2019, 22:38
new romance for izzy and derek, gary will not like

06-07-2021, 01:20
is that a carer with izzy? is she living with jake on the street?

01-01-2022, 00:14
Cherylee Houston has been made an MBE for service to drama and to people with disabilities.

The Izzy Armstrong actress said: ?Equality and inclusion of disabled people is something that?s been very dear to me throughout my career so far. It is so important that we are represented in the media and that our stories are told ? disabled young people need to see people like themselves on our screens.?

06-01-2023, 07:00

Back full time